The Future of USMB

usmb is dying. It used to be a vibrant board full of new posters, and new people were constantly coming on and contributing.

Now it's a sad handful of hacks and socks, and the only new people (if there are actually any at all) are pathetic trolls and mentally ill lunatics drawn by the insane thread titles that are allowed to linger....

To thine own self be true.
Well...since there are no real responses to the question I mostly falls in the category of:


Move along folks, nothing more to see.
Yeah whatever.

I've been posting here for a decade, more or less. This place is dying, and it's dying quickly.

Dear [MENTION=31640]koshergrl[/MENTION] and [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION]:
I believe if people leave or if threads shift direction, it is because we are growing and people are directed in new ways.

If this means some ways die out, or some interactions die off, it means that attention is shifting elsewhere.

The whole world needs to organize online, so ALL groups have to reorganize where people find each other who can help resolve our issues and conflicts one-on-one.

I think ALL groups are heading for maximum capacity and realization.
USMB happens to be one of the better ones.

I, for one, am grateful to be able to meet and interact with both of you,
and find and focus on points where we agree. Normally, running in different circles,
we might not meet at all.

I am just now finding out ways I can work with Jeremiah and GISMYS to push to resolve conflicts with major groups, focusing one on one, but once agreement is reached it can affect the masses of members within the influence of those groups!

So KG that is much broader than the population on this board alone.

We have potential to form agreements, across political parties and religious denominations, where these same changes can affect the direction of our nation.

You are part of that process, too.

Even if it starts with just 2-3 agreeing, like me GISMYS and Jeremiah, the impact can be multifold and have a ripple effect. It does not have to involve a large group here.

It is better that we find the right people we connect with, focus on points of agreement, and build from there.
An advantage to starting small and working bigger is we can fix our faults directly, in order to build in a stable foundation and solid unified understanding,
before taking on more people and problems after that. We need to focus inward and not be distracted, so some things will shrink before they expand. It's all good!

KG if you can imagine that all forums have to go through stages of growth, dying off, and renewal as people and relations grow,
it's like how some trees may die in the forest, some have to be removed so others can grow and make the forest thick and healthy.
I think all people in different places are going through these developments. And it's all in a positive direction toward resolution and agreement in truth.

Thank you for being part of that, KG.
May any barriers or obstacles in your way be removed, so the purpose you serve in establishing truth is made clear and helps as many people as can be reached!

May all problems and conflicts you run into be corrected and replaced with insights and solutions that unite all people in the spirit of Truth and bring Peace and Justice for All.

May you be richly blessed, may all those blessings be multiplied for all the people you influence, more love and power to you! May all things continue getting better from here.
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Been thinking about it and have this question:

So...those who think usmb is dying...what do you propose to do about it if anything? What do you want the owners to do or think they should do?

To answer your question [MENTION=42649]Gracie[/MENTION]
I believe teams will form from some of these partnerships,
and as people propose reforms to church and state issues,
then the board will also grow from those interactions.

There is both personal internal interaction going on solely for the benefit of people here.
And there are greater implications of the problems or solutions we share on here
that affect real life politics and process.

So it will keep growing, based on what agreements and solutions we form between us.
Some of the growth is spiritual and personal/internal only.

What I am curious to see is what happens when some of this change starts
affecting relations and policies beyond.

I am happy to propose forming real teams to present legislative reforms,
or create media projects to publicize the solutions as well as promote USMB indirectly
as the home base of team members. There is a lot more potential not realized yet.

It's not quantity but quality. Once the right ideas come together, the quantity or impact/influence on more people will follow. What's critical is connecting the right chemistry of people first, and that is what I see happening on USMB. Just the way it needs to be in order to further the process of addressing and resolving political or religious conflicts. There is a lot more internal work going on that may not show up in the numbers.

When it does come out, there's no limit to what the members on this board can do by collaborating in creative ways on greater outreach.

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