The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!

"The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!"

This illustrates something else most on the right are clueless about: the African-American perception that black men are singled-out for police harassment and arrest; the problem isn't that conservatives reject this perception, which they're at liberty to do, but that conservatives refuse to even listen to the concerns of the African-American community to understand where the perception comes from, even if unwarranted.
"The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!"

That you and most others on the right clearly don't get it comes as no surprise.

What is it that we supposedly don't get?

They don't know.
It's about institutionalized racism against blacks. Apparently you don't get what that means.

No point in explaining it to teapers...hate misguides their thought process and they can't see past their own hateful noses.

What is about institutionalized hatred against blacks?
I don't know...investigate the racist teapers that you support. Ask why your ilk said, the system works...and when it didn't go in your favor, you have new talking pints. Teapers are such hypocrites.

Teapers have destroyed America and true conservatsm. Just a bunch of racist low info lemmings wqho can't think for themselves.

And please note...I predicted you teaper hate mobs would g oafter Mosby for charging the cops. I am suprised you haven't flipped back to supporting her because 3 of the cops were ngg3rs.
I thought racism was the issue. Hard to blame a crime committed by a black man against a black man on racism. The mayor is black, the district attorney is black, the chief of police is black, but this is supposed to be about racism?

There are no Black cops! When Blacks don a cops uniform they are automatically "honorary Whites" sworn to protect and serve White interests. They can't be friends with "homey' and expect to be accepted among their peers in blue! How many Black cops have publicly taken a stand against any of the recent police shootings?... surely there are some out't there?

There are no African American police officers?

That post gets a 9.5 on the stupid scale. Which is quite impressive, given the stupid things people post on USMB.


Nope. He has a point.

Cops turn blue.

So let me get this straight. There is the claim that the motives are racial, but you have to invent an imaginary 'blue' race in order to make that claim work? Why would this imaginary blue race not kill white people?

Give it a rest Luddly, you will pretzelize your frontal lobes in five seconds with that kind of logic.


Is a black cop incapable of racial profiling in his job? Prove it.

Is a black cop incapable of racial bias? Prove it.

We don't have to prove racism doesn't exist. You have to prove that it does.
"The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!"

That you and most others on the right clearly don't get it comes as no surprise.

What is it that we supposedly don't get?

They don't know.
It's about institutionalized racism against blacks. Apparently you don't get what that means.

No point in explaining it to teapers...hate misguides their thought process and they can't see past their own hateful noses.
Wow! Institutional racism has been so rampant that blacks are now racists against blacks.
yes...essentially yes. But it seems you are a racist teaper that can't hear reason...only hate.

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!
There are no Black cops! When Blacks don a cops uniform they are automatically "honorary Whites" sworn to protect and serve White interests. They can't be friends with "homey' and expect to be accepted among their peers in blue! How many Black cops have publicly taken a stand against any of the recent police shootings?... surely there are some out't there?

There are no African American police officers?

That post gets a 9.5 on the stupid scale. Which is quite impressive, given the stupid things people post on USMB.

Interesting the State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby said she came from a family with 5 cops .
They apparently turn blue when they become cops. They are no longer black.

Not to mention she is apparently in cahoots with the lawyer of the Gray family.

Oh yeah, the other play.

Demonize the prosecutor. lol, she scared the shit out of the cop huggers yesterday with her presentation of the charges.

"Cop huggers?" So now cops are the enemy?

You liberal turds are seriously twisted.
We need to start an educational campaign to prevent black on black racism!

Yea, and lets throw a massive amount of taxpayer dollars and borrowed money at it....We can call it the Great Society, or maybe the War on Poverty....or maybe we just come clean and admit its all Reparations for shit that happened before any of us were born.
"The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!"

This illustrates something else most on the right are clueless about: the African-American perception that black men are singled-out for police harassment and arrest; the problem isn't that conservatives reject this perception, which they're at liberty to do, but that conservatives refuse to even listen to the concerns of the African-American community to understand where the perception comes from, even if unwarranted.

Well it's called profiling i.e. stereotyping based on EXPERIENCES!
According to the FBI, in 2011, of the 197 million white people 6.58 million committed a crime.
Do Blacks Really Commit the Most Crimes TALKBACK4Teens
In 2013, the population of African Americans including those of more than one race was estimated at 45 million, making up 15.2% of the total U.S. population.
And of these 45 million blacks 2.7 million crimes were committed by blacks.
Total crimes by blacks and whites: 9.28 million of which nearly 30% committed by a population that constitutes less then 15% of the population! Blacks.
Any wonder there is a stereotype?

So there is a greater chance that the 24 year old black you see riding a bicycle down the street has done something in the past that if you were a cop would be wondering...hmmm why is a 24 year old black wearing his pants below his crack, riding fast away from the car after you saw him handing a person in a car something...hmm!
Oh and based on the Freddie Gray six... the chances are the cop is black!!!
"The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!"

This illustrates something else most on the right are clueless about: the African-American perception that black men are singled-out for police harassment and arrest; the problem isn't that conservatives reject this perception, which they're at liberty to do, but that conservatives refuse to even listen to the concerns of the African-American community to understand where the perception comes from, even if unwarranted.

Nothing could be more false. Conservatives accept this perception and listen to the community. The issue is that conservatives blame progressive liberal policies of governance as the root cause of the problem in the first place, and progressive liberals are not willing to debate that point.
There are no African American police officers?

That post gets a 9.5 on the stupid scale. Which is quite impressive, given the stupid things people post on USMB.

Interesting the State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby said she came from a family with 5 cops .
They apparently turn blue when they become cops. They are no longer black.

Not to mention she is apparently in cahoots with the lawyer of the Gray family.

Oh yeah, the other play.

Demonize the prosecutor. lol, she scared the shit out of the cop huggers yesterday with her presentation of the charges.

"Cop huggers?" So now cops are the enemy?

You liberal turds are seriously twisted.

Well that is the thing they are not really liberals..

They are far left and make bible thumpers look as the most open minded people on the planet.
"The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!"

This illustrates something else most on the right are clueless about: the African-American perception that black men are singled-out for police harassment and arrest; the problem isn't that conservatives reject this perception, which they're at liberty to do, but that conservatives refuse to even listen to the concerns of the African-American community to understand where the perception comes from, even if unwarranted.

Nothing could be more false. Conservatives accept this perception and listen to the community. The issue is that conservatives blame progressive liberal policies of governance as the root cause of the problem in the first place, and progressive liberals are not willing to debate that point.

It's not a debatable point. Liberalism does not cause the problem. If it did, then Denmark and the Netherlands would have more violence than we do. Do they?
"The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!"

This illustrates something else most on the right are clueless about: the African-American perception that black men are singled-out for police harassment and arrest; the problem isn't that conservatives reject this perception, which they're at liberty to do, but that conservatives refuse to even listen to the concerns of the African-American community to understand where the perception comes from, even if unwarranted.

Well it's called profiling i.e. stereotyping based on EXPERIENCES!
According to the FBI, in 2011, of the 197 million white people 6.58 million committed a crime.
Do Blacks Really Commit the Most Crimes TALKBACK4Teens
In 2013, the population of African Americans including those of more than one race was estimated at 45 million, making up 15.2% of the total U.S. population.
And of these 45 million blacks 2.7 million crimes were committed by blacks.
Total crimes by blacks and whites: 9.28 million of which nearly 30% committed by a population that constitutes less then 15% of the population! Blacks.
Any wonder there is a stereotype?

So there is a greater chance that the 24 year old black you see riding a bicycle down the street has done something in the past that if you were a cop would be wondering...hmmm why is a 24 year old black wearing his pants below his crack, riding fast away from the car after you saw him handing a person in a car something...hmm!
Oh and based on the Freddie Gray six... the chances are the cop is black!!!

You have the right not to be profiled, no matter what race you belong to.
We need to start an educational campaign to prevent black on black racism!

The question to you was:

Is a black cop incapable of racial profiling?
Why would I say that we need to start an educational campaign to prevent black racism if it were not possible?

Ok, so you admit black cops can be racist, therefore you've agreed with me that the OP is full of shit if he's claiming otherwise.

And trust me, you are going to hear this full of shit argument all over the rightwing media, and you hear plenty of full of shit rightwingers agreeing with it.

Are you as a far left drone admitting that blacks can be racist?

Are you too stupid to read?
There are no African American police officers?

That post gets a 9.5 on the stupid scale. Which is quite impressive, given the stupid things people post on USMB.

Interesting the State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby said she came from a family with 5 cops .
They apparently turn blue when they become cops. They are no longer black.

Not to mention she is apparently in cahoots with the lawyer of the Gray family.

Oh yeah, the other play.

Demonize the prosecutor. lol, she scared the shit out of the cop huggers yesterday with her presentation of the charges.

"Cop huggers?" So now cops are the enemy?

You liberal turds are seriously twisted.

The perpetrators and defenders of police brutality are the enemy.
"The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!"

This illustrates something else most on the right are clueless about: the African-American perception that black men are singled-out for police harassment and arrest; the problem isn't that conservatives reject this perception, which they're at liberty to do, but that conservatives refuse to even listen to the concerns of the African-American community to understand where the perception comes from, even if unwarranted.

Well it's called profiling i.e. stereotyping based on EXPERIENCES!
According to the FBI, in 2011, of the 197 million white people 6.58 million committed a crime.
Do Blacks Really Commit the Most Crimes TALKBACK4Teens
In 2013, the population of African Americans including those of more than one race was estimated at 45 million, making up 15.2% of the total U.S. population.
And of these 45 million blacks 2.7 million crimes were committed by blacks.
Total crimes by blacks and whites: 9.28 million of which nearly 30% committed by a population that constitutes less then 15% of the population! Blacks.
Any wonder there is a stereotype?

So there is a greater chance that the 24 year old black you see riding a bicycle down the street has done something in the past that if you were a cop would be wondering...hmmm why is a 24 year old black wearing his pants below his crack, riding fast away from the car after you saw him handing a person in a car something...hmm!
Oh and based on the Freddie Gray six... the chances are the cop is black!!!

You have the right not to be profiled, no matter what race you belong to.

So how do you describe the person that just committed a crime and an all points bulletin goes out...
"Be on the look out for a person!"
There are no Black cops! When Blacks don a cops uniform they are automatically "honorary Whites" sworn to protect and serve White interests. They can't be friends with "homey' and expect to be accepted among their peers in blue! How many Black cops have publicly taken a stand against any of the recent police shootings?... surely there are some out't there?

There are no African American police officers?

That post gets a 9.5 on the stupid scale. Which is quite impressive, given the stupid things people post on USMB.


Nope. He has a point.

Cops turn blue.

So let me get this straight. There is the claim that the motives are racial, but you have to invent an imaginary 'blue' race in order to make that claim work? Why would this imaginary blue race not kill white people?

Give it a rest Luddly, you will pretzelize your frontal lobes in five seconds with that kind of logic.


Is a black cop incapable of racial profiling in his job? Prove it.

Is a black cop incapable of racial bias? Prove it.

We don't have to prove racism doesn't exist. You have to prove that it does.

The claim by you people is that a black cop can't be racist against black citizens.

You make the claim, you prove it. You can't because it's bullshit.
"The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!"

This illustrates something else most on the right are clueless about: the African-American perception that black men are singled-out for police harassment and arrest; the problem isn't that conservatives reject this perception, which they're at liberty to do, but that conservatives refuse to even listen to the concerns of the African-American community to understand where the perception comes from, even if unwarranted.

Well it's called profiling i.e. stereotyping based on EXPERIENCES!
According to the FBI, in 2011, of the 197 million white people 6.58 million committed a crime.
Do Blacks Really Commit the Most Crimes TALKBACK4Teens
In 2013, the population of African Americans including those of more than one race was estimated at 45 million, making up 15.2% of the total U.S. population.
And of these 45 million blacks 2.7 million crimes were committed by blacks.
Total crimes by blacks and whites: 9.28 million of which nearly 30% committed by a population that constitutes less then 15% of the population! Blacks.
Any wonder there is a stereotype?

So there is a greater chance that the 24 year old black you see riding a bicycle down the street has done something in the past that if you were a cop would be wondering...hmmm why is a 24 year old black wearing his pants below his crack, riding fast away from the car after you saw him handing a person in a car something...hmm!
Oh and based on the Freddie Gray six... the chances are the cop is black!!!

You have the right not to be profiled, no matter what race you belong to.

So how do you describe the person that just committed a crime and an all points bulletin goes out...
"Be on the look out for a person!"

Being black doesn't make you a suspect.
The issue is the crimes committed. Allegedly.
In truth, and for all practical purposes, it is an issue of Black Folk being wrongfully persecuted by the police, is it not?

And, if so, then the race of the alleged offenders is highly relative to the case being made, by both The Mob and The Local Kangaroo Court.j

Or, so logic and common sense might lead one to speculate.
The issue is the crimes committed. Allegedly.

The issue is societal unrest. The purpose of which is for the Left to claim that they've a means to 'fix it'. And this despite the Left having CAUSED IT.

And that is how the Left works... it undermines the culture's viability, whereupon it demands that it has a plan to fix it... claiming that they need more power to do so. So they get more power... and society decays further BECAUSE of the increased power wielded by the Left; who then claims that they need more power to fix it... So they get more power... and society decays further BECAUSE of the increased power wielded by the Left; who then claims that they need more power to fix it... So they get more power... and society decays further BECAUSE of the increased power wielded by the Left; who then claims that they need more power to fix it... So they get more power... and society decays further BECAUSE of the increased power wielded by the Left; who then claims that they need more power to fix it... So they get more power... and society decays further BECAUSE of the increased power wielded by the Left; who then claims that they need more power to fix it... So they get more power... and society decays further BECAUSE of the increased power wielded by the Left; who then claims that they need more power to fix it... So they get more power... and society decays further BECAUSE of the increased power wielded by the Left; who then claims that they need more power to fix it... So they get more power... and society decays further BECAUSE of the increased power wielded by the Left; who then claims that they need more power to fix it...

Those who provide them with more power are, through their assent, presenting mental disorder... and as that group grows, the potential for the viability of the community, decreases and that is why, for all of human history, such people have been sent from the community, locked away and prevented from infecting others with their infectious reasoning; which has been known for nearly all of human history as EVIL. Today, we know it is 'Delusion'. A symptom of the species of reasoning OKA: Relativism which is the mindset that causes socialism.

Again... it is nothing more than Evil.

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