The Fourth Reich starts in Virginia

How can the Fourth Reich get started when the third never got off the ground?
The Third Reich was the first to send rockets across the seas in the 1940's, do not underestimate them. North Korea only just managed to do this in 2017!


Looks who's back.

And to think, just a few short years ago, you were claiming to be a Hasidic Jew.

Now you're a Nazi.

(for reference, folks)

And Jews (I am Jewish), you need to put the Zionists down, especially the big banks, before is too is prevented into a second coming of the Holocaust towards us. Embrace Hasidic Judaism, the true way to worship God as Jew.

As if there's no Jewish Nazis?

Emanuel Ringelblum a respected Jewish historian, who lived his last days in the Nazi German controlled Warsaw Ghetto, had admitted that the Jewish Nazi collaborators of the Jewish Ghetto Police, were more brutal than Nazi Germans even at times.
Fuck hitler.

Anything else you would have said past that can be disregarded unless you were making a horrible attempt at sarcasm.
Heil Hitler.

Glory to Odin.

I stand with my people, those who ruled, discovered and invented throughout the past four hundred years to make the world the way we know it today.

The chinese invented the gun powder we stuffed into iron holes and conquered the world with.

White people are not special, superior, or anything else. You're an idiot and an embarrassment to the nation.

The Asians are cognitive equals of the Indo-European Caucasian race and nations, thus respectable members of the world.
How about the Arabs? They created our numerical system...
A lot of businesses in downtown Charlottesville with these signs.

The Globalist anti-Racist policies are harming minorities in the U.S more.

The majority of U.S Native Americans, and U.S Jews for example marry outside their race.

Blacks also marry outside their race more.

So, there must be some kind of ignorant brain fart, because these morons don't seem to be fighting for minorities rights to exist, either.
Black lives matter can shut down freeways and bridges. When their victims die, it's too bad, they deserved it.

Antifa can burn down Berkekey, loot the stores and break windows.

No state of emergency.

Let white people go to the park and the FBI and national guard show up.

A little hyperbole makes a point, a lot of hyperbole makes a half-truth, and thus a lie by omission.
  • Berkeley did not burn down
  • Stores were not looted by students
  • A non violent protest defines CAL, the Free Speech Movement began there.
  • Street people burn and loot, not students
  • No one drove a car through the protester's, protesters.
Fuck hitler.

Anything else you would have said past that can be disregarded unless you were making a horrible attempt at sarcasm.
Heil Hitler.

Glory to Odin.

I stand with my people, those who ruled, discovered and invented throughout the past four hundred years to make the world the way we know it today.
The several things that have made all the bounty we today enjoy were not invented or discovered by white people.
The only reason you see fit to talk about the greatness of white folks' innovations is that you are ignorant of what white folks did not invent or discover.

these honors upon us noble Caucasians.

The Aryan / Cro Magnon sub-races of Caucasoid seem to be among the most noble of the World

However, the Mediterranean / Semitic / Caucasus types of Caucasoid seem to be some of the most sick, degenerated people on the planet.
Fuck hitler.

Anything else you would have said past that can be disregarded unless you were making a horrible attempt at sarcasm.
Heil Hitler.

Glory to Odin.

I stand with my people, those who ruled, discovered and invented throughout the past four hundred years to make the world the way we know it today.
The several things that have made all the bounty we today enjoy were not invented or discovered by white people.
The only reason you see fit to talk about the greatness of white folks' innovations is that you are ignorant of what white folks did not invent or discover.

You seem to be referencing a lot of Indo-European Avestan and Vedic peoples there! Thanks for conferring some of these honors upon us noble Caucasians.

Also, my particular post said the last "400" years! Can you comprehend? Micro-adaption can make dramatic changes in a species intelligence and behavior in only a few generations, just look at that wide array of behavioral, physical and cognitive differences between breeds of dogs that are more related by DNA than blacks and whites!

Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of 117! Blacks...85, pure-bred Sub-Saharans...62
Thanks for conferring some of these honors upon us noble Caucasians.

I know you think you seem intelligent by having written that, but the fact is that your statement merely amplifies the nature and extent of your utter ignorance. Ancient Egyptians weren't white people, and white supremacists don't today consider them or their descendents as white people. Indeed, they have long referred to Arabs, other North Africans and Middle Easterners as "sand n*ggers" and they call Indians "curry n*iggers." And they have a litany of other "n*gger-terms" for every other non-European fair skinned group of people. So don't even try going down the "they're Caucasians" road.

Map of Ancient Egyptian Empire


Global map of indigenous skin colors


You are obviously very unaware of the concept of Indo-European language, genetics, culture and geographic distribution. Caucasian people come in all colors from white to black from Ireland to Turkey to the furthest reaches of India.

Thanks again for conferring these honors upon my people. May the goddesses' light shine upon you!

You are obviously very unaware of the concept of Indo-European language, genetics, culture and geographic distribution.

You are obviously unaware of what the terms "white people," "white supremacy," and "white nationalist" mean. They bear only an oblique relationship to the anthropological term "Caucasian."

I certainly wouldn't say I'm fond of most Caucasians, which includes Arabs, Jews, Caucasus peoples, Western Europeans, Russians, Albanians etc.

in fact, I'd say all the peoples I've listed are generally filth.
Of course you do, but hoping for death and violence among those you hate to resolve your hatred of them doesn't solve anything. It leads to what you saw today.

The violent conflict is inevitable. I'd rather it happen now while I can shield my family, rather than have my kids caught up in it. All endeavors we have made to find common ground with nanny statists have proven fruitless. They demand the tyranny. They're not negotiating. Lets get it over with and have deaths in the thousands now rather than the millions collectivists usually tally.

It's a horrific thing to hope for, and I do not do so out of hatred but out of a sense of preservation. Collectivists view humanity as a resource to be managed. They must be defeated completely.

Individualist Capitalists have also killed an enormous amount.

The individualist Capitalist British Empire killed 30 - 60 million, in a few decades of the Late Victorian era.

The individualist Capitalist American Empire killed 20 - 30 million, In a few decades after WW2.
Heil Hitler.

Also, Gen Lee freed his slaves, Gen. Grant refused to free his slaves saying "Good work is hard to find." Shouldn't we be tearing down statues of General Grant based on the left's premise?

Also the ones in commission of the violence are the leftists attacking the white nationalists. Notice how the Marxist news omits the details of who is doing/being attacked. LOLOLOLOL

Violence at Charlottesville rally prompts state of emergency


A lot of racists are more lower class people, because they feel more threatened having to actually compete with minorities for jobs, or to live in low income areas with minorities.

However, I've always found personally that typically within a class, racists were generally more intelligent.

Let's not forget, some of the best, and brightest supported racist, or eugenics policies, a list which includes Darwin, Nikola Tesla, Wernher Von Braun, James Watson, William Shockley, Schopenhauer, Immanuel Kant, Voltaire, Carl Linnaeus, Thomas Edison, Borglum, Galton, or Herbert Spencer.
Heil Hitler.

Also, Gen Lee freed his slaves, Gen. Grant refused to free his slaves saying "Good work is hard to find." Shouldn't we be tearing down statues of General Grant based on the left's premise?

Also the ones in commission of the violence are the leftists attacking the white nationalists. Notice how the Marxist news omits the details of who is doing/being attacked. LOLOLOLOL

Violence at Charlottesville rally prompts state of emergency
White nationalists, as well as apparent neo-Nazis and Ku Klux Klan members, were met in opposition by clergy members and other groups, who stood in a line singing "This Little Light of Mine" to drown out the profanity and slurs.
Triggered Trump supporters

locked, loaded and dangerous.

( And be careful with his head!)
<--Trump Supporter Murderous Nazi
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
When will President Obama issue the words RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM? He can't say it, and unless he will, the problem will not be solved!

10:18 AM - Nov 15, 2015
southpaw @nycsouthpaw
When will President Trump issue the words white nationalism? …

1:32 PM - Aug 12, 2017

Is this an accidental admission that Radical Islamic Terrorism is supported by the left?

Which party is Huma Abedin in?
What the fuck does she have to do with what happened today?
Whirled Wad of Wub

There is a tendency here to get trigger happy by impatiently claiming something is off topic. The media glorify Mata Huma, a jihadi mole. It follows that they would portray Antifa and BLM as innocent victims in Charlottesville.
There are many divisions of the Jewish peoples. The Ashkenazi Jews are, without doubt, among the superior races of human history past and present. I am a scientific realist, and the amazing contributions of Jews to the arts and sciences and progress of this world cannot be denied.

The Sage of Main Street
Can't say the same for N-I-G-G-E-R-S

This is why the Jews are a worthy and formidable enemy of the white race; they're experts at manipulating the intellectually challenged ******* against the whites. It's like an adult grooming a child for sexual exploitation.

World War II is a testament to Jewish political ingenuity and military prowess, for had they not unlocked the power of the atom? Had they not assembled the proper alliances of nations against Germany?

Thankfully my people were spared the atomic atrocities. Can't say the same for the honorable and noble Japanese.

/salute to Ameratsu, may her light shine forever.
Anti-Semitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

You are in slavish denial that you are being manipulated by a hereditary class that is not especially intelligent but doesn't need to be, because of its monopoly on mind control and its desperate dedication to finding scapegoats for the massive damage done by its illegitimate birth privileges.

Allow the Fuhrer to explain it himself in the first 10 minutes of this video:

Sheep Goosestepping Behind Chickenhawks

Ironically, Hitler's rise to power disproves his conspiracy theory. If the Jews had been running things like he accused them of doing, the Nazi Party would have been prevented from ever getting anywhere. Hitler was a hireling of illegitimate hereditary power, as are you.
Triggered Trump supporters

locked, loaded and dangerous.

( And be careful with his head!)
<--Trump Supporter Murderous Nazi

Yes and Occupy Wall Street and Black Live Matters movements et al shouting obscenties, filth, hatred are Obama supporters.

So your point is?

99% of Trump supporters are not racist and do not promote hatred, separatism, or racism/bigotry, and certainly the vast majority are not involved in demonstrations or protests of any kind, let alone violent ones. And they denounce the hatred of the separatists movements, KKK etc. as much as any liberal does.

I would guess a good portion of Democrats/Obama supporters do not advocate terrorist groups, violence, targeting police officers etc.
Fuck hitler.

Anything else you would have said past that can be disregarded unless you were making a horrible attempt at sarcasm.
Heil Hitler.

Glory to Odin.

I stand with my people, those who ruled, discovered and invented throughout the past four hundred years to make the world the way we know it today.

The chinese invented the gun powder we stuffed into iron holes and conquered the world with.

White people are not special, superior, or anything else. You're an idiot and an embarrassment to the nation.

The Asians are cognitive equals of the Indo-European Caucasian race and nations, thus respectable members of the world.
How about the Arabs? They created our numerical system...
They introduced the zero because they like to annihilate things.

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