The Geneva Bible restoration project


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
A nice find online for those who are interested in reading a bit of the history of the beginning of our nation (The USA) and the Geneva Bible that the Pilgrims brought with them. It also has a prayer of George Washington in the foreword.

I liked this portion of the foreword;
“Whatever resistance we see today offered
by almost all the world to the progress of the
truth, we must not doubt that our Lord will
come at last to break through all the under-
takings of men and make a passage for His
Word. Let us hope boldly, then, more than
we can understand; He will still surpass our
opinion and our hope.”
May we be inspired from His Word, as
our spiritual forbears were, to be fearlessly
optimistic about the power of His Gospel
and the furtherance of His Kingdom on earth.
“For unto us a Childe is borne, and unto
us a sonne is given: and the government and
peace shal have none end: he shall sit upon the
throne of David, and upon his kingdome, to
order it, and to establish it with judgement and
with justice, from hence forthe, and for ever:
the zeale of the Lorde of hostes wil performe
this” (Isaiah 9: 6-7, 1599 Geneva Bible).
Dr. Marshall Foster
Advisory Board Member,
1599 Geneva Bible Restoration Project
Founder & President, The Mayflower Institute

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