The Friday Five

I had those horses too! Loved playing with them.
I think my childhood friends were mostly of the many legged kind. I call them beebee bugs. Most folks call them roly polies.
To this day, I will not squish them. When gardening, I just put them back where I found them.
1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?

2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
Depends, Playing army the whole neighborhood would get involved, playing with army men was a solitary thing.

3. What was your favorite children's game?
Smear the queer,Urban Dictionary: smear the queer
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1. Model horses - I was nuts for them :)

2. By myself

3. My best friend and I would make up our own games and they varied, so I didn't have a "favorite"

4. Play that involved my own imagination, or with one friend at a time

5. It depended on the situation...

I loved those Breyer horse models...had several of them. We used to play Horses and Barbies. The horses were the smart ones who played tricks on the stupid Barbies.

:lol: I can so relate - the only use I had for barbies was endentured servitude as riders.

I loved the Breyers and then, I can't remember the name of these ones but they were made with western riders (bigger than the Breyers) - they had moveable necks and some had moveable legs. I thought they were pretty cool :D
I remember we had Lincoln logs then this thing came out called Kenner's erector set. that was like high tech.

ok check this out. how is this for nostalgia. while I was typing this I checked out ebay and just put a buy it now bid on an erector set. lol. I can't wait to check it out.
1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
Those little green army men

2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
Before the age of eight I enjoyed playing alone after that with my brothers and friends.

3. What was your favorite children's game?

4. What kind of play were you most interested in?

5. How well did you share?

Not very well until I got older.
1. transistor radio
2. alone
3. hide and seek -- I was the best hider ever!
4. play? as in activity or theatrical performance? For an activity, I liked origami.
5. not very well -- I was always impressed by people who would give cool stuff away -- I couldn't


A transistor radio was your favorite toy? Alright ill ask.... how did you play with that?
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The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

This sounds like fun!

1. my bicycle. Gave all the dolls to my sister. Not a doll person, nope.
2. loner then. loner now.
3. climbing trees. Game wise...jacks.
4. none
5. I gave most of my stuff to whomever needed it more than I did.


I got the biggest kick out of jacks! Do kids even play with them anymore?
1. A Hubley die cast P-40 airplane.

2. By myself.

3. I honestly don't remember (it was a long time ago!)

4. See above! :lol:

5. When I had the opportunity I always shared.


now why does that not surprise me on bit.... an airplane.
1. A ball and a bat
2. With the whole neighborhood!
3. Soccer
4. Anything competitive
5. I shared like a champ :thup:


:eek: What... no mit?

How old were you when you got your bat and ball?
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
Easy Baked Oven
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
I wanted to play alone, but my siblings were very demanding
3. What was your favorite children's game?
Hide N Seek
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
I loved climbing and swimming and running
5. How well did you share?
Very well, I just wish my sister learned to share. Damn she is stingy

Oh and my family was real big in playing baseball. We had a baseball diamond in our back yard

:smoke: :lol:

:lol: Yeah, I didn't even notice that. oops :redface:

In reality it is past
1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
My dolls, and Chinese checkers

2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
Myself - no neighbors

3. What was your favorite children's game?
Hide and seek

4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
Paper dolls, pretend, dress up, going to the river, mud pies

5. How well did you share?
Depends on what the item was and who I was sharing with


One of my friends has all the dolls she ever had as a child. Did you keep any of yours?
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

(1) My favorite toy? I had several - but I'll say it was my bicycle. FREEDOM!!!

(2) My Mother NEVER allowed us to "stay inside" unless we were sick. There was always a bunch of us playing together. Baseball mostly. Actually, the NFL hadn't become "popular" back then.

(3) Sand lot football or baseball

(4) You're a little vague here. "Play" as in outdoors? Or "Play" as in theatrical?

(5) I grew up with an older Brother and two sisters - you either shared together or got into trouble with the old man.


play as in what you enjoyed and had fun doing. Did you enjoy playing acting?
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1. Toy? I had a big Teddy Bear named Tuffy.
2. I played with others most of the time.
3. I don't remember a favorite children's game.
4. I liked girly things, playing house and playing with dolls.
5. Share? What's that?:confused: j/k
6. To add: we always had cats and dogs; I loved them and played with them a lot. :)


lol.... did you dress up your dogs and cats?
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1. Dolls and books
2. Depends on the activity
3. Monopoly?!?
4. I did a lot of hiking, building 'forts' in the forest, ice skating until my feet were numb.
5. I shared very well


how long did you longest Monopoly game go on for? Hours, days or months?
1. My favorite toys were usually action figures. I remember setting my G.I. Joes on fire. My mother hated it.
2. I was a loner. I usually played with myself... I mean by myself.
3. War.
4. Anything that involved pretending to be a soldier.
5. I shared pretty well. Unfortunately, I didn't always get my stuff back. :tongue:


lol, why did you st your G.I. joes on fire? Did you have the huge sets of green soldiers and set up battle fields?
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1. A Game Boy Advance

2. I was antisocial as a child, but I did play with a few kids before they moved away.

3. Metroid, Gradius.

4. Shakespearean. Macbeth, Hamlet, Othello.

5. I was very possessive of my things as a child. I still am, after some instances with money I had with certain people in my family. I treat everyone with distrust when it comes to sharing or borrowing, even if I know them or trust them. But I do share now, more than I used to.


do you still have your game boy?
1. As a child, what was your favorite toy? Lionel 2-6-2 O gauge train set with real smoke.
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children? Myself
3. What was your favorite children's game? Dodgeball
4. What kind of play were you most interested in? Reading
5. How well did you share? Not very

[MENTION=23420]Quantum Windbag[/MENTION]


You played with yourself???

ok...i could not resist!
1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
Depends on how old I was. My earliest "favorite" was a stuffed horse my mom made. Hell, I still have that thing packed away in a box somewhere.

2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
I was one of eight children, I always had other kids to play with, whether I wanted to, or not.

3. What was your favorite children's game?
We always had board games and family time to play them.

4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
I think my favorite games were role-playing, like "Bonanza" (I was 'Pa') or "Star Trek" (I was Mr. Spock). We also spent a tremendous amount of time outdoors, playing in the woods, exploring.

5. How well did you share?
Sharing was mandatory. If you didn't share, you got beat up by the others.


do you ever get out your old horse and revisit? It reminds me of the story of the skin horse being "real"
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?

i had many toys no favorite toy

as a kid and still today just about everything is a toy

and worthy of dis-assembly and re assembly

to see how it ticks

2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?

one other child

she and i born one month apart

both the last born in a rural area on a lake

every day was an adventure

3. What was your favorite children's game?

exploration of the lake

back waters and forested areas and islands

4. What kind of play were you most interested in?

whatever the day held in store for me

every day was an unwritten book

5. How well did you share?

whatever my childhood friend wanted

she was welcome to have

including my life if needed

that holds true to this day


oohh.... the lake and forest sound great.... you could let your imagination go wild!

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