The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!

Being black doesn't make you a suspect.

In reality, being black does make one suspect... because being black means that one is more likely to have a sense of entitlement to the property of others, based upon the teaching of Liberalism, which says that 'because you have need, you're entitled to the property of others. This is what was taught to blacks through the US Federal Policy, OKA: The Great Society.

Ya see Gilligan, where on feels that one entitled to the property of others, one is more likely to commit 'crimes' in the pursuit of that property. This induces confusion, because they're taught that such ideas are good and decent and when they exercise their would-be rights, they're 'attacked' by Cops, for simply doing what they were told.

There's nothing complex about any of this... and this without regard to your being incapable of understanding.

Here you are, sitting there making stuff up about Blacks wanting to have the property of others when the entire country was stolen from the Natives who lived here for thousands of years. White people are the biggest thieves and murderers on the planet and its not Black research that I'm quoting. The documentaries backing me up are all produced by other White people. I'm just the messenger so don't call me racist. You dumb bahs-turds need someone to drag the truth out of the closet and shove it in your disillusioned faces. That's me!

YOU ARE SO f..king right! We white caucasians are the scum of the earth!
Of course ...
YOU idiot ! You are communicating to the world, can make a cell phone call to anywhere in the world. You are alive 50+ more years then the average Indian lived!
You have a car. You spend NO time raising food for the table!
ALL because of we evil terrible WHITE people!
When are you guys going to grow a set of balls and take responsibility for YOUR OWN miserable life?
Today there millions of people that would give their right arm to be here in the USA which was started by us evil wicked white people that by the way
have given nearly $20 trillion to help eliminate poverty! To save the world from people you emulate, Stalin, Castro, Mao?
Those guys literally murdered 30 to 50 million people and you think THEY are the better people?
YEA blame it ALL on WHITEY! The one group of people that have GIVEN YOU with their blood the right to bitch and moan! GROW a set!
"The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!"

This illustrates something else most on the right are clueless about: the African-American perception that black men are singled-out for police harassment and arrest; the problem isn't that conservatives reject this perception, which they're at liberty to do, but that conservatives refuse to even listen to the concerns of the African-American community to understand where the perception comes from, even if unwarranted.

Well it's called profiling i.e. stereotyping based on EXPERIENCES!
According to the FBI, in 2011, of the 197 million white people 6.58 million committed a crime.
Do Blacks Really Commit the Most Crimes TALKBACK4Teens
In 2013, the population of African Americans including those of more than one race was estimated at 45 million, making up 15.2% of the total U.S. population.
And of these 45 million blacks 2.7 million crimes were committed by blacks.
Total crimes by blacks and whites: 9.28 million of which nearly 30% committed by a population that constitutes less then 15% of the population! Blacks.
Any wonder there is a stereotype?

So there is a greater chance that the 24 year old black you see riding a bicycle down the street has done something in the past that if you were a cop would be wondering...hmmm why is a 24 year old black wearing his pants below his crack, riding fast away from the car after you saw him handing a person in a car something...hmm!
Oh and based on the Freddie Gray six... the chances are the cop is black!!!

You have the right not to be profiled, no matter what race you belong to.
Tell that to my auto insurance company. Damn those actuaries!

Since when are private for-profit companies = the Government?
When did Woman not have a 'right to vote' and when did blacks not have 'equal rights' with everyone else Gilligan?

You are not serious, are you?

IS there some ambiguity on my part that you're sensing? The question is "When did Woman not have a 'right to vote' and when did blacks not have 'equal rights' with everyone else"?

Simply point to the period where you can show that these segments of the human population did not possess the same rights as everyone else?
Laws and Constitutional Amendments were passed that recognized that right.

SCOTUS through Case Law recognized these rights as well.

Let's go with your metric: Women have always had the right to an abortion, and when SCOTUS rules same sex marriage legal nationwide, you will have to admit - Same Sex marriage has always been a Right.

Nice job. :clap2:

Do you see any protests from the ******* proclaiming the innocence of the three black police officers who were charged?

No? How odd!
"The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!"

This illustrates something else most on the right are clueless about: the African-American perception that black men are singled-out for police harassment and arrest; the problem isn't that conservatives reject this perception, which they're at liberty to do, but that conservatives refuse to even listen to the concerns of the African-American community to understand where the perception comes from, even if unwarranted.

Well it's called profiling i.e. stereotyping based on EXPERIENCES!
According to the FBI, in 2011, of the 197 million white people 6.58 million committed a crime.
Do Blacks Really Commit the Most Crimes TALKBACK4Teens
In 2013, the population of African Americans including those of more than one race was estimated at 45 million, making up 15.2% of the total U.S. population.
And of these 45 million blacks 2.7 million crimes were committed by blacks.
Total crimes by blacks and whites: 9.28 million of which nearly 30% committed by a population that constitutes less then 15% of the population! Blacks.
Any wonder there is a stereotype?

So there is a greater chance that the 24 year old black you see riding a bicycle down the street has done something in the past that if you were a cop would be wondering...hmmm why is a 24 year old black wearing his pants below his crack, riding fast away from the car after you saw him handing a person in a car something...hmm!
Oh and based on the Freddie Gray six... the chances are the cop is black!!!

You have the right not to be profiled, no matter what race you belong to.
Tell that to my auto insurance company. Damn those actuaries!

Since when are private for-profit companies = the Government?

The Laws of Nature are no different for a vehicle that governs a culture, than they are for a vehicle that governs any other enterprise... which is not even a debatable point, so what's the point of the question?
"The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!"

This illustrates something else most on the right are clueless about: the African-American perception that black men are singled-out for police harassment and arrest; the problem isn't that conservatives reject this perception, which they're at liberty to do, but that conservatives refuse to even listen to the concerns of the African-American community to understand where the perception comes from, even if unwarranted.

Well it's called profiling i.e. stereotyping based on EXPERIENCES!
According to the FBI, in 2011, of the 197 million white people 6.58 million committed a crime.
Do Blacks Really Commit the Most Crimes TALKBACK4Teens
In 2013, the population of African Americans including those of more than one race was estimated at 45 million, making up 15.2% of the total U.S. population.
And of these 45 million blacks 2.7 million crimes were committed by blacks.
Total crimes by blacks and whites: 9.28 million of which nearly 30% committed by a population that constitutes less then 15% of the population! Blacks.
Any wonder there is a stereotype?

So there is a greater chance that the 24 year old black you see riding a bicycle down the street has done something in the past that if you were a cop would be wondering...hmmm why is a 24 year old black wearing his pants below his crack, riding fast away from the car after you saw him handing a person in a car something...hmm!
Oh and based on the Freddie Gray six... the chances are the cop is black!!!

You have the right not to be profiled, no matter what race you belong to.
Tell that to my auto insurance company. Damn those actuaries!

Since when are private for-profit companies = the Government?
False premise! NYCarbinator didn't say "You have the right not to be profiled BY THE GOVERNMENT, no matter what race you belong to", did he?
When did Woman not have a 'right to vote' and when did blacks not have 'equal rights' with everyone else Gilligan?

You are not serious, are you?

IS there some ambiguity on my part that you're sensing? The question is "When did Woman not have a 'right to vote' and when did blacks not have 'equal rights' with everyone else"?

Simply point to the period where you can show that these segments of the human population did not possess the same rights as everyone else?
Laws and Constitutional Amendments were passed that recognized that right.

SCOTUS through Case Law recognized these rights as well.

Let's go with your metric: Women have always had the right to an abortion, and when SCOTUS rules same sex marriage legal nationwide, you will have to admit - Same Sex marriage has always been a Right.

Nice job. :clap2:

There is no potential right to take the life of an innocent. Therefore women do not have a right to murder their pre-born children. There is no potential right to advance deceit as truth... therefore homosexuals do not have a right to marriage, because marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. To argue otherwise, is deceitful, and you do not have a right to advise another through deceit.
The issue is the crimes committed. Allegedly.

I thought racism was the issue. Hard to blame a crime committed by a black man against a black man on racism. The mayor is black, the district attorney is black, the chief of police is black, but this is supposed to be about racism?
That's the point. It's not about racism. Anyone that thinks so is a fucking idiot.

Liberals and the rioters have been saying all week that it is about racism. Unfortunately the facts got in the way of the narrative.
When did Woman not have a 'right to vote' and when did blacks not have 'equal rights' with everyone else Gilligan?

You are not serious, are you?

IS there some ambiguity on my part that you're sensing? The question is "When did Woman not have a 'right to vote' and when did blacks not have 'equal rights' with everyone else"?

Simply point to the period where you can show that these segments of the human population did not possess the same rights as everyone else?
First of all your syntax is off a bit. You mean "women" not "woman" if indeed you are writing about the collective. And, I assume you mean women citizens of the USA.

Clearing that up, I suspect you have a trick up your sleeve but I'm going to call you on it!

Today all U.S. citizens who are at least eighteen years old and not incarcerated are guaranteed the right to vote. However, voting rights were initially a privilege given to a small, elite part of the population. In fact, until the mid 1850s, only twenty-one-year-old white men who owned land (and who were not a member of certain religions) could vote. For many years Americans were denied the right to vote based on their race, gender, religion, age, economic status, and place of residence. Here’s a brief summary of how voting rights have increased over the years:

• In 1776 all white men who own property have the right to vote, except for Catholics, Jews, and Quakers.

• In 1856 North Carolina becomes the last state to remove the restriction that prevents citizens who do not own property from voting, so now all white men who are not convicted criminals can vote.

• In 1870 Congress ratifies the Fifteenth Amendment, which guarantees all non-white men the right to vote. However, this right was often denied through intimidation and the imposition of poll taxes, which many could not pay.

Women are granted the right to vote in 1920 via the Nineteenth Amendment.

Looking at the Constitution without the Amendments is the key to debunking your premise: The right to Vote is not included there for anyone. Voting was left under the purview of State's Rights until 1870 when the 15th Amendment was ratified to give freed Blacks that right. Women still had not been enfranchised with the vote.

Ok! Your turn. I see where you are going with this!
The issue is the crimes committed. Allegedly.

I thought racism was the issue. Hard to blame a crime committed by a black man against a black man on racism. The mayor is black, the district attorney is black, the chief of police is black, but this is supposed to be about racism?
That's the point. It's not about racism. Anyone that thinks so is a fucking idiot.

Liberals and the rioters have been saying all week that it is about racism. Unfortunately the facts got in the way of the narrative.

Facts don't matter to these people as reinforcing the white guilt for black behavior is all that is important to them.
The issue is the crimes committed. Allegedly.

I thought racism was the issue. Hard to blame a crime committed by a black man against a black man on racism. The mayor is black, the district attorney is black, the chief of police is black, but this is supposed to be about racism?
That's the point. It's not about racism. Anyone that thinks so is a fucking idiot.

It's not about racism... it's about the Left's obsession with the acquisition of ever greater levels of power and the destruction of the United States.
The issue is the crimes committed. Allegedly.

I thought racism was the issue. Hard to blame a crime committed by a black man against a black man on racism. The mayor is black, the district attorney is black, the chief of police is black, but this is supposed to be about racism?
That's the point. It's not about racism. Anyone that thinks so is a fucking idiot.

Liberals and the rioters have been saying all week that it is about racism. Unfortunately the facts got in the way of the narrative.
Not all liberals think that it's about racism. What you see on the news isn't an accurate representation of any political ideology, whether that be conservatism or liberalism, the news' job is to get views, and that's done with sensationalism.
Being black doesn't make you a suspect.

In reality, being black does make one suspect... because being black means that one is more likely to have a sense of entitlement to the property of others, based upon the teaching of Liberalism, which says that 'because you have need, you're entitled to the property of others. This is what was taught to blacks through the US Federal Policy, OKA: The Great Society.

Ya see Gilligan, where on feels that one entitled to the property of others, one is more likely to commit 'crimes' in the pursuit of that property. This induces confusion, because they're taught that such ideas are good and decent and when they exercise their would-be rights, they're 'attacked' by Cops, for simply doing what they were told.

There's nothing complex about any of this... and this without regard to your being incapable of understanding.

Here you are, sitting there making stuff up about Blacks wanting to have the property of others when the entire country was stolen from the Natives who lived here for thousands of years. White people are the biggest thieves and murderers on the planet and its not Black research that I'm quoting. The documentaries backing me up are all produced by other White people. I'm just the messenger so don't call me racist. You dumb bahs-turds need someone to drag the truth out of the closet and shove it in your disillusioned faces. That's me!

LOL! The most common of all Relativism... the Irrational Cliche.

As a Leftist, point to what you feel is the single most egregious flaw of that which you claim to be the greatest evil on earth.

(And yes... that's a trap and no... you're not going to enjoy being snared by it, because the truth intrinsic to the trap, refutes everything you think you know, about you.)

There is nothing irrational about what I've said but you can think what ever you like. I feel yer pain!

Leftist? I don't wear those "left" or "right" labels. To do that would signify my allegiance to either group and that thought just sickens me.

Now, you want to get metaphysical on me... such a question concerning my thoughts on the most egregious flaw or the greatest evil is not something to be answered without considerable thought. NAW! I'll pass on that one and let you tell me YOUR thoughts on the subject... the floor is yours::::::
Being black doesn't make you a suspect.

In reality, being black does make one suspect... because being black means that one is more likely to have a sense of entitlement to the property of others, based upon the teaching of Liberalism, which says that 'because you have need, you're entitled to the property of others. This is what was taught to blacks through the US Federal Policy, OKA: The Great Society.

Ya see Gilligan, where on feels that one entitled to the property of others, one is more likely to commit 'crimes' in the pursuit of that property. This induces confusion, because they're taught that such ideas are good and decent and when they exercise their would-be rights, they're 'attacked' by Cops, for simply doing what they were told.

There's nothing complex about any of this... and this without regard to your being incapable of understanding.

Here you are, sitting there making stuff up about Blacks wanting to have the property of others when the entire country was stolen from the Natives who lived here for thousands of years. White people are the biggest thieves and murderers on the planet and its not Black research that I'm quoting. The documentaries backing me up are all produced by other White people. I'm just the messenger so don't call me racist. You dumb bahs-turds need someone to drag the truth out of the closet and shove it in your disillusioned faces. That's me!

YOU ARE SO f..king right! We white caucasians are the scum of the earth!
Of course ...
YOU idiot ! You are communicating to the world, can make a cell phone call to anywhere in the world. You are alive 50+ more years then the average Indian lived!
You have a car. You spend NO time raising food for the table!
ALL because of we evil terrible WHITE people!
When are you guys going to grow a set of balls and take responsibility for YOUR OWN miserable life?
Today there millions of people that would give their right arm to be here in the USA which was started by us evil wicked white people that by the way
have given nearly $20 trillion to help eliminate poverty! To save the world from people you emulate, Stalin, Castro, Mao?
Those guys literally murdered 30 to 50 million people and you think THEY are the better people?
YEA blame it ALL on WHITEY! The one group of people that have GIVEN YOU with their blood the right to bitch and moan! GROW a set!

Er...excuse me but wasn't Stalin, Hitler and the living Fidel Castro ALL WHITEYS? HUH? BETCHA DIDN"T THINK I KNEW THAT< HUNH? heh heh heh!
The issue is the crimes committed. Allegedly.

I thought racism was the issue. Hard to blame a crime committed by a black man against a black man on racism. The mayor is black, the district attorney is black, the chief of police is black, but this is supposed to be about racism?
That's the point. It's not about racism. Anyone that thinks so is a fucking idiot.

Liberals and the rioters have been saying all week that it is about racism. Unfortunately the facts got in the way of the narrative.
Not all liberals think that it's about racism. What you see on the news isn't an accurate representation of any political ideology, whether that be conservatism or liberalism, the news' job is to get views, and that's done with sensationalism.

Being far left is not being liberal and the far left is running their dangerous religious narrative.
Being black doesn't make you a suspect.

In reality, being black does make one suspect... because being black means that one is more likely to have a sense of entitlement to the property of others, based upon the teaching of Liberalism, which says that 'because you have need, you're entitled to the property of others. This is what was taught to blacks through the US Federal Policy, OKA: The Great Society.

Ya see Gilligan, where on feels that one entitled to the property of others, one is more likely to commit 'crimes' in the pursuit of that property. This induces confusion, because they're taught that such ideas are good and decent and when they exercise their would-be rights, they're 'attacked' by Cops, for simply doing what they were told.

There's nothing complex about any of this... and this without regard to your being incapable of understanding.

Here you are, sitting there making stuff up about Blacks wanting to have the property of others when the entire country was stolen from the Natives who lived here for thousands of years. White people are the biggest thieves and murderers on the planet and its not Black research that I'm quoting. The documentaries backing me up are all produced by other White people. I'm just the messenger so don't call me racist. You dumb bahs-turds need someone to drag the truth out of the closet and shove it in your disillusioned faces. That's me!

LOL! The most common of all Relativism... the Irrational Cliche.

As a Leftist, point to what you feel is the single most egregious flaw of that which you claim to be the greatest evil on earth.

(And yes... that's a trap and no... you're not going to enjoy being snared by it, because the truth intrinsic to the trap, refutes everything you think you know, about you.)

There is nothing irrational about what I've said but you can think what ever you like. I feel yer pain!

Leftist? I don't wear those "left" or "right" labels. To do that would signify my allegiance to either group and that thought just sickens me.

Now, you want to get metaphysical on me... such a question concerning my thoughts on the most egregious flaw or the greatest evil is not something to be answered without considerable thought. NAW! I'll pass on that one and let you tell me YOUR thoughts on the subject... the floor is yours::::::

Yet that is what is play here, a political narrative that is caused many dangerous situations, mostly coming form the far left.
First of all your syntax is off a bit. You mean "women" not "woman"

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

But hey... ya did the best ya could, so you'll always have that.

Your idiocy duly noted and is forever enshrined in the minds of all...Thanks for the memories. I concede nothing because you have given nothing of substance to concede to.
Being black doesn't make you a suspect.

In reality, being black does make one suspect... because being black means that one is more likely to have a sense of entitlement to the property of others, based upon the teaching of Liberalism, which says that 'because you have need, you're entitled to the property of others. This is what was taught to blacks through the US Federal Policy, OKA: The Great Society.

Ya see Gilligan, where on feels that one entitled to the property of others, one is more likely to commit 'crimes' in the pursuit of that property. This induces confusion, because they're taught that such ideas are good and decent and when they exercise their would-be rights, they're 'attacked' by Cops, for simply doing what they were told.

There's nothing complex about any of this... and this without regard to your being incapable of understanding.

Here you are, sitting there making stuff up about Blacks wanting to have the property of others when the entire country was stolen from the Natives who lived here for thousands of years. White people are the biggest thieves and murderers on the planet and its not Black research that I'm quoting. The documentaries backing me up are all produced by other White people. I'm just the messenger so don't call me racist. You dumb bahs-turds need someone to drag the truth out of the closet and shove it in your disillusioned faces. That's me!

LOL! The most common of all Relativism... the Irrational Cliche.

As a Leftist, point to what you feel is the single most egregious flaw of that which you claim to be the greatest evil on earth.

(And yes... that's a trap and no... you're not going to enjoy being snared by it, because the truth intrinsic to the trap, refutes everything you think you know, about you.)

There is nothing irrational about what I've said but you can think what ever you like. I feel yer pain!

Leftist? I don't wear those "left" or "right" labels. To do that would signify my allegiance to either group and that thought just sickens me.

Now, you want to get metaphysical on me... such a question concerning my thoughts on the most egregious flaw or the greatest evil is not something to be answered without considerable thought. NAW! I'll pass on that one and let you tell me YOUR thoughts on the subject... the floor is yours::::::

Yet that is what is play here, a political narrative that is caused many dangerous situations, mostly coming form the far left.
Care to elaborate. I'd love to know what the heck you are talking about!

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