The French is gonna show Russia and the US how to vote.....and do it well!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Fuck the hacking, the French pays attention and will vote accordingly!!

The US and Europeans should take notes!!
Is your head going to explode if Le Pen wins? Just wonderin....
Go France and Go Macron!!!!

Fuck Russia
Fuck Trump

Go Science, infrastructure and civilization!
Fuck the hacking, the French pays attention and will vote accordingly!!

The US and Europeans should take notes!!

Both of their candidates are left wingers...on left wing, the other extreme left wing....they have nothing to show us...
Fuck the hacking, the French pays attention and will vote accordingly!!

The US and Europeans should take notes!!

The French is gonna show

The French are going to show.

"Europeans should take notes!!"

Um our French neighbours are also European. Where is France on your map, Antarctica?

Fuck the hacking, the French pays attention and will vote accordingly!!

The US and Europeans should take notes!!

Yeah, right. The French lefties are just as crooked as the Democrats in America. Thousands of invalid ballots were sent to Le Pen voters. Check out this BS.

DIRTY TRICKS: French Voters Receive Invalid, Damaged Le Pen Ballots

Yes this shit pulled elsewhere, it's the only way The Establishment can get their candidate to um win, the system is rigged, people are not happy, but voting is rigged, so Revolution is inevitable.
Go Le Pen! Fuck liberals! :)
Every fuckin country led by a conservative is being fucked the math, bitch!!

Ummmmm, Venezuela is being run by one of your hero's. Hows that scumbag mugabe doing in Zimbabwe? Oh, right....not too good. Wherever you ultra lefty's take over people seem to starve.
Leave it to your dumb white retarded as to drag up some fuckin 3rd world garbage dumbs.....Look at NK, China, Europe, USA, Russia, need I continue, bitch
Trump will declare war on France if Le Pen wins.

Hitting the booze early again.....?
Let's see if Le Pen wins.

France is already fucked, the French have always been spineless faggots.

It's going to take more suffering on the streets of France, a few bombs going off, random shootings, people being mowed down by vehicles isn't enough, it needs the full-on horror and that then will get the French to rise up against their festering and corrupt sewer dwelling Establishment.

The full-on horror of people innocently shopping with their children and then suddenly a crazed Kebab grabs a random person on that street and whips out a knife and in full view of the people cuts the persons head off.

The full-on horror of people innocently shopping with their children and then suddenly a crazed Kebab grabs a random person on that street and sets them on fire and burns them alive in full view of the people.

Come on Kebabs get the show on the road already you filthy Satanic pieces of human filth.

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