The Five States Sending the Most High Earners to Florida All Have This One Thing in Common

They are doing far better than the country....debt to GDP ratio for the Fed Govt is 136.69%
Yes, very true. The Federal Debt is a disaster that will blow up the Budget any year now. We're paying about $1T in interest on that debt.

States can't print money. If a state's finances collapse, they go bankrupt. There will be no bailout.
They are:

  • New York with $9.8 billion in lost income
  • Illinois worth $3.9 billion
  • New Jersey, $3.8 billion
  • California, $3.5 billion
  • Pennsylvania, $1.9 billion
Anyone see anything in common?
Yeah. Like when the Berlin Wall fell everyone ran in one direction only.
Away from socialism.

And those States continue to increase their spending.

It's a good thing for red staters to move to Florida.....just in time for hurricane season. Enjoy.
Is that why Florida has the 4th highest average rent in the nation?
Not according to this website. We are about 15th.

Actually they have been moving to Tennessee as state income tax there either. Major interstates, international airports, strong telecommunications, and moderate housing prices.

No hurricanes.

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