The Geography Of WWIII

imple.....when the other side is digging themselves into a hole....

....I let 'em.

I demand you put your statement in your sig line:

"Chamberlain was completely in the right at Munich. "

Now....which would you like...'Good day," or "Sieg Heil"?

Again, no one wanted a war in 1938. (Not even the Germans).

I'm sorry you are falling for 70 year old propaganda.. but that's all it was. The actual history requires a bit more research and thinking.

Chamberlain couldn't have done a damn thing if Hitler wanted to overrun Czechoslovakia and he knew it. So he bought time to build up the UK's defenses.

That's... actually kind of smart. It was almost like they had the experience of blundering into a war 20 years earlier that they weren't ready for and paid an awful cost.
here was the thing. The Germans in Czechoslovakia wanted out. The Hungarians in Czechoslovakia wanted out. The SLOVAKS in Czechoslovakia wanted out. When the majority of the people you are fighting for don't want you to bother... why are you bothering?
imple.....when the other side is digging themselves into a hole....

....I let 'em.

I demand you put your statement in your sig line:

"Chamberlain was completely in the right at Munich. "

Now....which would you like...'Good day," or "Sieg Heil"?

Again, no one wanted a war in 1938. (Not even the Germans).

I'm sorry you are falling for 70 year old propaganda.. but that's all it was. The actual history requires a bit more research and thinking.

Chamberlain couldn't have done a damn thing if Hitler wanted to overrun Czechoslovakia and he knew it. So he bought time to build up the UK's defenses.

That's... actually kind of smart. It was almost like they had the experience of blundering into a war 20 years earlier that they weren't ready for and paid an awful cost.

Too bad you know no history.

FDR was pro-totalitarian, and his greatest decision was whether to bring Adolph or Stalin to the prom.

" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union." Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48

But....I see you still stand up for your political ilk.

I demand you put your statement in your sig line:

"Chamberlain was completely in the right at Munich. "

Now....which would you like...'Good day," or "Sieg Heil"?
Too bad you know no history.

FDR was pro-totalitarian, and his greatest decision was whether to bring Adolph or Stalin to the prom.

Whatever... really don't have time for your bullet pointed crazy that would be laughed out of any history department at any major university.

I've got a degree in history from UIC. What do you have?

Stop lying.

Anyone who reads your posts knows how little you know.

And certainly not nearly as much as I do.

Time for you to slither away.
Stop lying.

Anyone who reads your posts knows how little you know.

And certainly not nearly as much as I do.

Time for you to slither away.

Tell you what... Let's find a neutral third party who will keep confidentiality.

I'll send that person a copy of my diploma, you can send him or her a copy of yours.

Time to put up or shut up, Snookums.

Not your diploma, you's what every reader can see.

You are wrong in every post.

You know nothing.

Less than nothing.

I'm happy to allow readers to decide who knows more history......

How's that, dope?????
Not your diploma, you's what every reader can see.

You are wrong in every post.

You know nothing.

Less than nothing.

I'm happy to allow readers to decide who knows more history......

How's that, dope?????

Wow, that you can get more dopes to agree with your crazy because you post a picture with a lot of cleavage?

Sorry, challenge stands.... Let's compare actual credentials.

University of Illinois, Class of 1985, Degree in History.

What do you have?
Not your diploma, you's what every reader can see.

You are wrong in every post.

You know nothing.

Less than nothing.

I'm happy to allow readers to decide who knows more history......

How's that, dope?????

Wow, that you can get more dopes to agree with your crazy because you post a picture with a lot of cleavage?

Sorry, challenge stands.... Let's compare actual credentials.

University of Illinois, Class of 1985, Degree in History.

What do you have?

Simple enough to prove what lying low-life you are.....AND that you know it.

You wrote:

"Chamberlain was completely in the right at Munich. "

I demanded you to put it in your sig line.

But you didn't.

Even you know what a moron you are.

IF you even went to certainly didn't learn anything.

Do it now: in your permanent sig line.....put your Dinaro where you put your dinner, dunce.
Simple enough to prove what lying low-life you are.....AND that you know it.

You wrote:

"Chamberlain was completely in the right at Munich. "

I demanded you to put it in your sig line.

But you didn't.

Even you know what a moron you are.

IF you even went to certainly didn't learn anything.

Do it now: in your permanent sig line.....put your Dinaro where you put your dinner, dunce.

Actually, most colleges teach that Chamberlain wanted Hitler to take Czechoslovakia because they wanted him to be a check on Stalin.

They don't go with the cartoonish 'Chamberlain was a weak guy who appeased Hitler" trope.

If you were ever exposed to any real higher education, you'd know this.

Real history is more complicated. Real history involves real people making complex decisions...

So what university did you attend?
Simple enough to prove what lying low-life you are.....AND that you know it.

You wrote:

"Chamberlain was completely in the right at Munich. "

I demanded you to put it in your sig line.

But you didn't.

Even you know what a moron you are.

IF you even went to certainly didn't learn anything.

Do it now: in your permanent sig line.....put your Dinaro where you put your dinner, dunce.

Actually, most colleges teach that Chamberlain wanted Hitler to take Czechoslovakia because they wanted him to be a check on Stalin.

They don't go with the cartoonish 'Chamberlain was a weak guy who appeased Hitler" trope.

If you were ever exposed to any real higher education, you'd know this.

Real history is more complicated. Real history involves real people making complex decisions...

So what university did you attend?

Simple enough to prove what lying low-life you are.....AND that you know it.

You wrote:

"Chamberlain was completely in the right at Munich. "

I demanded you to put it in your sig line.

But you didn't.

Even you know what a moron you are.

IF you even went to certainly didn't learn anything.

Do it now: in your permanent sig line.....put your Dinaro where you put your dinner, dunce.

Do it now.....and watch me rip you a new one!
You wrote:

"Chamberlain was completely in the right at Munich. "

Yup... you see, if your understanding of history evolved beyond...oh, High School, you'd be able to grapple with this concept.

Clearly, it is much, much, much too complicated for you that you don't take your country into a war you can't win without popular support at home.

But I'm sure you'll pop into some crazy website that will claim FDR was working for the KGB or something.

Incidentally, I think my Sig Line works just fine...
You wrote:

"Chamberlain was completely in the right at Munich. "

Yup... you see, if your understanding of history evolved beyond...oh, High School, you'd be able to grapple with this concept.

Clearly, it is much, much, much too complicated for you that you don't take your country into a war you can't win without popular support at home.

But I'm sure you'll pop into some crazy website that will claim FDR was working for the KGB or something.

Incidentally, I think my Sig Line works just fine...

I knew you didn't have the guts to put your own pronouncement in the line.

Now everyone knows.
I knew you didn't have the guts to put your own pronouncement in the line.

Now everyone knows.

No point in it, I discussed the subject many times... it's you idiots who go with High School History...

Next, you'll be telling me how George Washington chopped down a Cherry Tree.

Everyone who reads posts knows you no zero history.

So do you: that's why you won't put you're ignorant statement about FDR and Munich in your sig line.

Just wander off.

You can return when I post about'll learn so very much.
Please correct your post.....I never said that.

That is someone else's statement.[/QUOTE]
OK. Clarify yourself when you post too.
I'm sorry it appeared Da Chick made the statement since it was at the top of her post with no quotes


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Everyone who reads posts knows you no zero history.

So do you: that's why you won't put you're ignorant statement about FDR and Munich in your sig line.

FDR, the greatest president in our history?

Point was, Chamberlain was right to avoid an unwinnable war over a country that was indefensible.

If the people of the country weren't particularly keen on dying for it, why should the British be?

Just wander off.

You can return when I post about'll learn so very much.

Actually, the only thing I learn from you is how perilous your mental health is.... You seriously have issues...
Everyone who reads posts knows you no zero history.

So do you: that's why you won't put you're ignorant statement about FDR and Munich in your sig line.

FDR, the greatest president in our history?

Point was, Chamberlain was right to avoid an unwinnable war over a country that was indefensible.

If the people of the country weren't particularly keen on dying for it, why should the British be?

Just wander off.

You can return when I post about'll learn so very much.

Actually, the only thing I learn from you is how perilous your mental health is.... You seriously have issues...

Everything I've said about your lack of knowledge is summed up in your own quote:

"Chamberlain was right to avoid an unwinnable war over a country that was indefensible...."'ve decided you must be addressed with Sieg Heil?

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