The Foundational Falsehood Underlying Palestinian Claims

It's hard to treat the guy who writes bigfoot porn seriously, but let's try.

In addition to the points brought up in the article, it should be noted that after WWII the UN recognized Israel as a state. Granted, this has no de jure effect. But, it does recognize the de facto statehood that Israel had achieved. It is in every way a valid nation-state, and a few unhappy Arabs are not going to change that.
I imagine a resident of the Crusader states thinking the same thing. The problem is, the Arabs are long-term thinkers. It might take a hundred years to get rid of an unwanted occupier, but eventually they go.

Second, there is no "Palestine", and there never has been.

BY that same logic, there is no Peru, no Botswana, No Malaysia, or a dozen other countries that didn't appear on maps before 1850 or so.

Third, many tribes occupied that land over the centuries. Hell, the American Indians have a better claim to U.S. Soil than the Arabs have to the fictitious "Palestine" (an the American Indians have no valid claim to U.S. land; they were squatters).

Except not really. The Palestinian Arabs have lived their for hundreds of years, even if the Imperial occupiers have changed. The difference is past occupiers were just happy if they paid their taxes and acknowledged their authority. Even the Crusader States. The British trying to displace them with European Jews was a upping the game to a new level.

The Palestinian issue is an East vs. West thing; and a left vs. right issue. On a pragmatic level, would we really support dismantling a strategic partner that is a valid nation-state, especially when said partner has the only democratic form of government in the entire area?

Well, it really shouldn't be, and it isn't. The reality is in the US, the Zionist Lobby has control of both parties. In the rest of the world, right or left, Israel is kind of despised.

Second, the Zionist Entity is not a democracy. If you gave every adult within the confines of Israel/Palestine the vote, they majority would vote Israel out of existence. This is why the Zionists play so many games to disenfranchise them, including spinning off Gaza into a quasi-state.

They also have a respectable GDP. And do what with a dismantled nation? Give the land to a relatively small minority of displaced Arabs (who Arab state refuse to even take in and aid) and kick the vast majority out, the vast majority being civilized, peace loving Jews? Of course not.

Civilized peace loving jews who invaded their country and instigated most of the wars over there?

Here's the thing, if America loves Israel so much, let's give them one of the big empty rectangles in the West as the new Jewish State. Let's make Wyoming New Israel. I'm sure all the people in Wyoming won't mind and start the WLO or something.

In addition to the points brought up in the article, it should be noted that after WWII the UN recognized Israel as a state. Granted, this has no de jure effect. But, it does recognize the de facto statehood that Israel had achieved. It is in every way a valid nation-state, and a few unhappy Arabs are not going to change that. Second, there is no "Palestine", and there never has been. Third, many tribes occupied that land over the centuries. Hell, the American Indians have a better claim to U.S. Soil than the Arabs have to the fictitious "Palestine" (an the American Indians have no valid claim to U.S. land; they were squatters).

The Palestinian issue is an East vs. West thing; and a left vs. right issue. On a pragmatic level, would we really support dismantling a strategic partner that is a valid nation-state, especially when said partner has the only democratic form of government in the entire area? They also have a respectable GDP. And do what with a dismantled nation? Give the land to a relatively small minority of displaced Arabs (who Arab state refuse to even take in and aid) and kick the vast majority out, the vast majority being civilized, peace loving Jews? Of course not.
When you see an one-sided article like that do you ever fact check it on your own?
Everyone is missing the point go back to the original story where the two prostitutes come to Solomon with a problem ..The one prostitute accidentally killed her child and took the other ones Child and placed the dead one in its place…They argued they came before Solomon who took out a sword to SPLIT the live baby in half giving each one dead non living child… The woman whose child had died was happy with the proposal because they both would suffer… The other woman would rather have the child live then have it split in two… Solomon rightfully gave the child to the woman who would rather have the child live… Who in this story is the Palestinians and who are the Jews… The Palestinians think nothing of sacrificing their children to be shahid or martyrs to their cause while the Jews are loath to sacrifice any of their children and protect them to their own death if be… Everyone who wants to split the baby( the land of Israel) is a fool and has failed this test… The land belongs to the children( unsplit) of Israel so says the Koran, the New Testament and the Torah … You shall know them by their fruits( teachings and the way they live) it is straightforward and simple…
The Jew-hating leftists ... They do not even think stuff through before shitting it out of their mouths. How pathetic.
the pathetic part, is that words do not describe what the palestinians did, brutally killing children, I wish the president would allow me back in the USMC

the palestinians deserve the worst possible death, they deserve endless torture, crucify them,

the palestinians prove we are way to soft on crime criminals murderers
When you see an one-sided article like that do you ever fact check it on your own?
you ever pick up a history book

ever see a book written by a palestinian?

what has palestinians built?

did they ever have a government?

what makes you think the article is one sided, other than your lack of education, or your own bigotry
The Palestinians have no military to prevent the Israelis settlers from appropriating land in the West Bank. Israel's military had a lapse in it's necessary vigilance and lots of innocent folks on both side have died horribly.
5000 missiles, automatic rifles, hand grenades, are what the palestinians used against children

are you really that stupid, missiles and hand grenades

at that great, palestinians literally dropped hand grenades on children, not by accident, purposely

you are disgusting
That's a lie. Look at the Ottoman census of 1870. Jews were a tiny minority.
This whole thing needs to stop

The Israelis are there for good or ill.

The apaletimonians are there for good or ill.

There needs to be a way for them to share that small bit of geography.

Neither Hamas nor Zionism is the answer they
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This whole thing needs to stop

The Israelis are there for good or I’ll.

The apaletimonians are there for good or I’ll.

There needs to be a way for them to share that small bit of geography.

Neither Hamas nor Zionism is the answer they
palestinians, have earned the right to die a horrible death, purposely torturing children

plenty of room in arabia, for the arabians claiming to be palestinian, send them back to herd sheep or simply live off the riches of oil, or are their arab brothers that greedy they would force their people to live in a sliver of land when the whole arabian peninsula is empty
palestinians, have earned the right to die a horrible death, purposely torturing children

plenty of room in arabia, for the arabians claiming to be palestinian, send them back to herd sheep or simply live off the riches of oil, or are their arab brothers that greedy they would force their people to live in a sliver of land when the whole arabian peninsula is empty
Do you seriously think it’s possible to move 5 million people without hundreds of thousands dying?

And what happens after?

You people are insane
Do you seriously think it’s possible to move 5 million people without hundreds of thousands dying?

And what happens after?

You people are insane
why would they have to die? can't the saudis act like humans for a change?
Palestinian jews have been living there 2 millennia. Muslims who term
themselves "arabs" were invented circa 1960 as "palestinians" Prior to
the 1960s----muslims living in Palestine were arabs---sometimes they called
themselves "syrians" There government papers ---stated "palestinian"
for Jews and "arab" for muslims. I don't 'know what christians were called
on government papers----"armenians"??????

In the islamo nazi literature---ZION is a dirty word. The town of my childhood
was founded prerevolutionary war with a core population of methodists,
presbyterians, episcopalians and lutherans. Catholics showed up later---mostly
da despised IRISH. No islamophobia there--the place was replete with
islamo nazis and nazi nazis and the extensive propaganda pamphlets thereof,
BUT somehow there were chruches with the word ZION thrown in the titles
You are a fucking liar and Arab hater!

Palestinian-Arabs have been there just as long as Palestinian-Jews.
You are a fucking liar and Arab hater!

Palestinian-Arabs have been there just as long as Palestinian-Jews.
humans are a traveling species. At the time that Roman invaders began to refer to the land of JUDEA as
"palestine" ----there were, very likely a few ,
indians, persians, sudanese, greeks, etc etc here and
there in the same land SO?
humans are a traveling species. At the time that Roman invaders began to refer to the land of JUDEA as
"palestine" ----there were, very likely a few ,
indians, persians, sudanese, greeks, etc etc here and
there in the same land SO?
Nothing changes the fact that there were people there at the time of the Zionist migration and they have rights!
Do you seriously think it’s possible to move 5 million people without hundreds of thousands dying?
And what happens after?
You people are insane
Great point showing democrats can not govern, democrats can not come up to solutions to problems.

Yes, what could a country do with millions of illegal aliens, oops, did I say millions of illegal aliens. Democrats have a solution of they come to our country illegally but there is no solution for moslems that need to move 6 miles.

Last I checked, Palestinians are entering outer country illegally. Crossing oceans.

Moses survived the Sinai desert in primitive times. Palestinians will be fine moving six miles to live with their filthy rich cousins
Nothing changes the fact that there were people there at the time of the Zionist migration and they have rights!
ok there were jews in what is now saudi arabia and even
Mecca when the rapist dog of arabia took over----do jews get rights in Mecca?. My very own hubby was born in an oil rich area of arabia------does he have rights = to those of the muslims there?
Great point showing democrats can not govern, democrats can not come up to solutions to problems.

Yes, what could a country do with millions of illegal aliens, oops, did I say millions of illegal aliens. Democrats have a solution of they come to our country illegally but there is no solution for moslems that need to move 6 miles.

Last I checked, Palestinians are entering outer country illegally. Crossing oceans.

Moses survived the Sinai desert in primitive times. Palestinians will be fine moving six miles to live with their filthy rich cousins
They are not going anywhere, you racist mother-fucker! This is their home and they are not leaving! Fuck you you Israeli kiss-asses! The Palestinians have a right to exist!
ok there were jews in what is now saudi arabia and even
Mecca when the rapist dog of arabia took over----do jews get rights in Mecca?. My very own hubby was born in an oil rich area of arabia------does he have rights = to those of the muslims there?
Go fuck yourself, you fucking Arab hater! Shove that fucking racism up your crotch and out your mouth, whore!
Go fuck yourself, you fucking Arab hater! Shove that fucking racism up your crotch and out your mouth, whore!
sad-----you claim Irish ancestry and you have absolutely
nothing of your the delicate eloquence of your forebears
They are not going anywhere, you racist mother-fucker! This is their home and they are not leaving! Fuck you you Israeli kiss-asses! The Palestinians have a right to exist!
Eat me, we Americans move 100's of miles every year. Moving terrorist 6 miles won't break the camels back.

Hell, Palestinians come to America illegally all the time so your idea of keeping them on the plantation, a 6 mile by 16 mile stretch of land is right in tune with the racist democrats who kept slaves on the plantations.

And let's not forget that you could care less about the millions of Latinos that leave their homes to live with us conservatives who are much better people than you

Democrats, the rats of the earth, vermin as Billy the BOY proved

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