The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!


Stack up on my front door and you'll get the same result... and like the Davidians, I'll die exercising my God-given rights. And it works out the same at the front door of every American.


Will you cowardly hide behind innocent women and children when you do this, the way your idols did?

Stack up on my door and you'll find out what I'm hiding behind... of course you'll be unable to tell anyone what it was. But you'll at least have that instant wherein ya possess that knowledge... maybe. You won't like it much, on that you can rest assured.

With regard to the Davidian men, they did not hide behind anyone. They're women and children were on the property that was being assaulted. Who the clinton-cult gassed and burned alive... including a dozen babies.

So violent was the cyanide gas attack on their little bodies, that the muscles contracted with such force, that their femurs were snapped, along with every other large bone and spines. This occurred well in advance of the fire burning them. The pain they endured, is beyond the means to express verbally, it's literally incalculable.

This was an evil that would have made Hitler blush... as even that Leftist fuck didn't go that low.

The Waco cult was gassed with cyanide.

No Gilligan... the Davidians were gassed with Tear Gas Powder, which is chlorine based... those structures were heated with open flame heaters... the tanks which were blowing in CS Powder, destroyed the structures, which predictably caused the structures to ignite, igniting the CS Gas, which emits CYANIDE GAS.

It's not even a debatable point. Add to that the photographs of the burnt skeletal remains of the children and women hiding in the basement, wherein the autopsies revealed the consequences of massive concentrations of cyanide, and the broken bones, including the femurs... (That's the hardest bone in the body Gilligan)... cyanide causes intense muscle contraction and a contraction which caused the hardest bone in the body to snap... would have induced pain beyond your or my means to imagine.

Again the facts are not debatable. You simply need to distract from the fact and you're too stupid to realize that you attempt to do so has never and will never work where I am present.

See how that works?

Tell ya what Gilligan. If you truly do not believe that burning chlorine does not emit cyanide, then you'll have no problem buying some chrorine tablets from your local pool maintenance company, bringing them home, setting up a live video stream to the web, informing the board of the link to the stream, setting up your grill with an exhaust tbe, which you will use to breath from once you've set the tablets on the grill and allowed them to sit for 10 minutes on the grills highest setting.

Please be sure to let us know when you have it set up.

Now don't bother if you're not prepared to set up the video feed... because you'll just stop posting here and there won't be any entertainment value for me in that.

But you can rest assured that I'll be on that link if you truly have the courage to demonstrate the conviction of your 'feelings'.
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"The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!"

That you and most others on the right clearly don't get it comes as no surprise.

What is it that we supposedly don't get?

They don't know.
It's about institutionalized racism against blacks. Apparently you don't get what that means.

No point in explaining it to teapers...hate misguides their thought process and they can't see past their own hateful noses.

How can a system run entirely by black people be racist against blacks?
They're Uncle Tom sellout house ******s

Stack up on my front door and you'll get the same result... and like the Davidians, I'll die exercising my God-given rights. And it works out the same at the front door of every American.


Will you cowardly hide behind innocent women and children when you do this, the way your idols did?

Stack up on my door and you'll find out what I'm hiding behind... of course you'll be unable to tell anyone what it was. But you'll at least have that instant wherein ya possess that knowledge... maybe. You won't like it much, on that you can rest assured.

With regard to the Davidian men, they did not hide behind anyone. They're women and children were on the property that was being assaulted. Who the clinton-cult gassed and burned alive... including a dozen babies.

So violent was the cyanide gas attack on their little bodies, that the muscles contracted with such force, that their femurs were snapped, along with every other large bone and spines. This occurred well in advance of the fire burning them. The pain they endured, is beyond the means to express verbally, it's literally incalculable.

This was an evil that would have made Hitler blush... as even that Leftist fuck didn't go that low.

The Waco cult was gassed with cyanide.

No Gilligan... the Davidians were gassed with Tear Gas Powder, which is chlorine based... those structures were heated with open flame heaters... the tanks which were blowing in CS Powder, destroyed the structures, which predictably caused the structures to ignite, igniting the CS Gas, which emits CYANIDE GAS.

It's not even a debatable point. Add to that the photographs of the burnt skeletal remains of the children and women hiding in the basement, wherein the autopsies revealed the consequences of massive concentrations of cyanide, and the broken bones, including the femurs... (That's the hardest bone in the body Gilligan)... cyanide causes intense muscle contraction and a contraction which caused the hardest bone in the body to snap... would have induced pain beyond your or my means to imagine.

Again the facts are not debatable. You simply need to distract from the fact and you're too stupid to realize that you attempt to do so has never and will never work where I am present.

See how that works?

Tell ya what Gilligan. If you truly do not believe that burning chlorine does not emit cyanide, then you'll have no problem buying some chrorine tablets from your local pool maintenance company, bringing them home, setting up a live video stream to the web, informing the board of the link to the stream, setting up your grill with an exhaust tbe, which you will use to breath from once you've set the tablets on the grill and allowed them to sit for 10 minutes on the grills highest setting.

Please be sure to let us know when you have it set up.

Now don't bother if you're not prepared to set up the video feed... because you'll just stop posting here and there won't be any entertainment value for me in that.

But you can rest assured that I'll be on that link if you truly have the courage to demonstrate the conviction of your 'feelings'.
If the nonsense you post were non debateably as you claim, you would list links. I'm suspecting it comes from a long ago debunked conspiracy theory film. Where do you claim this data come from?
Sorry, Officer Wilson did not fail. He is still alive and Michael Brown is dead, When the officer dies it is always failure, so we can deem that altercation a success
So, polioce officers may kill whomever they wish and you say it's a good thing? Remember, they sometimes arrest the innocent. It sounds like you approve of a police state.
The Waco cult was gassed with cyanide. Whoa, Gollum, you've added another one to your list.
I don't know how to talk to that guy. He's gone completely over the edge, IMO. If that's what's considered to be patriotic by the right, I feel sorry for this country, should his ilk ever come to power.
If the nonsense you post were non debateably as you claim, you would list links.


Well I tell you what: You deny that such happened, stating in unequivocal terms that you know that I'm wrong, stating argument which on some level contests what I've stated and I'll help you remove any sense of credibility from anything post under your screen name on this board.

Until then, given that there's nothing that's been posted that in any way, or on any level that has even remotely contested my position, which sorta leaves me with having no reason to bother.

Be sure to keep me posted on your feckless efforts as ya go forward here, it's a slow day and I'd hate to miss any further opportunities to humiliate your sorry ass.
The issue is the crimes committed. Allegedly.

I thought racism was the issue. Hard to blame a crime committed by a black man against a black man on racism. The mayor is black, the district attorney is black, the chief of police is black, but this is supposed to be about racism?

Did you see any of the protesters blaming white people?

You guys are the ones playing the race card.

They're all claiming Freddie was killed simply because he was black.

How stupid are you fucking gruberized liberal retards?

Go fuck yourself, you poor excuse for a goddamnd poster. You have no fucking clue, play the race card all you want, dumbass.
They don't know.
It's about institutionalized racism against blacks. Apparently you don't get what that means.

No point in explaining it to teapers...hate misguides their thought process and they can't see past their own hateful noses.

How can a system run entirely by black people be racist against blacks?

??? because the anti-police liberals say it i so????

Why couldn't it be? Can you prove that a black government official, including police, are incapable of being biased against black citizens?

Is it possible that a black cop can be racist against possible? I suppose, but according to physicists it's theoretically possible for a glass of milk that dropped to the floor and shattered can spontaneously reassemble itself. The odds are a million, billion, billion, trillion to one, but it's possible.

Liberal turds have been saying for years that cities need to hire black officers to prevent racism. Now you seem to be saying that was all bullshit.

Why should voters listen to anything liberals have to say on this subject?

Blacks can be exceedingly racist to other blacks.

More unintelligible garbage from Bretfart.
I don't know how to talk to that guy. He's gone completely over the edge, IMO. If that's what's considered to be patriotic by the right, I feel sorry for this country, should his ilk ever come to power.

HEY! The pissy bitch defense.

LOL! How ... typical.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

The Reader should recognize the Foreign Ideas Hostile to American Principle which is chronically advanced by the mouthy British socialists, posing as US Citizens, throughout this board.)
It's about institutionalized racism against blacks. Apparently you don't get what that means.

No point in explaining it to teapers...hate misguides their thought process and they can't see past their own hateful noses.

How can a system run entirely by black people be racist against blacks?

??? because the anti-police liberals say it i so????

Why couldn't it be? Can you prove that a black government official, including police, are incapable of being biased against black citizens?

Is it possible that a black cop can be racist against possible? I suppose, but according to physicists it's theoretically possible for a glass of milk that dropped to the floor and shattered can spontaneously reassemble itself. The odds are a million, billion, billion, trillion to one, but it's possible.

Liberal turds have been saying for years that cities need to hire black officers to prevent racism. Now you seem to be saying that was all bullshit.

Why should voters listen to anything liberals have to say on this subject?

Blacks can be exceedingly racist to other blacks.

More unintelligible garbage from Bretfart.

Unfortunately you libs have claimed blacks can't be racist, that you have to be in a power relationship to be racist. I've already posted one example of a lib saying that. Do you need more? I could spend all day posting such examples.
The issue is the crimes committed. Allegedly.

I thought racism was the issue. Hard to blame a crime committed by a black man against a black man on racism. The mayor is black, the district attorney is black, the chief of police is black, but this is supposed to be about racism?

Did you see any of the protesters blaming white people?

You guys are the ones playing the race card.

They're all claiming Freddie was killed simply because he was black.

How stupid are you fucking gruberized liberal retards?

Go fuck yourself, you poor excuse for a goddamnd poster. You have no fucking clue, play the race card all you want, dumbass.

You're confused about whose playing the race card. It certainly isn't me. Al Sharpton is in Balitmore for one reason: to play the race card.
So, polioce officers may kill whomever they wish and you say it's a good thing? Remember, they sometimes arrest the innocent. It sounds like you approve of a police state.[sic]

Police Officers, like everyone else on earth, is duty bound to kill anyone and everyone that presents a threat to their life and personal safety and to the safety and lives of any innocent, particularly those in their immediate proximity.

The duty stemming directly from the responsibility that sustains one's right to one's life.

LOL! Of course, as a pantywaste Leftist, who rejects the objectivity inherent in American Principle... there was NO WAY you could have known that.
If an unarmed suspect dies during an arrest or in custody, the police have fucked up, regardless of whether the arrestee was a criminal.
Seems to me that it was the criminal that was resisting arrest that fucked up by being a career criminal that resisted arrest.
An incident can have more than one fuck up. Which is worse the resistance or the death? Take the Branch Davidians. They resisted, but the right blames the government for the deaths. If they hadn't resisted wouldn't they still be alive? The big difference in that case is that they WERE armed and killed federal officers, but some still blame Clinton and Reno.

In the Branch Davidian case, they have illegal fully automatic weapons. THAT makes them criminals.
They were resisting arrest (serving federal warrants).
And then they murdered federal agents.
THEN the set the whole place ablaze.
Sounds to me like suicide.
Brown had just committed a strong-arm robbery.
Then Brown punched the cop several times. THEN Brown tried to take the cops gun before he came back at the cop.
Sounds like suicide to me.
Martin gave a vicious beating to an innocent civilian.
Trouble, the innocent civilian happen to be legally armed.
Sounds like suicide to me.
Any more questions I can answer for ya?
If the nonsense you post were non debateably as you claim, you would list links.


Well I tell you what: You deny that such happened, stating in unequivocal terms that you know that I'm wrong, stating argument which on some level contests what I've stated and I'll help you remove any sense of credibility from anything post under your screen name on this board.

Until then, given that there's nothing that's been posted that in any way, or on any level that has even remotely contested my position, which sorta leaves me with having no reason to bother.

Be sure to keep me posted on your feckless efforts as ya go forward here, it's a slow day and I'd hate to miss any further opportunities to humiliate your sorry ass.

Could have saved a bunch of words by saying you had no viable links to back up the nonsense conspiracy theory you are attempting to present as a non debated fact. Your crap was just a deflection and changing of the subject anyhow. You were lamely defending a bunch of cowards who used innocents, including children, as human shields. Their cowardice cost those innocents their lives and you defend them as your idols. You brought up this old conspiracy nut theory to deflect away from your idol worship of the scum you threaten to mimic.
If an unarmed suspect dies during an arrest or in custody, the police have fucked up, regardless of whether the arrestee was a criminal.
Seems to me that it was the criminal that was resisting arrest that fucked up by being a career criminal that resisted arrest.
An incident can have more than one fuck up. Which is worse the resistance or the death? Take the Branch Davidians. They resisted, but the right blames the government for the deaths. If they hadn't resisted wouldn't they still be alive? The big difference in that case is that they WERE armed and killed federal officers, but some still blame Clinton and Reno.

In the Branch Davidian case, they have illegal fully automatic weapons. THAT makes them criminals.

Wrong. All their firearms were entirely legal. The warrant was totally bogus.

They were resisting arrest (serving federal warrants).

No they weren't. The BATF came in with their guns blazing. In fact, the evidence shows that the firsts wounds were probably self inflicted. One agent was firing through the building and hit agents on the other side.

And then they murdered federal agents.

They defended themselves from government Gestapo agents who were trying to kill them.

THEN the set the whole place ablaze.

The evidence shows the FBI set the building ablaze. That's their classic modus operandi whenever they have someone under siege who would be an embarrassment for them.
If an unarmed suspect dies during an arrest or in custody, the police have fucked up, regardless of whether the arrestee was a criminal.
Seems to me that it was the criminal that was resisting arrest that fucked up by being a career criminal that resisted arrest.
An incident can have more than one fuck up. Which is worse the resistance or the death? Take the Branch Davidians. They resisted, but the right blames the government for the deaths. If they hadn't resisted wouldn't they still be alive? The big difference in that case is that they WERE armed and killed federal officers, but some still blame Clinton and Reno.

In the Branch Davidian case, they have illegal fully automatic weapons. THAT makes them criminals.
They were resisting arrest (serving federal warrants).
And then they murdered federal agents.
THEN the set the whole place ablaze.
Sounds to me like suicide.
Brown had just committed a strong-arm robbery.
Then Brown punched the cop several times. THEN Brown tried to take the cops gun before he came back at the cop.
Sounds like suicide to me.
Martin gave a vicious beating to an innocent civilian.
Trouble, the innocent civilian happen to be legally armed.
Sounds like suicide to me.
Any more questions I can answer for ya?
The Davidians were exercising their God-given rights...

The Federal Government was out of line and the Davidians fought them. They died, exercising their God-given rights, thus they died a free people.

They were not harming anyone and had no plans to do so.

They defended themselves and did so very well. Until the clinton-cult murdered them and their children... gasses them with cyanide even as they burned them alive.

Do not conflate those men and woman with the scumbags the like of Mike Brown, et al... .
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So, polioce officers may kill whomever they wish and you say it's a good thing? Remember, they sometimes arrest the innocent. It sounds like you approve of a police state.[sic]
Police Officers, like everyone else on earth, is duty bound to kill anyone and everyone that presents a threat to their life and personal safety and to the safety and lives of any innocent, particularly those in their immediate proximity.
Excerpt that Freddie Gray wasn't presenting a threat top anyone. Your concession is accepted. :cool-45:

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