THE FIX IS IN: Hillary Attorney Marc Elias Says We Won’t Know Who Wins Midterms for Days

We can put a man on the moon but some states, oddly the swing states, can’t figure out how to efficiently count votes. I think they can, but some(Democrats) don’t want to.
Isn't it a little early for another round of conspiracy theories?

Name calling no longer works. Calling someone a conspiracy theorist accomplishes nothing. It's wasted words out of your mouth and it will never again shut us up.


But, nice try.

No, on second thought, it was a lame try.

My poll just opened. Time to hop in the car and go kick some democriminal ass! Have a great day!

The belief in voter fraud on the part of Repubs is not about actual fraud since there is very little of it. It's about Trump losing the 2020 election.

Exhibit A and B of Zionist fascist

LESH and berg80
The belief in voter fraud on the part of Repubs is not about actual fraud since there is very little of it. It's about Trump losing the 2020 election.

You are a gullible fool, but as long as it works in your favor you don’t care. This waiting for days to count votes gives far too much time to fabricate an outcome. It is a new phenomenon and the Democrats liked the results from 2020 so are all too eager to continue. What Democrats don’t seem to understand is that THIS type of nonsense is the real threat to our Democracy.
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The Republicans in these states that always cheat need to handle their business and stop this bullshit.
Back in the day when elections were less prone to fraud.

The first use of machines in America to cheat was in 2002 GOP VA primary

Zionist fascist 911 W "Biden republican" Bob goodlatta


Against TRUTHER Air Force pilot
You're an idiot

In many red states or states with GOP legislatures...rules have been enacted that don't allow for the counting of absentee votes until after the polls close.

Absentee votes take longer to count so guess what? That's right. All the votes won't be counted on election night

Your fear is high this morning. Wonder why. Impending loss can be scary.

My poll just opened. Time for me to hop in the car and go kick some democriminal ass.

Have a great day!

Back in the 1960s, the 70s, the 80s, and the 90s we used to count paper ballots and know the election results by midnight on Election DAY.
Now with the oligarchs buying elections, like Zuckerbucks in WI, it takes weeks to know election results as they keep "finding" ballots.
We need to get back to ELECTION DAY
Beware friends, this guy is bad news all around. He's going to get the courts involved to throw the elections.

THE FIX IS IN: Hillary Attorney Marc Elias Says We Won’t Know Who Wins Midterms for Days​

Mail in Ballots and extending the counting is how Democrats Steal Elections.
It is not speculation. The Senate race in PA will not be final until Friday...and that's BEFORE the mandatory re-count.

And look for Philadelphia to be last reporting, with several precincts going 100% for Lurch.

If it's close they will steal it in Philadelphia.

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