The Foundational Falsehood Underlying Palestinian Claims

zionists have been there for more than 4000 years-----didn't you attend sunday
school as a child? "palestinians" who are muslims were invented circa `1960
That's right! Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs have been living there for 2 millenia. Only when the Zionists showed up, did things get violent.
Palestine was the name of the would be country that was suppose to be on the other side of the partition. So obviously the natives who were made refugees because of the Israelis war for independence naturally call themselves Palestinians. The author just wants to legitimize the dispossession of their land by claiming they never really existed in the first place.
Palestine was the name of the would be country that was suppose to be on the other side of the partition. So obviously the natives who were made refugees because of the Israelis war for independence naturally call themselves Palestinians. The author just wants to legitimize the dispossession of their land by claiming they never really existed in the first place.

Jews were a tiny minority...15,000 in 1870.

Israel is in violation of over 100 UN resolutions. They've maintained an illegal and immoral occupation of Palestinian land for the last 56 years.

It doesn't matter what you call them, they were living here before Zionists showed up and they have rights.
^ Unable to keep a lid on his racist Jew hatred.
That's right! Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs have been living there for 2 millenia. Only when the Zionists showed up, did things get violent.
"Duh Zionists...dErP" - It is a dead give away that someone is a Nazi-level Jew hater when they start bitching about "Duh Zionists". LOL!
That's right! Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs have been living there for 2 millenia. Only when the Zionists showed up, did things get violent.
Palestinian jews have been living there 2 millennia. Muslims who term
themselves "arabs" were invented circa 1960 as "palestinians" Prior to
the 1960s----muslims living in Palestine were arabs---sometimes they called
themselves "syrians" There government papers ---stated "palestinian"
for Jews and "arab" for muslims. I don't 'know what christians were called
on government papers----"armenians"??????
"Duh Zionists...dErP" - It is a dead give away that someone is a Nazi-level Jew hater when they start bitching about "Duh Zionists". LOL!
In the islamo nazi literature---ZION is a dirty word. The town of my childhood
was founded prerevolutionary war with a core population of methodists,
presbyterians, episcopalians and lutherans. Catholics showed up later---mostly
da despised IRISH. No islamophobia there--the place was replete with
islamo nazis and nazi nazis and the extensive propaganda pamphlets thereof,
BUT somehow there were chruches with the word ZION thrown in the titles
If Palestinians are Babylonians, then who was left in Babylonia to become Babylonians?
Palestinians are not Babylonians---of course all humans tend to INTERBREED
even over long distances---but the people in Palestine are generally the products
of rampaging armies from east-west, north and south of the land mass which had
been Judea-----they were eventually attacked by arab marauders and
ARABIZED by the conquerers. Iraq was also invaded by marauding arabs. Prior
to that there was an indigenous people, BERBERS, but they took to the hills
and became the KURDS of Iraq. The zoroastrians and jews were virtually genocided
out of existence----lots of survivors went by sea to Bombay

In addition to the points brought up in the article, it should be noted that after WWII the UN recognized Israel as a state. Granted, this has no de jure effect. But, it does recognize the de facto statehood that Israel had achieved. It is in every way a valid nation-state, and a few unhappy Arabs are not going to change that. Second, there is no "Palestine", and there never has been. Third, many tribes occupied that land over the centuries. Hell, the American Indians have a better claim to U.S. Soil than the Arabs have to the fictitious "Palestine" (an the American Indians have no valid claim to U.S. land; they were squatters).

The Palestinian issue is an East vs. West thing; and a left vs. right issue. On a pragmatic level, would we really support dismantling a strategic partner that is a valid nation-state, especially when said partner has the only democratic form of government in the entire area? They also have a respectable GDP. And do what with a dismantled nation? Give the land to a relatively small minority of displaced Arabs (who Arab state refuse to even take in and aid) and kick the vast majority out, the vast majority being civilized, peace loving Jews? Of course not.
The state of Israel exists because the Jews had the military might to defend it going back to 1948. But mostly because of the UN charter in sympathy of the terrible treatment of Jews all over the world.

The word Palestine derives from ancient Greek (Philistia), but ancient Egyptian, Assyrian and Hebrew languages also included similar-sounding words to describe the region or its people. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all strongly tied to the region, and trace origins to the land over the past few thousand years.

Following the 1918 fall of the Ottoman Empire during World War I, Palestine typically referred to the region between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. Much of this land is now part of present-day Israel.

Today, the region known as the Palestinian Territories includes the West Bank (a territory that sits between modern-day Israel and Jordan) and the Gaza Strip (bordering Israel and Egypt). These areas have been under Israeli military occupation since 1967. However, control over this region is a complex and evolving situation. There is no international consensus concerning the borders—28 United Nations member countries currently do not recognize Israel at all—and many areas claimed by the Palestinian Territories are also claimed by Israel.

More than 135 United Nations member countries recognize Palestine as an independent state, but Israel and some other countries, including the United States, don’t make this distinction.

Ultimately, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict will not be settled until there is a two state solution.
The Arabs have been in Palestine since the Babylonian exile.

The Israelis don't want peace. They want the rest of the land.
You are stating that Palestinians are non-indigenous. Which destroys "Palestinians" claim to any part of Israel.
The state of Israel exists because the Jews had the military might to defend it going back to 1948. But mostly because of the UN charter in sympathy of the terrible treatment of Jews all over the world.

The word Palestine derives from ancient Greek (Philistia), but ancient Egyptian, Assyrian and Hebrew languages also included similar-sounding words to describe the region or its people. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all strongly tied to the region, and trace origins to the land over the past few thousand years.

Following the 1918 fall of the Ottoman Empire during World War I, Palestine typically referred to the region between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. Much of this land is now part of present-day Israel.

Today, the region known as the Palestinian Territories includes the West Bank (a territory that sits between modern-day Israel and Jordan) and the Gaza Strip (bordering Israel and Egypt). These areas have been under Israeli military occupation since 1967. However, control over this region is a complex and evolving situation. There is no international consensus concerning the borders—28 United Nations member countries currently do not recognize Israel at all—and many areas claimed by the Palestinian Territories are also claimed by Israel.

More than 135 United Nations member countries recognize Palestine as an independent state, but Israel and some other countries, including the United States, don’t make this distinction.

Ultimately, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict will not be settled until there is a two state solution.
There is no "Palestinian Territories". Second, the UN, as a body, is clearly influenced heavily by leftist, anti-western ideologues, thus putting the institutions credibility in doubt. Third, those so-called "Palestinian" people have had a couple of chances over the past 20 yeas to have a two-state solution, but ultimately backed out due to their refusal to acknowledge Israel's right to exist.

Against this back drop, I say fuck the "Palestinians". Let the bombs rain down on their heads. Or, they can unify and elect representatives who are not blood thirsty, Jew-hating terrorists and who want to negotiate in good faith, including a clear acknowledgement that Israel has a right to exist, and mutual security pacts to deal with anti-Jew terror attacks.

The fault for everything going on in Gaza today rests squarely on the shoulders of Hamas, and the "Palestinian" people will have to pay for the sins of Hamas with their own blood. It is the only way. They must pay, or they must rise up and overthrow Hamas. THIS is the only solution.
You are stating that Palestinians are non-indigenous. Which destroys "Palestinians" claim to any part of Israel.
The Jew-hating leftists ... They do not even think stuff through before shitting it out of their mouths. How pathetic.
The state of Israel exists because the Jews had the military might to defend it going back to 1948. But mostly because of the UN charter in sympathy of the terrible treatment of Jews all over the world.

The word Palestine derives from ancient Greek (Philistia), but ancient Egyptian, Assyrian and Hebrew languages also included similar-sounding words to describe the region or its people. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all strongly tied to the region, and trace origins to the land over the past few thousand years.

Following the 1918 fall of the Ottoman Empire during World War I, Palestine typically referred to the region between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. Much of this land is now part of present-day Israel.

Today, the region known as the Palestinian Territories includes the West Bank (a territory that sits between modern-day Israel and Jordan) and the Gaza Strip (bordering Israel and Egypt). These areas have been under Israeli military occupation since 1967. However, control over this region is a complex and evolving situation. There is no international consensus concerning the borders—28 United Nations member countries currently do not recognize Israel at all—and many areas claimed by the Palestinian Territories are also claimed by Israel.

More than 135 United Nations member countries recognize Palestine as an independent state, but Israel and some other countries, including the United States, don’t make this distinction.

Ultimately, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict will not be settled until there is a two state solution.
The problems I see are the Partition Plan not only had to be implemented by military force, but it would also have to be maintained vigilantly by a military force to keep one side or the other from crossing over the line and committing atrocities. The UN had no military to enforce a Partition. The Palestinians have no military to prevent the Israelis settlers from appropriating land in the West Bank. Israel's military had a lapse in it's necessary vigilance and lots of innocent folks on both side have died horribly.
The problems I see are the Partition Plan not only had to be implemented by military force, but it would also have to be maintained vigilantly by a military force to keep one side or the other from crossing over the line and committing atrocities. The UN had no military to enforce a Partition. The Palestinians have no military to prevent the Israelis settlers from appropriating land in the West Bank. Israel's military had a lapse in it's necessary vigilance and lots of innocent folks on both side have died horribly.
you raise a good point----the SIDE BY SIDE happy separate people is a silly
delusion. There are far more reasons WHY to discuss----before lunch

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