The French is gonna show Russia and the US how to vote.....and do it well!!

Trump will declare war on France if Le Pen wins.

Hitting the booze early again.....?
Let's see if Le Pen wins.

France is already fucked, the French have always been spineless faggots.

It's going to take more suffering on the streets of France, a few bombs going off, random shootings, people being mowed down by vehicles isn't enough, it needs the full-on horror and that then will get the French to rise up against their festering and corrupt sewer dwelling Establishment.

The full-on horror of people innocently shopping with their children and then suddenly a crazed Kebab grabs a random person on that street and whips out a knife and in full view of the people cuts the persons head off.

The full-on horror of people innocently shopping with their children and then suddenly a crazed Kebab grabs a random person on that street and sets them on fire and burns them alive in full view of the people.

Come on Kebabs get the show on the road already you filthy Satanic pieces of human filth.

You shouldn't hold back...tell us what you really think....
Leave it to your dumb white retarded as to drag up some fuckin 3rd world garbage dumbs
Zimbabwe USED to be a FIRST WORLD country until your peeps took over.

What's a "garbage dumbs"?

Rhodesia was called The Garden of Africa and had an incredible agriculture sector.

Everywhere the blacks are allowed to take over turns to chaos, shit, poverty, misery, famine, disaster.

Have you seen South Africa now, have you been reading about whats happening there?

Blacks hate whites because they can't do shit for themselves without the help of white people.

Now The UN and International Globalists demand that the Third World is imported to our First World, so our First World can within twenty years become like the Third World.
Leave it to your dumb white retarded as to drag up some fuckin 3rd world garbage dumbs
Zimbabwe USED to be a FIRST WORLD country until your peeps took over.

What's a "garbage dumbs"?

Go Le Pen! Fuck liberals! :)
Every fuckin country led by a conservative is being fucked the math, bitch!!

Ummmmm, Venezuela is being run by one of your hero's. Hows that scumbag mugabe doing in Zimbabwe? Oh, right....not too good. Wherever you ultra lefty's take over people seem to starve.
Leave it to your dumb white retarded as to drag up some fuckin 3rd world garbage dumbs.....Look at NK, China, Europe, USA, Russia, need I continue, bitch

"Leave it to your dumb white retarded"

So it's you who are retarded, you racist She-Boon you.

Go Le Pen! Fuck liberals! :)
Every fuckin country led by a conservative is being fucked the math, bitch!!

Ummmmm, Venezuela is being run by one of your hero's. Hows that scumbag mugabe doing in Zimbabwe? Oh, right....not too good. Wherever you ultra lefty's take over people seem to starve.
Leave it to your dumb white retarded as to drag up some fuckin 3rd world garbage dumbs.....Look at NK, China, Europe, USA, Russia, need I continue, bitch

Zimbabwe used to be the breadbasket of Africa. Then some dumb assed prick took it over and ruined the place. His ethnicity is immaterial, but, he IS a stupid moron. Kinda like you.
Macron, just like Hillary has no platform, no policies, and everything he will do is against the majority of voters.His only play is to delegitimize his opponent.

So they call her Nazi, and Russian, etc, and the polls are a big part of that, same as in the US.

They use polls to project social approbation and make people feel that it is bad to support the person for irrational reasons and that game failed badly in the US.

The people are so overboard now that when the media attacks someone they view it as a good thing not bad.
Fuck the hacking, the French pays attention and will vote accordingly!!

The US and Europeans should take notes!!
Is your stupidity real or is it simply an act? I am being serious here. Why do you keep pushing that the revelations of how utterly corrupt the DNC is, was the result of Russian hacking when we already know that a former DNC insider Seth Rich (who was later murdered) was the one that passed them off to a U.K ambassador than then gave them to Julian Assange at the Ecuador Embassy? Why are you avoiding the contents of the leaked e-mails? IF I still believed in political parties and IF I were still a U.S citizen and IF I were a republican and this kind of info came out against the party I believed in? They would never, EVER get my support again. So, why is it that you support the commie, tax dodging, Rothschild puppet Macron?

Oh, are a closet commie......nevermind!
Macron, just like Hillary has no platform, no policies, and everything he will do is against the majority of voters.His only play is to delegitimize his opponent.

So they call her Nazi, and Russian, etc, and the polls are a big part of that, same as in the US.

They use polls to project social approbation and make people feel that it is bad to support the person for irrational reasons and that game failed badly in the US.

The people are so overboard now that when the media attacks someone they view it as a good thing not bad.

France has been overrun with muslim extremists that have no intention of assimilating into their host country and as they grow in numbers, they become more aggressive to the point that the police will not even challenge them. This is happening all over Europe and it is happening for a reason that is so horrific that fulfills the final world war that the majority could never wrap their minds around. The fact is that the elites are following (and have followed) Albert Pike's three world wars to be fomented, the creation of a Jewish state to the letter. People are so fucking stupid and so fucking uninformed. What is happening is so blatantly obvious that even Stevie Wonder could see this. All I can say is that we will get what we deserve because we were ignorant. It's gonna be hard for me to have any sympathy for the sheeple when the SHTF.
The right wing extremist populists are very unhappy with the shellacking that Le Pen will take today.
Macron, just like Hillary has no platform, no policies, and everything he will do is against the majority of voters.His only play is to delegitimize his opponent.

So they call her Nazi, and Russian, etc, and the polls are a big part of that, same as in the US.

They use polls to project social approbation and make people feel that it is bad to support the person for irrational reasons and that game failed badly in the US.

The people are so overboard now that when the media attacks someone they view it as a good thing not bad.

France has been overrun with muslim extremists that have no intention of assimilating into their host country and as they grow in numbers, they become more aggressive to the point that the police will not even challenge them. This is happening all over Europe and it is happening for a reason that is so horrific that fulfills the final world war that the majority could never wrap their minds around. The fact is that the elites are following (and have followed) Albert Pike's three world wars to be fomented, the creation of a Jewish state to the letter. People are so fucking stupid and so fucking uninformed. What is happening is so blatantly obvious that even Stevie Wonder could see this. All I can say is that we will get what we deserve because we were ignorant. It's gonna be hard for me to have any sympathy for the sheeple when the SHTF.

Much of France's Muslim problem is a result of decolonisation.

Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco come to mind.

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