The Foundational Falsehood Underlying Palestinian Claims

Eat me, we Americans move 100's of miles every year. Moving terrorist 6 miles won't break the camels back.

Hell, Palestinians come to America illegally all the time so your idea of keeping them on the plantation, a 6 mile by 16 mile stretch of land is right in tune with the racist democrats who kept slaves on the plantations.

And let's not forget that you could care less about the millions of Latinos that leave their homes to live with us conservatives who are much better people than you

Democrats, the rats of the earth, vermin as Billy the BOY proved
Israel is committing genocide! Fuck you for supporting that!
The Palestinians have a right to exist!
who denies the people who have named themselves
"palestinians" the "right to exist" ?? The people
now called 'palestinians' ----have, historically considered
"palestine" part of Syria--------THEIR LAND BECKONS.
Israel has ----it you consider the greater syria notion
who denies the people who have named themselves
"palestinians" the "right to exist" ?? The people
now called 'palestinians' ----have, historically considered
"palestine" part of Syria--------THEIR LAND BECKONS.
Israel has ----it you consider the greater syria notion
I see alzheimers has reached you early? It is the Israeli's who are denying them. More specifically, the Israeli right.

In addition to the points brought up in the article, it should be noted that after WWII the UN recognized Israel as a state. Granted, this has no de jure effect. But, it does recognize the de facto statehood that Israel had achieved. It is in every way a valid nation-state, and a few unhappy Arabs are not going to change that. Second, there is no "Palestine", and there never has been. Third, many tribes occupied that land over the centuries. Hell, the American Indians have a better claim to U.S. Soil than the Arabs have to the fictitious "Palestine" (an the American Indians have no valid claim to U.S. land; they were squatters).

The Palestinian issue is an East vs. West thing; and a left vs. right issue. On a pragmatic level, would we really support dismantling a strategic partner that is a valid nation-state, especially when said partner has the only democratic form of government in the entire area? They also have a respectable GDP. And do what with a dismantled nation? Give the land to a relatively small minority of displaced Arabs (who Arab state refuse to even take in and aid) and kick the vast majority out, the vast majority being civilized, peace loving Jews? Of course not.
You can’t legitimize Israel by delegitimizing the Palestinians. How long does a population need to exist, before you can call them a nation?
You can’t legitimize Israel by delegitimizing the Palestinians. How long does a population need to exist, before you can call them a nation?
excellent question-----the Hindus, Buddhists, Christians,
Jews, Zoroastrians etc etc want to know
Israel has their state, Arab hater. The Pals do not, fucking whore!
the Pal. did not become "Pals" before the early 1960s.
Until then the "pals" were arabs. The only PALESTINIANS
in the world were Jews----my very own hubby is a PAL
according to his government papers when he was a kid.
The pals to which you refer got the land across the Jordan---
transjordan----to wit JORDAN. Some arabs became PALS
with any level of self determination at all as per the rapist
pig of arabia. So much for your "self determination" --
fucking whore islamo nazi bitch
I need context. Your statement assumed facts and I need to know we agree on what they are.
all of the people described as "wanting to know" have historically or presently been denied self determination by
Islamic conquest
Yeah, that happened 1400 years ago, NEXT!
it has been an ongoing dynamic process that you seem
to feel happy to deny or dismiss. How long should Israel a
and the jews WAIT before ENOUGH TIME has passed?
it has been an ongoing dynamic process that you seem
to feel happy to deny or dismiss.
No, just don’t believe in the pat answers. My answer would make everyone very unhappy. Canaan becomes a unitary multi-ethnic secular state. The Old City of Jerusalem becomes a museum and all religious worship banned, from the Wailing Wall, from the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

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