The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!

Most Blacks are NOT prone toward criminality and crime...

maybe true, BUT! you people do take up 90+% of crime statistics.., deny that :up:

............ :up_yours: nigga
+90% is a bit high, but not that much of an exaggeration. Blacks in America, and world wide have an endemic crime problem which to everyone else's determent spills over to other communities.

I don't think others would care that much if they only killed each other.

Do you see any protests from the ******* proclaiming the innocence of the three black police officers who were charged?

No? How odd!

So to you and the protestors --ALL cops be they white or black are the bad guys? The guys out to get the black guy?
Well wouldn't you think of ALL people the black cops would be more understanding of the Freddie Grays of the world.
Why would black cops even profile a black man?
Doesn't make any sense unless the black cop like all cops recognize that the majority of crimes are committed in black neighborhoods by black guys on black people!
Honestly the agitators and rioters in Baltimore truthfully make the MAJORITY of blacks embarrassed!
Embarrassed in that these agitators/rioters are like children...wahaa... I don't get my way so I'll kick your car in!
The people I feel really sorry for are the majority of black people that like me respect the cops ...understand the position cops are in and more so the danger.
The majority of blacks are also ashamed of a small number of blacks that perpetuate a stereotype... shiftless.. lazy..."saggy-pants-wearing" punks!

Do you see any protests from the ******* proclaiming the innocence of the three black police officers who were charged?

No? How odd!

So to you and the protestors --ALL cops be they white or black are the bad guys? The guys out to get the black guy?
Well wouldn't you think of ALL people the black cops would be more understanding of the Freddie Grays of the world.
Why would black cops even profile a black man?
Doesn't make any sense unless the black cop like all cops recognize that the majority of crimes are committed in black neighborhoods by black guys on black people!
Honestly the agitators and rioters in Baltimore truthfully make the MAJORITY of blacks embarrassed!
Embarrassed in that these agitators/rioters are like children...wahaa... I don't get my way so I'll kick your car in!
The people I feel really sorry for are the majority of black people that like me respect the cops ...understand the position cops are in and more so the danger.
The majority of blacks are also ashamed of a small number of blacks that perpetuate a stereotype... shiftless.. lazy..."saggy-pants-wearing" punks!

Simply put, you are not intelligent enough to figure it out. It might be best if you just stop "trying".

If you examine your own thoughts a little.....especially the ones you decided to put into words in that final might begin your journey toward understanding.
The issue is the crimes committed. Allegedly.

I thought racism was the issue. Hard to blame a crime committed by a black man against a black man on racism. The mayor is black, the district attorney is black, the chief of police is black, but this is supposed to be about racism?

Did you see any of the protesters blaming white people?

You guys are the ones playing the race card.

They're all claiming Freddie was killed simply because he was black.

How stupid are you fucking gruberized liberal retards?
"The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!"

That you and most others on the right clearly don't get it comes as no surprise.

What is it that we supposedly don't get?

They don't know.
It's about institutionalized racism against blacks. Apparently you don't get what that means.

No point in explaining it to teapers...hate misguides their thought process and they can't see past their own hateful noses.

How can a system run entirely by black people be racist against blacks?

??? because the anti-police liberals say it i so????
"The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!"

That you and most others on the right clearly don't get it comes as no surprise.

What is it that we supposedly don't get?

They don't know.
It's about institutionalized racism against blacks. Apparently you don't get what that means.

No point in explaining it to teapers...hate misguides their thought process and they can't see past their own hateful noses.

How can a system run entirely by black people be racist against blacks?

??? because the anti-police liberals say it i so????

Why couldn't it be? Can you prove that a black government official, including police, are incapable of being biased against black citizens?
The issue is the crimes committed. Allegedly.

I thought racism was the issue. Hard to blame a crime committed by a black man against a black man on racism. The mayor is black, the district attorney is black, the chief of police is black, but this is supposed to be about racism?

An innocent man killed by the cops is the issue. Freddie Gray isn't coming back to life just because you racists come up with some cockeyed irrelevant argument that race isn't involved.

ACTUALLY, it is a case of a criminal resisting arrest, and dying.
Just like the rest of them (Criminals dying while resisting arrest), with one exception, Martin was viciously attacking an innocent citizen, and the innocent citizen defended himself against the vicious attack.
Gee, are you that upset when an innocent police officer is bushwhacked, like the last 4 assaults and executions in NYC?
What is it that we supposedly don't get?

They don't know.
It's about institutionalized racism against blacks. Apparently you don't get what that means.

No point in explaining it to teapers...hate misguides their thought process and they can't see past their own hateful noses.

How can a system run entirely by black people be racist against blacks?

??? because the anti-police liberals say it i so????

Why couldn't it be? Can you prove that a black government official, including police, are incapable of being biased against black citizens?

One thing could've saved all their lives.
IF the were not criminals resisting arrest, they would not have died then.
The issue is the crimes committed. Allegedly.

I thought racism was the issue. Hard to blame a crime committed by a black man against a black man on racism. The mayor is black, the district attorney is black, the chief of police is black, but this is supposed to be about racism?
That's the point. It's not about racism. Anyone that thinks so is a fucking idiot.

Liberals and the rioters have been saying all week that it is about racism. Unfortunately the facts got in the way of the narrative.
Not all liberals think that it's about racism. What you see on the news isn't an accurate representation of any political ideology, whether that be conservatism or liberalism, the news' job is to get views, and that's done with sensationalism.

Being far left is not being liberal and the far left is running their dangerous religious narrative.

In political terms, there's no such thing as 'far-Left'. Liberals Elect Marxists. We know this because there's never enough Marxists to elect anyone, yet they get placed in power, nonetheless.
What is it that we supposedly don't get?

They don't know.
It's about institutionalized racism against blacks. Apparently you don't get what that means.

No point in explaining it to teapers...hate misguides their thought process and they can't see past their own hateful noses.

How can a system run entirely by black people be racist against blacks?

??? because the anti-police liberals say it i so????

Why couldn't it be? Can you prove that a black government official, including police, are incapable of being biased against black citizens?


Poor Gilligan...
If an unarmed suspect dies during an arrest or in custody, the police have fucked up, regardless of whether the arrestee was a criminal.
So we should live forever in prison I suppose. Dumb and impossible expectation.
You know that's not what I meant. No wonder the discussion is so rancorous when the right keeps twisting the story to fit their biases.
This is about institutional racism not individual cops.

Point is: if you are black, than you are more likely to be a victim of police brutality.

The individual cops should be tried for homicide, and the institution should be reformed.

If you are black, then you are more likely to commit crime, lie about having done so, resist arrest with violence and flee. Just as if you are black you are more likely to burn down your own town, destroy the businesses of your neighbor, loot and injure innocents.

What a crock! That statement is among the most irrational,vicious, racist LIES I've ever seen. The stats you refer to tell you NOtHING about an individual Black person. Most Blacks are NOT prone toward criminality and crime statistics don't seem to account for that when read by bigots with an agenda!

The Stat does not seek to answer any question about any specific black person. It speaks to the probabilities, with regard to the behavior of black people.

What you want to do is to dismiss the facts and claim that the facts are bigoted. Facts aren't bigoted, only those who dismiss the facts are bigoted. You should probably look the word up... well, here, I'm all about the compassion, so allow me to offer you a hand UP:

Bigot: a person who is bigoted.

Bigoted: having or revealing an obstinate belief in the superiority of one's own opinions and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others.

Bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

I hope that helps... .
And the guy charged with driving the van and 2nd degree murder is BLACK!!!
So how can there be an issue here???
Facing the most serious charge, one of second-degree murder, is Officer Caesar Goodson, the driver of the van that transported Gray to a police station.
Six Baltimore police officers charged over Freddie Gray death - Yahoo News
View attachment 40702

It's never really been about racism, it's the black attitude, 'I'm black so I shouldn't be arrested'.
IF the were not criminals resisting arrest, they would not have died then.
If an unarmed suspect dies during an arrest or in custody, the police have fucked up, regardless of whether the arrestee was a criminal.

Seems to me that it was the criminal that was resisting arrest that fucked up by being a career criminal that resisted arrest.
IF he wasn't a career criminal resisting arrest by the police, he would not have died then.
.......... Do you see a patten here "Criminals resisting arrest=dying".
How many law-abiding people that were not resisting arrest, were killed by the police.
Lesson learned: resisting arrest by a career criminal could be hazardous to you health
And the guy charged with driving the van and 2nd degree murder is BLACK!!!
So how can there be an issue here???
Facing the most serious charge, one of second-degree murder, is Officer Caesar Goodson, the driver of the van that transported Gray to a police station.
Six Baltimore police officers charged over Freddie Gray death - Yahoo News
View attachment 40702

It's never really been about racism, it's the black attitude, 'I'm black so I shouldn't be arrested'.

Close... but it's worse than that. The problem is that the people making the claim are making it because THEY HAVE BEEN "TAUGHT" TO BELIEVE THAT "TO ARREST A BLACK IS TO BE A RACIST".


Which is a crime committed against you and I, by the Ideological Left and every Leftist is guilty of this crime... from the youngest female of liberal 'beliefs' to the oldest life long committed Marxist present... and those who passed before it.
They don't know.
It's about institutionalized racism against blacks. Apparently you don't get what that means.

No point in explaining it to teapers...hate misguides their thought process and they can't see past their own hateful noses.

How can a system run entirely by black people be racist against blacks?

??? because the anti-police liberals say it i so????

Why couldn't it be? Can you prove that a black government official, including police, are incapable of being biased against black citizens?


Poor Gilligan...

Go ahead and prove it, instead of babbling incoherently.

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