The Front Porch Swing

Still books only, or e-reader as well?

Both! Darling offspring bought me a Nexus 7 for Xmas and with a Kindle app it has at least 20+ books lined up for me to read right now. I have got through at least 5 so far. Weaning myself off the paper versions but I still have a backlog on the bookshelves. While I like the feel of a book I spent some money buying a decent leather cover with a tablet pen holder and that provides a similar feel.


I was just telling my sister, I wish I could go back to the library of my youth. That place was just so peaceful, and smelled so good! Like decades of books, and wood, and furniture polish ... It's probably changed. But I loved it there.

I know the feeling, I spent many a long and happy hour in libraries growing up. When we had the opportunity to design a new library here in my home town we put a lot of thought and effort into what we loved about them and how to make sure that it would be there for future generations. The children's section is on the top floor with a special reading well built into the floor lined with cushions and under a skylight that can change colors. For the reference section on the 2nd floor we have a corner with floor to ceiling glass and comfortable chairs that looks out over the fields. Downstairs we have a coffee bar and an Art Gallery as well as a Community Room. The seating is low and there are wicker lounges for people to stretch out on and read.

After Hurricane Sandy we had people sitting on the floor recharging their phones and using the WiFi to reconnect with loved ones. It is the heart of our town and has turned into a really wonderful experience for people of all ages.
In the 4th grade I was reading at a 9th grade level. I lost count of the books I own when it went over 3k about 25 years ago. I have probably donated at least that many books to charitable causes since then.

Still books only, or e-reader as well?

Both! Darling offspring bought me a Nexus 7 for Xmas and with a Kindle app it has at least 20+ books lined up for me to read right now. I have got through at least 5 so far. Weaning myself off the paper versions but I still have a backlog on the bookshelves. While I like the feel of a book I spent some money buying a decent leather cover with a tablet pen holder and that provides a similar feel.

Me have way too many books, but never lack for reading material. I bought a Nook last summer for the cross country train trip, used it a lot on that, but since haven't used it much and actually I'm not even sure where it is. I prolly would have used it more if it worked properly but it won't connect to my laptop so it's pretty limited.

There's a monster book store chain in Tennessee (McKay's) where I take the op to stop whenever I go to Knoxville, Chattanooga or Nashville. At least once I ended up buying the same book twice. And then I have several tabs open with Amazon pages of various books waiting for me to act and accumulate enough for free shipping (which is well past already). Winter's good for that.

Usually on media, sociology, politics, music or especially, history.
Both! Darling offspring bought me a Nexus 7 for Xmas and with a Kindle app it has at least 20+ books lined up for me to read right now. I have got through at least 5 so far. Weaning myself off the paper versions but I still have a backlog on the bookshelves. While I like the feel of a book I spent some money buying a decent leather cover with a tablet pen holder and that provides a similar feel.


I was just telling my sister, I wish I could go back to the library of my youth. That place was just so peaceful, and smelled so good! Like decades of books, and wood, and furniture polish ... It's probably changed. But I loved it there.

I know the feeling, I spent many a long and happy hour in libraries growing up. When we had the opportunity to design a new library here in my home town we put a lot of thought and effort into what we loved about them and how to make sure that it would be there for future generations. The children's section is on the top floor with a special reading well built into the floor lined with cushions and under a skylight that can change colors. For the reference section on the 2nd floor we have a corner with floor to ceiling glass and comfortable chairs that looks out over the fields. Downstairs we have a coffee bar and an Art Gallery as well as a Community Room. The seating is low and there are wicker lounges for people to stretch out on and read.

After Hurricane Sandy we had people sitting on the floor recharging their phones and using the WiFi to reconnect with loved ones. It is the heart of our town and has turned into a really wonderful experience for people of all ages.

It sounds just perfect. Do you have any pictures, or does the library site itself have pictures?

I was just telling my sister, I wish I could go back to the library of my youth. That place was just so peaceful, and smelled so good! Like decades of books, and wood, and furniture polish ... It's probably changed. But I loved it there.

I know the feeling, I spent many a long and happy hour in libraries growing up. When we had the opportunity to design a new library here in my home town we put a lot of thought and effort into what we loved about them and how to make sure that it would be there for future generations. The children's section is on the top floor with a special reading well built into the floor lined with cushions and under a skylight that can change colors. For the reference section on the 2nd floor we have a corner with floor to ceiling glass and comfortable chairs that looks out over the fields. Downstairs we have a coffee bar and an Art Gallery as well as a Community Room. The seating is low and there are wicker lounges for people to stretch out on and read.

After Hurricane Sandy we had people sitting on the floor recharging their phones and using the WiFi to reconnect with loved ones. It is the heart of our town and has turned into a really wonderful experience for people of all ages.

It sounds just perfect. Do you have any pictures, or does the library site itself have pictures?







Green cushions around the reading well under the skylight in the LHS image




Art Gallery and Coffee Bar;



I know the feeling, I spent many a long and happy hour in libraries growing up. When we had the opportunity to design a new library here in my home town we put a lot of thought and effort into what we loved about them and how to make sure that it would be there for future generations. The children's section is on the top floor with a special reading well built into the floor lined with cushions and under a skylight that can change colors. For the reference section on the 2nd floor we have a corner with floor to ceiling glass and comfortable chairs that looks out over the fields. Downstairs we have a coffee bar and an Art Gallery as well as a Community Room. The seating is low and there are wicker lounges for people to stretch out on and read.

After Hurricane Sandy we had people sitting on the floor recharging their phones and using the WiFi to reconnect with loved ones. It is the heart of our town and has turned into a really wonderful experience for people of all ages.

It sounds just perfect. Do you have any pictures, or does the library site itself have pictures?







Green cushions around the reading well under the skylight in the LHS image




Art Gallery and Coffee Bar;




WOW, what accommodations :thup:

So --- how often do people fall asleep in one of those big hand chairs?
It sounds just perfect. Do you have any pictures, or does the library site itself have pictures?







Green cushions around the reading well under the skylight in the LHS image




Art Gallery and Coffee Bar;




WOW, what accommodations :thup:

So --- how often do people fall asleep in one of those big hand chairs?

:dunno: but I am sure it has happened. :)

Interestingly enough the chairs are made out of a weed that clogs the waterways around here. A Vietnamese immigrant who was working to help clear the waterways then started weaving the weed and came up with these chair designs.

About half the population of our town are immigrants and so we have all sorts of interesting festivals. Diwali and Holi are celebrated along with Christmas, Thanksgiving and the 4th of July. For Chinese New Year we have our own Dragon that lives in the basement. It is a fascinating place.

Reeeeally.... I would love to see a real Holi festival. Found out about that in my research of Carnaval.

Do they do it up complete with the flinging of suspicious and colourful liquids in the street?
Reeeeally.... I would love to see a real Holi festival. Found out about that in my research of Carnaval.

Do they do it up complete with the flinging of suspicious and colourful liquids in the street?

They use powders around here, primarily colored chalk. It is messy but a whole lot of fun.
Love the chairs! It looks amazing. Thank you. :smiliehug:

So your daughter, is she a huge reader as well? And Mrs. DT, too?

From the day she was brought home we started reading to her. At 13 months we had her in a push chair and we went into a bookstore and she freaked out. "Books, books, books" at the top of her voice. :) She had never seen so many books in her entire life.

She is not only an avid reader but an aspiring writer too. Used to publish short stories on Fan-Fiction and received 1000 positive reviews, 300 of them for one story alone. We have both a physical and a virtual library in the home. We give and receive books as gifts.
I know the feeling, I spent many a long and happy hour in libraries growing up. When we had the opportunity to design a new library here in my home town we put a lot of thought and effort into what we loved about them and how to make sure that it would be there for future generations. The children's section is on the top floor with a special reading well built into the floor lined with cushions and under a skylight that can change colors. For the reference section on the 2nd floor we have a corner with floor to ceiling glass and comfortable chairs that looks out over the fields. Downstairs we have a coffee bar and an Art Gallery as well as a Community Room. The seating is low and there are wicker lounges for people to stretch out on and read.

After Hurricane Sandy we had people sitting on the floor recharging their phones and using the WiFi to reconnect with loved ones. It is the heart of our town and has turned into a really wonderful experience for people of all ages.

It sounds just perfect. Do you have any pictures, or does the library site itself have pictures?







Green cushions around the reading well under the skylight in the LHS image




Art Gallery and Coffee Bar;




This is the public Library in San Antonio, Texas.....I haven't ever been in it, we have a very nice one in our neck of the woods.


An aerial shot:

I'll look for St. Paul Public Library pictures when next it's an option. That place is amazing. I only went there once, and it still shows up in my dreams.

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