The Future of White Advocacy

how would you feel about someone who attended a church that is founded on black power?

lest we forget, this same so called "black power" church [black power isn't in any way comparable or the same as so called white power] belongs to a white denomination and also has white membership, now find the Bass one white power church that belongs to a black denomination and has black members, good luck, thi guilt by association crap from the right is funny.

yeah. it's ok to attend KKK meetings, wouldn't you agree? as long as you don't participate in any lynchings. you should be able to wear the white sheet and still be president, wouldn't you agree? after all, to deny someone the presidency because of being a Klan member would be guilt by association, right?

Again, what has the Trinity Church done that is on par with what the KKK has done?
how would you feel about someone who attended a church that is founded on black power?

lest we forget, this same so called "black power" church [black power isn't in any way comparable or the same as so called white power] belongs to a white denomination and also has white membership, now find the Bass one white power church that belongs to a black denomination and has black members, good luck, thi guilt by association crap from the right is funny.

yeah. it's ok to attend KKK meetings, wouldn't you agree? as long as you don't participate in any lynchings. you should be able to wear the white sheet and still be president, wouldn't you agree? after all, to deny someone the presidency because of being a Klan member would be guilt by association, right?

I still have significant doubts that sitting through five KKK meetings and sitting through five church services at the TUCC will feel even remotely the same.
how would you feel about someone who attended a church that is founded on black power?

lest we forget, this same so called "black power" church [black power isn't in any way comparable or the same as so called white power] belongs to a white denomination and also has white membership, now find the Bass one white power church that belongs to a black denomination and has black members, good luck, thi guilt by association crap from the right is funny.

yeah. it's ok to attend KKK meetings, wouldn't you agree? as long as you don't participate in any lynchings. you should be able to wear the white sheet and still be president, wouldn't you agree? after all, to deny someone the presidency because of being a Klan member would be guilt by association, right?

Name one black who attends KKK meetings and name one white power church that belongs to a black denomination that spits racism and the leaders of this black denomination support them and their message, because the denomination that Wright's church belongs to defended him. Just because Wright scares the hell out of white people who don't like hearing about what they've done to blacks as well as criticizing the political decisions of your country doesn't make you a racist. Want to see a real racist church? Here's one

KKK Church Faith Family Folk Church of the Fiery Cross Ku Klux Klan Church
I kind of liked the comparison of Jeremiah Wright to the old uncle that every once in a while says something you find objectionable.
lest we forget, this same so called "black power" church [black power isn't in any way comparable or the same as so called white power] belongs to a white denomination and also has white membership, now find the Bass one white power church that belongs to a black denomination and has black members, good luck, thi guilt by association crap from the right is funny.

yeah. it's ok to attend KKK meetings, wouldn't you agree? as long as you don't participate in any lynchings. you should be able to wear the white sheet and still be president, wouldn't you agree? after all, to deny someone the presidency because of being a Klan member would be guilt by association, right?

I still have significant doubts that sitting through five KKK meetings and sitting through five church services at the TUCC will feel even remotely the same.

They had YEARS of Rev. Wright footage to sift through and the few clips that we were shown to us (by the LMSM no less) was all they could come up with.
Some of you have the dumbest logic in the world, simply replacing white with black isn't going to make something just as racist as the white. Thats like comparing red apples Chinese apples and saying red apples and Chinese are just the same thing except one is Chinese and one is red, the difference is that Chinese "apples' are not anything like the apples we eat everyday, they're actually pomegranates an entirely different fruit.
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sunday between 11 am and 12 pm is the most racist hour of the week? i see white men pissing about being white hard done by yall are
typical white people...

If a white person who attended KKK rallies for 20 years was to say:
I vehemently disagree and strongly condemn the statements that have been made by the KKK. I categorically denounce any statement of the KKK that disparages our great country or serves to divide us from our allies. I also believe that words that degrade individuals of color or minorities have no place in our public dialogue, whether it's on the campaign stump or in the pulpit. In sum, I reject outright the statements by the Imperial Wizard and the KKK.
then I would have to take the man for his word.

If one can't do that, then what is the purpose of speaking and listening.

right... and if Himmler had said 'I do not approve of Hitler's statements', you'd have to take him at his word, right? :lol:

Like the KKK, is the church's sole purpose to promote and enouraging hate towards other races?

That is not the sole purpose of the klan and it never has been

Is that the only thing that was said at the church? Do you think there was ever any discussion of the bible
all the time

or prayers



yes, the KKK does talk about the bible and prayers and love in regards to their own race. But they don't go so far as to say God Damn America.

The klan loves America

are you ready to shut down the NAACP, then?

The naacp needs to stfu

What has Jeremiah Wright done, not said, done that is on par with some of the things the KKK has done?

What have most klansmen done but attend a rally or love their race?
If they bear the sins of all who claim the klan, then every xtian is responsible for every burning, Inquisition, stoning...

[black power isn't in any way comparable or the same as so called white power]
-because you're a member and you're a god? it's the exact same thing, except that White Power actually makes some sense

You don't care about facts. You've made that clear in other threads.

any black man that scares the hell out of white people with the truth is always accused of being a racist eventhough the accusers have provided no clear cut proof of anti white statements.

any White man that scares the hell out of black people with the truth is always accused of being a racist even though the accusers cannot refute the facts

I kind of liked the comparison of Jeremiah Wright to the old uncle that every once in a while says something you find objectionable.

Uncle Ruckus understand his affliction and loves and appreciates the White race and all the White man has done for the negroids...
JB, we are talking about very specific groups/organizations ... the KKK and the Trinity United Church, both of which claim to fall under the umberlla of Christianity.
right... and if Himmler had said 'I do not approve of Hitler's statements', you'd have to take him at his word, right? :lol:

Before or after he oversaw the extermination of millions of Jews?

(Essentially, you just compared Rev Wright to Hitler and Obama to Himmler.)
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Trinity is an offshoot of Koon or whatever his name was. The same guy is cited by the Black Panthers when they kill police.

The KKK is not a single entity any more than 'christians'. It is a name used by many unconnected groups, some of which are loosely affiliated, and who can vary quite a bit in form and philosophy. Now, if we were talking about the United Klans of America, we would be dealing with a single groups. simply referring to the KKK, however, is to refer to an umbrella term.
right... and if Himmler had said 'I do not approve of Hitler's statements', you'd have to take him at his word, right? :lol:

Before or after he oversaw the extermination of millions of Jews?

He was just following orders like the troops at Abu Graihb and Vietnam or the Jews. Noone faults the jews for committing genocide- why are the germans any different?
right... and if Himmler had said 'I do not approve of Hitler's statements', you'd have to take him at his word, right? :lol:

Before or after he oversaw the extermination of millions of Jews?

He was just following orders like the troops at Abu Graihb...

Good point.

And I'm sure that you must agree that in all situations (like Abu Grahib) those who were giving the orders should be held accountable.

I'm actually happy there's white rights advocacy groups.

The sooner they eschew violence and start operating politically the better for Whites.

Don Black founded Stormfront in 1995, after learning HTML in prison. Today, his son produces Stormfront's Internet-radio broadcasts, including a regular program featuring David Duke. Derek is also a frequent contributor to the site, with more than 4,000 posts to his name.

Please keep imprisoning white resisters! We just get stronger.

Sure you do. Especially noticeable when one is down wind from one of you.
Good point.

And I'm sure that you must agree that in all situations (like Abu Grahib) those who were giving the orders should be held accountable.


Then you agree that if the jewish god did exist it would b a murderer and a rapist and liable for all the genocides it ordered. Good to know. Of course, that mean that if the jedeochristoislamic god is a fake, it falls on abraham, moses, and the other leaders...

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