The Gaystapo is at it again

Right...they furnish it...but it is earned by the's his/hers and the family makes the decision as to what is on it, religion-wise...NOT the government.
Well nobody argues that it’s not “earned”. It’s absolutely earned. But the point is, the public owned land and the public “furnished” headstones are covered in religious symbols.
I aint gay but liberty is liberty.

You'd probably bring back slavery, child labor and keep women from voting...So you certainly don't believe in it...Maybe 18th century form of it but not todays that is for sure.

You ain't sentient, but stupid is stupid.

Look, you hate Science Matty, we all know that.

But a rock is not a tree, even if it "identifies" as a tree, A rabbit is not a solar system.

Delusional fools playing make believe does not alter reality.
Right...they furnish it...but it is earned by the's his/hers and the family makes the decision as to what is on it, religion-wise...NOT the government.
Well nobody argues that it’s not “earned”. It’s absolutely earned. But the point is, the public owned land and the public “furnished” headstones are covered in religious symbols.
And the headstones are the CHOICE of the individual families NOT the government....and they don't even HAVE TO have religious symbols. Allowing all religions is just as free....I'm surprised you don't see that.
I aint gay but liberty is liberty.

You'd probably bring back slavery, child labor and keep women from voting...So you certainly don't believe in it...Maybe 18th century form of it but not todays that is for sure.
You ain't sentient, but stupid is stupid.

Look, you hate Science Matty, we all know that.

But a rock is not a tree, even if it "identifies" as a tree, A rabbit is not a solar system.

Delusional fools playing make believe does not alter reality.
Right...they furnish it...but it is earned by the's his/hers and the family makes the decision as to what is on it, religion-wise...NOT the government.
Well nobody argues that it’s not “earned”. It’s absolutely earned. But the point is, the public owned land and the public “furnished” headstones are covered in religious symbols.
And the headstones are the CHOICE of the individual families NOT the government....and they don't even HAVE TO have religious symbols. Allowing all religions is just as free....I'm surprised you don't see that.
I’m surprised you don’t see that a cross in a public school is no different than a cross at Arlington.
A cop is disciplined for filling out an accurate police report.

At some point, our side is going to start fighting back, and then it will get ugly.

That time better be pretty fucking soon, or there will be nothing left to rational society..

In "1984."Winston Smith was tortured until he not only claimed that his tormentor had six fingers, but actually saw them.

That is what is happening here. Once the majority truly believes that the torturers actually have sex fingers, then the link to objective reality is lost and we tumble into dark ages.
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket
Did the she/he just refer to the cops as a he? While complaining he/she should expect to not be addressed that way?
How about "OTHER"
How about we just call everyone what they are. No amount of makeup, surgery or clothing makes a man a woman and vice versa.
So you have no problem with Washington as a god. Ok.
Naw, it's a work of art. I'm one of those sane common sense Christians. I even have a tattoo and listen to rock n roll.
another work of art in Washington D.C. View attachment 190088
Cool. Did you know there is Scripture all throughout the Washington monument and a bible is buried in a cornerstone. Better get to work on that.
Did you know that the Washington monument is a model of an Egyptian obelisk and that it was picked as that shape because Washington was a Free mason and the Capitol building was even dedicated using a Freemason ceremony? And let's not forget that a lot of the major Government buildings in Washington are built to model Greek and Roman temples.....
Yes, I knew that. Did you know the Apostle Paul was a Roman citizen, and God used him to write 2/3 of the New Testament?

He was not an apostle and he was not a Roman citizen. The idea that a supreme being used him for any purpose is ridiculous.
A cop is disciplined for filling out an accurate police report.

At some point, our side is going to start fighting back, and then it will get ugly.
Please hurry. We're itching for an excuse over here.
LOL, which side is better armed? You have posters.
400 million guns in this country. Anybody can be armed at a moments notice. We wanted it more last time and won, I suspect we want it more again this time, too.

True Comrade.

We normals know how to shoot and hit what we aim at.

Radical terrorists like you account for a thousandth of a percent among the Stalinist democrats. Even if you are the badass you claim to be, you are insignificant.
From your own link my dear...
For a Government-furnished burial or memorial headstone
Right...they furnish it...but it is earned by the's his/hers and the family makes the decision as to what is on it, religion-wise...NOT the government.
Those crosses are on government property. That's what you abhor. Must be difficult living with that hate in your heart day after day after day. ........
He was not an apostle and he was not a Roman citizen. The idea that a supreme being used him for any purpose is ridiculous.


Zat rite sploogy?

I take it you have an extra special gospel written by Muhammad himself that tells you the real truthiness, da Comrade?

I have no connection with the Muslim faith except once visiting a predominantly Muslim country, where I was treated with the utmost of courtesy, respect, and friendship, and also living in a community with many Muslim neighbors. There is nothing to suggest that Saul of Tarsus ever met Jesus and nothing to suggest a connection between himself and any supreme being. What Saul wrote came out of his own head. If I sat down tonight and wrote down my own thoughts, would you perceive it as a message from a supreme being?
So Saul had a thought. How many millions of people have lived after him? What are their thoughts? Including the thoughts of people, including most women, who were not taught to be literate and set down their thoughts for posterity.
From your own link my dear...
For a Government-furnished burial or memorial headstone
Right...they furnish it...but it is earned by the's his/hers and the family makes the decision as to what is on it, religion-wise...NOT the government.
Those crosses are on government property. That's what you abhor. Must be difficult living with that hate in your heart day after day after day. ........
Exactly...but what is on them is CHOSEN by private individuals...NOT by the government. Why is it that you refuse to get that? Or, if you want to call this an acceptable government property issue, then you would have NO problem with individuals of any religion possible putting their symbols up on government property such as parts and in front of courthouses at taxpayers' expense if christians are allowed to. Is that what you are advocating? If so, I can accept that.
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket

What 'truth'? You don't possess truth. You only possess bigotry, which is totally worthless. The opinion of the inferior. Well fucking done, dummy. *slow clap*.

This is an issue that really doesn't affect heterosexuals who possess an *actual* life. I truly don't understand you homophobe morons. Get the fuck over yourselves before you get a smack in the puss. Stop attempting to use 'science and biology' - you simply aren't qualified, deplorable. This is a stupid, pointless battle you rage to feel superior over other human beings because religion, End of discussion, you cur. You fail. Say this to a gay/lesbian/transgendered person, I dare you. I would watch video of them knocking your limp dick into the dirt for your stupid POV. I'd be behind them cheering because you seem too stupid to exist. Get help, you cur.

How's that 'Making America Great Again', going so far, jackass? Your opinion makes me puke. However, I know you're so inconsequential that when society eventually throws you and your kind under the bus of insignificance you so deserve, everyone will forget you and the rest of us will continue to evolve.
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Work hard to avoid any service to the U.S., did you?
Did you serve?
21 years. Retired Navy.
Couldn't make it in the real world, huh. Must have been very uncomfortable working with real patriots.
And there it is, folks.....a non-server telling a veteran that they must have gone in the military because they "couldn't make it in the real world".....and yet he mistakenly calls himself a patriot. It's quite laughable, isn't it?

We sure are getting to know true trumpanzee feelings towards veterans.
He was not an apostle and he was not a Roman citizen. The idea that a supreme being used him for any purpose is ridiculous.


Zat rite sploogy?

I take it you have an extra special gospel written by Muhammad himself that tells you the real truthiness, da Comrade?

I have no connection with the Muslim faith except once visiting a predominantly Muslim country, where I was treated with the utmost of courtesy, respect, and friendship, and also living in a community with many Muslim neighbors. There is nothing to suggest that Saul of Tarsus ever met Jesus and nothing to suggest a connection between himself and any supreme being. What Saul wrote came out of his own head. If I sat down tonight and wrote down my own thoughts, would you perceive it as a message from a supreme being?
So Saul had a thought. How many millions of people have lived after him? What are their thoughts? Including the thoughts of people, including most women, who were not taught to be literate and set down their thoughts for posterity.

Yes, you hate Christians, we get it.

However, virtually EVERYTHING in the New Testament flat out says that Paul was chosen of God on the road;

As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?"

"Who are you, Lord?" Saul asked.

"I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting," he replied. "Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do."

The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone. Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand into Damascus. For three days he was blind, and did not eat or drink anything.
— Acts 9:3–9, NIV}

You have a heart filled with hate and a head filled with shit.
This is a stupid, pointless battle you rage to feel superior over other human beings because religion,
Leave it to an ignorant fascist to proclaim that an officer being reprimanded for accurately filing a police report (in complete accordance with science and biology) to be a “stupid, pointless battle”.

Sorry my little sexually deviant, mentally disturbed, facist snowflake - we don’t tolerate the government forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie in this country. You’ll have to take your fascism back to Germany where it belong. Uh buh-bye!

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