The Fourth Reich starts in Virginia


I hope one day you truly come to your senses.

You need to come to your senses and realize that this troll thread was ruined by Doctor.

No, Doc is a voice of reason, you are an unnatural noise that doesn't cease.

I'll be going now.
The Doc is a diehard Marxist from what I remember a few years ago.


No, I'm not a "Marxist", whatever the fuck that even means.

Communism is stupid.

But there's no word for what I am.

A rose is still a rose no matter which name it goes by, even no-name.

I stand by that quote. Even moreso today. If lefties start eradicating historical monuments and rewriting history to conform to their political correctness, a second Holocaust is coming for us.
Of course you do, but hoping for death and violence among those you hate to resolve your hatred of them doesn't solve anything. It leads to what you saw today.

The violent conflict is inevitable. I'd rather it happen now while I can shield my family, rather than have my kids caught up in it. All endeavors we have made to find common ground with nanny statists have proven fruitless. They demand the tyranny. They're not negotiating. Lets get it over with and have deaths in the thousands now rather than the millions collectivists usually tally.

It's a horrific thing to hope for, and I do not do so out of hatred but out of a sense of preservation. Collectivists view humanity as a resource to be managed. They must be defeated completely.

Heil Hitler.

Also, Gen Lee freed his slaves, Gen. Grant refused to free his slaves saying "Good work is hard to find." Shouldn't we be tearing down statues of General Grant based on the left's premise?

Also the ones in commission of the violence are the leftists attacking the white nationalists. Notice how the Marxist news omits the details of who is doing/being attacked. LOLOLOLOL

Violence at Charlottesville rally prompts state of emergency

Unless there is more news than what has been presented so far, it looks pretty cut and dried.

I have highly resented the Black Lives Matter group and think they are largely hateful and malicious, even murderous, and frequently disrespectful of other people's rights. But I have defended their right to hold whatever lawful rallies or demonstrations they wish in peace.

I have gone to bat and lobbied for gay friends to have the right to hold a lawful gay pride parade or event, but have denounced such parades or events when they become offensively lewd, vulgar, and obscene with children looking on. And I don't take kindly to them or anybody else harassing or attempting to harm somebody else just because the somebody else being who and what he/she is.

So here we have the white supremacists, neo-nazis, and KKK holding a lawful parade/demonstration. Do I appreciate or admire or respect those organizations? Absolutely not. I loathe what they stand for, how they express themselves, and no way in hell do I want them to be in charge of laws and policy'.

But should they have have the right to publicly be who and what they are? Absolutely they should.

So who is to blame for the violence? In this case you have to blame those who came to deny the supremacists the right to be who and what they are in peace.
This^. A thousand times...THIS ^
Black lives matter can shut down freeways and bridges. When their victims die, it's too bad, they deserved it.

Antifa can burn down Berkekey, loot the stores and break windows.

No state of emergency.

Let white people go to the park and the FBI and national guard show up.
They shoot cops too and leftist media calls them heros!

How does it help to have the other side sink to those depths?

This idiocy of wearing swastikas undermines any moral high ground the protesters had.

Fuck them, they are trash.

Here is what President Trump has to say about them;

View attachment 143314

Yes, they are trash. I am giving them no moral high ground whatsoever. But they do have the right to legally rally or protest and those who oppose them do not have the right to deny them their rights.

I don't know who threw the first punches and I imagine the violence was pretty equally spread once it turned violent. But I do know that if the counter protesters had not gotten in their faces and provoked violence, there would have been no violence.
The Tiki torch Parade the Night before was supposed top remind us that the Nazis feel with Trump they have had a "Triumph of the Will" was supposed to intimidate with those weak sad pussies marching around with recreational tiki torches ....goofs LOL weakling loving an Orange Fuehrer..,.
Heil Hitler.

Also, Gen Lee freed his slaves, Gen. Grant refused to free his slaves saying "Good work is hard to find." Shouldn't we be tearing down statues of General Grant based on the left's premise?

Also the ones in commission of the violence are the leftists attacking the white nationalists. Notice how the Marxist news omits the details of who is doing/being attacked. LOLOLOLOL

Violence at Charlottesville rally prompts state of emergency
Hitler was a diseased, cowardly fuckwad who murdered his dog and his wife before wimping out himself. Before he committed suicide, he ordered his generals to burn Germany to the ground in order to deny it to the advancing allies. His generals, thinking of the German people instead of a demented fuckwad, wisely ignored Hitler's orders.

All fucking nazis should follow their leader's example.

Picture of a Trump Supporter and White Terrorist ..........Let him Join another piece of Right wing Pussy little Dylan Roof in a dark nasty dank prison full of Minorities...let him live his destiny...look at the Intelligence level in that face ...He is an Icon of Trump support

Heil Hitler.

Also, Gen Lee freed his slaves, Gen. Grant refused to free his slaves saying "Good work is hard to find." Shouldn't we be tearing down statues of General Grant based on the left's premise?

Also the ones in commission of the violence are the leftists attacking the white nationalists. Notice how the Marxist news omits the details of who is doing/being attacked. LOLOLOLOL

Violence at Charlottesville rally prompts state of emergency

Unless there is more news than what has been presented so far, it looks pretty cut and dried.

I have highly resented the Black Lives Matter group and think they are largely hateful and malicious, even murderous, and frequently disrespectful of other people's rights. But I have defended their right to hold whatever lawful rallies or demonstrations they wish in peace.

I have gone to bat and lobbied for gay friends to have the right to hold a lawful gay pride parade or event, but have denounced such parades or events when they become offensively lewd, vulgar, and obscene with children looking on. And I don't take kindly to them or anybody else harassing or attempting to harm somebody else just because the somebody else being who and what he/she is.

So here we have the white supremacists, neo-nazis, and KKK holding a lawful parade/demonstration. Do I appreciate or admire or respect those organizations? Absolutely not. I loathe what they stand for, how they express themselves, and no way in hell do I want them to be in charge of laws and policy'.

But should they have have the right to publicly be who and what they are? Absolutely they should.

So who is to blame for the violence? In this case you have to blame those who came to deny the supremacists the right to be who and what they are in peace.
This^. A thousand times...THIS ^
Driving a car into a crowd of people can't be blamed on the LW assholes. It's purely on the RW assholes just like Hodgkinson shooting up a Republican baseball game can't be blamed on the RWers.
Heil Hitler.

Also, Gen Lee freed his slaves, Gen. Grant refused to free his slaves saying "Good work is hard to find." Shouldn't we be tearing down statues of General Grant based on the left's premise?

Also the ones in commission of the violence are the leftists attacking the white nationalists. Notice how the Marxist news omits the details of who is doing/being attacked. LOLOLOLOL

Violence at Charlottesville rally prompts state of emergency
Hitler was a diseased, cowardly fuckwad who murdered his dog and his wife before wimping out himself. Before he committed suicide, he ordered his generals to burn Germany to the ground in order to deny it to the advancing allies. His generals, thinking of the German people instead of a demented fuckwad, wisely ignored Hitler's orders.

All fucking nazis should follow their leader's example.

View attachment 143403

What evidence do you have that Hitler killed himself?

You are aware the Soviet skull found with a bullet hole in it thought to be Hitler's was actually a female skull?
Picture of a Trump Supporter and White Terrorist ..........Let him Join another piece of Right wing Pussy little Dylan Roof in a dark nasty dank prison full of Minorities...let him live his destiny...look at the Intelligence level in that face ...He is an Icon of Trump support


Multiculturalism antagonizes the situation, I certainly wouldn't say we're seeing a multicultural success story.

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