The Global Warmers Have Lost the War

Meanwhile back in REALITY: the overall temps are rising, pole ice sheets are melting. I have seen the weather change from moderate to drying and warming here in the Midwest, overall. Sure, we get a rare gully washer or a blizzard at 5 below. Whistle past the graveyard. Deny the obvious. Bury your head in the sand too, won't change anything.

No, the reality is the opposite. But never let real facts get in the way of your political diatribe. The Antarctic is at record ice levels. The Arctic is at the same point ice wise as it was 35 years ago. There has been no increase in storm frequency or power. In fact they have reduced in number and power over the last 5 years.

These are all facts. Something that you ignore.
This isn't a war, by the by. We may disagree, we are not enemies. I hope that is understood.

Oh, but it is now. The politicians want this legislation so bad they can taste it. Thus they are willing to break laws, commit fraud, and destroy scientists reputations and careers all so they can steal your money.

It is a war.
Meanwhile back in REALITY: the overall temps are rising, pole ice sheets are melting. I have seen the weather change from moderate to drying and warming here in the Midwest, overall. Sure, we get a rare gully washer or a blizzard at 5 below. Whistle past the graveyard. Deny the obvious. Bury your head in the sand too, won't change anything.

I have seen the weather change from moderate to drying and warming here in the Midwest, overall.

Well, that's a very convincing argument. We must immediately stop using oil. LOL!

The "deleted" data (aka the real data) tells a completely different to use "Mike's Nature Trick" so as not to ..."potentially distract/detract from the reasonably consensus viewpoint we'd like to show w/ the Jones et al and Mann et al series"....

That's great. Now all you have to do is write a paper and have it published in a peer reviewed scientific journal. Good luck with that.
peer review is for the warmer club. you know, that one that states if it don't fit you must acquit?

Peer review is required by all scientific disciplines, even the scientists who make your anti-psychotic meds. You didn't know this? huh.

For climate "scientists" (sic) , peer review is a back scratching circle...
Meanwhile back in REALITY: the overall temps are rising, pole ice sheets are melting. I have seen the weather change from moderate to drying and warming here in the Midwest, overall. Sure, we get a rare gully washer or a blizzard at 5 below. Whistle past the graveyard. Deny the obvious. Bury your head in the sand too, won't change anything.

No, the reality is the opposite. But never let real facts get in the way of your political diatribe. The Antarctic is at record ice levels. The Arctic is at the same point ice wise as it was 35 years ago. There has been no increase in storm frequency or power. In fact they have reduced in number and power over the last 5 years.

These are all facts. Something that you ignore.
Good point. I don't live at the artic. Where I live the weather has gotten dryer and warmer, hell it's causing pine beetles to destroy vast stands of pine trees to die off and droughts and a hell of a lot more forest fires. It rains less often now. Weather patterns have changed. These are facts TOO.
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Meanwhile back in REALITY: the overall temps are rising, pole ice sheets are melting. I have seen the weather change from moderate to drying and warming here in the Midwest, overall. Sure, we get a rare gully washer or a blizzard at 5 below. Whistle past the graveyard. Deny the obvious. Bury your head in the sand too, won't change anything.

No, the reality is the opposite. But never let real facts get in the way of your political diatribe. The Antarctic is at record ice levels. The Arctic is at the same point ice wise as it was 35 years ago. There has been no increase in storm frequency or power. In fact they have reduced in number and power over the last 5 years.

These are all facts. Something that you ignore.

Vast Antarctic ice shelf a few years from disintegration says Nasa Environment The Guardian

The last intact section of one of Antarctica’s mammoth ice shelves is weakening fast and will likely disintegrate completely in the next few years, contributing further to rising sea levels, according to a Nasa study released on Thursday.

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Arctic sea ice extent for April 2015 averaged 14.0 million square kilometers (5.4 million square miles), the second lowest April ice extent in the satellite record. It is 810,000 square kilometers (313,000 square miles) below the 1981 to 2010 long-term average of 15.0 million square kilometers (6.0 million square miles) and 80,000 square kilometers (31,000 square miles) above the previous record low for the month observed in 2007.

Like I said, deniers have no qualms about making false claims as to what the science is saying. Which is why they don't publish in peer reviewed scientific publications, and publish exclusively on political blogs.
Meanwhile back in REALITY: the overall temps are rising, pole ice sheets are melting. I have seen the weather change from moderate to drying and warming here in the Midwest, overall. Sure, we get a rare gully washer or a blizzard at 5 below. Whistle past the graveyard. Deny the obvious. Bury your head in the sand too, won't change anything.

No, the reality is the opposite. But never let real facts get in the way of your political diatribe. The Antarctic is at record ice levels. The Arctic is at the same point ice wise as it was 35 years ago. There has been no increase in storm frequency or power. In fact they have reduced in number and power over the last 5 years.

These are all facts. Something that you ignore.
Good point. I don't live at the artic. Where I live the weather has gotten dryer and warmer, hell it's causing pine beetles to destroy vast sands of pine trees to die off and droughts and a hell of a lot more forest fires. it rains less often now. Thesee are facts TOO.

Yes, those are all part of a natural climate cycle. If you care to look back in history you can see that it has happened many, many, many times before. In fact it has been occurring for at least the last 2 million years.
This isn't a war, by the by. We may disagree, we are not enemies. I hope that is understood.

Oh, but it is now. The politicians want this legislation so bad they can taste it. Thus they are willing to break laws, commit fraud, and destroy scientists reputations and careers all so they can steal your money.

It is a war.

Yeah, and it's a conspiracy too, isn't it, sir wally?
Meanwhile back in REALITY: the overall temps are rising, pole ice sheets are melting. I have seen the weather change from moderate to drying and warming here in the Midwest, overall. Sure, we get a rare gully washer or a blizzard at 5 below. Whistle past the graveyard. Deny the obvious. Bury your head in the sand too, won't change anything.

No, the reality is the opposite. But never let real facts get in the way of your political diatribe. The Antarctic is at record ice levels. The Arctic is at the same point ice wise as it was 35 years ago. There has been no increase in storm frequency or power. In fact they have reduced in number and power over the last 5 years.

These are all facts. Something that you ignore.
Good point. I don't live at the artic. Where I live the weather has gotten dryer and warmer, hell it's causing pine beetles to destroy vast sands of pine trees to die off and droughts and a hell of a lot more forest fires. it rains less often now. Thesee are facts TOO.

Yes, those are all part of a natural climate cycle. If you care to look back in history you can see that it has happened many, many, many times before. In fact it has been occurring for at least the last 2 million years.

Really? And, of course, you have evidence that the RATE in which these changes have occurred in the last 100 years have precedent somewhere in the past 8,000 years, right?
Meanwhile back in REALITY: the overall temps are rising, pole ice sheets are melting. I have seen the weather change from moderate to drying and warming here in the Midwest, overall. Sure, we get a rare gully washer or a blizzard at 5 below. Whistle past the graveyard. Deny the obvious. Bury your head in the sand too, won't change anything.

No, the reality is the opposite. But never let real facts get in the way of your political diatribe. The Antarctic is at record ice levels. The Arctic is at the same point ice wise as it was 35 years ago. There has been no increase in storm frequency or power. In fact they have reduced in number and power over the last 5 years.

These are all facts. Something that you ignore.

Vast Antarctic ice shelf a few years from disintegration says Nasa Environment The Guardian

The last intact section of one of Antarctica’s mammoth ice shelves is weakening fast and will likely disintegrate completely in the next few years, contributing further to rising sea levels, according to a Nasa study released on Thursday.

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Arctic sea ice extent for April 2015 averaged 14.0 million square kilometers (5.4 million square miles), the second lowest April ice extent in the satellite record. It is 810,000 square kilometers (313,000 square miles) below the 1981 to 2010 long-term average of 15.0 million square kilometers (6.0 million square miles) and 80,000 square kilometers (31,000 square miles) above the previous record low for the month observed in 2007.

Like I said, deniers have no qualms about making false claims as to what the science is saying. Which is why they don't publish in peer reviewed scientific publications, and publish exclusively on political blogs.

Sure thing buckwheat. Here's the reality. This is the difference between actual data and opinion in the pursuit of fiscal grants. GISS is useless and should be closed down. They haven't produced anything factual in years thanks to Hansen and his shenanigans.





Meanwhile back in REALITY: the overall temps are rising, pole ice sheets are melting. I have seen the weather change from moderate to drying and warming here in the Midwest, overall. Sure, we get a rare gully washer or a blizzard at 5 below. Whistle past the graveyard. Deny the obvious. Bury your head in the sand too, won't change anything.

No, the reality is the opposite. But never let real facts get in the way of your political diatribe. The Antarctic is at record ice levels. The Arctic is at the same point ice wise as it was 35 years ago. There has been no increase in storm frequency or power. In fact they have reduced in number and power over the last 5 years.

These are all facts. Something that you ignore.
Good point. I don't live at the artic. Where I live the weather has gotten dryer and warmer, hell it's causing pine beetles to destroy vast stands of pine trees to die off and droughts and a hell of a lot more forest fires. It rains less often now. Weather patterns have changed. These are facts TOO.

Where I live the weather has gotten dryer and warmer

Yeah, that never happened before. Must be CO2.
Meanwhile back in REALITY: the overall temps are rising, pole ice sheets are melting. I have seen the weather change from moderate to drying and warming here in the Midwest, overall. Sure, we get a rare gully washer or a blizzard at 5 below. Whistle past the graveyard. Deny the obvious. Bury your head in the sand too, won't change anything.

No, the reality is the opposite. But never let real facts get in the way of your political diatribe. The Antarctic is at record ice levels. The Arctic is at the same point ice wise as it was 35 years ago. There has been no increase in storm frequency or power. In fact they have reduced in number and power over the last 5 years.

These are all facts. Something that you ignore.
Good point. I don't live at the artic. Where I live the weather has gotten dryer and warmer, hell it's causing pine beetles to destroy vast sands of pine trees to die off and droughts and a hell of a lot more forest fires. it rains less often now. Thesee are facts TOO.

Yes, those are all part of a natural climate cycle. If you care to look back in history you can see that it has happened many, many, many times before. In fact it has been occurring for at least the last 2 million years.

Really? And, of course, you have evidence that the RATE in which these changes have occurred in the last 100 years have precedent somewhere in the past 8,000 years, right?

Absolutely! Were you not such a political hack you could even look them up yourself. In fact why don't you look up the rate of temp increase for the HTM. Go ahead, I dare you.
Meanwhile back in REALITY: the overall temps are rising, pole ice sheets are melting. I have seen the weather change from moderate to drying and warming here in the Midwest, overall. Sure, we get a rare gully washer or a blizzard at 5 below. Whistle past the graveyard. Deny the obvious. Bury your head in the sand too, won't change anything.

No, the reality is the opposite. But never let real facts get in the way of your political diatribe. The Antarctic is at record ice levels. The Arctic is at the same point ice wise as it was 35 years ago. There has been no increase in storm frequency or power. In fact they have reduced in number and power over the last 5 years.

These are all facts. Something that you ignore.
Good point. I don't live at the artic. Where I live the weather has gotten dryer and warmer, hell it's causing pine beetles to destroy vast sands of pine trees to die off and droughts and a hell of a lot more forest fires. it rains less often now. Thesee are facts TOO.

Yes, those are all part of a natural climate cycle. If you care to look back in history you can see that it has happened many, many, many times before. In fact it has been occurring for at least the last 2 million years.

Really? And, of course, you have evidence that the RATE in which these changes have occurred in the last 100 years have precedent somewhere in the past 8,000 years, right?

Absolutely! Were you not such a political hack you could even look them up yourself. In fact why don't you look up the rate of temp increase for the HTM. Go ahead, I dare you.

I would look them up, but

1) They are your claims, not mine, and;

2) I am not your office assistant.

Go ahead, back up your claims. I dare you.
Some people post pictures of the chucacabra, others, angels. I don't care about the cherry picked graphs people post, it won't change a bloody thing. The weather is warming overall. And why, that is the question here. Mankind never used to be a factor in the history of climate changes through history. Solar or volcanism. OK. Humans causing co2 pollution, that is the wild card here.
Some people post pictures of the chucacabra, others, angels. I don't care about the cherry picked graphs people post, it won't change a bloody thing. The weather is warming overall. And why, that is the question here. Mankind never used to be a factor in the history of climate changes through history. Solar or volcanism. OK. Humans causing co2 pollution, that is the wild card here.

No, the globe is not warming. It hasn't been for the last 18 years now. CO2 has been much higher in the past and global temperatures were lower than today. The same is true for higher temps and lower CO2 levels. Thus in the cold light of day the facts show us that in the trace elements in our atmosphere CO2 is not a player.

Why do you think the global warmers have tried so hard to hide any factual data? One other me any program that the global warmers are pushing that actually reduces pollution. Not one of their programs actually reduces it. You merely have to pay more to do it. If you really think that they knew that what they were telling us was factual, do you really think they wouldn't be fighting tooth and nail to actually reduce pollution?

Think about it.
Some people post pictures of the chucacabra, others, angels. I don't care about the cherry picked graphs people post, it won't change a bloody thing. The weather is warming overall. And why, that is the question here. Mankind never used to be a factor in the history of climate changes through history. Solar or volcanism. OK. Humans causing co2 pollution, that is the wild card here.

No, the globe is not warming. It hasn't been for the last 18 years now. CO2 has been much higher in the past and global temperatures were lower than today. The same is true for higher temps and lower CO2 levels. Thus in the cold light of day the facts show us that in the trace elements in our atmosphere CO2 is not a player.

Why do you think the global warmers have tried so hard to hide any factual data? One other me any program that the global warmers are pushing that actually reduces pollution. Not one of their programs actually reduces it. You merely have to pay more to do it. If you really think that they knew that what they were telling us was factual, do you really think they wouldn't be fighting tooth and nail to actually reduce pollution?

Think about it.

Actually, it has. Even if there has been a "hiatus", it is still above normal, and it wouldn't stay above normal if it wasn't warming abnormally. And we've had these moderate cyclic changes before, in the 1940s, in the 1970s, and in the past decade. So what? The long-term slope hasn't changed directions. And neither have the concentrations of ghgs in the atmosphere. It is all sloping upwards, facts you people intentionally ignore, and have no answer for other than "it's all a grand conspiracy by the world's scientists to gain grant money ... they are altering the data, there is snow in New England (in winter) - we're entering an ice age" ...blah, blah, blah...
Some people post pictures of the chucacabra, others, angels. I don't care about the cherry picked graphs people post, it won't change a bloody thing. The weather is warming overall. And why, that is the question here. Mankind never used to be a factor in the history of climate changes through history. Solar or volcanism. OK. Humans causing co2 pollution, that is the wild card here.

No, the globe is not warming. It hasn't been for the last 18 years now. CO2 has been much higher in the past and global temperatures were lower than today. The same is true for higher temps and lower CO2 levels. Thus in the cold light of day the facts show us that in the trace elements in our atmosphere CO2 is not a player.

Why do you think the global warmers have tried so hard to hide any factual data? One other me any program that the global warmers are pushing that actually reduces pollution. Not one of their programs actually reduces it. You merely have to pay more to do it. If you really think that they knew that what they were telling us was factual, do you really think they wouldn't be fighting tooth and nail to actually reduce pollution?

Think about it.
You live on earth, right, so that we are on the same page here. I am not your enemy. It's just that you seem to cherry pick facts that contradict scientific reality. I like the Hilary Clown thing, that works well for you.
Some people post pictures of the chucacabra, others, angels. I don't care about the cherry picked graphs people post, it won't change a bloody thing. The weather is warming overall. And why, that is the question here. Mankind never used to be a factor in the history of climate changes through history. Solar or volcanism. OK. Humans causing co2 pollution, that is the wild card here.

No, the globe is not warming. It hasn't been for the last 18 years now. CO2 has been much higher in the past and global temperatures were lower than today. The same is true for higher temps and lower CO2 levels. Thus in the cold light of day the facts show us that in the trace elements in our atmosphere CO2 is not a player.

Why do you think the global warmers have tried so hard to hide any factual data? One other me any program that the global warmers are pushing that actually reduces pollution. Not one of their programs actually reduces it. You merely have to pay more to do it. If you really think that they knew that what they were telling us was factual, do you really think they wouldn't be fighting tooth and nail to actually reduce pollution?

Think about it.
You live on earth, right, so that we are on the same page here. I am not your enemy. It's just that you seem to cherry pick facts that contradict scientific reality. I like the Hilary Clown thing, that works well for you.

He's a creationist. What do you expect?
Some people post pictures of the chucacabra, others, angels. I don't care about the cherry picked graphs people post, it won't change a bloody thing. The weather is warming overall. And why, that is the question here. Mankind never used to be a factor in the history of climate changes through history. Solar or volcanism. OK. Humans causing co2 pollution, that is the wild card here.

No, the globe is not warming. It hasn't been for the last 18 years now. CO2 has been much higher in the past and global temperatures were lower than today. The same is true for higher temps and lower CO2 levels. Thus in the cold light of day the facts show us that in the trace elements in our atmosphere CO2 is not a player.

Why do you think the global warmers have tried so hard to hide any factual data? One other me any program that the global warmers are pushing that actually reduces pollution. Not one of their programs actually reduces it. You merely have to pay more to do it. If you really think that they knew that what they were telling us was factual, do you really think they wouldn't be fighting tooth and nail to actually reduce pollution?

Think about it.

Actually, it has. Even if there has been a "hiatus", it is still above normal, and it wouldn't stay above normal if it wasn't warming abnormally. And we've had these moderate cyclic changes before, in the 1940s, in the 1970s, and in the past decade. So what? The long-term slope hasn't changed directions. And neither have the concentrations of ghgs in the atmosphere. It is all sloping upwards, facts you people intentionally ignore, and have no answer for other than "it's all a grand conspiracy by the world's scientists to gain grant money ... they are altering the data, there is snow in New England (in winter) - we're entering an ice age" ...blah, blah, blah...

Do not know the meaning of the word "hiatus"?

Althouigh the AGW cult had to create that term because they could explain why their computer models were way off..

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