The Gaystapo is at it again one time, so was slavery. Are you now comparing the civil rights equality of gays being allowed access to civil marriage as the same as slavery?
No. Iā€™m merely stating that just because something is ā€œlegalā€ doesnā€™t mean it is right or ok. Abortion is another great example. Itā€™s ā€œlegalā€, but it is horrific. Just as horrific as slavery.
Work hard to avoid any service to the U.S., did you?
Did you serve?
21 years. Retired Navy.
Couldn't make it in the real world, huh. Must have been very uncomfortable working with real patriots.
And there it is, folks.....a non-server telling a veteran that they must have gone in the military because they "couldn't make it in the real world".....and yet he mistakenly calls himself a patriot. It's quite laughable, isn't it?

We sure are getting to know true trumpanzee feelings towards veterans.

I would thank you for your service except for the fact that I feel that this this is now a cheap way of saying for political gain that we now recognize you as a right-winger. I have always found it pathetic that we Americans are appealed to by charities to contribute to provide services to our veterans, mostly our disabled veterans, when we, through the United States Government that we all pay for, should be providing them with anything and everything they need, as part of our ongoing national commitment to them. How is it that they are now dependent on our handouts?

There is something ideological afoot with service in our military that does not have to do with honoring a person's service to our country. I remember when "Dubya" was president and the family of a fallen soldier who followed the Wiccan faith had to fight to have his religious symbol on his gravestone, and Dubya said that he did not recognize Wicca as a religion because it was not part of his little world. The soldier followed a faith and died in the service of his country. There should never have been any dispute. I live a ten-minute drive from Arlington National Cemetery, where lie many thousands, including "Drunken" Ira Hayes and Capt. Humayun Khan, disrespected for the sacrifice of his life by religious bigots for political reasons. I also remember the political mistreatment of Max Cleland, and who could not have given more except to die.

At least we have recently been treated to the sight of a United States Senator, disabled war veteran, and retired lieutenant colonel, bringing one of our newest Americans onto the floor of the United States Senate. This is how it should be in our nation.

Your service in the military is a credit to yourself and to all of us. It certainly entitles you to speak your mind.

lol it's hardly an exclusive club, and many joined up because they were unemployed and wanted the bennies, not because they wanted to do anything once they got in, like fight bad guys. The latter types are pretty rare, and they go combat infantry or Marine volunteers.

lol at pretending we have to now honor Wiccans or something. think the Supreme Court will go backwards on its own ruling on legalizing gay marriage?
It wonā€™t be ā€œtheir own rulingā€ if 2 or 3 of them are appointed by President Trump. It will be a different Supreme Court.
Gay marriage is legal...
At one time, so was slavery. The reality is, the Supreme Court has absolutely no authority to create law from the bench. Hopefully President Trump will get to replace 2 or 3 of the idiot progressive activists posing as ā€œjusticesā€ and this travesty of justice will be overturned.

Exactly. These idiots think they won something, but they're going to find out their tactics can backfire, and in a very bad way, after the next few years of Court appointments suddenly quit going their way. think the Supreme Court will go backwards on its own ruling on legalizing gay marriage? :lol: Dream on. This country never backtracks on civil rights.

Phoney 'gay marriage' isn't a 'civil right', that's a load of horseshit, and whenever a genuine factual information campaign is allowed to get out about exactly what homosexuals are, mentally ill fetishists, it will easily get repealed, no problem at all. Most homosexuals aren't interested in 'marriage', they're incapable of living in such an arrangement anyway. Even the 'minorities' in your own Democratic Party don't support the farce, blacks and latinos as a demographic aren't fond of sickos and pedophiles.
1. You don't speak for me, dickhead. Get it through your noggin, kay? Don't ever correct me, or tell me what I "mean to say". You don't know shit, and have no idea what I do or do not know.
Man...someone has some serious anger management issues. :eusa_whistle:

Perhaps. But you know I'm right.
No...I know youā€™re a bat-shit crazy cross-dressing fascist queer who believes that the government has the right to force citizens to perpetuate a lie. They donā€™t.

A citizen has a right to free speech - which means they have every right to harass a homosexual all they want (I donā€™t think they should, but they have the right). But more importantly, a citizen has the right to truth. Like the truth that a man wearing a dress is still a man. Period.
1. You don't speak for me, dickhead. Get it through your noggin, kay? Don't ever correct me, or tell me what I "mean to say". You don't know shit, and have no idea what I do or do not know. As an olive branch, I will promise to respectfully respond in kind, okay?

Oh noes, I made some mentally ill gimp all mad n stuff ... I can correct you anythime I want, especially if you choose to lie, piss on my leg, and try telling me it's raining. Get that through your noggin, you don't know shit, and I have a perfect idea of what you know, which is whatever your peer group tells you to parrot. And shove your olive branch up your ass, along with all the other objects you obviously like shoving up there.

2. Gay marriage is legal in California, thus, you're whole fucking argument is invalidated. How does that feel, deplorable? Does it sting? Good.

Actually it isn't, some Federal circuit Court illegally overturned a legitimate state referendum ending it, and your state officials illegally back it. I know you think it's 'legal', after the tenure of the criminal Obama organized crime syndicate made you all think stuff like that is 'legal', but it isn't, and that's just a fact, is all. Just because you support it doesn't make it so, and the sort of lawlessness and judicial overreach you think you love so much is going to go very bad for your ilk in the future, so if you're smart, which you obviously not, you will not be such a big fan of that sort of judicial fiat in place of law and order, gimp. Like most of you armchair Burb Brat 'revolutionaries', you wouldn't last breakfast in that real 'revolution' you retarded gimps think you want. That's a certain fact, for sure, one you can bet on. You've never experienced the aftermath of 'revolutions', I have experienced several of them, and if it takes deporting you idiot tards to avoid one here, I'm all for it.
Did you serve?
21 years. Retired Navy.
Couldn't make it in the real world, huh. Must have been very uncomfortable working with real patriots.
And there it is, folks.....a non-server telling a veteran that they must have gone in the military because they "couldn't make it in the real world".....and yet he mistakenly calls himself a patriot. It's quite laughable, isn't it?

We sure are getting to know true trumpanzee feelings towards veterans.

I would thank you for your service except for the fact that I feel that this this is now a cheap way of saying for political gain that we now recognize you as a right-winger. I have always found it pathetic that we Americans are appealed to by charities to contribute to provide services to our veterans, mostly our disabled veterans, when we, through the United States Government that we all pay for, should be providing them with anything and everything they need, as part of our ongoing national commitment to them. How is it that they are now dependent on our handouts?

There is something ideological afoot with service in our military that does not have to do with honoring a person's service to our country. I remember when "Dubya" was president and the family of a fallen soldier who followed the Wiccan faith had to fight to have his religious symbol on his gravestone, and Dubya said that he did not recognize Wicca as a religion because it was not part of his little world. The soldier followed a faith and died in the service of his country. There should never have been any dispute. I live a ten-minute drive from Arlington National Cemetery, where lie many thousands, including "Drunken" Ira Hayes and Capt. Humayun Khan, disrespected for the sacrifice of his life by religious bigots for political reasons. I also remember the political mistreatment of Max Cleland, and who could not have given more except to die.

At least we have recently been treated to the sight of a United States Senator, disabled war veteran, and retired lieutenant colonel, bringing one of our newest Americans onto the floor of the United States Senate. This is how it should be in our nation.

Your service in the military is a credit to yourself and to all of us. It certainly entitles you to speak your mind.

lol it's hardly an exclusive club, and many joined up because they were unemployed and wanted the bennies, not because they wanted to do anything once they got in, like fight bad guys. The latter types are pretty rare, and they go combat infantry or Marine volunteers.

lol at pretending we have to now honor Wiccans or something.

My comment was about honoring the faith of a soldier fallen in Afghanistan, Patrick Stewart, for our national interest, on a private individual grave. Captain Humayun Khan lost his life in service. We have the right to religious choice in this country. Why wouldn't we honor anyone's choice of faith. Good grief. Billy graham's body was just up at the U.S. Capitol and there was a big governmental hoopla and politico barfing over a southern baptist, complete with limos, and he didn't even die in service.
1. You don't speak for me, dickhead. Get it through your noggin, kay? Don't ever correct me, or tell me what I "mean to say". You don't know shit, and have no idea what I do or do not know.
Man...someone has some serious anger management issues. :eusa_whistle:

Perhaps. But you know I'm right.
No...I know youā€™re a bat-shit crazy cross-dressing fascist queer who believes that the government has the right to force citizens to perpetuate a lie. They donā€™t.

A citizen has a right to free speech.

Yep. I know it better than most, dip shit. I actually *appreciate* it, unlike the slow-witted deplorables that came crawling from under their rocks once the Orange Virus stole... err, was elected to the presidency. I'll even level with you personally, deplorable: My life is simple. I own property and a business. I pay taxes every year on all my assets. I'm meticulous about it. After almost 30 years of constant employment, my business is doing great, despite your Orange Virus' 'tax cut' which I've seen will net me very little over the next two quarters, but I know how government works, and soldier on. I work hard. I've been doing so for thirty + years. In my business, if you don't/can't work hard, you're history. My wife is amazing. My kids are amazing. I'm a thankful American, not a fascist cross-dressing queer. Your projection is noted, moron.

Unfortunately, I have to hear from hateful, partisan idiots like you online on the daily. Consider me the pin to puncture the hot air balloon of partisan nonsense you spew on the daily. You're not real. No one will take you seriously beyond the mentally impaired.

Have a nice evening.
1. You don't speak for me, dickhead. Get it through your noggin, kay? Don't ever correct me, or tell me what I "mean to say". You don't know shit, and have no idea what I do or do not know. As an olive branch, I will promise to respectfully respond in kind, okay?

Oh noes, I made some mentally ill gimp all mad n stuff ... I can correct you anythime I want, especially if you choose to lie, piss on my leg, and try telling me it's raining. Get that through your noggin, you don't know shit, and I have a perfect idea of what you know, which is whatever your peer group tells you to parrot. And shove your olive branch up your ass, along with all the other objects you obviously like shoving up there.

2. Gay marriage is legal in California, thus, you're whole fucking argument is invalidated. How does that feel, deplorable? Does it sting? Good.

Actually it isn't, some Federal circuit Court illegally overturned a legitimate state referendum ending it, and your state officials illegally back it. I know you think it's 'legal', after the tenure of the criminal Obama organized crime syndicate made you all think stuff like that is 'legal', but it isn't, and that's just a fact, is all. Just because you support it doesn't make it so, and the sort of lawlessness and judicial overreach you think you love so much is going to go very bad for your ilk in the future, so if you're smart, which you obviously not, you will not be such a big fan of that sort of judicial fiat in place of law and order, gimp. Like most of you armchair Burb Brat 'revolutionaries', you wouldn't last breakfast in that real 'revolution' you retarded gimps think you want. That's a certain fact, for sure, one you can bet on. You've never experienced the aftermath of 'revolutions', I have experienced several of them, and if it takes deporting you idiot tards to avoid one here, I'm all for it.

What the fuck ever, kitten. If you think i'm marginalizing your opinion, well, it's because I am. How does it feel? Come at me, bro. :1peleas:
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
ā€œIf Iā€™ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesnā€™t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,ā€ Kendall said of the police officer. ā€œIt was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.ā€
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ā€˜mis-genderingā€™ transgender person on driving ticket

I am tired of the damn pigs beating and shooting law abiding black people, and acting like people can change sex as they please.
The LGBT message is often a dissemination of confusion from the individual to the public. It's working to a large extent, which clearly demonstrates how corrupt and dumbed-down our society has become. Course some label it human rights and progress. And that clearly shows we have nothing genuine to complain about from a human rights standpoint, but you know them cause-seekers.

Thanks. Great comment.
1. You don't speak for me, dickhead. Get it through your noggin, kay? Don't ever correct me, or tell me what I "mean to say". You don't know shit, and have no idea what I do or do not know. As an olive branch, I will promise to respectfully respond in kind, okay?

Oh noes, I made some mentally ill gimp all mad n stuff ... I can correct you anythime I want, especially if you choose to lie, piss on my leg, and try telling me it's raining. Get that through your noggin, you don't know shit, and I have a perfect idea of what you know, which is whatever your peer group tells you to parrot. And shove your olive branch up your ass, along with all the other objects you obviously like shoving up there.

2. Gay marriage is legal in California, thus, you're whole fucking argument is invalidated. How does that feel, deplorable? Does it sting? Good.

Actually it isn't, some Federal circuit Court illegally overturned a legitimate state referendum ending it, and your state officials illegally back it. I know you think it's 'legal', after the tenure of the criminal Obama organized crime syndicate made you all think stuff like that is 'legal', but it isn't, and that's just a fact, is all. Just because you support it doesn't make it so, and the sort of lawlessness and judicial overreach you think you love so much is going to go very bad for your ilk in the future, so if you're smart, which you obviously not, you will not be such a big fan of that sort of judicial fiat in place of law and order, gimp. Like most of you armchair Burb Brat 'revolutionaries', you wouldn't last breakfast in that real 'revolution' you retarded gimps think you want. That's a certain fact, for sure, one you can bet on. You've never experienced the aftermath of 'revolutions', I have experienced several of them, and if it takes deporting you idiot tards to avoid one here, I'm all for it.

What the fuck ever, kitten. If you think i'm marginalizing your opinion, well, it's because I am. How does it feel? Come at me, bro. :1peleas:

You aren't marginalizing squat; your ilk has less than zero credibility these days, in case you haven't noticed and only hang out in your 'safe spaces'. You and your pedophile 'Party' is shrinking daily, even you hard core racist base is moving on, to even more psychotic groups of loons, like the 'Greens'. You're stuck with whatever vermin your racist and terrorist Muslim and La Raza 'leadership' picks for you, not that you mind, since you're more into fashion than substance anyway. Get a sombrero, a machete, and a Koran, be the first on your block to suck up like a little tool to the New Democrat Image. You can amuse yourselves beheading random stray animals until you get a new Democrat appointed AG; then you can behead people with no interference.
21 years. Retired Navy.
Couldn't make it in the real world, huh. Must have been very uncomfortable working with real patriots.
And there it is, folks.....a non-server telling a veteran that they must have gone in the military because they "couldn't make it in the real world".....and yet he mistakenly calls himself a patriot. It's quite laughable, isn't it?

We sure are getting to know true trumpanzee feelings towards veterans.

I would thank you for your service except for the fact that I feel that this this is now a cheap way of saying for political gain that we now recognize you as a right-winger. I have always found it pathetic that we Americans are appealed to by charities to contribute to provide services to our veterans, mostly our disabled veterans, when we, through the United States Government that we all pay for, should be providing them with anything and everything they need, as part of our ongoing national commitment to them. How is it that they are now dependent on our handouts?

There is something ideological afoot with service in our military that does not have to do with honoring a person's service to our country. I remember when "Dubya" was president and the family of a fallen soldier who followed the Wiccan faith had to fight to have his religious symbol on his gravestone, and Dubya said that he did not recognize Wicca as a religion because it was not part of his little world. The soldier followed a faith and died in the service of his country. There should never have been any dispute. I live a ten-minute drive from Arlington National Cemetery, where lie many thousands, including "Drunken" Ira Hayes and Capt. Humayun Khan, disrespected for the sacrifice of his life by religious bigots for political reasons. I also remember the political mistreatment of Max Cleland, and who could not have given more except to die.

At least we have recently been treated to the sight of a United States Senator, disabled war veteran, and retired lieutenant colonel, bringing one of our newest Americans onto the floor of the United States Senate. This is how it should be in our nation.

Your service in the military is a credit to yourself and to all of us. It certainly entitles you to speak your mind.

lol it's hardly an exclusive club, and many joined up because they were unemployed and wanted the bennies, not because they wanted to do anything once they got in, like fight bad guys. The latter types are pretty rare, and they go combat infantry or Marine volunteers.

lol at pretending we have to now honor Wiccans or something.

My comment was about honoring the faith of a soldier fallen in Afghanistan, Patrick Stewart, for our national interest, on a private individual grave. Captain Humayun Khan lost his life in service. We have the right to religious choice in this country. Why wouldn't we honor anyone's choice of faith. Good grief. Billy graham's body was just up at the U.S. Capitol and there was a big governmental hoopla and politico barfing over a southern baptist, complete with limos, and he didn't even die in service.

This thread is about a mentally ill sicko, and Wicca is not a religion, and neither is Islam. Just because some weirdos claim they are doesn't mean anybody else has to pretend they are, any more than we have to pretend this freak harassing a cop is a woman and not just a annoying tard.
I love watching Ru Pauls drag race and I adore most gay guys. However, I refuse to call them her/she/gurrrrrl, etc. He is a he. In a dress. With makeup. And look pretty damn good to boot. But he is still a he. Period.
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
ā€œIf Iā€™ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesnā€™t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,ā€ Kendall said of the police officer. ā€œIt was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.ā€
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ā€˜mis-genderingā€™ transgender person on driving ticket

Another person thrown under the gears of a world gone mad on political correctness, that a man altered to "look" more female, caught doing a guy thing like drag racing hot rods, pulled over and mistaken for a guy doing a guy thing makes an honest mistake, and rather than focusing on the fact that this loser was committing a crime, and for him/her to suck it up and get a life and go away, instead FEEDS and PERPETUATES this PC madness and the grip on our society now by lawyers, by accommodating it and giving the miscreant weight by victimizing their own officer, GOING SO FAR as to say they need to bend over backwards and incur the added expense of "transgender sensitivity."

Complain and ye squeaky wheel shall get oiled. Meantime, real problems and legitimate complaints are ignored.

And we wonder why otherwise normal people lose it occasionally now and go into a school or a mall or a movie theater and start shooting. We have created our own unique form of self-destructive cultural madness where the inmates now run the asylum and can't wait to feed it fast as we can.
I love watching Ru Pauls drag race and I adore most gay guys. However, I refuse to call them her/she/gurrrrrl, etc. He is a he. In a dress. With makeup. And look pretty damn good to boot. But he is still a he. Period.
You care?

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