The gift of self-hatred...from feminism to your daughter

We do need to keep them helpless, barefoot and pregnant.

Exhibit A. is that the ONLY alternative to masculinization of young girls that can be imagined?

As a woman, I take EXTREME offence to the OP. Encouraging women to be active, smart and strong isn't making girls more masculine, it's making them more capable.

I grew up playing sports, catching tadpoles in creeks and gathering wild berries for my mother to make into jam. All while wearing pretty dresses my mother made for me.

Today I'm making pretty dresses for my granddaughter to wear while she plays with her cars and Legos. Strong, capable women make the country stronger, make stronger marriages and more successful life partners.

Weakness encourages dependance, poverty and helplessness. I realize this is the preferred Conservative wife model but such women don't make good partners or helpmates.
Funny my wife is a conservative AND did all those things you did AND is a mother of 4 kids and cooks,cleans etc. She is the farthest thing from a femitard as she could be. Oh and she works as well. Feminism is a mental disorder just like liberalism.

So your wife is a strong woman? And probably independent in many ways?
Strong absolutely. Independent I don't know...we have been together since I was 20 and she was 18 so always depended on each other to get through things. I think if she had to that yes she could do things on her own.

While you and I have knocked heads on a number of topics, I respect and applaud how active you are with your family. That is huge in my book.

But suppose (hopefully hypothetical) something happened to you. It sounds as though your wife could support the family and still be a great Mom. I think the kind of dependence the two of you have is voluntary. That works well. It is the idea that a woman must be dependent that I see as a great disservice to women in general.
Exhibit A. is that the ONLY alternative to masculinization of young girls that can be imagined?

As a woman, I take EXTREME offence to the OP. Encouraging women to be active, smart and strong isn't making girls more masculine, it's making them more capable.

I grew up playing sports, catching tadpoles in creeks and gathering wild berries for my mother to make into jam. All while wearing pretty dresses my mother made for me.

Today I'm making pretty dresses for my granddaughter to wear while she plays with her cars and Legos. Strong, capable women make the country stronger, make stronger marriages and more successful life partners.

Weakness encourages dependance, poverty and helplessness. I realize this is the preferred Conservative wife model but such women don't make good partners or helpmates.
Funny my wife is a conservative AND did all those things you did AND is a mother of 4 kids and cooks,cleans etc. She is the farthest thing from a femitard as she could be. Oh and she works as well. Feminism is a mental disorder just like liberalism.

So your wife is a strong woman? And probably independent in many ways?
Strong absolutely. Independent I don't know...we have been together since I was 20 and she was 18 so always depended on each other to get through things. I think if she had to that yes she could do things on her own.

While you and I have knocked heads on a number of topics, I respect and applaud how active you are with your family. That is huge in my book.

But suppose (hopefully hypothetical) something happened to you. It sounds as though your wife could support the family and still be a great Mom. I think the kind of dependence the two of you have is voluntary. That works well. It is the idea that a woman must be dependent that I see as a great disservice to women in general.
I don't see why ANY man would want a woman that was NEEDED him...just my opinion but it would feel like another child to me....married people should be partners IMO.
o hell no...we wont go from the op's topic to saying that dotr doesnt take care of his own.....just o hell no
As a woman, I take EXTREME offence to the OP. Encouraging women to be active, smart and strong isn't making girls more masculine, it's making them more capable.

I grew up playing sports, catching tadpoles in creeks and gathering wild berries for my mother to make into jam. All while wearing pretty dresses my mother made for me.

Today I'm making pretty dresses for my granddaughter to wear while she plays with her cars and Legos. Strong, capable women make the country stronger, make stronger marriages and more successful life partners.

Weakness encourages dependance, poverty and helplessness. I realize this is the preferred Conservative wife model but such women don't make good partners or helpmates.
Funny my wife is a conservative AND did all those things you did AND is a mother of 4 kids and cooks,cleans etc. She is the farthest thing from a femitard as she could be. Oh and she works as well. Feminism is a mental disorder just like liberalism.

So your wife is a strong woman? And probably independent in many ways?
Strong absolutely. Independent I don't know...we have been together since I was 20 and she was 18 so always depended on each other to get through things. I think if she had to that yes she could do things on her own.

While you and I have knocked heads on a number of topics, I respect and applaud how active you are with your family. That is huge in my book.

But suppose (hopefully hypothetical) something happened to you. It sounds as though your wife could support the family and still be a great Mom. I think the kind of dependence the two of you have is voluntary. That works well. It is the idea that a woman must be dependent that I see as a great disservice to women in general.
I don't see why ANY man would want a woman that was NEEDED him...just my opinion but it would feel like another child to me....married people should be partners IMO.

BINGO!! You nailed it.

But sadly, plenty of men want women that need him. I think it is more about their insecurity than anything. But you are absolutely right about it being a partnership. I want a woman by my side, not following behind.
We do need to keep them helpless, barefoot and pregnant.

Exhibit A. is that the ONLY alternative to masculinization of young girls that can be imagined?

As a woman, I take EXTREME offence to the OP. Encouraging women to be active, smart and strong isn't making girls more masculine, it's making them more capable.

I grew up playing sports, catching tadpoles in creeks and gathering wild berries for my mother to make into jam. All while wearing pretty dresses my mother made for me.

Today I'm making pretty dresses for my granddaughter to wear while she plays with her cars and Legos. Strong, capable women make the country stronger, make stronger marriages and more successful life partners.

Weakness encourages dependance, poverty and helplessness. I realize this is the preferred Conservative wife model but such women don't make good partners or helpmates.
Funny my wife is a conservative AND did all those things you did AND is a mother of 4 kids and cooks,cleans etc. She is the farthest thing from a femitard as she could be. Oh and she works as well. Feminism is a mental disorder just like liberalism.

So your wife is a strong woman? And probably independent in many ways?
Strong absolutely. Independent I don't know...we have been together since I was 20 and she was 18 so always depended on each other to get through things. I think if she had to that yes she could do things on her own.

I don't doubt that a bit, you on the other hand would certainly struggle. Would she need to remain in your nice white little town like you do? Or could she make it alone anywhere?
As a woman, I take EXTREME offence to the OP. Encouraging women to be active, smart and strong isn't making girls more masculine, it's making them more capable.

I grew up playing sports, catching tadpoles in creeks and gathering wild berries for my mother to make into jam. All while wearing pretty dresses my mother made for me.

Today I'm making pretty dresses for my granddaughter to wear while she plays with her cars and Legos. Strong, capable women make the country stronger, make stronger marriages and more successful life partners.

Weakness encourages dependance, poverty and helplessness. I realize this is the preferred Conservative wife model but such women don't make good partners or helpmates.
Funny my wife is a conservative AND did all those things you did AND is a mother of 4 kids and cooks,cleans etc. She is the farthest thing from a femitard as she could be. Oh and she works as well. Feminism is a mental disorder just like liberalism.

So your wife is a strong woman? And probably independent in many ways?
Strong absolutely. Independent I don't know...we have been together since I was 20 and she was 18 so always depended on each other to get through things. I think if she had to that yes she could do things on her own.

While you and I have knocked heads on a number of topics, I respect and applaud how active you are with your family. That is huge in my book.

But suppose (hopefully hypothetical) something happened to you. It sounds as though your wife could support the family and still be a great Mom. I think the kind of dependence the two of you have is voluntary. That works well. It is the idea that a woman must be dependent that I see as a great disservice to women in general.
I don't see why ANY man would want a woman that was NEEDED him...just my opinion but it would feel like another child to me....married people should be partners IMO.

So the premiss of the OP is bullshit, yeah?
Exhibit A. is that the ONLY alternative to masculinization of young girls that can be imagined?

As a woman, I take EXTREME offence to the OP. Encouraging women to be active, smart and strong isn't making girls more masculine, it's making them more capable.

I grew up playing sports, catching tadpoles in creeks and gathering wild berries for my mother to make into jam. All while wearing pretty dresses my mother made for me.

Today I'm making pretty dresses for my granddaughter to wear while she plays with her cars and Legos. Strong, capable women make the country stronger, make stronger marriages and more successful life partners.

Weakness encourages dependance, poverty and helplessness. I realize this is the preferred Conservative wife model but such women don't make good partners or helpmates.
Funny my wife is a conservative AND did all those things you did AND is a mother of 4 kids and cooks,cleans etc. She is the farthest thing from a femitard as she could be. Oh and she works as well. Feminism is a mental disorder just like liberalism.

So your wife is a strong woman? And probably independent in many ways?
Strong absolutely. Independent I don't know...we have been together since I was 20 and she was 18 so always depended on each other to get through things. I think if she had to that yes she could do things on her own.

I don't doubt that a bit, you on the other hand would certainly struggle. Would she need to remain in your nice white little town like you do? Or could she make it alone anywhere?

Why do this? You and Odium essentially agree on this topic. Why throw in the bullshit insults that have no bearing on the topic. As I said, Odium and I have disagreed (strongly) on many topics. But can't you be civil when you agree? This shows why there is so much animosity out here. Even when you agree you are hostile.
As a woman, I take EXTREME offence to the OP. Encouraging women to be active, smart and strong isn't making girls more masculine, it's making them more capable.

I grew up playing sports, catching tadpoles in creeks and gathering wild berries for my mother to make into jam. All while wearing pretty dresses my mother made for me.

Today I'm making pretty dresses for my granddaughter to wear while she plays with her cars and Legos. Strong, capable women make the country stronger, make stronger marriages and more successful life partners.

Weakness encourages dependance, poverty and helplessness. I realize this is the preferred Conservative wife model but such women don't make good partners or helpmates.
Funny my wife is a conservative AND did all those things you did AND is a mother of 4 kids and cooks,cleans etc. She is the farthest thing from a femitard as she could be. Oh and she works as well. Feminism is a mental disorder just like liberalism.

So your wife is a strong woman? And probably independent in many ways?
Strong absolutely. Independent I don't know...we have been together since I was 20 and she was 18 so always depended on each other to get through things. I think if she had to that yes she could do things on her own.

I don't doubt that a bit, you on the other hand would certainly struggle. Would she need to remain in your nice white little town like you do? Or could she make it alone anywhere?

Why do this? You and Odium essentially agree on this topic. Why throw in the bullshit insults that have no bearing on the topic. As I said, Odium and I have disagreed (strongly) on many topics. But can't you be civil when you agree? This shows why there is so much animosity out here. Even when you agree you are hostile.

We're talking about Odious here, he's left a long scat trail of his perceptual reality and belief system. You're free to have any relationship you want with him.
To bad you cannot handle anything other than your opinion.

What is a strong independent female? I don't think I've ever met one but doubt they are scary.
I know some big nasty looking bulkdykes where I work. But they aren't scary. Just pitiful.

The fact that you claim to have never met a strong, independent female speaks volumes. The fact that you use "bull dykes" as the only possible version of a strong, independent female is laughable.

If what you say is true, that you have never met a strong, independent female, you should be ranting to teach girls how to be strong and how to be independent. The alternative is weak and dependent.

You don't have ADD do you? I don't call bulldykes strong and independent. I call them pitiful. Wanna read that again?

Your sentence was not clear. First you said you didn't know any strong independent women, then you mentioned bull dykes but that they weren't scary. Learn to write better posts.

But let's not get sidetracked by that. Your claiming to not know any strong, independent women does, in fact, speak volumes. Unless you are talking physical strength, you are either lying or are willfully ignorant. Do you know any single mothers who work and raise children?

It was very clear. I used the conjunction "but" to link a contrasting view of women is seen.

I notice you don't address my questioning you not knowing any strong, independent women. Nor did you answer my question. I'm not wasting times discussing sentence structure.
Anybody with any sense (not liberal), or with any morals, can see that feminism is a blinding hatred for anything feminine.

Popularity of tomboys is encouraging girls to swap gender, says NHS psychologist

More than double the number of girls compared to boys now seek the NHS's gender identity development service
8 MAY 2017 • 10:00PM
The popularity of tomboys has sparked a sharp rise in the number of girls wanting to swap gender, according to a leading NHS psychologist.

New statistics show that for the first time, more than double the number of girls compared to boys seek the NHS's gender identity development service.

In popular culture, lead characters such as Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games, Tris Prior in the Divergent series, or Eleven in Stranger Things, have sparked a revival of strong tomboyoish, females.

In the past year there have been 1,400 'assigned at birth' females who have sought treatment, compared with 616 males.

"It's a very interesting question, and an important question, because it was the other way around initially," said Dr Polly Carmichael, who is the head of the gender identity development service.

"There have been different ideas put forward. Some people have talked about how it is easier for girls to cross-gender identify because it's a positive image to be a tomboy.

"People are also wondering what it is to be a female at the moment and whether that's something that is a cause for concern for young people."


Characters such as Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games have helped tomboys to become popular
The service - which is the NHS's only gender identity service and is based at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust in north London - was commissioned in 2009.

In its first year, it recorded carrying out appointments for 56 males compared with 40 girls.

Since then, the numbers have grown astronomically, and the gender gap has both flipped around and widened.

There were 88 males compared with 118 females in 2011/12, 121 compared with 188 in 2012/13, 188 to 278 in 2013/14, 270 to 427 in 2014/15, and 490 to 929 in 2015/16.

Popular arguments that suggest it is unappealing to be female include a perception of being tied to domestic labour, body image pressures and a gender pay gap.

One in four people earning between £43,000 and £150,000 in each of the last six financial years were women, according to the latest research by global law firm Clyde & Co.

"It's a sensitive and contentious area and people have strong views about treatment and so the arguments get polarised and very heated," added Dr Carmichael.

The latest figures also show the number of total referrals to the Tavistock Centre has increased from 97 in 2009/10 to 2,016 this time around.

The number of referrals has generally risen by more than 50 per cent each year, although the most recent data indicates only a 42 per cent increase.

Dr Carmichael and her colleagues believe the numbers are levelling out slightly because the message - that seeking treatment for gender dyphoria is acceptable - is "out there".

The data also revealed meanwhile that 32 children aged five or below - or at least just their parents - visited the clinic in 2016/17, compared with 20 in 2015/16, and just six in 2009/10.

Only about 40 per cent go through with identifying as a different gender, known as a "social transition", and the clinic will only consider referring children for hormone blockers once they reach stage two of puberty.

Danni McFadyen, at three years old, is believed to be the youngest child to undergo a "social transition" when her story was widely reported in 2015.

The clinic only expects families to visit if the children are showing genuine distress, and does not expect the particularly young kids to join their parents at appointment.

"There has been a huge increase in interest over the last couple of years," added Dr Carmichael.

"Some people have argued that social media has had an impact by spreading awareness, and the media coverage has been phenomenal.

"Schools are also really backing children who want to make that decision.

"It's also something people have become interested in and we have people who feel they now have a voice when they didn't before.

"I think if parents have a concern it's entirely appropriate to seek expert advice. We don't say 'they need a transition', but it's an opportunity for them to discuss what they have heard and to develop a dialogue and relationship.

"If families don't seek support then it might be that only later, at puberty, they're very distressed so it's not unhelpful to make contact earlier."

Orignal Article

Tomboy girls are my most favorite kind of girls/ladies/women/old-ladies to hang out with.

As long as they don't want sex changes for themselves or wimpy hubbies to be their slaves I don't have a problem with them.
Why are girls looking to swap gender based on a character in the Hunger Games? Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) is pretty hot as a girl and well capable physically. Why the need to swap gender? Just be a girl and do what you want to do. Maybe I shouldn't have asked...
To bad you cannot handle anything other than your opinion.

The fact that you claim to have never met a strong, independent female speaks volumes. The fact that you use "bull dykes" as the only possible version of a strong, independent female is laughable.

If what you say is true, that you have never met a strong, independent female, you should be ranting to teach girls how to be strong and how to be independent. The alternative is weak and dependent.

You don't have ADD do you? I don't call bulldykes strong and independent. I call them pitiful. Wanna read that again?

Your sentence was not clear. First you said you didn't know any strong independent women, then you mentioned bull dykes but that they weren't scary. Learn to write better posts.

But let's not get sidetracked by that. Your claiming to not know any strong, independent women does, in fact, speak volumes. Unless you are talking physical strength, you are either lying or are willfully ignorant. Do you know any single mothers who work and raise children?

It was very clear. I used the conjunction "but" to link a contrasting view of women is seen.

I notice you don't address my questioning you not knowing any strong, independent women. Nor did you answer my question. I'm not wasting times discussing sentence structure.

I can handle plenty. But when we are talking about how women are treated, I have strong opinions. Odd that you said I can't handle anyone elses opinion as a rebuttal to my opinion.
really DOTR you dont know any strong a strong young lady in medical school?

okay i cant get too personal on here......but damn you know strong women...hell one is stronger than most...the young one...

There is not a liberal bone in either of those two girls bodies.

But "strong girl" is different. "Strong independent woman" is the shibboleth isn't it? The mindless virtue signaling phrase that is always used? Apparently they are very very rare too. Netflix has created a category of movies with "strong independent women" lol. Curated and everything!
How about "strong independent men"? Ever seen the liberal elites push for that? Do they think (1) it is the norm for men and not women and so must be imposed or (2) it is something to be pruned away?
I think number 1 though the latter choice is necessary to for reasons of relative comparison. Weak men make weak women look "stronger and more independent".
Self hatred in spades!
But let's not get sidetracked by that. Your claiming to not know any strong, independent women does, in fact, speak volumes. Unless you are talking physical strength, you are either lying or are willfully ignorant. Do you know any single mothers who work and raise children?

Not that I can think of. I see them in the store checkout sometimes with their food stamp cards. But I don't really know them. Sometimes I see the grandmother, mother and already knockup grandchild in line together. All three with food stamps.
The new matriarchy! It's going to really make for nice stable families!

You need to get out more. I know plenty of single women raising children and supporting the household. And they do so without gov't assistance. But I can see why you would say you don't know any. That would mess up your narrative.

What is wrong with a woman wanting to be independent? Why is that so bad, in your mind?

Comprehension problems once again. I was speaking of, and the article concentrated on, Hollywood vitriol towards femininity in favor of feminism and the fact that this hatred is starting to become medically observable.
Dont project. It is you who conflated femininity and dependence. You who see an article on masculine women and decide to take that as "independent" women.
You need to get out more. I know plenty of single women raising children and supporting the household. And they do so without gov't assistance. But I can see why you would say you don't know any. That would mess up your narrative.

Single mothers raising fatherless kids...I need to seek these out? Why?
Funny my wife is a conservative AND did all those things you did AND is a mother of 4 kids and cooks,cleans etc. She is the farthest thing from a femitard as she could be. Oh and she works as well. Feminism is a mental disorder just like liberalism.

We have four kids as well. And my wife does indeed despise liberalism and feminism. She is pretty much an independent thinker...Hollywood propaganda just doesn't sway her.
Anybody with any sense (not liberal), or with any morals, can see that feminism is a blinding hatred for anything feminine.

My extremely feminine smart daughter is also a proud feminist who hates no one- least of all herself.

The only one peddling hate here is you. What is your problem?

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