The fun continues in Chicagoland


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
12 Killed 43 Wounded In Memorial Day Weekend Shootings CBS Chicago
Just think of what fun it would be if every negro in every inner city shithole had a handgun and a thousand rounds.
At the rate they are killing each other over a fucking pair of Nikes BOBO the clown made the right move allowing millions of Hispanics into the country. He knows his negro 'voter base' are self immolating faster than the twelve year old 'baby-mommas' can drop-em.
Add Baltimore's 9 dead and 28 wounded and that's 21 KIA and 71wounded in just two predominantly black inner cities. How many of them were innocent bystanders instead of those targeted by the criminal thugs I don't suppose anyone knows for sure yet. But anyone who buys the "black lives matter" bullshit from the race pimps and their ignorant ilk is a fool.

Besure to call when you need the services of a policeman. I'm sure they'll hop right on
it just as soon as they can.
Predict the rank of the body count of black men killed by end of year by each group

- blacks in Baltimore
- blacks in Atlanta
- blacks in Chicago
- blacks in St Louis County
- all American cops nation wide...justified or not

I bet cops finish dead last.
Balto seems to be kicking it in high gear, not letting a crisis go to waste as Barry's administration advises. Heard a report today they're at or near 100 KIA already, but it took until July to hit the century mark last year.

Black lives do matter in the race to Beat Last Year! C'mon you other crime infested hoods across the country. Don't let Balto run away with the Biggest Increase award this year. Get out there and get shootin'!
The LIB asshole who gave a cop the finger just to bait the cop has a face and a name.
That information is already in every police database in the country.
He better hope he never needs a cop's help.
Add Baltimore's 9 dead and 28 wounded and that's 21 KIA and 71wounded in just two predominantly black inner cities. How many of them were innocent bystanders instead of those targeted by the criminal thugs I don't suppose anyone knows for sure yet. But anyone who buys the "black lives matter" bullshit from the race pimps and their ignorant ilk is a fool.

Besure to call when you need the services of a policeman. I'm sure they'll hop right on
it just as soon as they can.

You mean democrat controlled cities..........

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