The genius of Trump

Yes absolutely! To imply that the virus was created and used to kill millions around the world just to get Donald Trump out of the White House is absolutely absurd Come back to reality.
How Trump handled the pandemic with any sort of honesty and responsibility he would still be president. Covid was a golden ticket for Trump to win reelection and he completely blew it
Trump is incapable of honesty and responsibility. That’s why he’s so endearing to so many with the same mind set.
Trump signed off on Afghanistan in February 2020 when he made his agreement with the Taliban.
Trump cancelled three dates for departure from Afghanistan because the Taliban wasn't living up to the agreement....its who left and when dummy...and that was Biden right after the election was stolen.....
Trump cancelled three dates for departure from Afghanistan because the Taliban wasn't living up to the agreement....its who left and when dummy...and that was Biden right after the election was stolen.....
Stole the election by 7 million votes. Another squeaker. Ha ha ha . Boy, you’d think at least one of his federal judge appointees would see it his way. Nope, the deep state rules. Deep state has converted Penske who said the party has no room for the idiot Trump….well, in so many words.
Stole the election by 7 million votes. Another squeaker. Ha ha ha . Boy, you’d think at least one of his federal judge appointees would see it his way. Nope, the deep state rules. Deep state has converted Penske who said the party has no room for the idiot Trump….well, in so many words.
Idiot Trump?...if he is an idiot what is the guy that got us into the economic mess we are in and has a war in Europe under his watch?....and what does that make you for voting for Biden?.....
Idiot Trump?...if he is an idiot what is the guy that got us into the economic mess we are in and has a war in Europe under his watch?....and what does that make you for voting for Biden?.....
Seriously ? We haven’t had Biden pass a budget yet. We’re still living under the Trump ultra high deficit budget. Tax breaks for the rich and spending like a fool…that’s Trump. Biden took us out of the Trump recession with the biggest job growth ever. You do get what the unemployment rate is. We should be so lucky as not to have four more years of Trump bankrucy. Funny, when GOP is president its the congress that controls the spending, when Biden is president, it is the president. Which is it ?

Trump may well be the greatest political genus of all time. By lavishly praising Putin, Trump hopes to keep him in his corner as he campaigns ahead of the 2024 election. Trump knows that he couldn't have won in 2016 without Putin's help, and he knows he will need Putin again in 2024. It is a smart move on Trump's part, perhaps even brilliant.

Regardless of who he faces in 2024, President Biden or Hillary, having Putin in his corner is a major advantage for Trump.
No the real genius of trump is that he's still living in your mind went free
Trump cancelled three dates for departure from Afghanistan because the Taliban wasn't living up to the agreement....its who left and when dummy...and that was Biden right after the election was stolen.....
And then did not cancel the last date, which Biden extended. Can you even write a post without lies and half truths anymore?
Seriously ? We haven’t had Biden pass a budget yet. We’re still living under the Trump ultra high deficit budget. Tax breaks for the rich and spending like a fool…that’s Trump. Biden took us out of the Trump recession with the biggest job growth ever. You do get what the unemployment rate is. We should be so lucky as not to have four more years of Trump bankrucy. Funny, when GOP is president its the congress that controls the spending, when Biden is president, it is the president. Which is it ?
BULLSHIT...Biden has undone everything Trump did good or bad...and that comes with a cost...a cost that we are paying now....if Trump were still in office the price per gal would still be under $2.50 and we would not be watching a war in don't have to pass a budget to ruin the economy dotard....
And then did not cancel the last date, which Biden extended. Can you even write a post without lies and half truths anymore?
Trump can't cancel a withdraw date when he is not in office...I bet you know this and are just trolling about as usual....
Trump can't cancel a withdraw date when he is not in office...I bet you know this and are just trolling about as usual....
He didn't cancel the date when he was in office. Had plenty of opportunity.

Instead, surrendered to the Taliban.

Another post of lies and half truths.

You are so far gone.
He didn't cancel the date when he was in office. Had plenty of opportunity.

Instead, surrendered to the Taliban.

Another post of lies and half truths.

You are so far gone.
The Taliban hadn't gone into Kabul while Trump was in office...which was one of the conditions Trump demanded...don't try and attempt to change the history that we all makes you look like a fool....
Nothing you can say will make people believe Trump was responsible for that tragedy....
The Taliban hadn't gone into Kabul while Trump was in office...
Because they waited for the withdrawal date of Trump's surrender deal, and the orangepile of shit was thrown out of office before that. .

Even your half truth and lies are desperate cult coping mechanisms.

Everyone knew the taliban would retake Afghanistan. But some desperate retards want to blame that on Biden...
BULLSHIT...Biden has undone everything Trump did good or bad...and that comes with a cost...a cost that we are paying now....if Trump were still in office the price per gal would still be under $2.50 and we would not be watching a war in don't have to pass a budget to ruin the economy dotard....
Yah. We’d still be in a recession. Maybe you forgot Mr ineptitude who promoted drinking industrial cleaner, nuking hurracaines and radiating your esophagus. The most stupid dufus to ever claim he was genius. Your hero. A loser. He won’t even be nominated this this time. He’s caustic to anyone with a brain. Only an idiot would support Trump. He can’t even go out in public without getting jeered. To many smart people. He’d loose by 10 million to Biden’s corpse.
Yah. We’d still be in a recession. Maybe you forgot Mr ineptitude who promoted drinking industrial cleaner, nuking hurracaines and radiating your esophagus. The most stupid dufus to ever claim he was genius. The deer. Ouldnt even read.
That's just an opinion with no truth....nothing bad was happening to the economy until Joe got the keys and went to war with fossil fuels....

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