The Gaystapo is at it again

You only possess bigotry, which is totally worthless.
Vintage ignorant is “bigotry” to recognize science and biology. It is “bigotry” to call a man a man and a woman a woman. It is “bigotry” to accept reality.

Sorry my little sexually deviant, mentally disturbed, facist snowflake - we don’t tolerate the government forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie in this country. You’ll have to take your fascism back to Germany where it belong. Uh buh-bye!
Couldn't make it in the real world, huh. Must have been very uncomfortable working with real patriots.
And there it is, folks.....a non-server telling a veteran that they must have gone in the military because they "couldn't make it in the real world".....and yet he mistakenly calls himself a patriot.
For the record bodecea - I do not agree with this at all. Anyone who served deserves respect. Anyone who did it for 21 years deserve a lot of respect.

Thank you for your service.
He was not an apostle and he was not a Roman citizen. The idea that a supreme being used him for any purpose is ridiculous.


Zat rite sploogy?

I take it you have an extra special gospel written by Muhammad himself that tells you the real truthiness, da Comrade?

I have no connection with the Muslim faith except once visiting a predominantly Muslim country, where I was treated with the utmost of courtesy, respect, and friendship, and also living in a community with many Muslim neighbors. There is nothing to suggest that Saul of Tarsus ever met Jesus and nothing to suggest a connection between himself and any supreme being. What Saul wrote came out of his own head. If I sat down tonight and wrote down my own thoughts, would you perceive it as a message from a supreme being?
So Saul had a thought. How many millions of people have lived after him? What are their thoughts? Including the thoughts of people, including most women, who were not taught to be literate and set down their thoughts for posterity.

Yes, you hate Christians, we get it.

However, virtually EVERYTHING in the New Testament flat out says that Paul was chosen of God on the road;

As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?"

"Who are you, Lord?" Saul asked.

"I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting," he replied. "Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do."

The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone. Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand into Damascus. For three days he was blind, and did not eat or drink anything.
— Acts 9:3–9, NIV}

You have a heart filled with hate and a head filled with shit.
And, of course, we have WHO'S word that really happened? L. Ron Hubbard says he was telling the truth....Joseph Smith says he was telling the truth.......
How's that 'Making America Great Again', going so far, jackass?
It’s going incredible. Actually, it’s going beyond incredible. Record highs in the stock market. Record lows in unemployment. Constitutional government restored. Liberty expanded. Border secured. America first.

It’s just a bonus that all of it is causing anti-American, fascist hatriots such as yourself to lose your shit. The meltdowns you keep having are priceless. Your tears of frustration, immaturity, and hatred are like drops of Cristal. We’re overflowing in it in this epic MAGA party and we are enjoying every last drop. Keep those tears flowing sweetie!
Just a reminder to all that the 'Gay Rights' hoax in the U.S. was founded by a card carrying Communist and avid NAMBLA supporter to his dying day, and nothing this sicko pedophile 'movement's' advocates say has any credibility, it's 'science' is entirely fake, and most of the other assorted sicko gimps and deviants are anxious for this particular sicko fetish to succeed so they can 'normalize' their own; if you can sell this pedo-friendly sicko shit and public health menace as an actual 'politically protected minority' instead of just a collection of neurotic fetishists you can sell the moron masses literally anything at all, just like Stalin, the Nazis, and the Maoists did.
Sorry my little sexually deviant, mentally disturbed, facist snowflake - we don’t tolerate the government forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie in this country. You’ll have to take your fascism back to Germany where it belong. Uh buh-bye!

Ha! Who is 'we', jackass? You may possess a small cadre of like minded dickweeds seen on message boards. Beyond that, you're a minority. Let that sink into your lizard brain.
Say this to a gay/lesbian/transgendered person, I dare you. I would watch video of them knocking your limp dick into the dirt for your stupid POV. I'd be behind them cheering because you seem too stupid to exist.
So like a typical fascist, you would cheer violence against free speech? Hmm. Why am I not surprised? Oh yeah, I remember now. Because you’re an anti-American fascist hatriot.
Sorry my little sexually deviant, mentally disturbed, facist snowflake - we don’t tolerate the government forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie in this country. You’ll have to take your fascism back to Germany where it belong. Uh buh-bye!

Ha! Who is 'we', jackass? You may possess a small cadre of like minded dickweeds seen on message boards. Beyond that, you're a minority. Let that sink into your lizard brain.
That’s why We the People own the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states. :laugh:
Suddenly? Again I will ask you which branch of service you voluntarily joined.
I didn't because I can't. You want to keep making this personal because you ran out of intellectual points. That's fine. Doesn't matter. I know who I am, and a little pusillanimous pissant loser like you can't shake me. You and your butt buddy Seawytch are not patriotic examples of vets. You're examples of a small faction that use military service as a weapon against the good decent Patriots that love this country and our founders. You're frauds of the worst kind.

Somebody is a little sensitive about his "patriotism"". Poor little snowflake. Really hurts your pride that two chicks served where you "couldn't"?
I knew it, a couple of lezbos, the filthiest, nastiest, meanest creatures on the planet.
And yet...two citizens who served our country for, between us, over 40 years while you couldn't muster up one day? Thanks for the retirement money, btw.
I don't call what you two lezbos did as serving, and you're certainly not fellow citizens. You're the trash good decent folks have to put up with to live in a wonderful country like this. You aren't authentic patriots. You existed in the military, if you actually served. You put in your time for the benefits provided by the hard working taxpayers. You're bums. The real vets here know what you two are. Keep going with this, I'm enjoying this immensely, as I'm sure others are. You two losers can't shake me.

It is always so refreshing to hear how you "real patriots" feel about those that served their country proudly and retired honorably.

It's pretty obvious you are shaken because you're coming off like a petulant child saying "you're a doody head and I have lots of friends better than you so there!".

That not the tone you were going for?
Sorry my little sexually deviant, mentally disturbed, facist snowflake - we don’t tolerate the government forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie in this country. You’ll have to take your fascism back to Germany where it belong. Uh buh-bye!

Ha! Who is 'we', jackass? You may possess a small cadre of like minded dickweeds seen on message boards. Beyond that, you're a minority. Let that sink into your lizard brain.

Let it sink into your tiny brain that even California's citizens voted against your fake 'gay marriage' scam, and the only reason it exists now is because of fake Judges appointed by your sicko pedo-friendly Party hacks illegally determined law by fiat proclamations, a tactic you and your fellow deviants will live long enough to regret peeing yourselves in joy over in the near future.
How's that 'Making America Great Again', going so far, jackass?
It’s going incredible. Actually, it’s going beyond incredible. Record highs in the stock market. Record lows in unemployment. Constitutional government restored. Liberty expanded. Border secured. America first.

It’s just a bonus that all of it is causing anti-American, fascist hatriots such as yourself to lose your shit. The meltdowns you keep having are priceless. Your tears of frustration, immaturity, and hatred are like drops of Cristal. We’re overflowing in it in this epic MAGA party and we are enjoying every last drop. Keep those tears flowing sweetie!

You're just rolling around in shit and calling it 'champagne.' Just like a pig. Pathetic. Perhaps steer clear from the rest of us, kay? Because you stink. Take a shower once in a while, deplorable.
From your own link my dear...
For a Government-furnished burial or memorial headstone
Right...they furnish it...but it is earned by the's his/hers and the family makes the decision as to what is on it, religion-wise...NOT the government.

The government furnishes me a nice monthly pension...I get to decide where it's spent...not the government.
Sorry my little sexually deviant, mentally disturbed, facist snowflake - we don’t tolerate the government forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie in this country. You’ll have to take your fascism back to Germany where it belong. Uh buh-bye!

Ha! Who is 'we', jackass? You may possess a small cadre of like minded dickweeds seen on message boards. Beyond that, you're a minority. Let that sink into your lizard brain.

Let it sink into your tiny brain that even California's citizens voted against your fake 'gay marriage' scam, and the only reason it exists now is because of fake Judges appointed by your sicko pedo-friendly Party hacks illegally determined law by fiat proclamations, a tactic you and your fellow deviants will live long enough to regret peeing yourselves in joy over in the near future.

The reason the gay marriage bill failed the first time in California is because of the ridiculously big money lobby effort the Mormons in Utah brought to the table to kill it. Look it up, stupid.
Sorry my little sexually deviant, mentally disturbed, facist snowflake - we don’t tolerate the government forcing citizens to perpetuate a lie in this country. You’ll have to take your fascism back to Germany where it belong. Uh buh-bye!

Ha! Who is 'we', jackass? You may possess a small cadre of like minded dickweeds seen on message boards. Beyond that, you're a minority. Let that sink into your lizard brain.

Let it sink into your tiny brain that even California's citizens voted against your fake 'gay marriage' scam, and the only reason it exists now is because of fake Judges appointed by your sicko pedo-friendly Party hacks illegally determined law by fiat proclamations, a tactic you and your fellow deviants will live long enough to regret peeing yourselves in joy over in the near future.
:lol: Legal gay marriage is here in all 50 states. I am SO sorry if it destroyed your marriage....there were those on the Right who said if gay marriage was legalized, their wives would divorce their husbands and marry women.
Work hard to avoid any service to the U.S., did you?
Did you serve?
21 years. Retired Navy.
A. Thank you for your service

B. Are you Seawytch’s S.O.?

You're welcome. Are you BSFlag's friend with benefits?
No. I have no idea who that is. I’m married and I don’t cheat on my wife. Why did that question offend you so much when you openly declare that your gay as does Bodecea? And you both served in maritime services. It doesn’t seem like that much of a stretch. I’m sorry that was soooooooo offensive to you.

Frankly, I think Bodecea should have been the one offended. She’s much nicer and much more informed. Seems like she would be out of your league.
The reason the gay marriage bill failed the first time in California is because of the ridiculously big money lobby effort the Mormons in Utah brought to the table to kill it. Look it up, stupid.
So you’re saying that progressives are so weak-minded, that campaign marketing can buy your votes?

Yeah...that seems about right from the mindless left. :lmao:
Say this to a gay/lesbian/transgendered person, I dare you. I would watch video of them knocking your limp dick into the dirt for your stupid POV. I'd be behind them cheering because you seem too stupid to exist.
So like a typical fascist, you would cheer violence against free speech? Hmm. Why am I not surprised? Oh yeah, I remember now. Because you’re an anti-American fascist hatriot.

Anti-American? Nope. I Love this country. Anti-white trash anti-Anerica pseudo-citizen? Yep. I love seeing you idiots suffer.

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