The Front Porch Swing

Question of the Day February 16, 2014. Anybody else a big reader?

In the 4th grade I was reading at a 9th grade level. I lost count of the books I own when it went over 3k about 25 years ago. I have probably donated at least that many books to charitable causes since then.

Still books only, or e-reader as well?
Question of the Day February 16, 2014. Anybody else a big reader?

Yes, when I have time, I really enjoy a good book. My second favorite pastime after gardening.

I'm reading this one now and it's really good: [ame][/ame]
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Yes. It's a blessing to be a telecommuter.

Except tonight.

I got a new phone for work. I need it for e-support, and my old one is a bit obsolete. So I plugged it in, and the minute I did so, I had a dial tone. It didn't matter if I had the handset plugged in and on or off the cradle, or what button I pushed. Finally, I was coming up on late for work, so I plugged in my old phone - and the right lens fell out of my glasses.

I can see three inches in front of my face without my glasses. I don't have one of those little screwdrivers (thankfully the little screw didn't take a wander. I would never have found it.), so I had to use my pinky nail.

I was five minutes late for a job where I was already sitting in the chair. How fail is that. :(

Like the saying goes, sh*t happens.....also, when it rains it pours (only not in Texas, ha,ha).
Good GAWD! It looked so relaxing at the start, but now we have bedbugs???? YUK.

Hey Anita, see you made it are ya?

We talk about everything here, from the kitchen sink to the hairs on the bed bugs.....:razz:
Yes. It's a blessing to be a telecommuter.

Except tonight.

I got a new phone for work. I need it for e-support, and my old one is a bit obsolete. So I plugged it in, and the minute I did so, I had a dial tone. It didn't matter if I had the handset plugged in and on or off the cradle, or what button I pushed. Finally, I was coming up on late for work, so I plugged in my old phone - and the right lens fell out of my glasses.

I can see three inches in front of my face without my glasses. I don't have one of those little screwdrivers (thankfully the little screw didn't take a wander. I would never have found it.), so I had to use my pinky nail.

I was five minutes late for a job where I was already sitting in the chair. How fail is that. :(

Like the saying goes, sh*t happens.....also, when it rains it pours (only not in Texas, ha,ha).

au contraire

In East Texs (a forest the size of Indiana with 20 million acres of woods), the rain can pour for two to three days at a time. Allison rained on us in 2001 for 18 days. Drowned the Rice University basements where the mainframe IS was located for the uni.
Question of the Day February 16, 2014. Anybody else a big reader?

In the 4th grade I was reading at a 9th grade level. I lost count of the books I own when it went over 3k about 25 years ago. I have probably donated at least that many books to charitable causes since then.

Still books only, or e-reader as well?

Both! Darling offspring bought me a Nexus 7 for Xmas and with a Kindle app it has at least 20+ books lined up for me to read right now. I have got through at least 5 so far. Weaning myself off the paper versions but I still have a backlog on the bookshelves. While I like the feel of a book I spent some money buying a decent leather cover with a tablet pen holder and that provides a similar feel.
Yes. It's a blessing to be a telecommuter.

Except tonight.

I got a new phone for work. I need it for e-support, and my old one is a bit obsolete. So I plugged it in, and the minute I did so, I had a dial tone. It didn't matter if I had the handset plugged in and on or off the cradle, or what button I pushed. Finally, I was coming up on late for work, so I plugged in my old phone - and the right lens fell out of my glasses.

I can see three inches in front of my face without my glasses. I don't have one of those little screwdrivers (thankfully the little screw didn't take a wander. I would never have found it.), so I had to use my pinky nail.

I was five minutes late for a job where I was already sitting in the chair. How fail is that. :(

Like the saying goes, sh*t happens.....also, when it rains it pours (only not in Texas, ha,ha).

au contraire

In East Texs (a forest the size of Indiana with 20 million acres of woods), the rain can pour for two to three days at a time. Allison rained on us in 2001 for 18 days. Drowned the Rice University basements where the mainframe IS was located for the uni.

That must be the "rainforest" area of Texas.....:razz::razz:

We're in the desert......:)
Question of the Day February 16, 2014. Anybody else a big reader?

:eusa_eh: I'm a little over six feet tall and hung like a horse... Does that count for "big"?

I'm 5' no-never-mind so no. Different big.;)

I assume there's a happy Mrs. Joe, walking funny somewhere out there? ;)

That's what I wondered -- how big is 'big'?

I'm still on the normal type font for now... :dunno:

As for Joe, he's just ... well, average. When he and I go hit the bars they call him "little Joe" and I'm "Hoss". :eusa_shifty:
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In the 4th grade I was reading at a 9th grade level. I lost count of the books I own when it went over 3k about 25 years ago. I have probably donated at least that many books to charitable causes since then.

Still books only, or e-reader as well?

Both! Darling offspring bought me a Nexus 7 for Xmas and with a Kindle app it has at least 20+ books lined up for me to read right now. I have got through at least 5 so far. Weaning myself off the paper versions but I still have a backlog on the bookshelves. While I like the feel of a book I spent some money buying a decent leather cover with a tablet pen holder and that provides a similar feel.


I was just telling my sister, I wish I could go back to the library of my youth. That place was just so peaceful, and smelled so good! Like decades of books, and wood, and furniture polish ... It's probably changed. But I loved it there.

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