Zone1 the framers dealing with slavery

The south was not dependent on slavery and slavery wasn't all that profitable. The southern states were the poorest states. There likely would never have been Jim Crow laws or a KKK if we had allowed the southern states to discontinue slavery on their own as happened in many other states and in many other countries. Forcing people to do things instead of allowing them to figure it out generally brings out the very worst in people.

Lincoln did not free all the slaves with his Emancipation Proclamation but only those in the states that had seceded as a military measure to weaken their resolve. Kentucky, Missouri, Delaware, Maryland remained slave states until the 13th Amendment was ratified in 1965.

But slavery was opposed by the vast majority of the population in the north and south and would have ended naturally as it did in all of the free world by the end of the 19th Century.
Wrong. There were more millionaires in antebellum Mississippi than anyplace else in the Unites States in 1860. Know what made them millionaires? The enslaved Africans who worked on their plantations. Do you really think those slave masters were going to let those slaves just walk away free?
Please. If not for the Civil War, Black folks might STILL be enslaved.
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Wrong. There were more millionaires in antebellum Mississippi than anyplace else in the Unites States in 1860. Know what made them millionaires? The enslaved Africans who worked on their plantations. Do you really those slave masters were going to let those slaves just walk away free?
Please. If not for the Civil War, Black folks might STILL be enslaved.
They don't want to talk about the slave backed securities that built places like Lehman Brothers.
Everyone in those days didn’t just think whites were superior to any of the other races, they knew it deep down in their bones. The most ardent abolitionist was a horrible racist by modern standards.
Pssssttt: Let me tell you a secret: Lots of White folks still think Whites are superior. :eusa_drool:
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The Left wants to keep the black vote but not deliver anything. So the Left panders to the blacks and suggests they might give the blacks a tremendous amount of money for any who had ancestors who were slaves. Of course the Left will never deliver but they will blame their failure on the racist Right.

Meanwhile Joe Biden has opened the border to the entire world and millions of illegal aliens are arriving who eventually will become voting citizens who will make up for the wiser blacks who leave the Democratic Plantation.

Biden has not opened squat and others have recieved reparations. The right opposes reparations because they still believe that blacks should never be equal.
"Everyone in those days didn’t just think whites were superior to any of the other races, they knew it deep down in their bones. The most ardent abolitionist was a horrible racist by modern standards".

And the abolitionists were REPUBLICAN.
Biden has not opened squat and others have recieved reparations. The right opposes reparations because they still believe that blacks should never be equal.
In my opinion an educated black man or women is equal. Blacks are as intelligent as whites and possibly more motivated to succeed.

Of course in order for our youth to be well educated we must have good schools. In many cities the schools are failing. Middle class and rich whites send their kids to private schools but poor whites and blacks can’t afford the tuition.

The wonderful Democratic Party is hinting any black who had slave ancestors will be rewarded with a legendary chest of gold as found at the end of a rainbow. All that is necessary is to vote for Democrats, not those nasty racist Republicans.

Of course, like most promises the Democratic Party makes reparations will not be a chest of gold but instead pennies on the dollar. Then the Democrats will tell you the Republicans stopped the reparations they promised, so keep voting for Democrats.

You would be better off to raise holy hell until the schools systems are preforming better. Our nation wold also be better off and the poor and lower middle classes youth would have a much better chance to succeed with their better education.
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"Everyone in those days didn’t just think whites were superior to any of the other races, they knew it deep down in their bones. The most ardent abolitionist was a horrible racist by modern standards".

And the abolitionists were REPUBLICAN.
Yep but they were the least racist. They at least wanted to free the blacks from bondage.

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