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The Flag of Treason

My bad. It was in the constitution. I knew I had read it long ago.

Article IV Section 3
Section 3.
New states may be admitted by the Congress into this union; but no new states shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states concerned as well as of the Congress.

The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular state.

Still not seeing it. Nothing in there forbids States from seceding.
It clearly means the PROPERTY of the Federal Government REMAINS with the Federal Government NO matter the action of the Individual State, South Carolina did not own Fort Sumnter the Federal Government did. NO action by a State can make Federal land State land.
Nor vice versa. So, the Union can claim Fort Sumnter, but not the rest of South Carolina, right?
Lincoln did NOT attack the South nor invade UNTIL South Carolina Attacked the US at that fort. So much for all the claims otherwise.
Their armed forces remaining on SC territory and and then shipping in more troops was an attack on SC. Lincoln later admitted he intended war but wanted the South to fire the first shot so he forced the issue and got his wish and his unnecessary war. No Country would allow a foreign fort to sit in the middle of a harbor within cannon shot of the mainland. How many miles offshore does the US claim as territorial waters? 5? 15? Lincoln knew how to start a war. He wasn't stupid; just mean and nasty.
If SC started the war by shelling Ft. Sumpter why did the North invade the States that hadn't fired on anybody?

You claimed, "Lincoln later admitted he intended war but wanted the South to fire the first shot". In Lincoln, A Life of Purpose and Power, by Richard Carwardine I could find nothing to support this claim. In fact, I will quote from his first Inaugural Address:

In compliance with a custom as old as the Government itself, I appear before you to address you briefly and to take in your presence the oath prescribed by the Constitution of the United States to be taken by the President before he enters on the execution of this office.
I do not consider it necessary at present for me to discuss those matters of administration about which there is no special anxiety or excitement.
Apprehension seems to exist among the people of the Southern States that by the accession of a Republican Administration their property and their peace and personal security are to be endangered. There has never been any reasonable cause for such apprehension. Indeed, the most ample evidence to the contrary has all the while existed and been open to their inspection. It is found in nearly all the published speeches of him who now addresses you. I do but quote from one of those speeches when I declare that--
I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.
Those who nominated and elected me did so with full knowledge that I had made this and many similar declarations and had never recanted them; and more than this, they placed in the platform for my acceptance, and as a law to themselves and to me, the clear and emphatic resolution which I now read:
See the link above for the full address.
November 6, 1860 - Abraham Lincoln, who had declared "Government cannot endure permanently half slave, half free..." is elected president, the first Republican, receiving 180 of 303 possible electoral votes and 40 percent of the popular vote.
Seems to me that anything Lincoln had to say by the time of his Inaugural Address was far too little far too late to ease the suspicions and disgust of the South.
It seems that Lincoln and freeing the slaves were neither very popular in NYC. And it looks like maybe more blacks were hung or killed otherwise by racists there than anywhere in the South. An interesting window to the North in 1863 under A. Lincoln:
My bad. It was in the constitution. I knew I had read it long ago.

Article IV Section 3
Section 3.
New states may be admitted by the Congress into this union; but no new states shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states concerned as well as of the Congress.

The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular state.

Still not seeing it. Nothing in there forbids States from seceding.

"...or other property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular state."

If you want to secede you have to get off US property.
That applies to territories, not States. Otherwise, there would be no need for this language:
"nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular state."
No it applies to property which is right there n the definition. Once you become part of the US you are now US property regardless of if its a state or territory.

"...or other property belonging to the United States;"

How funny, the racist black claiming we are all "property" of the government.
Funny how the retard I am replying to doesnt know the difference between land and people. :lol:

Your words.

" Once you become part of the US you are now US property"
My bad. It was in the constitution. I knew I had read it long ago.

Article IV Section 3
Section 3.
New states may be admitted by the Congress into this union; but no new states shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states concerned as well as of the Congress.

The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular state.

Still not seeing it. Nothing in there forbids States from seceding.

Yeah, the idea that once you join, you are not allowed to leave?

That is the type of shit you spell out very clearly, if that is your intent.
Imagine if clubs worked that way.

The closest I can come to, is the Mafia. And they are pretty upfront about it. YOu join, it's for life.

Having a secret rule that you join and lose the option to leave if you want, is setting yourself up for a disaster.

NO ONE, would do that.

Their argument is nonsense.
You'd have to ask the GOP that question. They are the ones that apologized for using the southern strategy.
A couple of GOP did that, moron. They don't speak for the entire Republican party.
The Republican National Committee chairmen dont speak for the party? Yeah you may want to try convincing someone of that who is brain damaged like yourself. :lol:
He may speak for a handfull of party elites, but he doesn't speak for the rank and file. Michael Steal wasn't even around then. That was 40 years before he made the claim. It's horseshit.

Who the fuck is this guy?

A rank and file guy like you were complaining about. Cant you remember what you posted?

He doesn't speak for the rank and file either, moron.

So can you explain why the southern white male vote went from the dems to the repubs? Better yet can you explain why repubs would be so committed to preserving the statues of dead traitor dems?

As white racism declined in the South, the dems lost their grip. What part of that is confusing to you?

Whats confusing to me is why all the white supremacist voted repub? However, I'm not really confused especially after I heard what Lee Atwater said.

Except the white supremacists did not all vote repub.

They were mostly the rural poor and they mostly voted their economic interests, ie the party of government handouts, ie the dems.

It was the wealthier suburbs where the GOP made it's inroads.

This has all been well known and documented for years. Are you really this ignorant of this?

Your white lib friends have been lying to you and snickering at you for falling for their stupid lies.

Sorry, you don't have the credibility to get me to watch a vid. Post links with text, and I'll address your lies.

I didnt really post it for you. I know youre too retarded to watch it.

Words. Use words or be ignored.

I'd rather you ignore me.

Words hard? I understand. I accept your admission of defeat.
The Confederate Flag is a flag that says.....We HATE America

View attachment 357434

Always has been

Except that's not the Confederate flag.

Pssst.... STILL WAITING for you to address Rick Wilson's cooler.
Yea, yea

Confederate Battle Flag

It is now the symbol of the confederacy and a symbol of racism

You don't get to decide that. I consider it a symbol of harmless regional pride and you to be a race baiting asshole.
Of course I do

Your flag is a symbol of hatred of the United States or a symbol of hatred of blacks

Nope. It's a harmless symbol of regional pride and you are a faggot.

OK Regional pride in what?

That they hated the US so much that they fought against us
That they used to own slaves?

The culture. THe history. The brave fight against great odds. Ect.

What part of this is confusing to you?

THat is a rhetorical question. I know you are just a race baiting troll asshole who is just here to be an asshole and troll.
The culture. THe history. The brave fight against great odds. Ect.

What part of this is confusing to you?
It's not confusing in any way. In fact, it couldn't be more clear.

The culture of white supremacy.
The history of brutal slavery.
The brave fight to preserve their racial supremacy and expand brutal slavery to further their economic windfall from it.

Either you are confused or sympathetic.

You don't get to define what other people care about. You do get to try and reveal yourself to be a dishonest asshole.
don't get to define what other people care about. You do get to try and reveal yourself to be a dishonest asshole.
I'm not defining anything. That's what the confederacy said they were all sbout.
Sorry if you believed otherwise. Rubes seem to abound in the south.

The government is not the nation. The policies of the government are not the nation. Trump runs this country. Yet, Hollywood is a very different and distinct community and culture within it.

A future statue could celebrate this time period's Hollywood and not be a celebration of our government or Trump's policies.

This is a simple point. YOur pretense that you are too stupid to understand it, is not credible.

Why are you working so hard to pretend to be so stupid?

Because it gives you an excuse for your bullying behavior.
We lost Vietnam ... can we still fly the American Flag?

We lost the War of 1812 ... can we still burn the Canadian Flag? ...
Actually it was the British who were our primary antagonists and I'd argue we won but even if not we certainly didn't lose. At the moment the law tries to protect the burning of the American flag so I imagine the same would apply to any other flag not owned by someone else,

/——/.I’ve heard it’s a hate crime to burn the Gaye rainbow flag. You could go to jail.
Why does our President support the racist, treasonous Confederate Flag?

The flag in question isn’t the “Confederate Flag”, it’s the Virginia Battle flag. It was used before the civil war for Southern pride, and after.

Should all southern states change their flags too? After all, they were a part of the Confederacy. Shouldn’t the Democratic Party be abolished too? They were the party that supported slavery and the formation of the Confederacy.

If one flag goes, then it all must go.

In 2020, it is the flag that represents the Confederacy

Yes it is used in “southern pride”

Southern Pride in breaking up the United States
A pride in white power.
Why does our President support the racist, treasonous Confederate Flag?

The flag in question isn’t the “Confederate Flag”, it’s the Virginia Battle flag. It was used before the civil war for Southern pride, and after.

Should all southern states change their flags too? After all, they were a part of the Confederacy. Shouldn’t the Democratic Party be abolished too? They were the party that supported slavery and the formation of the Confederacy.

If one flag goes, then it all must go.

In 2020, it is the flag that represents the Confederacy

Yes it is used in “southern pride”

Southern Pride in breaking up the United States
A pride in white power.

You clearly don’t understand southern pride.
LOL now we go in circles it has been posted ,by agreeing to the Constitution a State became a permanent part of the UNION, the only LEGAL way out is through Congress.
You keep relying on Texas vs. White (1869), even if you don't even realize it.

In 1860, had that been legally adjudicated? Was it STILL a legitimate question of law?
And you have not YET addressed the bullshit claim that Lincoln started the war.

Again the ONLY REASON Lincoln raised armies and attacked was because the Confederacy attacked the US. With out acknowledging that you can not argue anything.
SC attacked trespassers who refused to leave. Lincoln had no legal justification for invading Virginia. In fact, it was an act of treason.
Be specific now and cite for us ANY law by any Nation in 1860 that allowed a part of their Country to leave just because they wanted to. Be specific now and cite the SUPPOSED International law in 1860 that made sovereign Territory of one nation the property of another Nation simply because the other Nation said so.
It wasn't "sovereign territory." It was merely property. The transfer agreement made that explicitly clear.

I don't need to post a law that allows it. The absence of any law that prohibits it means it was legal. That's how the law works, dumbass. I don't need a law that says I can ride my bike to the park.

You have a thoroughly Stalinist attitude about law.
Wrong you claimed the US broke International law by protecting their own sovereign territory. You claimed that after being attacked the US illegal i8nvaded the people that attacked it. BE VERY SPECIFIC NOW and CITE the law that allowed a part of one Country to break away from another, make sure it is from 1860.
How many times do you have to be told it wasn't their sovereign territory? It was SC territory. The U.S. was a confederation, not a country. Confederations break up all the time, moron.
LOL now we go in circles it has been posted ,by agreeing to the Constitution a State became a permanent part of the UNION, the only LEGAL way out is through Congress.
You keep relying on Texas vs. White (1869), even if you don't even realize it.

In 1860, had that been legally adjudicated? Was it STILL a legitimate question of law?
And you have not YET addressed the bullshit claim that Lincoln started the war.

Again the ONLY REASON Lincoln raised armies and attacked was because the Confederacy attacked the US. With out acknowledging that you can not argue anything.
Fort Sumnter was fired on on the 12th of April, Lincoln did NOT call for the Militia until April 15th. FACTS not opinion keep disagreeing with facts doc9 it proves you are beyond stupid.
That proves exactly nothing. Lincoln needed an incident to justify calling up the militia, so he created one.
My bad. It was in the constitution. I knew I had read it long ago.

Article IV Section 3
Section 3.
New states may be admitted by the Congress into this union; but no new states shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states concerned as well as of the Congress.

The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular state.

Still not seeing it. Nothing in there forbids States from seceding.

"...or other property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular state."

If you want to secede you have to get off US property.
That applies to territories, not States. Otherwise, there would be no need for this language:
"nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular state."
No it applies to property which is right there n the definition. Once you become part of the US you are now US property regardless of if its a state or territory.

"...or other property belonging to the United States;"
So, what was the property of the United States?

Congress...needful rules.....respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States.
All the land within its scope of ownership at that time.
Which was?
All the land mass it owned including the states that attempted to seceed and lost.
I see you IGNORING those arguing that the US started the war yet it clearly states in the Constitution that Federal land remains Federal land no matter what an individual State does, I see you actually ignore that while supporting those that make the claim the US started the war.
You see it wrong.

If the U.S. owned Fort Sumter, it was the South who started the war, because the U.S. had the right to occupy it's property. AT THE SAME TIME, if the U.S. owned Fort Sumter, the States owned all the other property in their boundaries, and secession was NOT ILLEGAL!!!

The U.S. does not have the right to occupy property within the borders of a foreign country. We have military bases in Germany. If the German government told us to leave, could the federal government refuse?

Obviously not. Your their is in conflict with international law.
That is a different argument and one that COULD have been settled if Lincoln and the South BOTH didn't want a war.

There is a legitimate claim by each side that the other side started it.
Lincoln did NOT want a war, he refused to call up the Army or militia UNTIL South Carolina attacked the US.
Horseshit. Lincoln was doing everything possible to start a war.
Right thats why he did not call for the Militia did nothing while forts were seized and nothing while armories were seized. He did not call the Army out he stated FOR the RECORD he wanted NO WAR. You sir are a lying moron. The facts are clear as a bell.
You can disagree all you want it is HISTORICAL FACT not opinion.
Facts that were of no relevance.
Why does our President support the racist, treasonous Confederate Flag?

The flag in question isn’t the “Confederate Flag”, it’s the Virginia Battle flag. It was used before the civil war for Southern pride, and after.

Should all southern states change their flags too? After all, they were a part of the Confederacy. Shouldn’t the Democratic Party be abolished too? They were the party that supported slavery and the formation of the Confederacy.

If one flag goes, then it all must go.

In 2020, it is the flag that represents the Confederacy

Yes it is used in “southern pride”

Southern Pride in breaking up the United States
A pride in white power.

Southern Pride is a regional thing, a subset of American Patriotism.

Your smearing of it, is you being an asshole.
Why does our President support the racist, treasonous Confederate Flag?

The flag in question isn’t the “Confederate Flag”, it’s the Virginia Battle flag. It was used before the civil war for Southern pride, and after.

Should all southern states change their flags too? After all, they were a part of the Confederacy. Shouldn’t the Democratic Party be abolished too? They were the party that supported slavery and the formation of the Confederacy.

If one flag goes, then it all must go.

In 2020, it is the flag that represents the Confederacy

Yes it is used in “southern pride”

Southern Pride in breaking up the United States
A pride in white power.

You clearly don’t understand southern pride.

He understands. BUt he is a lying asshole.
Why does our President support the racist, treasonous Confederate Flag?

The flag in question isn’t the “Confederate Flag”, it’s the Virginia Battle flag. It was used before the civil war for Southern pride, and after.

Should all southern states change their flags too? After all, they were a part of the Confederacy. Shouldn’t the Democratic Party be abolished too? They were the party that supported slavery and the formation of the Confederacy.

If one flag goes, then it all must go.

In 2020, it is the flag that represents the Confederacy

Yes it is used in “southern pride”

Southern Pride in breaking up the United States
A pride in white power.

You clearly don’t understand southern pride.

He understands. BUt he is a lying asshole.

No. No one can be as ignorant as RW. He’s a paid DNC poster.
Why does our President support the racist, treasonous Confederate Flag?

The flag in question isn’t the “Confederate Flag”, it’s the Virginia Battle flag. It was used before the civil war for Southern pride, and after.

Should all southern states change their flags too? After all, they were a part of the Confederacy. Shouldn’t the Democratic Party be abolished too? They were the party that supported slavery and the formation of the Confederacy.

If one flag goes, then it all must go.

In 2020, it is the flag that represents the Confederacy

Yes it is used in “southern pride”

Southern Pride in breaking up the United States
A pride in white power.

You clearly don’t understand southern pride.

He understands. BUt he is a lying asshole.

No. No one can be as ignorant as RW. He’s a paid DNC poster.

Possibly. It would explain a lot.
Why does our President support the racist, treasonous Confederate Flag?

The flag in question isn’t the “Confederate Flag”, it’s the Virginia Battle flag. It was used before the civil war for Southern pride, and after.

Should all southern states change their flags too? After all, they were a part of the Confederacy. Shouldn’t the Democratic Party be abolished too? They were the party that supported slavery and the formation of the Confederacy.

If one flag goes, then it all must go.

In 2020, it is the flag that represents the Confederacy

Yes it is used in “southern pride”

Southern Pride in breaking up the United States
A pride in white power.

You clearly don’t understand southern pride.

He understands. BUt he is a lying asshole.

No. No one can be as ignorant as RW. He’s a paid DNC poster.

Possibly. It would explain a lot.

Yes. I suspect it’s the only explanation.

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