The Gaystapo is at it again

The government furnishes me a nice monthly pension...I get to decide where it's spent...not the government.
As you should. But that’s not the issue sweetie. The issue is religious symbols on government. Refocus now, ok?
The religious symbols are the choice of the member or the family of the member, not the government.

As to religious public displays, those that have historical significance as part of treasured architecture should stay, but my tax dollars absolutely should not go to non secular holiday religious displays.
Sorry my little sexually deviant, mentally disturbed, facist snowflake - we don’t tolerate the government forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie in this country. You’ll have to take your fascism back to Germany where it belong. Uh buh-bye!

Ha! Who is 'we', jackass? You may possess a small cadre of like minded dickweeds seen on message boards. Beyond that, you're a minority. Let that sink into your lizard brain.

Let it sink into your tiny brain that even California's citizens voted against your fake 'gay marriage' scam, and the only reason it exists now is because of fake Judges appointed by your sicko pedo-friendly Party hacks illegally determined law by fiat proclamations, a tactic you and your fellow deviants will live long enough to regret peeing yourselves in joy over in the near future.

The reason the gay marriage bill failed the first time in California is because of the ridiculously big money lobby effort the Mormons in Utah brought to the table to kill it. Look it up, stupid.
Actually, it was the 2nd time...and it took churches having their congregations, children and all, go out on street corners and wave their Yes on H8 signs on Sundays. Several years before that was Prop 22.
The reason the gay marriage bill failed the first time in California is because of the ridiculously big money lobby effort the Mormons in Utah brought to the table to kill it. Look it up, stupid.
So you’re saying that progressives are so weak-minded, that campaign marketing can buy your votes?

Yeah...that seems about right from the mindless left. :lmao:

I'm not saying ANYTHING you're saying, bigot. Or even proclaiming I'm saying. Don't you get it? You have NO POINT, dumdum. I'm not a Democrat. You label me as such just because I disagree with you. Because of this, your worthless (Yes, I said worthless) opinions aren't worth the time of most thinking individuals. Maybe, get a better fucking hobby.
I didn't because I can't. You want to keep making this personal because you ran out of intellectual points. That's fine. Doesn't matter. I know who I am, and a little pusillanimous pissant loser like you can't shake me. You and your butt buddy Seawytch are not patriotic examples of vets. You're examples of a small faction that use military service as a weapon against the good decent Patriots that love this country and our founders. You're frauds of the worst kind.

Somebody is a little sensitive about his "patriotism"". Poor little snowflake. Really hurts your pride that two chicks served where you "couldn't"?
I knew it, a couple of lezbos, the filthiest, nastiest, meanest creatures on the planet.
And yet...two citizens who served our country for, between us, over 40 years while you couldn't muster up one day? Thanks for the retirement money, btw.
I don't call what you two lezbos did as serving, and you're certainly not fellow citizens. You're the trash good decent folks have to put up with to live in a wonderful country like this. You aren't authentic patriots. You existed in the military, if you actually served. You put in your time for the benefits provided by the hard working taxpayers. You're bums. The real vets here know what you two are. Keep going with this, I'm enjoying this immensely, as I'm sure others are. You two losers can't shake me.

It is always so refreshing to hear how you "real patriots" feel about those that served their country proudly and retired honorably.

It's pretty obvious you are shaken because you're coming off like a petulant child saying "you're a doody head and I have lots of friends better than you so there!".

That not the tone you were going for?

Yes, because some obviously mentally ill tard now thinks he's a 'woman' can now find a lawyer who will sue some hapless public servant for essentially refusing to indulge the sicko's mental disorder, you want to call that 'wrong'. you're as sick in the head as that stupid gimp who obviously refuses psychiatric care and will likely demand the state pay for his compulsive desire to severely mutilate himself, next.
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Work hard to avoid any service to the U.S., did you?
Did you serve?
21 years. Retired Navy.
A. Thank you for your service

B. Are you Seawytch’s S.O.?

You're welcome. Are you BSFlag's friend with benefits?
No. I have no idea who that is. I’m married and I don’t cheat on my wife. Why did that question offend you so much when you openly declare that your gay as does Bodecea? And you both served in maritime services. It doesn’t seem like that much of a stretch. I’m sorry that was soooooooo offensive to you.

Frankly, I think Bodecea should have been the one offended. She’s much nicer and much more informed. Seems like she would be out of your league.

I wasn't offended, but you certainly seem to be, rushing to assert your heterosexual creds (like THAT matters).

I am married too as you well know. I have a wife of 21 years.

You and BSflag are both "patriots" that never it's not such a stretch. Sorry if I got your super straight hackles up.

At least he wanted to serve and was, apparently unable to.
Sorry my little sexually deviant, mentally disturbed, facist snowflake - we don’t tolerate the government forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie in this country. You’ll have to take your fascism back to Germany where it belong. Uh buh-bye!

Ha! Who is 'we', jackass? You may possess a small cadre of like minded dickweeds seen on message boards. Beyond that, you're a minority. Let that sink into your lizard brain.

Let it sink into your tiny brain that even California's citizens voted against your fake 'gay marriage' scam, and the only reason it exists now is because of fake Judges appointed by your sicko pedo-friendly Party hacks illegally determined law by fiat proclamations, a tactic you and your fellow deviants will live long enough to regret peeing yourselves in joy over in the near future.

The reason the gay marriage bill failed the first time in California is because of the ridiculously big money lobby effort the Mormons in Utah brought to the table to kill it. Look it up, stupid.

You meant to say the reason it failed is factual information got to the public for once instead of the censored bullshit the MSM peddles re the mentally ill fetishists, and the voters recognized what a farce homosexual marriage is. The 'big money effort' is in promoting that sickness as 'normal' and funding fake science to legitimize it. And, it was blacks and latino voters who played to biggest role, along with women with children they wanted to protect from your sicko predators.
Sorry my little sexually deviant, mentally disturbed, facist snowflake - we don’t tolerate the government forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie in this country. You’ll have to take your fascism back to Germany where it belong. Uh buh-bye!

Ha! Who is 'we', jackass? You may possess a small cadre of like minded dickweeds seen on message boards. Beyond that, you're a minority. Let that sink into your lizard brain.

Let it sink into your tiny brain that even California's citizens voted against your fake 'gay marriage' scam, and the only reason it exists now is because of fake Judges appointed by your sicko pedo-friendly Party hacks illegally determined law by fiat proclamations, a tactic you and your fellow deviants will live long enough to regret peeing yourselves in joy over in the near future.

The reason the gay marriage bill failed the first time in California is because of the ridiculously big money lobby effort the Mormons in Utah brought to the table to kill it. Look it up, stupid.

You meant to say the reason it failed is factual information got to the public for once instead of the censored bullshit the MSM peddles re the mentally ill fetishists, and the voters recognized what a farce homosexual marriage is. The 'big money effort' is in promoting that sickness as 'normal' and funding fake science to legitimize it. And, it was blacks and latino voters who played to biggest role, along with women with children they wanted to protect from your sicko predators.
Gay marriage is legal...hardly a farce.
Work hard to avoid any service to the U.S., did you?
Did you serve?
21 years. Retired Navy.
Couldn't make it in the real world, huh. Must have been very uncomfortable working with real patriots.
And there it is, folks.....a non-server telling a veteran that they must have gone in the military because they "couldn't make it in the real world".....and yet he mistakenly calls himself a patriot. It's quite laughable, isn't it?

We sure are getting to know true trumpanzee feelings towards veterans.

I would thank you for your service except for the fact that I feel that this this is now a cheap way of saying for political gain that we now recognize you as a right-winger. I have always found it pathetic that we Americans are appealed to by charities to contribute to provide services to our veterans, mostly our disabled veterans, when we, through the United States Government that we all pay for, should be providing them with anything and everything they need, as part of our ongoing national commitment to them. How is it that they are now dependent on our handouts?

There is something ideological afoot with service in our military that does not have to do with honoring a person's service to our country. I remember when "Dubya" was president and the family of a fallen soldier who followed the Wiccan faith had to fight to have his religious symbol on his gravestone, and Dubya said that he did not recognize Wicca as a religion because it was not part of his little world. The soldier followed a faith and died in the service of his country. There should never have been any dispute. I live a ten-minute drive from Arlington National Cemetery, where lie many thousands, including "Drunken" Ira Hayes and Capt. Humayun Khan, disrespected for the sacrifice of his life by religious bigots for political reasons. I also remember the political mistreatment of Max Cleland, and who could not have given more except to die.

At least we have recently been treated to the sight of a United States Senator, disabled war veteran, and retired lieutenant colonel, bringing one of our newest Americans onto the floor of the United States Senate. This is how it should be in our nation.

Your service in the military is a credit to yourself and to all of us. It certainly entitles you to speak your mind.
Sorry my little sexually deviant, mentally disturbed, facist snowflake - we don’t tolerate the government forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie in this country. You’ll have to take your fascism back to Germany where it belong. Uh buh-bye!

Ha! Who is 'we', jackass? You may possess a small cadre of like minded dickweeds seen on message boards. Beyond that, you're a minority. Let that sink into your lizard brain.

Let it sink into your tiny brain that even California's citizens voted against your fake 'gay marriage' scam, and the only reason it exists now is because of fake Judges appointed by your sicko pedo-friendly Party hacks illegally determined law by fiat proclamations, a tactic you and your fellow deviants will live long enough to regret peeing yourselves in joy over in the near future.

The reason the gay marriage bill failed the first time in California is because of the ridiculously big money lobby effort the Mormons in Utah brought to the table to kill it. Look it up, stupid.
Actually, it was the 2nd time...and it took churches having their congregations, children and all, go out on street corners and wave their Yes on H8 signs on Sundays. Several years before that was Prop 22.

Fair enough. I appreciate the information. I'm fuzzy on the details, but I know it was a huge money effort to discredit the gay community by a bunch of radical, polygamist, evangelical fucks who don't even live in the state. I lived through it when I was still a resident. I'm glad they eventually got shut down by cooler heads. You will probably see something similar in November.
A cop is disciplined for filling out an accurate police report.
That is the world desperately wanted to create. Where right is wrong. Up is down. Good is evil. They are working harder than ever to achieve it. Sick.
We have always have had Wack Jobs running loose now they just get in your face and sometime get Wacked for their own good. I just address them as Other....Works for me.
Sorry my little sexually deviant, mentally disturbed, facist snowflake - we don’t tolerate the government forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie in this country. You’ll have to take your fascism back to Germany where it belong. Uh buh-bye!

Ha! Who is 'we', jackass? You may possess a small cadre of like minded dickweeds seen on message boards. Beyond that, you're a minority. Let that sink into your lizard brain.
That’s why We the People own the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states. :laugh:
Exactly what qualifies you to represent and speak for We the People?
Sorry my little sexually deviant, mentally disturbed, facist snowflake - we don’t tolerate the government forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie in this country. You’ll have to take your fascism back to Germany where it belong. Uh buh-bye!

Ha! Who is 'we', jackass? You may possess a small cadre of like minded dickweeds seen on message boards. Beyond that, you're a minority. Let that sink into your lizard brain.

Let it sink into your tiny brain that even California's citizens voted against your fake 'gay marriage' scam, and the only reason it exists now is because of fake Judges appointed by your sicko pedo-friendly Party hacks illegally determined law by fiat proclamations, a tactic you and your fellow deviants will live long enough to regret peeing yourselves in joy over in the near future.

The reason the gay marriage bill failed the first time in California is because of the ridiculously big money lobby effort the Mormons in Utah brought to the table to kill it. Look it up, stupid.

You meant to say the reason it failed is factual information got to the public for once instead of the censored bullshit the MSM peddles re the mentally ill fetishists, and the voters recognized what a farce homosexual marriage is. The 'big money effort' is in promoting that sickness as 'normal' and funding fake science to legitimize it. And, it was blacks and latino voters who played to biggest role, along with women with children they wanted to protect from your sicko predators.
Gay marriage is legal...hardly a farce.

So is murdering babies by the millions. Congratulations on that; we know your very very proud of all the babies getting scissors jammed into their skulls and ripped to pieces by forceps. That's real Human Progress for your ilk; the same sort of mentality Hitler used for Operation Reinhard, Stalin for his famines, and Mao fir his mass murders.
Sorry my little sexually deviant, mentally disturbed, facist snowflake - we don’t tolerate the government forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie in this country. You’ll have to take your fascism back to Germany where it belong. Uh buh-bye!

Ha! Who is 'we', jackass? You may possess a small cadre of like minded dickweeds seen on message boards. Beyond that, you're a minority. Let that sink into your lizard brain.

Let it sink into your tiny brain that even California's citizens voted against your fake 'gay marriage' scam, and the only reason it exists now is because of fake Judges appointed by your sicko pedo-friendly Party hacks illegally determined law by fiat proclamations, a tactic you and your fellow deviants will live long enough to regret peeing yourselves in joy over in the near future.

The reason the gay marriage bill failed the first time in California is because of the ridiculously big money lobby effort the Mormons in Utah brought to the table to kill it. Look it up, stupid.

You meant to say the reason it failed is factual information got to the public for once instead of the censored bullshit the MSM peddles re the mentally ill fetishists, and the voters recognized what a farce homosexual marriage is. The 'big money effort' is in promoting that sickness as 'normal' and funding fake science to legitimize it. And, it was blacks and latino voters who played to biggest role, along with women with children they wanted to protect from your sicko predators.
Gay marriage is legal...hardly a farce.

And, it isn't 'marriage' that was legalized. I'm sure you wouldn't know the difference.
Gay marriage is legal...
At one time, so was slavery. The reality is, the Supreme Court has absolutely no authority to create law from the bench. Hopefully President Trump will get to replace 2 or 3 of the idiot progressive activists posing as “justices” and this travesty of justice will be overturned.
Sorry my little sexually deviant, mentally disturbed, facist snowflake - we don’t tolerate the government forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie in this country. You’ll have to take your fascism back to Germany where it belong. Uh buh-bye!

Ha! Who is 'we', jackass? You may possess a small cadre of like minded dickweeds seen on message boards. Beyond that, you're a minority. Let that sink into your lizard brain.
That’s why We the People own the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states. :laugh:
Exactly what qualifies you to represent and speak for We the People?

Exactly what qualifies you to think he doesn't? In any case, he was citing the Constitution, not himself, so your strawman is off the mark.
Gay marriage is legal...
At one time, so was slavery. The reality is, the Supreme Court has absolutely no authority to create law from the bench. Hopefully President Trump will get to replace 2 or 3 of the idiot progressive activists posing as “justices” and this travesty of justice will be overturned.

Exactly. These idiots think they won something, but they're going to find out their tactics can backfire, and in a very bad way, after the next few years of Court appointments suddenly quit going their way.
That’s why We the People own the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states. :laugh:
Exactly what qualifies you to represent and speak for We the People?
Uh...the results of the past 4 elections. I’m merely citing the results. If I were in the “minority” as Smoking Weed declared, my party wouldn’t be in control of the whole damn nation.

The fact that you needed that explained to you is funny and tragic all at the same time.
Sorry my little sexually deviant, mentally disturbed, facist snowflake - we don’t tolerate the government forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie in this country. You’ll have to take your fascism back to Germany where it belong. Uh buh-bye!

Ha! Who is 'we', jackass? You may possess a small cadre of like minded dickweeds seen on message boards. Beyond that, you're a minority. Let that sink into your lizard brain.

Let it sink into your tiny brain that even California's citizens voted against your fake 'gay marriage' scam, and the only reason it exists now is because of fake Judges appointed by your sicko pedo-friendly Party hacks illegally determined law by fiat proclamations, a tactic you and your fellow deviants will live long enough to regret peeing yourselves in joy over in the near future.

The reason the gay marriage bill failed the first time in California is because of the ridiculously big money lobby effort the Mormons in Utah brought to the table to kill it. Look it up, stupid.

You meant to say the reason it failed is factual information got to the public for once instead of the censored bullshit the MSM peddles re the mentally ill fetishists, and the voters recognized what a farce homosexual marriage is. The 'big money effort' is in promoting that sickness as 'normal' and funding fake science to legitimize it. And, it was blacks and latino voters who played to biggest role, along with women with children they wanted to protect from your sicko predators.

1. You don't speak for me, dickhead. Get it through your noggin, kay? Don't ever correct me, or tell me what I "mean to say". You don't know shit, and have no idea what I do or do not know. As an olive branch, I will promise to respectfully respond in kind, okay?

2. Gay marriage is legal in California, thus, you're whole fucking argument is invalidated. How does that feel, deplorable? Does it sting? Good.
Gay marriage is legal...
At one time, so was slavery. The reality is, the Supreme Court has absolutely no authority to create law from the bench. Hopefully President Trump will get to replace 2 or 3 of the idiot progressive activists posing as “justices” and this travesty of justice will be overturned. one time, so was slavery. Are you now comparing the civil rights equality of gays being allowed access to civil marriage as the same as slavery?
Gay marriage is legal...
At one time, so was slavery. The reality is, the Supreme Court has absolutely no authority to create law from the bench. Hopefully President Trump will get to replace 2 or 3 of the idiot progressive activists posing as “justices” and this travesty of justice will be overturned.

Exactly. These idiots think they won something, but they're going to find out their tactics can backfire, and in a very bad way, after the next few years of Court appointments suddenly quit going their way. think the Supreme Court will go backwards on its own ruling on legalizing gay marriage? :lol: Dream on. This country never backtracks on civil rights.

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