The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!

This is about institutional racism not individual cops.

Point is: if you are black, than you are more likely to be a victim of police brutality.

The individual cops should be tried for homicide, and the institution should be reformed.
In reality, being black does make one suspect... because being black means that one is more likely to have a sense of entitlement to the property of others, based upon the teaching of Liberalism, which says that 'because you have need, you're entitled to the property of others. This is what was taught to blacks through the US Federal Policy, OKA: The Great Society.

Ya see Gilligan, where on feels that one entitled to the property of others, one is more likely to commit 'crimes' in the pursuit of that property. This induces confusion, because they're taught that such ideas are good and decent and when they exercise their would-be rights, they're 'attacked' by Cops, for simply doing what they were told.

There's nothing complex about any of this... and this without regard to your being incapable of understanding.

Here you are, sitting there making stuff up about Blacks wanting to have the property of others when the entire country was stolen from the Natives who lived here for thousands of years. White people are the biggest thieves and murderers on the planet and its not Black research that I'm quoting. The documentaries backing me up are all produced by other White people. I'm just the messenger so don't call me racist. You dumb bahs-turds need someone to drag the truth out of the closet and shove it in your disillusioned faces. That's me!

LOL! The most common of all Relativism... the Irrational Cliche.

As a Leftist, point to what you feel is the single most egregious flaw of that which you claim to be the greatest evil on earth.

(And yes... that's a trap and no... you're not going to enjoy being snared by it, because the truth intrinsic to the trap, refutes everything you think you know, about you.)

There is nothing irrational about what I've said but you can think what ever you like. I feel yer pain!

Leftist? I don't wear those "left" or "right" labels. To do that would signify my allegiance to either group and that thought just sickens me.

Now, you want to get metaphysical on me... such a question concerning my thoughts on the most egregious flaw or the greatest evil is not something to be answered without considerable thought. NAW! I'll pass on that one and let you tell me YOUR thoughts on the subject... the floor is yours::::::

Yet that is what is play here, a political narrative that is caused many dangerous situations, mostly coming form the far left.
Care to elaborate. I'd love to know what the heck you are talking about!

I am sure you would not, but that being the far left is running their dangerous narritives and so many are believing that narrative.

In Ferguson it was because of racism, yet it was not.

In Baltimore the narrative started off like that until they realize that this is a far left city.

The Democrats/far left have ruled in this area, yet the same problems exist, if not worse.

So what narrative can they run if they do not have their favorite go to racism claims?

No it is the police? Right? Can not blame the parents or the far left politicians, but now the escape goat is the police.

We do not know the whole story, so why run a narrative that does not fit the story?

Why not let the system work?
The issue is the crimes committed. Allegedly.

I thought racism was the issue. Hard to blame a crime committed by a black man against a black man on racism. The mayor is black, the district attorney is black, the chief of police is black, but this is supposed to be about racism?
That's the point. It's not about racism. Anyone that thinks so is a fucking idiot.

Liberals and the rioters have been saying all week that it is about racism. Unfortunately the facts got in the way of the narrative.
Not all liberals think that it's about racism. What you see on the news isn't an accurate representation of any political ideology, whether that be conservatism or liberalism, the news' job is to get views, and that's done with sensationalism.

Conservatism is not an Ideology. Conservatism is an objective philosophy born from empirical evidence, resting upon the law of nature.

Liberalism, Progressivism, socialism... which is to say Relativism, rests entirely in the subjective needs of the adherents.

Conservatism stands upon the bedrock of the freedom of the individual, wherein the individual bears the responsibilities that sustain their rights, wherein each defends the means of the individual to exercise their rights, thus perpetuating the means of all to exercise their rights.

Liberalism stands upon the shifting sands of the pursuit of the property of others, rejecting any sense of individual responsibilities, undermining the means so much as claim a rights, let alone exercise such.

Even as you watch the Blacks enslaved by the Left rioting in Missouri and Maryland, you see their slave-masters among the race hustlers call for the nationalization of all police powers. With the premise being that their benefactors who granted them their would-be rights, will better protect them, when in fact, such can only make it easier to FURTHER ENSLAVE THEM.

Same with 'the right to an Abortion', wherein the sanctity of innocent life is rinsed from the cultural conscience. A mindset which requires that 'innocence' itself falls into irrelevance, and with that, all sense of the rights of the innocent is rinsed into irrelevance with it.

Sadly, these natural laws are lost to the souls of the Intellectually Less Fortunate, separated from God, are incapable of understanding what rights are, from where they come or how they are sustained. Thus freedom is beyond their reach and will be quickly lost to them.
This is about institutional racism not individual cops.

Point is: if you are black, than you are more likely to be a victim of police brutality.

The individual cops should be tried for homicide, and the institution should be reformed.

If you are black, then you are more likely to commit crime, lie about having done so, resist arrest with violence and flee. Just as if you are black you are more likely to burn down your own town, destroy the businesses of your neighbor, loot and injure innocents.
The issue is the crimes committed. Allegedly.

I thought racism was the issue. Hard to blame a crime committed by a black man against a black man on racism. The mayor is black, the district attorney is black, the chief of police is black, but this is supposed to be about racism?
That's the point. It's not about racism. Anyone that thinks so is a fucking idiot.

Liberals and the rioters have been saying all week that it is about racism. Unfortunately the facts got in the way of the narrative.
Not all liberals think that it's about racism. What you see on the news isn't an accurate representation of any political ideology, whether that be conservatism or liberalism, the news' job is to get views, and that's done with sensationalism.

Conservatism is not an Ideology. Conservatism is an objective philosophy born from empirical evidence, resting upon the law of nature.

Liberalism, Progressivism, socialism... which is to say Relativism, rests entirely in the subjective needs of the adherents.

Conservatism stands upon the bedrock of the freedom of the individual, wherein the individual bears the responsibilities that sustain their rights, wherein each defends the means of the individual to exercise their rights, thus perpetuating the means of all to exercise their rights.

Liberalism stands upon the shifting sands of the pursuit of the property of others, rejecting any sense of individual responsibilities, undermining the means so much as claim a rights, let alone exercise such.

Even as you watch the Blacks enslaved by the Left rioting in Missouri and Maryland, you see their slave-masters among the race hustlers call for the nationalization of all police powers. With the premise being that their benefactors who granted them their would-be rights, will better protect them, when in fact, such can only make it easier to FURTHER ENSLAVE THEM.

Same with 'the right to an Abortion', wherein the sanctity of innocent life is rinsed from the cultural conscience. A mindset which requires that 'innocence' itself falls into irrelevance, and with that, all sense of the rights of the innocent is rinsed into irrelevance with it.

Sadly, these natural laws are lost to the souls of the Intellectually Less Fortunate, separated from God, are incapable of understanding what rights are, from where they come or how they are sustained. Thus freedom is beyond their reach and will be quickly lost to them.
what the fuck did I just read? i feel like I just walked into an infowars post.
This is about institutional racism not individual cops.

Point is: if you are black, than you are more likely to be a victim of police brutality.

The individual cops should be tried for homicide, and the institution should be reformed.
"institutional racism" where the mayor is black, the district attorney is black, the chief of police is black and the cops are black?

You guys are a fucking joke.
There is nothing irrational about what I've said...

There is nothing rational about what you've said. You state that irrefutable facts are false, you then make false equivalencies... impart theft as a fundamental trait of caucasians, further regurgitating the drivel common to Zinn, Chomsky and other addled Leftists, who simply write a history from a fictitious perspective, claiming such to be that of the Indians, Blacks and other would-be victims of whitey.

Leftist? I don't wear those "left" or "right" labels. To do that would signify my allegiance to either group and that thought just sickens me.
Yet there's nothing that you've said that rests anywhere except dead center of the Relativism, common to Left-think.

Now, you want to get metaphysical on me... such a question concerning my thoughts on the most egregious flaw or the greatest evil is not something to be answered without considerable thought. NAW! I'll pass on that one and let you tell me YOUR thoughts on the subject... the floor is yours::::::

Super... What you've managed to do is to sustain your argument, thus having conceded to the standing points of the argument you otherwise sought to contest.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
I thought racism was the issue. Hard to blame a crime committed by a black man against a black man on racism. The mayor is black, the district attorney is black, the chief of police is black, but this is supposed to be about racism?
That's the point. It's not about racism. Anyone that thinks so is a fucking idiot.

Liberals and the rioters have been saying all week that it is about racism. Unfortunately the facts got in the way of the narrative.
Not all liberals think that it's about racism. What you see on the news isn't an accurate representation of any political ideology, whether that be conservatism or liberalism, the news' job is to get views, and that's done with sensationalism.

Conservatism is not an Ideology. Conservatism is an objective philosophy born from empirical evidence, resting upon the law of nature.

Liberalism, Progressivism, socialism... which is to say Relativism, rests entirely in the subjective needs of the adherents.

Conservatism stands upon the bedrock of the freedom of the individual, wherein the individual bears the responsibilities that sustain their rights, wherein each defends the means of the individual to exercise their rights, thus perpetuating the means of all to exercise their rights.

Liberalism stands upon the shifting sands of the pursuit of the property of others, rejecting any sense of individual responsibilities, undermining the means so much as claim a rights, let alone exercise such.

Even as you watch the Blacks enslaved by the Left rioting in Missouri and Maryland, you see their slave-masters among the race hustlers call for the nationalization of all police powers. With the premise being that their benefactors who granted them their would-be rights, will better protect them, when in fact, such can only make it easier to FURTHER ENSLAVE THEM.

Same with 'the right to an Abortion', wherein the sanctity of innocent life is rinsed from the cultural conscience. A mindset which requires that 'innocence' itself falls into irrelevance, and with that, all sense of the rights of the innocent is rinsed into irrelevance with it.

Sadly, these natural laws are lost to the souls of the Intellectually Less Fortunate, separated from God, are incapable of understanding what rights are, from where they come or how they are sustained. Thus freedom is beyond their reach and will be quickly lost to them.
what the fuck did I just read? i feel like I just walked into an infowars post.

Thanks for sharing.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Right, it is amazing. How this kid died to begin with, and that half the police that were responsible were black. Blacks lives matter? Most of blacks deaths are in the hands of other blacks. Who Killed Freddy, the blacks or the whites or does it matter.
"The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!"

That you and most others on the right clearly don't get it comes as no surprise.
It was the media who made issues of white cops or white Zimmerman killing blacks. And all the men interviewed are defending this cop cuz he is black saying that he isn't the one who injured gray.

It is still about race. It will always be until people and the media and the president stops reporting things in black and white.
"The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!"

This illustrates something else most on the right are clueless about: the African-American perception that black men are singled-out for police harassment and arrest; the problem isn't that conservatives reject this perception, which they're at liberty to do, but that conservatives refuse to even listen to the concerns of the African-American community to understand where the perception comes from, even if unwarranted.

Nothing could be more false. Conservatives accept this perception and listen to the community. The issue is that conservatives blame progressive liberal policies of governance as the root cause of the problem in the first place, and progressive liberals are not willing to debate that point.

It's not a debatable point. Liberalism does not cause the problem. If it did, then Denmark and the Netherlands would have more violence than we do. Do they?

If you think Detroit is governed like the Netherlands is governed, you must have been smoking hash in Amsterdam and crack in Detroit.
There are no African American police officers?

That post gets a 9.5 on the stupid scale. Which is quite impressive, given the stupid things people post on USMB.


Nope. He has a point.

Cops turn blue.

So let me get this straight. There is the claim that the motives are racial, but you have to invent an imaginary 'blue' race in order to make that claim work? Why would this imaginary blue race not kill white people?

Give it a rest Luddly, you will pretzelize your frontal lobes in five seconds with that kind of logic.


Is a black cop incapable of racial profiling in his job? Prove it.

Is a black cop incapable of racial bias? Prove it.

We don't have to prove racism doesn't exist. You have to prove that it does.

The claim by you people is that a black cop can't be racist against black citizens.

You make the claim, you prove it. You can't because it's bullshit.

Actually, it is the Progressive definition of racism that blacks can't be racist against other blacks.

Did you forget that part of moonbat propaganda 101?
Nope. He has a point.

Cops turn blue.

So let me get this straight. There is the claim that the motives are racial, but you have to invent an imaginary 'blue' race in order to make that claim work? Why would this imaginary blue race not kill white people?

Give it a rest Luddly, you will pretzelize your frontal lobes in five seconds with that kind of logic.


Is a black cop incapable of racial profiling in his job? Prove it.

Is a black cop incapable of racial bias? Prove it.

We don't have to prove racism doesn't exist. You have to prove that it does.

The claim by you people is that a black cop can't be racist against black citizens.

You make the claim, you prove it. You can't because it's bullshit.

Actually, it is the Progressive definition of racism that blacks can't be racist against blacks.

Did you forget that part of moonbat propaganda 101?

Liberals claim blacks can't be racist, period.
So let me get this straight. There is the claim that the motives are racial, but you have to invent an imaginary 'blue' race in order to make that claim work? Why would this imaginary blue race not kill white people?

Give it a rest Luddly, you will pretzelize your frontal lobes in five seconds with that kind of logic.


Is a black cop incapable of racial profiling in his job? Prove it.

Is a black cop incapable of racial bias? Prove it.

We don't have to prove racism doesn't exist. You have to prove that it does.

The claim by you people is that a black cop can't be racist against black citizens.

You make the claim, you prove it. You can't because it's bullshit.

Actually, it is the Progressive definition of racism that blacks can't be racist against blacks.

Did you forget that part of moonbat propaganda 101?

Liberals claim blacks can't be racist, period.

That is covered in moonbat propaganda 202. I am not sure if NYC made it that far in the program. He seems a bit rusty on the subject.

I thought racism was the issue. Hard to blame a crime committed by a black man against a black man on racism. The mayor is black, the district attorney is black, the chief of police is black, but this is supposed to be about racism?
That's the point. It's not about racism. Anyone that thinks so is a fucking idiot.

Liberals and the rioters have been saying all week that it is about racism. Unfortunately the facts got in the way of the narrative.
Not all liberals think that it's about racism. What you see on the news isn't an accurate representation of any political ideology, whether that be conservatism or liberalism, the news' job is to get views, and that's done with sensationalism.

Conservatism is not an Ideology. Conservatism is an objective philosophy born from empirical evidence, resting upon the law of nature.

Liberalism, Progressivism, socialism... which is to say Relativism, rests entirely in the subjective needs of the adherents.

Conservatism stands upon the bedrock of the freedom of the individual, wherein the individual bears the responsibilities that sustain their rights, wherein each defends the means of the individual to exercise their rights, thus perpetuating the means of all to exercise their rights.

Liberalism stands upon the shifting sands of the pursuit of the property of others, rejecting any sense of individual responsibilities, undermining the means so much as claim a rights, let alone exercise such.

Even as you watch the Blacks enslaved by the Left rioting in Missouri and Maryland, you see their slave-masters among the race hustlers call for the nationalization of all police powers. With the premise being that their benefactors who granted them their would-be rights, will better protect them, when in fact, such can only make it easier to FURTHER ENSLAVE THEM.

Same with 'the right to an Abortion', wherein the sanctity of innocent life is rinsed from the cultural conscience. A mindset which requires that 'innocence' itself falls into irrelevance, and with that, all sense of the rights of the innocent is rinsed into irrelevance with it.

Sadly, these natural laws are lost to the souls of the Intellectually Less Fortunate, separated from God, are incapable of understanding what rights are, from where they come or how they are sustained. Thus freedom is beyond their reach and will be quickly lost to them.
what the fuck did I just read? i feel like I just walked into an infowars post.
You're new here. Be advised. Lost Keys man is a mental patient, truly bonkers - and had been diagnosed as such by most people here.

You will see that fairly soon as you interact with him.

Also: Kosh: Is a bot. Nearly every single one of his thousands of posts includes at least one instance of "far left." Many multiple instances. Watch. You'll see.
The issue is the crimes committed. Allegedly.

I thought racism was the issue. Hard to blame a crime committed by a black man against a black man on racism. The mayor is black, the district attorney is black, the chief of police is black, but this is supposed to be about racism?

There are no Black cops! When Blacks don a cops uniform they are automatically "honorary Whites" sworn to protect and serve White interests. They can't be friends with "homey' and expect to be accepted among their peers in blue! How many Black cops have publicly taken a stand against any of the recent police shootings?... surely there are some out't there?

There are no African American police officers?

That post gets a 9.5 on the stupid scale. Which is quite impressive, given the stupid things people post on USMB.

Well, a White guy born in South Africa might come here and become an officer and He WOULD be an African American officer. OTOH a native born Black who has never even been to Africa can't possibly be an African American cop. Not technically. Moreover,having been a cop before I knew better, I have seen the effects of "honorary Whiteness" bestowed on those Blacks who were sharp enough to pass the test and qualify for the job. In a society that is dominated by a White superstructure, the policeman is obliged to live by rules that ordinary citizens don't... at least they are supposed to.
From that perspective, the officer of color must separate himself from the community that is shunned by White society.
He is under scrutiny from all sides due to the burden of some nebulous statistical impact lodged against people who look just like him. His badge, gun and uniform identify him to the White world as "one of us." For people in the Black community, he is the dark equivalent of Simon Legree of Uncle Sam's Cabin. Now that is not always the case but the Freddy Gray case more than lends substance to my premise!


I am sure you can detail the white superstructure of Baltimore for us.

Have at it sporto.

So let me get this straight. There is the claim that the motives are racial, but you have to invent an imaginary 'blue' race in order to make that claim work? Why would this imaginary blue race not kill white people?

Give it a rest Luddly, you will pretzelize your frontal lobes in five seconds with that kind of logic.


Is a black cop incapable of racial profiling in his job? Prove it.

Is a black cop incapable of racial bias? Prove it.

We don't have to prove racism doesn't exist. You have to prove that it does.

The claim by you people is that a black cop can't be racist against black citizens.

You make the claim, you prove it. You can't because it's bullshit.

Actually, it is the Progressive definition of racism that blacks can't be racist against blacks.

Did you forget that part of moonbat propaganda 101?

Liberals claim blacks can't be racist, period.

Since I'm liberal, and since I've never made such a claim and never endorsed it, that proves you're full of shit right there.

Although I think it's pretty fair to say that your full of shitness had already been well established.
Is a black cop incapable of racial profiling in his job? Prove it.

Is a black cop incapable of racial bias? Prove it.

We don't have to prove racism doesn't exist. You have to prove that it does.

The claim by you people is that a black cop can't be racist against black citizens.

You make the claim, you prove it. You can't because it's bullshit.

Actually, it is the Progressive definition of racism that blacks can't be racist against blacks.

Did you forget that part of moonbat propaganda 101?

Liberals claim blacks can't be racist, period.

That is covered in moonbat propaganda 202. I am not sure if NYC made it that far in the program. He seems a bit rusty on the subject.


Who have you ever heard claim that a black cop can't be racist?
We don't have to prove racism doesn't exist. You have to prove that it does.

The claim by you people is that a black cop can't be racist against black citizens.

You make the claim, you prove it. You can't because it's bullshit.

Actually, it is the Progressive definition of racism that blacks can't be racist against blacks.

Did you forget that part of moonbat propaganda 101?

Liberals claim blacks can't be racist, period.

That is covered in moonbat propaganda 202. I am not sure if NYC made it that far in the program. He seems a bit rusty on the subject.


Who have you ever heard claim that a black cop can't be racist?

I should ask you that question. Who are 'you people', and what did they say?

Back up your accusations.

The claim by you people is that a black cop can't be racist against black citizens.

You make the claim, you prove it. You can't because it's bullshit.

Actually, it is the Progressive definition of racism that blacks can't be racist against blacks.

Did you forget that part of moonbat propaganda 101?

Liberals claim blacks can't be racist, period.

That is covered in moonbat propaganda 202. I am not sure if NYC made it that far in the program. He seems a bit rusty on the subject.


Who have you ever heard claim that a black cop can't be racist?

I should ask you that question. Who are 'you people', and what did they say?

Back up your accusations.


In your own words tell us what you think the point of this thread was.

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