The Front Porch Swing

thanks for the invite, gracie. Would love to be there on the porch, would finally get a chance to relax. It is chaos at my place right now. I could try to sneak out, but mrs. Jughead would kill me. We have friends and neighbors over for a super bowl party. The food's not ready yet, so we're just watching festivities on the tube while having some cold ones. I check in on usmb every so often. A toast to everyone there from the folks here.
Go broncos!!!

hey, [mention=45739]jughead[/mention], glad you are here!! The more people of good-will, the merrier. I am off to a superbowl party with neighbors soon myself. Broncos!!!!

Congrats! Great way to kick-off 2014 with a massacre (no pun intended).

Malcolm Smith deserves the MVP. Hat's off to him, as a linebacker, an MVP award is extremely out of the ordinary, but well deserved nonetheless.

Well, off to do some very important work......keep my seat warm.....:razz:
Thanks for the invite, Gracie. Would love to be there on the porch, would finally get a chance to relax. It is chaos at my place right now. I could try to sneak out, but Mrs. Jughead would kill me. We have friends and neighbors over for a Super Bowl party. The food's not ready yet, so we're just watching festivities on the tube while having some cold ones. I check in on USMB every so often. A toast to everyone there from the folks here.

Hey, [MENTION=45739]Jughead[/MENTION], glad you are here!! The more people of good-will, the merrier. I am off to a superbowl party with neighbors soon myself. BRONCOS!!!!

Ahhhh, everyone seemed to be thinking that the Broncos were going to kick ass, but it turned out the other way around.....I thought it was a massacre....felt sorry for Peyton.
Yeah, Peyton is a great player, he got his share of MVP awards when playing with the Colts. Too bad he was mann-handled against the Seahawks (no pun intended).

Would have been great if Fox (Broncos coach) had won the super bowl. With all that he's been through with his recent heart surgery (valve replacement surgery). Oh well, "Foxy" will be back stronger next year.
Hey, [MENTION=45739]Jughead[/MENTION], glad you are here!! The more people of good-will, the merrier. I am off to a superbowl party with neighbors soon myself. BRONCOS!!!!
Glad to be here! Just took a small half time break! Thank Heavens I'm at home and not driving tonight! I've been drowning my sorrows due to the massacre (Broncos are down big time). I'm not the only one, the guests have already polished off most of my beer, wine and they're into the hard stuff as well.

Oh well, time to get back to drin .. er I mean back to the game!

It's lookin really grim for the Broncos. ....
Yeah, Manning got "Mann-Handled".
Glad to be here! Just took a small half time break! Thank Heavens I'm at home and not driving tonight! I've been drowning my sorrows due to the massacre (Broncos are down big time). I'm not the only one, the guests have already polished off most of my beer, wine and they're into the hard stuff as well.

Oh well, time to get back to drin .. er I mean back to the game!

It's lookin really grim for the Broncos. ....
Yeah, Manning got "Mann-Handled".


Does that make him the new boytoy of the NFL?
Just grateful I don't have to work tonight!

Conversely, almost a week off feels like it dragged on forever. Can't wait to talk to my peeps again.
Back from swimming: a mile in 44 minutes. A bit slow, but it is Monday.
One small bottle of sprite lasts me 3 days. I pour a capful of the juice from my marachino cherrie jar, sometimes add one cherry, top with a few chunks of ice. I rarely drink sodas. Right now I am sucking down hot green tea.

I like Canada dry ginger ale, but I like sprite sometimes to.

Me too - but I rarely, rarely drink soda. Just too much bad and wrong with it.

I've discovered water lately and have been drinking a lot. Can't believe how much better I feel.
See, I'm more uncomfortable with the sugar and sodium than anything else about soda, really.

That's true, me too and I really don't drink 'em. I have bought several Sierra Mists in the last couple of years, not so much to drink 'em as to exact revenge for having been given Sprite by default.

Far more often I'll have iced tea or better an iced tea/lemonade or limeade combo. :thup:

UNsweet of course. What they call "sweet tea" in the south is unsuitable for consumption by anything but a hummingbird. Which fattens 'em up for making hummingbird cake

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