The Future of USMB

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
When I saw Joe's thread on the Future of Israel it reminded me of something the Lord was speaking to my heart when I woke up this morning! That the future of USMB is greater than its past or present. That this board will become the greatest board on the internet in future days and the reason for it is simple.

The owners, admin, moderators of this board have done something that no other message board has done to my knowledge. They have created a board that has forums for everyone and they have offered a religion forum where the Gospel of Jesus Christ can be freely preached! The Message of the Cross is preached on this board. Because they have made provision for this with a religion forum : God is about to open the windows of heaven and bless them.

On the subject of the religion forum of USMB.

Yes, there are all types of discussions and religions all on the same forum and when speaking of Christianity there are also wide road preachers, false prophets, and such but Christians were not called to be removed from the world but a light in it! So what can stand against the Word of God? Let it come because if the Gospel cannot stand up against what is not true it could not be the true Gospel.

It is a blessed thing to have all point of views, all religions, all faiths, all ideas open for discussion because it provides the contrast, the background by which the Light of Jesus Christ can shine ever the brighter.

As Emerson once said, the darker the night, the brighter the stars.

Something else that came to me this morning. Some time ago someone posted a thread discussing the value of USMB in monetary amount. I will not mention what amount they gave however.......... If that be true? I would not dare sell it. This board is going to be worth far, far more than what that man claimed it was worth. In fact? The benefits it has in past times received will be unable to compare with what the LORD is about to do for the owners of this board. They will be in total awe of how the LORD can bless those who permit His Gospel a place in which it can be spread throughout the world.

May the LORD Bless the Owners of USMB today, In Jesus name. Amen.
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Yes, I agree that USMB attracts and encourages
some of the best members/messages I have found online.

For politics, I find the Conservatives are better at explaining and correcting issues.

For religion, I find the secular nontheists here are more reasonable and willing to work with theists than on other forums where people just get militant and can't talk past that.

I believe we can form a consensus on Law and on God
with the level of communication offered by USMB and its membership.

There is some connection by Conscience or by Christ, whichever you call it,
that allows corrections to be made in the spirit of truth and agreement.

USMB and the members here clearly support that process,
and contribute through diverse ways and views that are all necessary
to represent the whole, and to form a consensus that is universally inclusive.

Thank you and everyone for this!
May all truth be shared and received in full,
and all errors and conflicts be fully resolved in the process --
removing all fear and ill will or unforgiveness causing division or projection --
and multiplying Good will, benefits and blessings for all.

When I saw Joe's thread on the Future of Israel it reminded me of something the Lord was speaking to my heart when I woke up this morning! That the future of USMB is greater than its past or present. That this board will become the greatest board on the internet in future days and the reason for it is simple.

The owners, admin, moderators of this board have done something that no other message board has done to my knowledge. They have created a board that has forums for everyone and they have offered a religion forum where the Gospel of Jesus Christ can be freely preached! The Message of the Cross is preached on this board. Because they have made provision for this with a religion forum : God is about to open the windows of heaven and bless them.

On the subject of the religion forum of USMB.

Yes, there are all types of discussions and religions all on the same forum and when speaking of Christianity there are also wide road preachers, false prophets, and such but Christians were not called to be removed from the world but a light in it! So what can stand against the Word of God? Let it come because if the Gospel cannot stand up against what is not true it could not be the true Gospel.

It is a blessed thing to have all point of views, all religions, all faiths, all ideas open for discussion because it provides the contrast, the background by which the Light of Jesus Christ can shine ever the brighter.

As Emerson once said, the darker the night, the brighter the stars.

Something else that came to me this morning. Some time ago someone posted a thread discussing the value of USMB in monetary amount. I will not mention what amount they gave however.......... If that be true? I would not dare sell it. This board is going to be worth far, far more than what that man claimed it was worth. In fact? The benefits it has in past times received will be unable to compare with what the LORD is about to do for the owners of this board. They will be in total awe of how the LORD can bless those who permit His Gospel a place in which it can be spread throughout the world.

May the LORD Bless the Owners of USMB today, In Jesus name. Amen.
usmb is dying. It used to be a vibrant board full of new posters, and new people were constantly coming on and contributing.

Now it's a sad handful of hacks and socks, and the only new people (if there are actually any at all) are pathetic trolls and mentally ill lunatics drawn by the insane thread titles that are allowed to linger....
I don't agree with you, Koshergirl. I believe USMB's very best days are ahead. Not behind. This board is far, far better than it was a year or two ago! It is a much more even place - even a large place for all people and I rejoice in what has been accomplished because of the leadership here. The men in authority of this board are not weak willed and have not permitted anyone to usurp their authority. Neither have the women at their right hand moderating here. They are on an even keel and a course that is most definitely leading them to great success.

The USMB Lounge was also a great idea and has given even more options for people who prefer not to engage in certain discussions. It is a something for everyone board and the best on the internet in my belief. I could not say it if I did not believe it.

I believe the membership numbers on this board are about to go through the roof. That is what happens when the Holy Spirit is in a work. I know the LORD answers prayer and I pray for the LORD to bless the owners of this board and increase the membership, their financial profits, their homes and their lives for the good thing they have done here. Some people may never enter the door of a church but with the religion forum available they have the opportunity to have church nonetheless. This is a board that is blessed. Believe it. It's the truth!
And that is on a Friday night! Yay! Many folks go out on Friday night I imagine but the board still runs in the high numbers! Gracie is right! This board is fine!
I don't agree with you, Koshergirl. I believe USMB's very best days are ahead. Not behind. This board is far, far better than it was a year or two ago! It is a much more even place - even a large place for all people and I rejoice in what has been accomplished because of the leadership here. The men in authority of this board are not weak willed and have not permitted anyone to usurp their authority. Neither have the women at their right hand moderating here. They are on an even keel and a course that is most definitely leading them to great success.

The USMB Lounge was also a great idea and has given even more options for people who prefer not to engage in certain discussions. It is a something for everyone board and the best on the internet in my belief. I could not say it if I did not believe it.

I believe the membership numbers on this board are about to go through the roof. That is what happens when the Holy Spirit is in a work. I know the LORD answers prayer and I pray for the LORD to bless the owners of this board and increase the membership, their financial profits, their homes and their lives for the good thing they have done here. Some people may never enter the door of a church but with the religion forum available they have the opportunity to have church nonetheless. This is a board that is blessed. Believe it. It's the truth!

You're wrong.
The member/guest count is like the one above EVERY NIGHT. Every DAY. Its a busy place. It will stay busy. Which is why some are grumbling because they are now doomed to boredom on the vast net and now realized what they lost.

Just go with the flow. USMB is fine. It will stay fine.
I won't get into disputes with people, KG. I'm a Christian and contend for the faith and defend the faith. Not a back and forth over something that the LORD has already confirmed to me He will do. Also, just an fyi. I didn't post this thread to have a debate over it. I posted it to give thanks for what they have done here. To give thanks for the people here. That is all. Have a nice evening and this board shall prosper. You cannot curse what the LORD has chosen to bless anymore than Balaam could. The blessing stands. Good night! - Jeri
Yeah whatever.

I've been posting here for a decade, more or less. This place is dying, and it's dying quickly.
no idea if there is some great future for the board. But I can tell you the world is changing.
Been thinking about it and have this question:

So...those who think usmb is dying...what do you propose to do about it if anything? What do you want the owners to do or think they should do?
Then why go out of your way to complain about usmb? I don't get it.
I don't want her to leave. We need dissenting voices. In moderation. :lol:

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