The Founders on Religion

It is sold AT A LOSS to move software. They lost billions on the 360. And the Surface is their first true attempt to break into the market pc market.
It doesn't matter. They sell hardware (whether they make money on it or not doesn't absolve you of your outrageous claim that they neither buy nor sell hardware).
The sooner you nitwits learn to accept what I say as truth the better off you'll be.
Yeah....I'm not too keen on listening to old people who think software is produced on an assembly line and who think that Microsoft doesn't have computers in their offices.
As I pointed out to you before - those laws can force Microsoft to purchase their computers from Apple. I mean, after all, Microsoft "serves the public". Which means the government can force them into commerce with whoever they want by your own admission. Is that the market you want to live in? Apple greases the palms of a few Congressmen and bam! - Microsoft is forced to purchase all of their hardware from Apple? You ignored this point last time because it proved you were dead wrong on this issue.

It's idiotic, asinine, and unconstitutional Seawytch. And you know it.
Microsoft is a software company not a hardware company.

Microsoft also makes hardware. Now excuse me while I return to my Microsoft Xbox...
It is sold AT A LOSS to move software. They lost billions on the 360. And the Surface is their first true attempt to break into the market pc market.

Link to them losing billions on the 360.
Xbox 360 and PS3 losses total $8 billion, ex-Sony employee paints grim future

Over 2 Billion to be precise

The sooner you nitwits learn to accept what I say as truth the better off you'll be.

Odd... The link actually supporting the claim of a loss can't be accessed.
Microsoft is a software company not a hardware company.

Microsoft also makes hardware. Now excuse me while I return to my Microsoft Xbox...
It is sold AT A LOSS to move software. They lost billions on the 360. And the Surface is their first true attempt to break into the market pc market.

Link to them losing billions on the 360.
Xbox 360 and PS3 losses total $8 billion, ex-Sony employee paints grim future

Over 2 Billion to be precise

The sooner you nitwits learn to accept what I say as truth the better off you'll be.

Odd... The link actually supporting the claim of a loss can't be accessed.
Lies you dumb [witch.] I just clicked on it again. It is vgchartz. The goto place for all things sales related to video games. A widely known site.
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Odd... The link actually supporting the claim of a loss can't be accessed.
Lies you dumb bitch.
Is that really necessary? With each inaccurate post you make, you alienate more people and make yourself more unlikable.
This stupid thread again. Stop fucking quoting me.
^^^^ This is why people shouldn't drink ^^^^
Sing me another song Grandma, that tune sucks
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Microsoft also makes hardware. Now excuse me while I return to my Microsoft Xbox...
It is sold AT A LOSS to move software. They lost billions on the 360. And the Surface is their first true attempt to break into the market pc market.

Link to them losing billions on the 360.
Xbox 360 and PS3 losses total $8 billion, ex-Sony employee paints grim future

Over 2 Billion to be precise

The sooner you nitwits learn to accept what I say as truth the better off you'll be.

Odd... The link actually supporting the claim of a loss can't be accessed.
Lies you dumb bitch. I just clicked on it again. It is vgchartz. The goto place for all things sales related to video games. A widely known site.
The link to the document within the linked article that allegedly supports your claim of "billions lost" did not work. There is no supporting evidence, just a guy saying that a guy said it.

"According to Cousins’ report on Kotaku, Microsoft has spent some $2.996bn on Xbox 360 since it launched in 2005, while Sony has fared worse, spending $4.951 billion on PS3. Both figures are a loss, and you can see an overview of both company’s losses in Cousins’s financial table here."

The "here" link that would support your claim does not work.
My "Proof" is the United States Constitution. The United States Constitution is very clear, there is no State Funded, State Supported, State Sanctioned, State Mandated Religion.

There is preeminent religion in the United States. No Religion can lay claim to being the only recognized religion in the United States.

Freedom of Religion means exactly that, the freedom to worship your version of your fucked up non-existent magic sky man male god head.

No one person or group of persons has the right to decide who can worship whatever non-existent magic sky man male god head you want. You do not have the right to others to worship your version of your non-existent magic sky man male god head.

Fuck Your Fucking god and burn his fucking bible.
It amazes me how simple English is so hard for progressives like you to understand... There is no federal church other then those who worship global warming. Yet you progressives do consistently interfere with other beliefs when you go out of your way to pick a baker you know wont be part of a ceremony they believe sinful.

No one is asking you to believe in God . It is your choice to follow perdition. Yet you can not silence the word just because it doesn't mesh well with your life style. In other words I dont have to be quiet because you are a snow flake that cant stand opposing views.
No. Public Accomadation laws violate the right to private property...Government buildings can't discriminate, but you should be able to serve who you want, and not serve who you want, if you own the business...that is why some Republicans didn't support the 64 Civil Rights that one area it went too far....

So why aren't "some Republicans" trying to get it repealed? Why challenge State law that requires gays to be served in about 25 states and not the law that requires blacks or Jews to be served in all 50? Could it be because the SCOTUS already found it to be Constitutional?
Homosexuality is a choice being a different race is not.... Now that I have educated you we both know you will ignore all actual truth like all regressives.

Religion is a choice protected by FEDERAL PA laws. Argument fail.
Because my religious worship is protected in the constitution means you get to trample on it because you are a homosexual???? WTF kind of logic is that?

Keep up with the conversation won't you? We were discussing PA laws. The federal one protects religion... which is a choice. You tried to say I can't equate the FEDERAL law requiring that blacks be served with state laws requiring gays be served because you say being gay is a choice (which only means YOU are bisexual), but that Federal law also protects religions from discrimination in public accommodation. Religion is a choice.
You want that? Amend the constitution. My religion is a constitutional protected right. I fond it weird that you say we are always trying to be i n your bedroom when the truth is you guys wont shut the fuck up about it. Being a homosexual doesn't define your life just your sexual desires. By the way notice how I try not to use the word gay when identifying homosexuals? Because obviously gay means happy and you and many like you obviously are not happy with your choice because you are to damned worried about what I think about your hang ups.
So why aren't "some Republicans" trying to get it repealed? Why challenge State law that requires gays to be served in about 25 states and not the law that requires blacks or Jews to be served in all 50? Could it be because the SCOTUS already found it to be Constitutional?
As I pointed out to you before - those laws can force Microsoft to purchase their computers from Apple. I mean, after all, Microsoft "serves the public". Which means the government can force them into commerce with whoever they want by your own admission. Is that the market you want to live in? Apple greases the palms of a few Congressmen and bam! - Microsoft is forced to purchase all of their hardware from Apple? You ignored this point last time because it proved you were dead wrong on this issue.

It's idiotic, asinine, and unconstitutional Seawytch. And you know it.
Microsoft is a software company not a hardware company.

Microsoft also makes hardware. Now excuse me while I return to my Microsoft Xbox...
Now I know you are fucked up in the head... True gamers use Playstations

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