The Front Porch Swing

I like Coke Zero. If it can clean of battery terminals and blood from asphalt imagine how clean my GI tract is......... :thup:

I'm sayin! It can clean showers? Seriously?! Naw, man. :doubt:

It was a joke based on Urban myths....... :D Coca-Cola Acids

One fine morning I was setting up the work space, there was a man standing there drinking a diet Coke, smiling. "I don't drink coffee" he announced, "but I always enjoy my diet Coke". He took another satisfied swig. My lovely assistant peeped up from her desk and said, "you know, if you drop a cockroach in there it dissolves".

His face dropped and he walked away...
I'm sayin! It can clean showers? Seriously?! Naw, man. :doubt:

It was a joke based on Urban myths....... :D Coca-Cola Acids

One fine morning I was setting up the work space, there was a man standing there drinking a diet Coke, smiling. "I don't drink coffee" he announced, "but I always enjoy my diet Coke". He took another satisfied swig. My lovely assistant peeped up from her desk and said, "you know, if you drop a cockroach in there it dissolves".

His face dropped and he walked away...
My response would have been, "got a cockroach handy?"
It was a joke based on Urban myths....... :D Coca-Cola Acids

One fine morning I was setting up the work space, there was a man standing there drinking a diet Coke, smiling. "I don't drink coffee" he announced, "but I always enjoy my diet Coke". He took another satisfied swig. My lovely assistant peeped up from her desk and said, "you know, if you drop a cockroach in there it dissolves".

His face dropped and he walked away...
My response would have been, "got a cockroach handy?"

Darlene would have had a ready retort I'm sure.

Mine might have been, "why don't you just use that one on your tie?"

Which reminds me, speaking of cockroaches, of a time I was at a business meeting in New Orleans when a gekko crawled up on my desk from somewhere. Gekkos are common in New Orleans, which is cool since they stalk and eat cockroaches. So this one's sitting there perfectly still as reptiles do, and some lady in a business suit from out of town walks up, admiring what she thinks is a plastic gekko. "Oh it looks so real!"

Just then the gekko turns its head to look at her.

I've never seen a lady in a dress jump that high.
One fine morning I was setting up the work space, there was a man standing there drinking a diet Coke, smiling. "I don't drink coffee" he announced, "but I always enjoy my diet Coke". He took another satisfied swig. My lovely assistant peeped up from her desk and said, "you know, if you drop a cockroach in there it dissolves".

His face dropped and he walked away...
My response would have been, "got a cockroach handy?"

Darlene would have had a ready retort I'm sure.

Mine might have been, "why don't you just use that one on your tie?"

Which reminds me, speaking of cockroaches, of a time I was at a business meeting in New Orleans when a gekko crawled up on my desk from somewhere. Gekkos are common in New Orleans, which is cool since they stalk and eat cockroaches. So this one's sitting there perfectly still as reptiles do, and some lady in a business suit from out of town walks up, admiring what she thinks is a plastic gekko. "Oh it looks so real!"

Just then the gekko turns its head to look at her.

I've never seen a lady in a dress jump that high.
None of that bothers me, I spent a third of my childhood growing up on Pacific islands....... We used to hunt cockroaches with .22s......... One cooked rat constituted a full meal for a family of five...... :cool:
And gekkos/newts were our friends, we'd go to sleep with them crawling up the walls and on the ceilings.
I know the feeling, kiddo. Friday evening in the ER, still a ways to go on the healing front.

You dealing with a cold, or flu?

You to?

My partner has been sick off n on since Thanksgiving, spent the night in the hospital.

This week I was taking care of everyone who was sick and then I ended up sick.

It's a cold through my chest I cough and can't breathe.

I am so glad to have the weekend off to sleep it off.

I have been taking a mucinex generic brand hoping to get better soon.

I am sorry you are sick to boop:smiliehug:

Thanks, hon. Mine is an infection so giant antibiotic horse pills, pain killers - the whole nine yards. Good stuff, Maynard.

You may have bronchitis. Have you seen a doctor yet?

Once you get to the big six ohh, you seriously have to take care of yourself.

From the last 10 years, the only year I didn't get the flu shot, because they ran out, I was hospitalized with the flu. I also got the pneumonia shot. It's very important.

And worse, I had a blockage in my forehead where my nasal passages are. The blockage let caustic liquid seep down into my lungs from my nasal passages while I was sleeping. I never even heard of such a thing.

In the morning I would cough and cough. The doctors kept looking at my lungs and stomach. Finally, he sent me to a specialist who had me scanned and discovered the blockage. They put balloons up my nostrils into my forehead and expanded the passages. Unfortunately, all that liquid left behind a lot of damage around my lungs. I should have gone to the doctor earlier, but I thought it was just part of getting old.

So the lesson for me was, "Take care of yourself an don't ignore anything".
I love geckos. Every time we went to Maui, I always looked for them in our room and one was always there. :)
Thanks for the invite, Gracie. Would love to be there on the porch, would finally get a chance to relax. It is chaos at my place right now. I could try to sneak out, but Mrs. Jughead would kill me. We have friends and neighbors over for a Super Bowl party. The food's not ready yet, so we're just watching festivities on the tube while having some cold ones. I check in on USMB every so often. A toast to everyone there from the folks here.

Hey, [MENTION=45739]Jughead[/MENTION], glad you are here!! The more people of good-will, the merrier. I am off to a superbowl party with neighbors soon myself. BRONCOS!!!!

Ahhhh, everyone seemed to be thinking that the Broncos were going to kick ass, but it turned out the other way around.....I thought it was a massacre....felt sorry for Peyton.
One fine morning I was setting up the work space, there was a man standing there drinking a diet Coke, smiling. "I don't drink coffee" he announced, "but I always enjoy my diet Coke". He took another satisfied swig. My lovely assistant peeped up from her desk and said, "you know, if you drop a cockroach in there it dissolves".

His face dropped and he walked away...
My response would have been, "got a cockroach handy?"

Darlene would have had a ready retort I'm sure.

Mine might have been, "why don't you just use that one on your tie?"

Which reminds me, speaking of cockroaches, of a time I was at a business meeting in New Orleans when a gekko crawled up on my desk from somewhere. Gekkos are common in New Orleans, which is cool since they stalk and eat cockroaches. So this one's sitting there perfectly still as reptiles do, and some lady in a business suit from out of town walks up, admiring what she thinks is a plastic gekko. "Oh it looks so real!"

Just then the gekko turns its head to look at her.

I've never seen a lady in a dress jump that high.

I once saw my daughter jump straight up in the air and somehow land on the counter a foot behind her, after she walked in the kitchen and saw one of those giant freakazoid spiders with leaping capabilities. Freaked her out in a serious fashion.
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It was a joke based on Urban myths....... :D Coca-Cola Acids

One fine morning I was setting up the work space, there was a man standing there drinking a diet Coke, smiling. "I don't drink coffee" he announced, "but I always enjoy my diet Coke". He took another satisfied swig. My lovely assistant peeped up from her desk and said, "you know, if you drop a cockroach in there it dissolves".

His face dropped and he walked away...
My response would have been, "got a cockroach handy?"

The bigger joke there [MENTION=20342]Ringel05[/MENTION] - is that the word "Handy" in German is slang for:


:) :)
Even having not worked since Wednesday night, my schedule remains the same, i.e.; upside down.

I feel I should go to sleep? But Sons of Anarchy is calling me.
Strawberry, Orange, and Grape Fanta here. Don't get soda every shopping trip, but once every few months. Had a kidney stone a few years back from too much soda. Joked with the doc "But I thought the carbonated water counted towards my 8 glasses a day?" He didn't laugh. :)
I have not had a sugar soda in probably three years, don't miss em at all.

Good morning, 25 outside, will snow later this day.
I switched to Diet long ago and now if I have a soda that isn't diet it tastes way too sweet. They say now, that diet can actually trigger you to eat more-WTF-that's why I switched to it long ago-to cut calories. I'm screwed either way. LOL

Good morning all. It is currently 3 degrees and I can't wait for winter's end. I just got over a nasty but and now many people around me are ill.

February is the worst month here for cloudy days and it's Monday.

Well, at least I'm not sick anymore. There's the silver lining. Have a good one. :)
Snow day!

I switched to Diet long ago and now if I have a soda that isn't diet it tastes way too sweet. They say now, that diet can actually trigger you to eat more-WTF-that's why I switched to it long ago-to cut calories. I'm screwed either way. LOL

Good morning all. It is currently 3 degrees and I can't wait for winter's end. I just got over a nasty but and now many people around me are ill.

February is the worst month here for cloudy days and it's Monday.

Well, at least I'm not sick anymore. There's the silver lining. Have a good one. :)

That's just the same with me...regular coke is like drinking maple syrup.....I have been drinking Diet Coke forever, and you're right, there's always a trade-off....:razz:

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