The Founders on Religion

Homosexuality is a choice being a different race is not.... Now that I have educated you we both know you will ignore all actual truth like all regressives.
Close but not quite. Committing a homesexual act (or a homosexual one for that matter) is a choice. One's sexual preference is wired into people.....unless you are claiming you chose to be heterosexual at puberty. I know I didn't choose to be straight, it was just that I liked girls. Of course, I'm assuming you, like over 90% of people, are straight.

What percentage of the U.S. population is gay, lesbian or bisexual?
Based on the 2013 NHIS data [collected in 2013 from 34,557 adults aged 18 and over], 96.6% of adults identified as straight, 1.6% identified as gay or lesbian, and 0.7% identified as bisexual. The remaining 1.1% of adults identified as “something else[]" [0.2%,] stated “I don’t know the answer[]" [0.4%] or refused to provide an answer [0.6%].
Homosexuality is a choice being a different race is not.... Now that I have educated you we both know you will ignore all actual truth like all regressives.
Close but not quite. Committing a homesexual act (or a homosexual one for that matter) is a choice. One's sexual preference is wired into people.....unless you are claiming you chose to be heterosexual at puberty. I know I didn't choose, it was just what I liked. Of course, I'm assuming you, like over 90% of people, are straight.

What percentage of the U.S. population is gay, lesbian or bisexual?
Based on the 2013 NHIS data [collected in 2013 from 34,557 adults aged 18 and over], 96.6% of adults identified as straight, 1.6% identified as gay or lesbian, and 0.7% identified as bisexual. The remaining 1.1% of adults identified as “something else[]" [0.2%,] stated “I don’t know the answer[]" [0.4%] or refused to provide an answer [0.6%].
A poll is not scientific proof of being born a homosexual
Homosexuality is a choice being a different race is not.... Now that I have educated you we both know you will ignore all actual truth like all regressives.
Close but not quite. Committing a homesexual act (or a homosexual one for that matter) is a choice. One's sexual preference is wired into people.....unless you are claiming you chose to be heterosexual at puberty. I know I didn't choose, it was just what I liked. Of course, I'm assuming you, like over 90% of people, are straight.

What percentage of the U.S. population is gay, lesbian or bisexual?
Based on the 2013 NHIS data [collected in 2013 from 34,557 adults aged 18 and over], 96.6% of adults identified as straight, 1.6% identified as gay or lesbian, and 0.7% identified as bisexual. The remaining 1.1% of adults identified as “something else[]" [0.2%,] stated “I don’t know the answer[]" [0.4%] or refused to provide an answer [0.6%].
A poll is not scientific proof of being born a homosexual
Not complete scientific proof, but it adds to the data.

The fact remains, while we know most people are inherently heterosexual, it's not as simply as looking for a "straight" gene. As people sexually mature, they tend to be attracted to the opposite sex. Same for animals. Why isn't completely understood scientifically. Once the mechanism of heterosexuality is fully understood, I have no doubt the mechanism on why people are homosexual, bi, transgender, etc will be better understood too.
I admitted it 3 or 4 posts ago. didn't. You've insulted everyone else for your own failure to properly read and comprehend what was written. And then your ego caused you to double and triple down on your incorrect position. Show some freaking humility. Good grief. I've seen teenagers act more mature.
My "Proof" is the United States Constitution. The United States Constitution is very clear, there is no State Funded, State Supported, State Sanctioned, State Mandated Religion.

There is preeminent religion in the United States. No Religion can lay claim to being the only recognized religion in the United States.

Freedom of Religion means exactly that, the freedom to worship your version of your fucked up non-existent magic sky man male god head.

No one person or group of persons has the right to decide who can worship whatever non-existent magic sky man male god head you want. You do not have the right to others to worship your version of your non-existent magic sky man male god head.

Fuck Your Fucking god and burn his fucking bible.
I'm sorry, when you say "church in government" I have no idea what you're saying. What does "church in government" mean to you? How much religion do you want to see in our government? Whose religion?

Do you support the Federal PA laws or don't you? You, a "states' rights" guy, only seem to attack and snivel about the state laws in half the states that require the baking of a cake for a gay couple and never about Federal law in all 50 that requires the baking of a cake for, say, an interracial couple.

Yes, I was doing you a favor by ignoring the completely insane parts of your post. That's getting harder to do.

No. Public Accomadation laws violate the right to private property...Government buildings can't discriminate, but you should be able to serve who you want, and not serve who you want, if you own the business...that is why some Republicans didn't support the 64 Civil Rights that one area it went too far....

So why aren't "some Republicans" trying to get it repealed? Why challenge State law that requires gays to be served in about 25 states and not the law that requires blacks or Jews to be served in all 50? Could it be because the SCOTUS already found it to be Constitutional?
Homosexuality is a choice being a different race is not.... Now that I have educated you we both know you will ignore all actual truth like all regressives.

Religion is a choice protected by FEDERAL PA laws. Argument fail.
Because my religious worship is protected in the constitution means you get to trample on it because you are a homosexual???? WTF kind of logic is that?

Keep up with the conversation won't you? We were discussing PA laws. The federal one protects religion... which is a choice. You tried to say I can't equate the FEDERAL law requiring that blacks be served with state laws requiring gays be served because you say being gay is a choice (which only means YOU are bisexual), but that Federal law also protects religions from discrimination in public accommodation. Religion is a choice.
So why aren't "some Republicans" trying to get it repealed? Why challenge State law that requires gays to be served in about 25 states and not the law that requires blacks or Jews to be served in all 50? Could it be because the SCOTUS already found it to be Constitutional?
As I pointed out to you before - those laws can force Microsoft to purchase their computers from Apple. I mean, after all, Microsoft "serves the public". Which means the government can force them into commerce with whoever they want by your own admission. Is that the market you want to live in? Apple greases the palms of a few Congressmen and bam! - Microsoft is forced to purchase all of their hardware from Apple? You ignored this point last time because it proved you were dead wrong on this issue.

It's idiotic, asinine, and unconstitutional Seawytch. And you know it.

What I know is that you have a gross misunderstanding of PA laws. It has nothing to do with forcing anyone to purchase anything. What it means is that if you provide goods and services to the public, you cannot discriminate, by Federal Law based on race, color, religion, or national origin. States have expanded that list to include things like veterans status, age, weight, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation and disability. The Federal Law, the one upon which these state laws are based, has withstood Constitutional challenge all the way to the Supreme Court. This is what I know.
So why aren't "some Republicans" trying to get it repealed? Why challenge State law that requires gays to be served in about 25 states and not the law that requires blacks or Jews to be served in all 50? Could it be because the SCOTUS already found it to be Constitutional?
As I pointed out to you before - those laws can force Microsoft to purchase their computers from Apple. I mean, after all, Microsoft "serves the public". Which means the government can force them into commerce with whoever they want by your own admission. Is that the market you want to live in? Apple greases the palms of a few Congressmen and bam! - Microsoft is forced to purchase all of their hardware from Apple? You ignored this point last time because it proved you were dead wrong on this issue.

It's idiotic, asinine, and unconstitutional Seawytch. And you know it.
Microsoft is a software company not a hardware company.

Microsoft also makes hardware. Now excuse me while I return to my Microsoft Xbox...
The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus by the Supreme Being in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. ... But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding....~ Thomas Jefferson

Not accurate. Not even close to accurate. More lies of the lefitist scum propaganda mill. Some excerpts that are the quanification of a much broader narrative and inferred as a poser, not an opinion or fact. Same old lies by edit.

1823 April 11. (Jefferson to John Adams). "The truth is that the greatest enemies to the doctrines of Jesus are those calling themselves the expositors of them, who have perverted them for the structure of a system of fancy absolutely incomprehensible, and without any foundation in his genuine words. And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away all this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this the most venerated reformer of human errors."15

My "Proof" is the United States Constitution. The United States Constitution is very clear, there is no State Funded, State Supported, State Sanctioned, State Mandated Religion.

There is preeminent religion in the United States. No Religion can lay claim to being the only recognized religion in the United States.

Freedom of Religion means exactly that, the freedom to worship your version of your fucked up non-existent magic sky man male god head.

No one person or group of persons has the right to decide who can worship whatever non-existent magic sky man male god head you want. You do not have the right to others to worship your version of your non-existent magic sky man male god head.

Fuck Your Fucking god and burn his fucking bible.

What a sweet little boy you seem to be.
So why aren't "some Republicans" trying to get it repealed? Why challenge State law that requires gays to be served in about 25 states and not the law that requires blacks or Jews to be served in all 50? Could it be because the SCOTUS already found it to be Constitutional?
As I pointed out to you before - those laws can force Microsoft to purchase their computers from Apple. I mean, after all, Microsoft "serves the public". Which means the government can force them into commerce with whoever they want by your own admission. Is that the market you want to live in? Apple greases the palms of a few Congressmen and bam! - Microsoft is forced to purchase all of their hardware from Apple? You ignored this point last time because it proved you were dead wrong on this issue.

It's idiotic, asinine, and unconstitutional Seawytch. And you know it.
Microsoft is a software company not a hardware company.

Microsoft also makes hardware. Now excuse me while I return to my Microsoft Xbox...
It is sold AT A LOSS to move software. They lost billions on the 360. And the Surface is their first true attempt to break into the market pc market.
My "Proof" is the United States Constitution. The United States Constitution is very clear, there is no State Funded, State Supported, State Sanctioned, State Mandated Religion.

There is preeminent religion in the United States. No Religion can lay claim to being the only recognized religion in the United States.

Freedom of Religion means exactly that, the freedom to worship your version of your fucked up non-existent magic sky man male god head.

No one person or group of persons has the right to decide who can worship whatever non-existent magic sky man male god head you want. You do not have the right to others to worship your version of your non-existent magic sky man male god head.

Fuck Your Fucking god and burn his fucking bible.

For the record, despite your juvenile way of speaking your interpretation is spot on, kudos.
So why aren't "some Republicans" trying to get it repealed? Why challenge State law that requires gays to be served in about 25 states and not the law that requires blacks or Jews to be served in all 50? Could it be because the SCOTUS already found it to be Constitutional?
As I pointed out to you before - those laws can force Microsoft to purchase their computers from Apple. I mean, after all, Microsoft "serves the public". Which means the government can force them into commerce with whoever they want by your own admission. Is that the market you want to live in? Apple greases the palms of a few Congressmen and bam! - Microsoft is forced to purchase all of their hardware from Apple? You ignored this point last time because it proved you were dead wrong on this issue.

It's idiotic, asinine, and unconstitutional Seawytch. And you know it.
Microsoft is a software company not a hardware company.

Microsoft also makes hardware. Now excuse me while I return to my Microsoft Xbox...
It is sold AT A LOSS to move software. They lost billions on the 360. And the Surface is their first true attempt to break into the market pc market.

Link to them losing billions on the 360.
My "Proof" is the United States Constitution. The United States Constitution is very clear, there is no State Funded, State Supported, State Sanctioned, State Mandated Religion.

There is no preeminent religion in the United States. No Religion can lay claim to being the only recognized religion in the United States.

Freedom of Religion means exactly that, the freedom to worship your version of your fucked up non-existent magic sky man male god head.

No one person or group of persons has the right to decide who can worship whatever non-existent magic sky man male god head you want. You do not have the right to others to worship your version of your non-existent magic sky man male god head.

Fuck Your Fucking god and burn his fucking bible.
The "CHINO'S", (Christian In Name Only) demand Religious, but only for themselves.

Muslims have the Right To Religious Freedom as CHINO'S, as do Jews, Buddhists and Wicca. But CHINO'S only want Religious Freedom for other CHINO'S.

The same so-called "Christians" who froth at the mouth over a non-existent "Right To Life" have no problem wanting kill, maim, torture and destroy the culture of Muslims. So-Called "Christians" want War with any Muslim Country out there, support Capital Punishment and think torture is all kinds of fine, well, right and long as such torture is applied to them.

There is No, Zip, Zero, Zilch, Nada, Nothing and None formal, recognized, preeminent religion in the United States for a reason.

To claim otherwise is lie.
So why aren't "some Republicans" trying to get it repealed? Why challenge State law that requires gays to be served in about 25 states and not the law that requires blacks or Jews to be served in all 50? Could it be because the SCOTUS already found it to be Constitutional?
As I pointed out to you before - those laws can force Microsoft to purchase their computers from Apple. I mean, after all, Microsoft "serves the public". Which means the government can force them into commerce with whoever they want by your own admission. Is that the market you want to live in? Apple greases the palms of a few Congressmen and bam! - Microsoft is forced to purchase all of their hardware from Apple? You ignored this point last time because it proved you were dead wrong on this issue.

It's idiotic, asinine, and unconstitutional Seawytch. And you know it.
Microsoft is a software company not a hardware company.

Microsoft also makes hardware. Now excuse me while I return to my Microsoft Xbox...
It is sold AT A LOSS to move software. They lost billions on the 360. And the Surface is their first true attempt to break into the market pc market.

Link to them losing billions on the 360.
Xbox 360 and PS3 losses total $8 billion, ex-Sony employee paints grim future

Over 2 Billion to be precise

The sooner you nitwits learn to accept what I say as truth the better off you'll be.

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