The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

Council members voted 7-1 on March 25, 2013, to switch from Detroit water to the KWA, but never approved using the river as the interim water source for the city of Flint.

You have some pretty bad cut and past skills...
Ds run city of Flint...Ds run the Michigan DEQ...Ds run the EPA...R is such, liberal logic dictates the R is entirely responsible..:uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::confused::confused::confused:o_Oo_Oo_O
Wrong. The Governor's Emergency Manager was in charge and it was the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality that dropped the ball with extreme prejudice. The City Council had no power to do anything but shake their heads up and down or from side to side.

I might add that in the past, before the EM program was in effect, the Democrats had temporarily used Flint River Water as a back up but they treated the water and there was no crisis. As soon as the Republicans got into the mix, disaster struck!
My post was not wrong and you failed to prove it so.

Unlike you I know the EM, city council, DEQ, EPA as well as the governor were at fault. But partisan fools like yourself place all the blame on the R governor...because he is an R.

Rs bad....Ds good....duhduhduhduhduhduh.................
Council members voted 7-1 on March 25, 2013, to switch from Detroit water to the KWA, but never approved using the river as the interim water source for the city of Flint.

You have some pretty bad cut and past skills...
Ds run city of Flint...Ds run the Michigan DEQ...Ds run the EPA...R is such, liberal logic dictates the R is entirely responsible..:uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::confused::confused::confused:o_Oo_Oo_O
Don't you know? Republicans are mighty, powerful creatures. With one raised eyebrow, they can send democrats scurrying for cover and as long as even one Republican remains in office anywhere in the country, no democrat initiative can ever move forward or succeed. They're just that powerful.
Pure delusional bullshit. If all republicans are like you, I hope for the sake of the country you NEVER have any real authority over Americans. If that happens this country is doomed. Again, everything we eat, drink or breathe will be unregulated and there will be no accountability for the ensuing death toll if Republicans rule.
That is pure bullshit. To think the Rs are different from Ds, is not thinking at all. To think the Rs are so EVIL and Ds so wonderful, proves you and your kind are DELUSIONAL.
This thread is about the evil that happened in Flint. A state Agency didn't treat the water for lead after lying to the EPA saying they would.
Snyder is the Governor of Michigan and he is responsible for the EM that switched to the Flint River and for the state agency that was grossly or even criminally negligent in processing the Flint River water. GOT THAT, idiot?
Council members voted 7-1 on March 25, 2013, to switch from Detroit water to the KWA, but never approved using the river as the interim water source for the city of Flint.

You have some pretty bad cut and past skills...
Ds run city of Flint...Ds run the Michigan DEQ...Ds run the EPA...R is such, liberal logic dictates the R is entirely responsible..:uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::confused::confused::confused:o_Oo_Oo_O
Don't you know? Republicans are mighty, powerful creatures. With one raised eyebrow, they can send democrats scurrying for cover and as long as even one Republican remains in office anywhere in the country, no democrat initiative can ever move forward or succeed. They're just that powerful.
Pure delusional bullshit. If all republicans are like you, I hope for the sake of the country you NEVER have any real authority over Americans. If that happens this country is doomed. Again, everything we eat, drink or breathe will be unregulated and there will be no accountability for the ensuing death toll if Republicans rule.
That is pure bullshit. To think the Rs are different from Ds, is not thinking at all. To think the Rs are so EVIL and Ds so wonderful, proves you and your kind are DELUSIONAL.
This thread is about the evil that happened in Flint. A state Agency didn't treat the water for lead after lying to the EPA saying they would.
Snyder is the Governor of Michigan and he is responsible for the EM that switched to the Flint River and for the state agency that was grossly or even criminally negligent in processing the Flint River water. GOT THAT, idiot?
Yes the thread is about the evil in You blame the R governor entirely, which is stupid.

Government, no matter who is in charge, is incompetent, ineffective, corrupt, unjust, wasteful and murderous. One would think after centuries of history proving this is so, people would see government for what it is.
Ds run city of Flint...Ds run the Michigan DEQ...Ds run the EPA...R is such, liberal logic dictates the R is entirely responsible..:uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::confused::confused::confused:o_Oo_Oo_O
Don't you know? Republicans are mighty, powerful creatures. With one raised eyebrow, they can send democrats scurrying for cover and as long as even one Republican remains in office anywhere in the country, no democrat initiative can ever move forward or succeed. They're just that powerful.
Pure delusional bullshit. If all republicans are like you, I hope for the sake of the country you NEVER have any real authority over Americans. If that happens this country is doomed. Again, everything we eat, drink or breathe will be unregulated and there will be no accountability for the ensuing death toll if Republicans rule.
That is pure bullshit. To think the Rs are different from Ds, is not thinking at all. To think the Rs are so EVIL and Ds so wonderful, proves you and your kind are DELUSIONAL.
This thread is about the evil that happened in Flint. A state Agency didn't treat the water for lead after lying to the EPA saying they would.
Snyder is the Governor of Michigan and he is responsible for the EM that switched to the Flint River and for the state agency that was grossly or even criminally negligent in processing the Flint River water. GOT THAT, idiot?
Yes the thread is about the evil in You blame the R governor entirely, which is stupid.

Government, no matter who is in charge, is incompetent, ineffective, corrupt, unjust, wasteful and murderous. One would think after centuries of history proving this is so, people would see government for what it is.

That is as Lame a post as you have ever made. BLAME THE WORLD FOR A REPUBLICAN SCREWUP!
Don't you know? Republicans are mighty, powerful creatures. With one raised eyebrow, they can send democrats scurrying for cover and as long as even one Republican remains in office anywhere in the country, no democrat initiative can ever move forward or succeed. They're just that powerful.
Pure delusional bullshit. If all republicans are like you, I hope for the sake of the country you NEVER have any real authority over Americans. If that happens this country is doomed. Again, everything we eat, drink or breathe will be unregulated and there will be no accountability for the ensuing death toll if Republicans rule.
That is pure bullshit. To think the Rs are different from Ds, is not thinking at all. To think the Rs are so EVIL and Ds so wonderful, proves you and your kind are DELUSIONAL.
This thread is about the evil that happened in Flint. A state Agency didn't treat the water for lead after lying to the EPA saying they would.
Snyder is the Governor of Michigan and he is responsible for the EM that switched to the Flint River and for the state agency that was grossly or even criminally negligent in processing the Flint River water. GOT THAT, idiot?
Yes the thread is about the evil in You blame the R governor entirely, which is stupid.

Government, no matter who is in charge, is incompetent, ineffective, corrupt, unjust, wasteful and murderous. One would think after centuries of history proving this is so, people would see government for what it is.

That is as Lame a post as you have ever made. BLAME THE WORLD FOR A REPUBLICAN SCREWUP!
If only we had a competent federal agency that could conduct oversight and ensure things like this don't happen...or that such accidents as allowing toxic gold mine waste-water doesn't get dumped into rivers, contaminating thousands of miles of river that will last decades without it being cleaned up...

Oh wait...we have Obama's EPA. :(
Pure delusional bullshit. If all republicans are like you, I hope for the sake of the country you NEVER have any real authority over Americans. If that happens this country is doomed. Again, everything we eat, drink or breathe will be unregulated and there will be no accountability for the ensuing death toll if Republicans rule.
That is pure bullshit. To think the Rs are different from Ds, is not thinking at all. To think the Rs are so EVIL and Ds so wonderful, proves you and your kind are DELUSIONAL.
This thread is about the evil that happened in Flint. A state Agency didn't treat the water for lead after lying to the EPA saying they would.
Snyder is the Governor of Michigan and he is responsible for the EM that switched to the Flint River and for the state agency that was grossly or even criminally negligent in processing the Flint River water. GOT THAT, idiot?
Yes the thread is about the evil in You blame the R governor entirely, which is stupid.

Government, no matter who is in charge, is incompetent, ineffective, corrupt, unjust, wasteful and murderous. One would think after centuries of history proving this is so, people would see government for what it is.

That is as Lame a post as you have ever made. BLAME THE WORLD FOR A REPUBLICAN SCREWUP!

Eventually Mayor DeFartio will blame republicans for the 3rd world conditions of its two major airports.
Ds run city of Flint...Ds run the Michigan DEQ...Ds run the EPA...R is such, liberal logic dictates the R is entirely responsible..:uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::confused::confused::confused:o_Oo_Oo_O
Don't you know? Republicans are mighty, powerful creatures. With one raised eyebrow, they can send democrats scurrying for cover and as long as even one Republican remains in office anywhere in the country, no democrat initiative can ever move forward or succeed. They're just that powerful.
Pure delusional bullshit. If all republicans are like you, I hope for the sake of the country you NEVER have any real authority over Americans. If that happens this country is doomed. Again, everything we eat, drink or breathe will be unregulated and there will be no accountability for the ensuing death toll if Republicans rule.
That is pure bullshit. To think the Rs are different from Ds, is not thinking at all. To think the Rs are so EVIL and Ds so wonderful, proves you and your kind are DELUSIONAL.
This thread is about the evil that happened in Flint. A state Agency didn't treat the water for lead after lying to the EPA saying they would.
Snyder is the Governor of Michigan and he is responsible for the EM that switched to the Flint River and for the state agency that was grossly or even criminally negligent in processing the Flint River water. GOT THAT, idiot?
Yes the thread is about the evil in You blame the R governor entirely, which is stupid.

Government, no matter who is in charge, is incompetent, ineffective, corrupt, unjust, wasteful and murderous. One would think after centuries of history proving this is so, people would see government for what it is.
And I base my BLAME on the Republican governor for being the head idiot in charge. When he finally knew what was going on he still didn't act to correct the issues his republican sanctioned underlings created. And I again I will repeat myself for your sake. The Democrats had used the Flint River water before in temporary situations. They followed the EPA guidelines and treated the water to prevent lead leeching . But Snyder , the Gov, took over the Flint government and put an EM in charge who switched to the Flint River and didn't ensure the proper treatments were applied to prevent leeching. CYA time came when the neglect was bought to light and the bastards tried to say the city council voted to approve the switch to Flint River water.
They didn't vote on that. That was a bald faced lie. Now the EPA shares some of the guilt because they knew the governor and his boys didn't treat the FR water after the switch.. and they footsied around waiting for them to comply when they should have kicked ass, took names and publicly made headlines to warn the public of the danger. Stop being stupid and pay might learn something.
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That is as Lame a post as you have ever made. BLAME THE WORLD FOR A REPUBLICAN SCREWUP!
Sorta like Obama claiming HIS Syrian 'Red Line' F*-Up was REALLY 'the WORLD'S 'Red Line''?!

No...Obama is PERFECT!

Only Rs are liars and cheats.
We aren't talking about world affairs here, we are talking about the Flint Water Crisis and how insensitive republicans are to the health needs of Americans. If the bahs-turds weren't so against regulating our air, food and water, I might entertain your distraction. BUt the republicans don't care about carbon emissions, hormone supplements and antibiotics in animal feed, or GMOs and water quality!
Those issues are top priority to Democrats.
Don't you know? Republicans are mighty, powerful creatures. With one raised eyebrow, they can send democrats scurrying for cover and as long as even one Republican remains in office anywhere in the country, no democrat initiative can ever move forward or succeed. They're just that powerful.
Pure delusional bullshit. If all republicans are like you, I hope for the sake of the country you NEVER have any real authority over Americans. If that happens this country is doomed. Again, everything we eat, drink or breathe will be unregulated and there will be no accountability for the ensuing death toll if Republicans rule.
That is pure bullshit. To think the Rs are different from Ds, is not thinking at all. To think the Rs are so EVIL and Ds so wonderful, proves you and your kind are DELUSIONAL.
This thread is about the evil that happened in Flint. A state Agency didn't treat the water for lead after lying to the EPA saying they would.
Snyder is the Governor of Michigan and he is responsible for the EM that switched to the Flint River and for the state agency that was grossly or even criminally negligent in processing the Flint River water. GOT THAT, idiot?
Yes the thread is about the evil in You blame the R governor entirely, which is stupid.

Government, no matter who is in charge, is incompetent, ineffective, corrupt, unjust, wasteful and murderous. One would think after centuries of history proving this is so, people would see government for what it is.

That is as Lame a post as you have ever made. BLAME THE WORLD FOR A REPUBLICAN SCREWUP!
Right, because ONLY the Republican made every decision that led to the debacle. Man, those are some powerful, powerful people.
Any vote for any republican is a vote for corporations to pollute your water, air and land.

Sheep will always vote for the guy that feeds them, even though he plans to slaughter them later on.
Any vote for any republican is a vote for corporations to pollute your water, air and land.

Sheep will always vote for the guy that feeds them, even though he plans to slaughter them later on.
If you really believe that, you are out there where the buses don't run.

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