The Gaystapo is at it again

Suddenly, oh my such a patriot.

Suddenly? Again I will ask you which branch of service you voluntarily joined.
I didn't because I can't. You want to keep making this personal because you ran out of intellectual points. That's fine. Doesn't matter. I know who I am, and a little pusillanimous pissant loser like you can't shake me. You and your butt buddy Seawytch are not patriotic examples of vets. You're examples of a small faction that use military service as a weapon against the good decent Patriots that love this country and our founders. You're frauds of the worst kind.
Wait...who attacked who's patriotism? And now when asked simply what branch of service you were in, you start crying....and attacking vets. We know....we know. Veterans are only to be supported if they fit your RW agenda. Not that we aren't used to that kind of thing from non-servers such as yourself.
You and your butt buddy attacked my patriotism by insinuating that because I didn't serve that I wasn't qualified to my position to criticize or offer my opinion here. Go play your game with someone else. You should be attacked by other vets and I hope you often are. You and your butt buddy seaweed are the lowest form of vets, if you really are. Probably got dishonorable discharges for blowing each other.
Who questioned who's patriotism first? And now you are all butt hurt.....why? Because we pointed out that you never served in the military and you had the nerve to go on about how the government OWNS the grave markers in Arlington.......and now you will denigrate veterans again. Typical for you chickenhawk types.
Suddenly, oh my such a patriot.

Suddenly? Again I will ask you which branch of service you voluntarily joined.
I didn't because I can't. You want to keep making this personal because you ran out of intellectual points. That's fine. Doesn't matter. I know who I am, and a little pusillanimous pissant loser like you can't shake me. You and your butt buddy Seawytch are not patriotic examples of vets. You're examples of a small faction that use military service as a weapon against the good decent Patriots that love this country and our founders. You're frauds of the worst kind.
Wait...who attacked who's patriotism? And now when asked simply what branch of service you were in, you start crying....and attacking vets. We know....we know. Veterans are only to be supported if they fit your RW agenda. Not that we aren't used to that kind of thing from non-servers such as yourself.
You and your butt buddy attacked my patriotism by insinuating that because I didn't serve that I wasn't qualified to my position to criticize or offer my opinion here. Go play your game with someone else. You should be attacked by other vets and I hope you often are. You and your butt buddy seaweed are the lowest form of vets, if you really are. Probably got dishonorable discharges for blowing each other.
Who questioned who's patriotism first? And now you are all butt hurt.....why? Because we pointed out that you never served in the military and you had the nerve to go on about how the government OWNS the grave markers in Arlington.......and now you will denigrate veterans again. Typical for you chickenhawk types.
Authentic vets abhor trash like you. You've a sick piece of crap.
The individual tombstones....serious as any vet who knows how it works can be. Families pick tombstones, not the government.
It's government property, government pays for it. You can't win here. Move on.
No, those tombstones are paid for by sacrifice and blood, not your measly tax dollars.
Suddenly, oh my such a patriot.

Suddenly? Again I will ask you which branch of service you voluntarily joined.
I didn't because I can't. You want to keep making this personal because you ran out of intellectual points. That's fine. Doesn't matter. I know who I am, and a little pusillanimous pissant loser like you can't shake me. You and your butt buddy Seawytch are not patriotic examples of vets. You're examples of a small faction that use military service as a weapon against the good decent Patriots that love this country and our founders. You're frauds of the worst kind.

Somebody is a little sensitive about his "patriotism"". Poor little snowflake. Really hurts your pride that two chicks served where you "couldn't"?
Cool. Did you know there is Scripture all throughout the Washington monument and a bible is buried in a cornerstone. Better get to work on that.
Did you know that the Washington monument is a model of an Egyptian obelisk and that it was picked as that shape because Washington was a Free mason and the Capitol building was even dedicated using a Freemason ceremony? And let's not forget that a lot of the major Government buildings in Washington are built to model Greek and Roman temples.....
Yes, I knew that. Did you know the Apostle Paul was a Roman citizen, and God used him to write 2/3 of the New Testament?
Paul was the L. Ron Hubbard or Joseph Smith of his day. A scammer.
Yeah, and you're full of crap. You probably spent your entire military career in the brig. You are a lowlife. I don't consider you an authentic vet. You dishonor real American vets.
It's always a pleasure to see where RW feelings towards veterans REALLY lie. And thank you for your tax dollars paying my retirement. You can show your disdain towards veterans all you want. I still get paid. :71:

Payday just around the corner ;)
Suddenly? Again I will ask you which branch of service you voluntarily joined.
I didn't because I can't. You want to keep making this personal because you ran out of intellectual points. That's fine. Doesn't matter. I know who I am, and a little pusillanimous pissant loser like you can't shake me. You and your butt buddy Seawytch are not patriotic examples of vets. You're examples of a small faction that use military service as a weapon against the good decent Patriots that love this country and our founders. You're frauds of the worst kind.
Wait...who attacked who's patriotism? And now when asked simply what branch of service you were in, you start crying....and attacking vets. We know....we know. Veterans are only to be supported if they fit your RW agenda. Not that we aren't used to that kind of thing from non-servers such as yourself.
You and your butt buddy attacked my patriotism by insinuating that because I didn't serve that I wasn't qualified to my position to criticize or offer my opinion here. Go play your game with someone else. You should be attacked by other vets and I hope you often are. You and your butt buddy seaweed are the lowest form of vets, if you really are. Probably got dishonorable discharges for blowing each other.
Who questioned who's patriotism first? And now you are all butt hurt.....why? Because we pointed out that you never served in the military and you had the nerve to go on about how the government OWNS the grave markers in Arlington.......and now you will denigrate veterans again. Typical for you chickenhawk types.
Suddenly? Again I will ask you which branch of service you voluntarily joined.
I didn't because I can't. You want to keep making this personal because you ran out of intellectual points. That's fine. Doesn't matter. I know who I am, and a little pusillanimous pissant loser like you can't shake me. You and your butt buddy Seawytch are not patriotic examples of vets. You're examples of a small faction that use military service as a weapon against the good decent Patriots that love this country and our founders. You're frauds of the worst kind.
Wait...who attacked who's patriotism? And now when asked simply what branch of service you were in, you start crying....and attacking vets. We know....we know. Veterans are only to be supported if they fit your RW agenda. Not that we aren't used to that kind of thing from non-servers such as yourself.
You and your butt buddy attacked my patriotism by insinuating that because I didn't serve that I wasn't qualified to my position to criticize or offer my opinion here. Go play your game with someone else. You should be attacked by other vets and I hope you often are. You and your butt buddy seaweed are the lowest form of vets, if you really are. Probably got dishonorable discharges for blowing each other.
Who questioned who's patriotism first? And now you are all butt hurt.....why? Because we pointed out that you never served in the military and you had the nerve to go on about how the government OWNS the grave markers in Arlington.......and now you will denigrate veterans again. Typical for you chickenhawk types.
Authentic vets abhor trash like you. You've a sick piece of crap.
Are you an authentic vet? Do you speak for them? Thank you for once again showing what trumpanzees are REALLY all about when it comes to vets and vet support. And I do appreciate your tax donation to my retirement.
Did you know that the Washington monument is a model of an Egyptian obelisk and that it was picked as that shape because Washington was a Free mason and the Capitol building was even dedicated using a Freemason ceremony? And let's not forget that a lot of the major Government buildings in Washington are built to model Greek and Roman temples.....
Yes, I knew that. Did you know the Apostle Paul was a Roman citizen, and God used him to write 2/3 of the New Testament?
Paul was the L. Ron Hubbard or Joseph Smith of his day. A scammer.
Yeah, and you're full of crap. You probably spent your entire military career in the brig. You are a lowlife. I don't consider you an authentic vet. You dishonor real American vets.
It's always a pleasure to see where RW feelings towards veterans REALLY lie. And thank you for your tax dollars paying my retirement. You can show your disdain towards veterans all you want. I still get paid. :71:

Payday just around the corner ;)
Yep....they sure are useful.....their tax money at least........:71:
It's government property, government pays for it. You can't win here. Move on.
No, those tombstones are paid for by sacrifice and blood, not your measly tax dollars.
Suddenly, oh my such a patriot.

Suddenly? Again I will ask you which branch of service you voluntarily joined.
I didn't because I can't. You want to keep making this personal because you ran out of intellectual points. That's fine. Doesn't matter. I know who I am, and a little pusillanimous pissant loser like you can't shake me. You and your butt buddy Seawytch are not patriotic examples of vets. You're examples of a small faction that use military service as a weapon against the good decent Patriots that love this country and our founders. You're frauds of the worst kind.

Somebody is a little sensitive about his "patriotism"". Poor little snowflake. Really hurts your pride that two chicks served where you "couldn't"?
Isn't it interesting how triggered he got when he was simply asked if he served? Makes one wonder why so sensitive about it............
It's government property, government pays for it. You can't win here. Move on.
No, those tombstones are paid for by sacrifice and blood, not your measly tax dollars.
Suddenly, oh my such a patriot.

Suddenly? Again I will ask you which branch of service you voluntarily joined.
I didn't because I can't. You want to keep making this personal because you ran out of intellectual points. That's fine. Doesn't matter. I know who I am, and a little pusillanimous pissant loser like you can't shake me. You and your butt buddy Seawytch are not patriotic examples of vets. You're examples of a small faction that use military service as a weapon against the good decent Patriots that love this country and our founders. You're frauds of the worst kind.

Somebody is a little sensitive about his "patriotism"". Poor little snowflake. Really hurts your pride that two chicks served where you "couldn't"?
I knew it, a couple of lezbos, the filthiest, nastiest, meanest creatures on the planet.
No, those tombstones are paid for by sacrifice and blood, not your measly tax dollars.
Suddenly, oh my such a patriot.

Suddenly? Again I will ask you which branch of service you voluntarily joined.
I didn't because I can't. You want to keep making this personal because you ran out of intellectual points. That's fine. Doesn't matter. I know who I am, and a little pusillanimous pissant loser like you can't shake me. You and your butt buddy Seawytch are not patriotic examples of vets. You're examples of a small faction that use military service as a weapon against the good decent Patriots that love this country and our founders. You're frauds of the worst kind.

Somebody is a little sensitive about his "patriotism"". Poor little snowflake. Really hurts your pride that two chicks served where you "couldn't"?
Isn't it interesting how triggered he got when he was simply asked if he served? Makes one wonder why so sensitive about it............
You two lezbos are the sensitive ones. You lose the argument, so you make it personal. I pity you two. Your future isn't a good one.
Suddenly, oh my such a patriot.

Suddenly? Again I will ask you which branch of service you voluntarily joined.
I didn't because I can't. You want to keep making this personal because you ran out of intellectual points. That's fine. Doesn't matter. I know who I am, and a little pusillanimous pissant loser like you can't shake me. You and your butt buddy Seawytch are not patriotic examples of vets. You're examples of a small faction that use military service as a weapon against the good decent Patriots that love this country and our founders. You're frauds of the worst kind.

Somebody is a little sensitive about his "patriotism"". Poor little snowflake. Really hurts your pride that two chicks served where you "couldn't"?
Isn't it interesting how triggered he got when he was simply asked if he served? Makes one wonder why so sensitive about it............
You two lezbos are the sensitive ones. You lose the argument, so you make it personal. I pity you two. Your future isn't a good one.
And how did we "lose the argument"? And who questioned our patriotism again?

Still waiting to understand why you go all snowflakey about not having served. What's the background story there?
No, those tombstones are paid for by sacrifice and blood, not your measly tax dollars.
Suddenly, oh my such a patriot.

Suddenly? Again I will ask you which branch of service you voluntarily joined.
I didn't because I can't. You want to keep making this personal because you ran out of intellectual points. That's fine. Doesn't matter. I know who I am, and a little pusillanimous pissant loser like you can't shake me. You and your butt buddy Seawytch are not patriotic examples of vets. You're examples of a small faction that use military service as a weapon against the good decent Patriots that love this country and our founders. You're frauds of the worst kind.

Somebody is a little sensitive about his "patriotism"". Poor little snowflake. Really hurts your pride that two chicks served where you "couldn't"?
I knew it, a couple of lezbos, the filthiest, nastiest, meanest creatures on the planet.
And yet...two citizens who served our country for, between us, over 40 years while you couldn't muster up one day? Thanks for the retirement money, btw.
Suddenly? Again I will ask you which branch of service you voluntarily joined.
I didn't because I can't. You want to keep making this personal because you ran out of intellectual points. That's fine. Doesn't matter. I know who I am, and a little pusillanimous pissant loser like you can't shake me. You and your butt buddy Seawytch are not patriotic examples of vets. You're examples of a small faction that use military service as a weapon against the good decent Patriots that love this country and our founders. You're frauds of the worst kind.

Somebody is a little sensitive about his "patriotism"". Poor little snowflake. Really hurts your pride that two chicks served where you "couldn't"?
Isn't it interesting how triggered he got when he was simply asked if he served? Makes one wonder why so sensitive about it............
You two lezbos are the sensitive ones. You lose the argument, so you make it personal. I pity you two. Your future isn't a good one.
And how did we "lose the argument"? And who questioned our patriotism again?

Still waiting to understand why you go all snowflakey about not having served. What's the background story there?
I have the respect of authentic vets here on this forum. I don't want or need yours or your box lunch sister. Tell me, why do you lezbos use dildoes? Can't get a real man? I picture you two at about 260 lbs and butch haircuts.
Suddenly, oh my such a patriot.

Suddenly? Again I will ask you which branch of service you voluntarily joined.
I didn't because I can't. You want to keep making this personal because you ran out of intellectual points. That's fine. Doesn't matter. I know who I am, and a little pusillanimous pissant loser like you can't shake me. You and your butt buddy Seawytch are not patriotic examples of vets. You're examples of a small faction that use military service as a weapon against the good decent Patriots that love this country and our founders. You're frauds of the worst kind.

Somebody is a little sensitive about his "patriotism"". Poor little snowflake. Really hurts your pride that two chicks served where you "couldn't"?
I knew it, a couple of lezbos, the filthiest, nastiest, meanest creatures on the planet.
And yet...two citizens who served our country for, between us, over 40 years while you couldn't muster up one day? Thanks for the retirement money, btw.
I don't call what you two lezbos did as serving, and you're certainly not fellow citizens. You're the trash good decent folks have to put up with to live in a wonderful country like this. You aren't authentic patriots. You existed in the military, if you actually served. You put in your time for the benefits provided by the hard working taxpayers. You're bums. The real vets here know what you two are. Keep going with this, I'm enjoying this immensely, as I'm sure others are. You two losers can't shake me.
Suddenly? Again I will ask you which branch of service you voluntarily joined.
I didn't because I can't. You want to keep making this personal because you ran out of intellectual points. That's fine. Doesn't matter. I know who I am, and a little pusillanimous pissant loser like you can't shake me. You and your butt buddy Seawytch are not patriotic examples of vets. You're examples of a small faction that use military service as a weapon against the good decent Patriots that love this country and our founders. You're frauds of the worst kind.

Somebody is a little sensitive about his "patriotism"". Poor little snowflake. Really hurts your pride that two chicks served where you "couldn't"?
I knew it, a couple of lezbos, the filthiest, nastiest, meanest creatures on the planet.
And yet...two citizens who served our country for, between us, over 40 years while you couldn't muster up one day? Thanks for the retirement money, btw.
I don't call what you two lezbos did as serving, and you're certainly not fellow citizens. You're the trash good decent folks have to put up with to live in a wonderful country like this. You aren't authentic patriots. You existed in the military, if you actually served. You put in your time for the benefits provided by the hard working taxpayers. You're bums. The real vets here know what you two are. Keep going with this, I'm enjoying this immensely, as I'm sure others are. You two losers can't shake me.
Keep it coming. It's always a plus for everyone who reads these threads and posts to see what trumpanzees REALLY think about our military veterans.....especially from trumpanzees who never experienced the military themselves in any way.

Again, did I mention my thanks for your tax money going for my retirement check?
I didn't because I can't. You want to keep making this personal because you ran out of intellectual points. That's fine. Doesn't matter. I know who I am, and a little pusillanimous pissant loser like you can't shake me. You and your butt buddy Seawytch are not patriotic examples of vets. You're examples of a small faction that use military service as a weapon against the good decent Patriots that love this country and our founders. You're frauds of the worst kind.

Somebody is a little sensitive about his "patriotism"". Poor little snowflake. Really hurts your pride that two chicks served where you "couldn't"?
I knew it, a couple of lezbos, the filthiest, nastiest, meanest creatures on the planet.
And yet...two citizens who served our country for, between us, over 40 years while you couldn't muster up one day? Thanks for the retirement money, btw.
I don't call what you two lezbos did as serving, and you're certainly not fellow citizens. You're the trash good decent folks have to put up with to live in a wonderful country like this. You aren't authentic patriots. You existed in the military, if you actually served. You put in your time for the benefits provided by the hard working taxpayers. You're bums. The real vets here know what you two are. Keep going with this, I'm enjoying this immensely, as I'm sure others are. You two losers can't shake me.
Keep it coming. It's always a plus for everyone who reads these threads and posts to see what trumpanzees REALLY think about our military veterans.....especially from trumpanzees who never experienced the military themselves in any way.

Again, did I mention my thanks for your tax money going for my retirement check?
Oh, we real Patriots are used to the bottom feeders that hide in our military and merely exist for the benefits because they can't compete in the real world. There's two kinds of Veterans. The real Patriots and the losers, like you two lezbos.
Somebody is a little sensitive about his "patriotism"". Poor little snowflake. Really hurts your pride that two chicks served where you "couldn't"?
I knew it, a couple of lezbos, the filthiest, nastiest, meanest creatures on the planet.
And yet...two citizens who served our country for, between us, over 40 years while you couldn't muster up one day? Thanks for the retirement money, btw.
I don't call what you two lezbos did as serving, and you're certainly not fellow citizens. You're the trash good decent folks have to put up with to live in a wonderful country like this. You aren't authentic patriots. You existed in the military, if you actually served. You put in your time for the benefits provided by the hard working taxpayers. You're bums. The real vets here know what you two are. Keep going with this, I'm enjoying this immensely, as I'm sure others are. You two losers can't shake me.
Keep it coming. It's always a plus for everyone who reads these threads and posts to see what trumpanzees REALLY think about our military veterans.....especially from trumpanzees who never experienced the military themselves in any way.

Again, did I mention my thanks for your tax money going for my retirement check?
Oh, we real Patriots are used to the bottom feeders that hide in our military and merely exist for the benefits because they can't compete in the real world. There's two kinds of Veterans. The real Patriots and the losers, like you two lezbos.
What makes you a "real" patriot? Could it be your lack of serving? Could it be your denigrating veterans? Could it be your hatred of the 1st Amendment?

What is it exactly?
What are all of the words in 1st Amendment? Allow me to help you. It begins...
Congress shall make no law...”
So if conservatives acted like you progressive fascists, we would insist that Congress is expressly forbidden from creating law.

Seriously sweetie...why do you continue to try? If someone ran circles around me like this on a particular subject, I would model some humility and never challenge them.

Those aren't all the words I hope you know. There is a qualifier to that...
Exactly sweetie. Just like the 2nd Amendment! Game. Set. Match.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
What are all of the words in 1st Amendment? Allow me to help you. It begins...
Congress shall make no law...”
So if conservatives acted like you progressive fascists, we would insist that Congress is expressly forbidden from creating law.

Seriously sweetie...why do you continue to try? If someone ran circles around me like this on a particular subject, I would model some humility and never challenge them.

Those aren't all the words I hope you know. There is a qualifier to that...
Exactly sweetie. Just like the 2nd Amendment! Game. Set. Match.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Love the 2nd Amendment...all minorities and women should be trained and armed.
I knew it, a couple of lezbos, the filthiest, nastiest, meanest creatures on the planet.
And yet...two citizens who served our country for, between us, over 40 years while you couldn't muster up one day? Thanks for the retirement money, btw.
I don't call what you two lezbos did as serving, and you're certainly not fellow citizens. You're the trash good decent folks have to put up with to live in a wonderful country like this. You aren't authentic patriots. You existed in the military, if you actually served. You put in your time for the benefits provided by the hard working taxpayers. You're bums. The real vets here know what you two are. Keep going with this, I'm enjoying this immensely, as I'm sure others are. You two losers can't shake me.
Keep it coming. It's always a plus for everyone who reads these threads and posts to see what trumpanzees REALLY think about our military veterans.....especially from trumpanzees who never experienced the military themselves in any way.

Again, did I mention my thanks for your tax money going for my retirement check?
Oh, we real Patriots are used to the bottom feeders that hide in our military and merely exist for the benefits because they can't compete in the real world. There's two kinds of Veterans. The real Patriots and the losers, like you two lezbos.
What makes you a "real" patriot? Could it be your lack of serving? Could it be your denigrating veterans? Could it be your hatred of the 1st Amendment?

What is it exactly?
I didn't use the military to hide in like you and your sob sister. The real Patriots here know what you two are. Tell me why you two hate men, but use fake penises for pleasure? Real men don't care for 260 lb women, huh.
And yet...two citizens who served our country for, between us, over 40 years while you couldn't muster up one day? Thanks for the retirement money, btw.
I don't call what you two lezbos did as serving, and you're certainly not fellow citizens. You're the trash good decent folks have to put up with to live in a wonderful country like this. You aren't authentic patriots. You existed in the military, if you actually served. You put in your time for the benefits provided by the hard working taxpayers. You're bums. The real vets here know what you two are. Keep going with this, I'm enjoying this immensely, as I'm sure others are. You two losers can't shake me.
Keep it coming. It's always a plus for everyone who reads these threads and posts to see what trumpanzees REALLY think about our military veterans.....especially from trumpanzees who never experienced the military themselves in any way.

Again, did I mention my thanks for your tax money going for my retirement check?
Oh, we real Patriots are used to the bottom feeders that hide in our military and merely exist for the benefits because they can't compete in the real world. There's two kinds of Veterans. The real Patriots and the losers, like you two lezbos.
What makes you a "real" patriot? Could it be your lack of serving? Could it be your denigrating veterans? Could it be your hatred of the 1st Amendment?

What is it exactly?
I didn't use the military to hide in like you and your sob sister. The real Patriots here know what you two are. Tell me why you two hate men, but use fake penises for pleasure? Real men don't care for 260 lb women, huh.
So you think people are in the military to hide. This is getting better and better. Let your hatred of our military veterans all hang out for everyone here to read. :clap:
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket
Did the she/he just refer to the cops as a he? While complaining he/she should expect to not be addressed that way?
How about "OTHER"

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