The Front Porch Swing

See, I'm more uncomfortable with the sugar and sodium than anything else about soda, really.

That's true, me too and I really don't drink 'em. I have bought several Sierra Mists in the last couple of years, not so much to drink 'em as to exact revenge for having been given Sprite by default.

Far more often I'll have iced tea or better an iced tea/lemonade or limeade combo. :thup:

UNsweet of course. What they call "sweet tea" in the south is unsuitable for consumption by anything but a hummingbird. Which fattens 'em up for making hummingbird cake

I recently tried sweet tea. Holy /shudder
One fine morning I was setting up the work space, there was a man standing there drinking a diet Coke, smiling. "I don't drink coffee" he announced, "but I always enjoy my diet Coke". He took another satisfied swig. My lovely assistant peeped up from her desk and said, "you know, if you drop a cockroach in there it dissolves".

His face dropped and he walked away...
My response would have been, "got a cockroach handy?"

The bigger joke there [MENTION=20342]Ringel05[/MENTION] - is that the word "Handy" in German is slang for:


:) :)

IS it? After the Englishe wort?

Not quite the same thing but in Portuguese you can't end a word in a consonant (like Italian) so if you import such a word you commonly insert a spoken schwa on the end; meanwhile the letter R is (in Brazil) something like our H. As a result when Brazil imports the names of certain music genres the results are amusing. "Rock" gets pronounced "Hockey" and "Rap" is pronounced "happy".

The subgenre of which we're observing the 50th anniversary is spelled 'ie-ie-ie", pronounced "yeh yeh yeh".
"Left turn"? :confused:

I'm righthanded myself, am I in the wrong place?
Damn southpaws... they're just... what is the word... sinister.
I thought this was the funniest of all the Super Bowl commercials......

[ame=]Audi 2014 Big Game Commercial - Doberhuahua - YouTube[/ame]

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