The Forgotten Part Of Normandy

North Africa only involved a couple of divisions initially and though a couple of months before the attack on Russia, was barely 2% of the German Army at the time.

The Balkans again involved on a small fraction of the Wehrmacht and proved essential securing of the South flank for the Russian attack. Where Germany really botched things was the attack on Crete.
OK, Greece is south of the Balkans...ANYWAY lol, god bless the Italians.

Everything in that post is a lie, making you "Democrat of the Month."
such as lol? Change the channel, brainwashed twit.
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What do you are trying to say is that blacks who are not Democrats rioted..... Or poverty causes crime and thanks to the GOP mainly minorities are by far the poorest... And get stops four times as often as whites at cetera etcetera. The crime rate is no higher among blacks than whites, just how many are put in prison because they don't have any money. Try taxing the rich etcetera and cheap college and training like every other modern country.

English please.
I make no argument as to whether Germany didn't deserve it......but America didn't.

If we had an American President.....this wouldn't be true: time and again, German anti-Nazis wanted to turn Hitler over to the Allies....but Stalin wouldn't allow it.....he wanted Germany "pastoralized" so he could take over Europe.....and FDR went "duh....yup...yup!"

No arguments that 'unconditional surrender' was a peachy-keen idea???

8. Many Allied leaders agreed with General Wedemeyer, that Roosevelt's 'unconditional surrender' announcement unified and stiffened Germany's resolve not to surrender, ....they knew that it would prolong the war. Included with Wedermeyer were Winston Churchill, Brit foreign minister Anthony Eden, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Ambassador to Moscow Averell Harriman, and others.
" The Memoirs of Cordell Hull in two volumes," 1570, 1575


To get an idea of the cost of the extended war...."....over one hundred thirty-five thousand American GIs died – a startling figure today – between D day[june 6, 1944] and V-E day,[May 8, 1945]...."
So did the Red Army really singlehandedly defeat the Third Reich Stuff I Done Wrote - The Michael A. Charles Online Presence

Get that?

135,000 brave American boys whose lives were offered up as a gift to make certain that communism survived.

Based on the ration of deaths to wounded, that would suggest almost an additional 200,000 wounded, just between Normandy and Germany's surrender.

Totally attributed to 'unconditional surrender.'

9. BTW.....the same view comes from the German side. "All to whom I talked dwelt onthe effect of 'unconditional surrender' policy on the prolonging of the war. They told me that, but for this- and their troops, the factor that was more important- would have been to surrender sooner, separately or collectively."
"The German Generals Talk," byBasil H. Liddell Hart, p. 292-293

" surrender sooner, separately or collectively."

a. The disastrous consequences of the unconditional surrender policy soon became evident. Captain Harry Butcher, Eisenhower's naval aide, noted in his diary on April 14, 1944: "Any military person knows that there are conditions to every surrender. . . . Goebbels has made great capital with it to strengthen the morale of the German army and people. Our psychological experts believe we would be wiser if we created a mood of acceptance of surrender in the German army which would make possible a collapse of resistance. . . ."
"My Three Years With Eisenhower: The Personal Diary of Captain Harry C. Butcher, USNR, Naval Aide to General Eisenhower...," byHarry C. Butcher
The Lazy Fairies of Laissez-Faire

The traitors who push this unrealistic theory are motivated by class hatred of FDR's service to the common man during the Depression. They want us all at minimum wage to make the hereditary plutocracy rich without working for it.

The Campus Commie Scum at the rulers' Ivy League universities today are no different from their great-grandfathers in the 30s who hated FDR with a passion. The guillotine-fodder heiristocrats just changed their ideology from Right Wing totalitarianism to its mirror image on the Left.

That class's appeasement of Hitler had led to us being totally dependent on keeping Stalin fighting, which he wouldn't have done if he hadn't been promised Eastern Europe. The nations he seized as he destroyed the Nazi army were full of cowards and incompetents anyway. No great loss to Europe, to us, or to the world.
2% attacked RUSSIA? Check your figures... The Balkans include Greece and thus Crete..
Learn to read. I was referring to the Afrika Korps, which prior to German invasion of Russia in June 1941 was two divisions. Actually more closer to 1% rather than 2% of total number divisions in the German army at the time.
OK, Greece is south of the Balkans...ANYWAY lol, god bless the Italians.

such as lol? Change the channel, brainwashed twit.
When Germany sent divisions into the Balkans, to bail out Italy again, that force then moved on into Greece and following the British retreat to Crete, the Germans and Italians then attacked on to Crete.

Either you don't know your history or were fibbing earlier.
Every professor, author, 'historian'.....fears authoring anything that contradicts the Liberal orthodoxy.
Their careers and status would be in jeopardy.

And you swallow every lie because you are too lazy and too stupid to do your own research.

In an insightful analysis, John A. Garraty compared Roosevelt’s New Deal with aspects of the Third Reich: a strong leader; an ideology stressing the nation, the people and the land; state control of economic and social affairs; and the quality and quantity of government propaganda. Garraty, “The New Deal, National Socialism, and the Great Depression,” American Historical Review, vol. 78 (1973) p. 907ff.
  1. Garraty reminds that to compare is not the same as to equate. Yet, many still find Garraty’s analysis too hot to handle.
Caught in a Vise Between Two Entitled Cliques

There are too many Herbert Hoover Republicans out there today. They will lead the Party to the same near-extinction that he did. We need a Populist Party to eliminate the two elitist parties once and for all.
When Germany sent divisions into the Balkans, to bail out Italy again, that force then moved on into Greece and following the British retreat to Crete, the Germans and Italians then attacked on to Crete.

Either you don't know your history or were fibbing earlier.
I have a masters thank you in history mainly about the 20th century in Europe. The Italians went through Albania part of the Balkans to get to Greece I misspoke excuse me very much. Thank God for the Italians and stop wasting my time.
I have a masters thank you in history mainly about the 20th century in Europe. The Italians went through Albania part of the Balkans to get to Greece I misspoke excuse me very much. Thank God for the Italians and stop wasting my time.

You stop wasting ours. The only Masters you have came from a Cracker Jack box.
Caught in a Vise Between Two Entitled Cliques

There are too many Herbert Hoover Republicans out there today. They will lead the Party to the same near-extinction that he did. We need a Populist Party to eliminate the two elitist parties once and for all.
We already have a populist party and have had for years, it's called the Democratic Party. Stop listening to garbage from greedy idiot GOP lying swine... Harding and Coolidge and every GOP president starts a corrupt bubble and bust. Hoover was actually OK, he had nothing to do with it... Eisenhower was an independent and warned about the GOP swine...
When Germany sent divisions into the Balkans, to bail out Italy again, that force then moved on into Greece and following the British retreat to Crete, the Germans and Italians then attacked on to Crete.

Either you don't know your history or were fibbing earlier.
Where was I wrong troll, parts of Greece are in the Balkans and there used to be more when they had Macedonia.... And if any Italians attacked crete, they were only there for the photo.
When Germany sent divisions into the Balkans, to bail out Italy again, that force then moved on into Greece and following the British retreat to Crete, the Germans and Italians then attacked on to Crete.

Either you don't know your history or were fibbing earlier.
when you tell me something i don't know i'll tell you OK and when before did the germans save the italians?
When Germany sent divisions into the Balkans, to bail out Italy again, that force then moved on into Greece and following the British retreat to Crete, the Germans and Italians then attacked on to Crete.

Either you don't know your history or were fibbing earlier.
Where was I wrong troll, parts of Greece are in the Balkans and there used to be more when they had Macedonia.... And if any Italians attacked crete, they were only there for the photo.
Where was I wrong troll, parts of Greece are in the Balkans and there used to be more when they had Macedonia.... And if any Italians attacked crete, they were only there for the photo.
The main assault was by German airborne, but at least three convoys of Italian ships and boats were involved as well.

Axis landing attempt, 21/22 May​

An Axis convoy of around 20 caïques, escorted by the Italian torpedo boat Lupo, tried to land German reinforcements near Maleme. Force D under Rear-Admiral Irvine Glennie, with three light cruisers and four destroyers, intercepted the convoy before midnight; the convoy turned back with the loss of more than half of its boats, despite Lupo's defence. ...

Axis landing attempt, 22/23 May​

Italian torpedo boat Sagittario

Admiral Andrew Cunningham sent Force C (three cruisers and four destroyers, commanded by Rear Admiral Edward Leigh Stuart King) into the Aegean Sea through the Kasos Strait, to attack a second flotilla of transports, escorted by the Italian torpedo boat Sagittario. The force sank an isolated caïque at 08:30, saving itself from an air attack that struck the cruiser HMS Naiad as the German pilots tried to avoid killing their troops in the water. The British squadron was under constant air attack and, short of anti-aircraft ammunition, steamed on toward Milos, sighting Sagittario at 10:00. ... Eventually, the convoy and its escort managed to slip away undamaged. King's ships, despite their failure to destroy the German troop transports, had succeeded in forcing the Axis to abort the landing by their mere presence at sea.

23–27 May​

Aftermath of a German air attack on Souda Bay

Fighting against fresh German troops, the Allies retreated southward; the 5th Destroyer Flotilla, consisting of HMS Kelly, HMS Kipling, HMS Kelvin, HMS Jackal and HMS Kashmir, (Captain Lord Louis Mountbatten), was ordered to leave Malta on 21 May, to join the fleet off Crete and arrived after Gloucester and Fiji were sunk. They were sent to pick up survivors and then diverted to attack a German convoy of about fifty ships and caïques off Cape Spatha on Rodopou peninsula, western Crete on the night of 22/23 May and then shell the Germans at Maleme.
... ] German search-and-rescue aircraft and Italian motor torpedo boats, spotted and rescued the 262 survivors from the German light convoy sunk off Cape Spatha.
On 26 May, in the face of the stalled German advance, senior Wehrmacht officers requested Mussolini to send Italian Army units to Crete in order to help the German forces fighting there.[86][need quotation to verify] On the afternoon of 27 May, an Italian convoy departed from Rhodes with the intention of landing a brigade from the 50th Infantry Division Regina, supported by 13 L3/35 light tanks.[87] Italian participation in the battle of Crete was limited and finally on 28 May when the campaign was already decided in favour to the Germans and Allied evacuation had begun, an Italian landing force approached the west coast of the island off Siteia.[88][89][90]

At 13:30 on 28 May, the Italians believed that three cruisers and six destroyers of the Royal Navy were steaming up towards the northern coast of Crete in support of Allied troops, but the Royal Navy was fully occupied evacuating the Crete garrison.[85][87] The Italians assumed that the Royal Navy force would be off Sitia, the planned landing site, by 17:00 and the commander decided that the slowest ship of the convoy would be taken in tow by Lince to increase speed and Crispi was detached to shell the lighthouse at Cape Sideros. The 3,000 men of the division and their equipment were on shore by 17:20 and advanced west mostly unopposed, rendezvousing with the Germans at Ierapetra. The Italian troops later moved their headquarters from Sitia to Agios Nikolaos
As can be seen, there were efforts to reinforce by sea, using mostly Italian naval forces and eventually an Italian Brigade was landed on the island. A little more than just there for the photo.
If you check the attitude and insults, you's have more credibility on your claimed education and knowledge.
when you tell me something i don't know i'll tell you OK and when before did the germans save the italians?
English/American must not be your primary language.
If understand what you are trying to say, two main and early in the war occasions when "germans save the italians" would be :
North Africa (Libya);
The Afrika Korps or German Africa Corps (German: Deutsches Afrikakorps, DAK, pronounced [ˈdɔɪ̯t͡ʃəs ˈaːfʁikaˌkoːɐ̯] (listen)) was the German expeditionary force in Africa during the North African Campaign of World War II. First sent as a holding force to shore up the Italian defense of its African colonies, the formation fought on in Africa, under various appellations, from March 1941 until its surrender in May 1943. The unit's best known commander was Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.
The Afrika Korps formed on 11 January 1941 and one of Hitler's favourite generals, Erwin Rommel, was designated as commander on 11 February. Originally Hans von Funck was to have commanded it, but Hitler loathed von Funck, as he had been a personal staff officer of Werner von Fritsch until von Fritsch was dismissed in 1938.[1]

The German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, OKW) had decided to send a "blocking force" to Italian Libya to support the Italian army. ... These elements were organized into the 5th Light Division when they arrived in Africa from 10 February – 12 March 1941. In late April and into May, the 5th Light Division was joined by elements of 15th Panzer Division, transferred from Italy. At this time, the Afrika Korps consisted of the two divisions, and was subordinated to the Italian chain of command in Africa.[2]
Another time when "germans save the italians" would be the Balkans Campaign;
The Balkans campaign of World War II began with the Italian invasion of Greece on 28 October 1940. In the early months of 1941, Italy's offensive had stalled and a Greek counter-offensive pushed into Albania. Germany sought to aid Italy by deploying troops to Romania and Bulgaria and attacking Greece from the east. Meanwhile, the British landed troops and aircraft to shore up Greek defences. A coup d'état in Yugoslavia on 27 March caused Adolf Hitler to order the conquest of that country.

The invasion of Yugoslavia by Germany and Italy began on 6 April 1941, simultaneously with the new Battle of Greece; on 11 April, Hungary joined the invasion. By 17 April the Yugoslavs had signed an armistice, and by 30 April all of mainland Greece was under German or Italian control. On 20 May Germany invaded Crete by air, and by 1 June all remaining Greek and British forces on the island had surrendered. Although it had not participated in the attacks in April, Bulgaria occupied parts of both Yugoslavia and Greece shortly thereafter for the remainder of the war in the Balkans.
I thought this was established in prior posts here.
This is a repeat of your post #93 above, and has already been answered.
Get a grip on reality.
sure, troll. lol. Tell me something I don't know for crying out loud. and any rate thank god for the italians and shove the rest up your a

thank God for the Italians who screwed up in Greece which was partly Balkans and in North Africa and delayed the attack on Russia for months. But thanks for the bs details. Now WTF are you arguing about for God's sake? My masters was concentrated on France- and what crappy allies the British and Americans are....sitting around with basically no armies until the other great Republic France gets devastated again.... And by the way being the only dupes in the modern world who don't know the difference between socialism and communism, democracy.

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English/American must not be your primary language.
If understand what you are trying to say, two main and early in the war occasions when "germans save the italians" would be :
North Africa (Libya);
The Afrika Korps or German Africa Corps (German: Deutsches Afrikakorps, DAK, pronounced [ˈdɔɪ̯t͡ʃəs ˈaːfʁikaˌkoːɐ̯] (listen)) was the German expeditionary force in Africa during the North African Campaign of World War II. First sent as a holding force to shore up the Italian defense of its African colonies, the formation fought on in Africa, under various appellations, from March 1941 until its surrender in May 1943. The unit's best known commander was Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.
The Afrika Korps formed on 11 January 1941 and one of Hitler's favourite generals, Erwin Rommel, was designated as commander on 11 February. Originally Hans von Funck was to have commanded it, but Hitler loathed von Funck, as he had been a personal staff officer of Werner von Fritsch until von Fritsch was dismissed in 1938.[1]

The German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, OKW) had decided to send a "blocking force" to Italian Libya to support the Italian army. ... These elements were organized into the 5th Light Division when they arrived in Africa from 10 February – 12 March 1941. In late April and into May, the 5th Light Division was joined by elements of 15th Panzer Division, transferred from Italy. At this time, the Afrika Korps consisted of the two divisions, and was subordinated to the Italian chain of command in Africa.[2]
Another time when "germans save the italians" would be the Balkans Campaign;
The Balkans campaign of World War II began with the Italian invasion of Greece on 28 October 1940. In the early months of 1941, Italy's offensive had stalled and a Greek counter-offensive pushed into Albania. Germany sought to aid Italy by deploying troops to Romania and Bulgaria and attacking Greece from the east. Meanwhile, the British landed troops and aircraft to shore up Greek defences. A coup d'état in Yugoslavia on 27 March caused Adolf Hitler to order the conquest of that country.

The invasion of Yugoslavia by Germany and Italy began on 6 April 1941, simultaneously with the new Battle of Greece; on 11 April, Hungary joined the invasion. By 17 April the Yugoslavs had signed an armistice, and by 30 April all of mainland Greece was under German or Italian control. On 20 May Germany invaded Crete by air, and by 1 June all remaining Greek and British forces on the island had surrendered. Although it had not participated in the attacks in April, Bulgaria occupied parts of both Yugoslavia and Greece shortly thereafter for the remainder of the war in the Balkans.
I thought this was established in prior posts here.
Thought WHAT was established lol?.... The only fact that is wrong between us is your idea that the Italians took any part in the attack on Crete....what a waste of time....

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