The FOXNEWS Republican-on-Republican Blame Game Is All Over The Place


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
The recent Herscher loss has slammed the Republican pundits like a brick wall in the face.

Their post-election analysis is just all over the place.

See if you can make sense of it, because I can't....

The recent Herscher loss has slammed the Republican pundits like a brick wall in the face.

Their post-election analysis is just all over the place.

See if you can make sense of it, because I can't....

I'll make it simple: The midterm results tell us:

1. Magaturd 'policy' and 'platform' aren't popular among the majority of American voters.
2. Magaturds aren't a majority of American voters.
3. Magaturds have low favorability amongst society (not well liked, tolerated, etc.).
4. Indies are well versed in points 1-3, and vote accordingly.

Pretty easy to figure out.
The recent Herscher loss has slammed the Republican pundits like a brick wall in the face.

Their post-election analysis is just all over the place.

See if you can make sense of it, because I can't....

Trump is the gift that keeps on giving. In 2020 he gave the Senate to the Democrats. In 2022 he gave the Senate to the Democrats, AGAIN. And with a bigger margin. And if he gets the Republican nomination in 2024 he will give the Democrats the White House, the House, and the Senate.
Trump is the gift that keeps on giving. In 2020 he gave the Senate to the Democrats. In 2022 he gave the Senate to the Democrats, AGAIN. And with a bigger margin. And if he gets the Republican nomination in 2024 he will give the Democrats the White House, the House, and the Senate.
Shhh! You'll spook the magaturds with that kind of rhetoric! :113:

Bed wetters like you can't sort out gender...

Troll Thread failure.

1. Magaturd 'policy' and 'platform' aren't popular among the majority of American voters.
2. Magaturds aren't a majority of American voters.
3. Magaturds have low favorability amongst society (not well liked, tolerated, etc.).
1. Something being popular doesn’t make it Right. Something being unpopular doesn’t make it Wrong.
2. Just because the majority of people believe something doesn’t make it true or correct.
3. Most people who truly believe in something and are unwilling to compromise are not well liked.

I have no use for Trump but a lot of the things his followers believe in are in agreement with my view of the world.
Troll thread with nothing to debate.
The "blame" for the 2022 "mini" GOP wave is simple.
1. Dems promised young voters $10,000 off their loans, so they voted in record numbers
2. Dems scared seniors lying that the GOP wants to kill social security
3. Dems scared women lying that the GOP wants to ban abortions nationwide
4. Dems like FTX, Zuckerbucks, Twitter, Google, etc. gave stolen money & help to GOP primary candidates so they could beat them in the general, like Doug Mastriano in PA, and that sunk the rest of the PA ticket, like Dr. Oz.

2024 is coming, and the dems have 24 senate seats to defend. Good luck after 4-years of Biden's disaster.
Life is great under socialism, under the Democratic party.

Who does not like electric bills going up 40%

Who does not like cities over-run by illegal aliens.

Who does not like food prices being the mokst expensive in history

Who w

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