The Global Warmers Have Lost the War

A honest person of normal intelligence would say "the measured temperature increase near the Antarctic is evidence of global warming."

A cult propagandist would say "Don't look at the direct evidence like temperature! Look at the ice! More ice proves temperatures are lower, and the thermometers that say otherwise are in on the conspiracy!".

An honest person of normal intelligence would also admit the models were spot on correct, and that warming has been ongoing without pause for the last 20 years. Cult liars would make it a point to lie big and pretend the opposite.
A honest person of normal intelligence would say "the measured temperature increase near the Antarctic is evidence of global warming."

A cult propagandist would say "Don't look at the direct evidence like temperature! Look at the ice! More ice proves temperatures are lower, and the thermometers that say otherwise are in on the conspiracy!".

An honest person of normal intelligence would also admit the models were spot on correct, and that warming has been ongoing without pause for the last 20 years. Cult liars would make it a point to lie big and pretend the opposite.

Well you have proven that you are not honest or a person with normal intelligence. Quoting AGW cult scripture has nothing to do with intelligence or any real science.

Another irony impaired AGW cult post..
A honest person of normal intelligence would say "the measured temperature increase near the Antarctic is evidence of global warming."

A cult propagandist would say "Don't look at the direct evidence like temperature! Look at the ice! More ice proves temperatures are lower, and the thermometers that say otherwise are in on the conspiracy!".

An honest person of normal intelligence would also admit the models were spot on correct, and that warming has been ongoing without pause for the last 20 years. Cult liars would make it a point to lie big and pretend the opposite.

Well you have proven that you are not honest or a person with normal intelligence. Quoting AGW cult scripture has nothing to do with intelligence or any real science.

Another irony impaired AGW cult post..

I have peer reviewed this post and find it to be 110% accurate.
Thing about this. The earth will shake us humans off like fleas. 99% of all species that ever lived are extinct, fact. Humans found a new way to extinguish ourselves, are we so clever? We need to be a step ahead. Co2 , overpopulation, civil conflict or disease will level us out and we end up with that other 99% of extinct species.
The AGW fabulists are busy creating new excuses for why their models never, ever work. ....and their predictions never ever come true.....

meanwhile in reality, the global temperature has had no statistically meaningful increase in almost 2 decades! despite exceeding 400 ppm CO2.

Meet the number one global warming denier.....

Meanwhile back in REALITY: the overall temps are rising, pole ice sheets are melting. I have seen the weather change from moderate to drying and warming here in the Midwest, overall. Sure, we get a rare gully washer or a blizzard at 5 below. Whistle past the graveyard. Deny the obvious. Bury your head in the sand too, won't change anything.

No, the reality is the opposite. But never let real facts get in the way of your political diatribe. The Antarctic is at record ice levels. The Arctic is at the same point ice wise as it was 35 years ago. There has been no increase in storm frequency or power. In fact they have reduced in number and power over the last 5 years.

These are all facts. Something that you ignore.

Vast Antarctic ice shelf a few years from disintegration says Nasa Environment The Guardian

The last intact section of one of Antarctica’s mammoth ice shelves is weakening fast and will likely disintegrate completely in the next few years, contributing further to rising sea levels, according to a Nasa study released on Thursday.

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Arctic sea ice extent for April 2015 averaged 14.0 million square kilometers (5.4 million square miles), the second lowest April ice extent in the satellite record. It is 810,000 square kilometers (313,000 square miles) below the 1981 to 2010 long-term average of 15.0 million square kilometers (6.0 million square miles) and 80,000 square kilometers (31,000 square miles) above the previous record low for the month observed in 2007.

Like I said, deniers have no qualms about making false claims as to what the science is saying. Which is why they don't publish in peer reviewed scientific publications, and publish exclusively on political blogs.

Sure thing buckwheat. Here's the reality. This is the difference between actual data and opinion in the pursuit of fiscal grants. GISS is useless and should be closed down. They haven't produced anything factual in years thanks to Hansen and his shenanigans.






I have peer reviewed this post and find it to be 110% accurate!!

Thing about this. The earth will shake us humans off like fleas. 99% of all species that ever lived are extinct, fact. Humans found a new way to extinguish ourselves, are we so clever? We need to be a step ahead. Co2 , overpopulation, civil conflict or disease will level us out and we end up with that other 99% of extinct species.

You have a greater chance of dying from being hit with an asteroid while being bitten by a shark as you discover that you won the lottery than you will die form AGW..
Then there is historical perspective... Which shows today as nothing special in any way..


You realize, of course, that Watt is not a scientist, and has no science degree. Right? Moreover, this is Jouzel's actual graph:


Please note how wrong Watt's claim is regarding the change in temperature. Watt intentionally altered the y-axis. The overall change in temperature on the graph is closer to 12 degrees, not 3.5.
You are an ignorant fool. And once again you misrepresent what was posted.. That comes as no surprise. DO you have a reading comprehension problem? Degrees in what? The graph I posted clearly shows degrees in Celsius.. What, because you do not agree with how a graph is presented you get to choose who is right and wrong when you are clearly WRONG..
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Thing about this. The earth will shake us humans off like fleas. 99% of all species that ever lived are extinct, fact. Humans found a new way to extinguish ourselves, are we so clever? We need to be a step ahead. Co2 , overpopulation, civil conflict or disease will level us out and we end up with that other 99% of extinct species.

You have a greater chance of dying from being hit with an asteroid while being bitten by a shark as you discover that you won the lottery than you will die form AGW..
Really? What killed the Dinosaurs, by chance? History isn't your strong suit.
Thing about this. The earth will shake us humans off like fleas. 99% of all species that ever lived are extinct, fact. Humans found a new way to extinguish ourselves, are we so clever? We need to be a step ahead. Co2 , overpopulation, civil conflict or disease will level us out and we end up with that other 99% of extinct species.

You have a greater chance of dying from being hit with an asteroid while being bitten by a shark as you discover that you won the lottery than you will die form AGW..
Really? What killed the Dinosaurs, by chance? History isn't your strong suit.

Not AGW!!

So you see what your odds are?
Then there is historical perspective... Which shows today as nothing special in any way..


You realize, of course, that Watt is not a scientist, and has no science degree. Right? Moreover, this is Jouzel's actual graph:


Please note how wrong Watt's claim is regarding the change in temperature. Watt intentionally altered the y-axis. The overall change in temperature on the graph is closer to 12 degrees, not 3.5.
You are an ignorant fool. And once again you misrepresent what was posted.. That comes as no surprise. DO you have a reading comprehension problem? Degrees in what? The graph I posted clearly shows degrees in CECILIUS.. What, because you do not agree with how a graph is presented you get to choose who is right and wrong when you are clearly WRONG..

Yes, both graphs report temperature in degrees Celsius (note spelling). Thank you for that astute observation, Mr. Obvious. And if you will look at the y-axis of both graphs, you will find that the original graph starts out at -10 degrees, whereas the fake graph you posted starts out at -5 degrees. Meaning, that your author chopped off 5 degrees from all of the data (and removed the oxygen data from the graph) to make it look more enticing to idiots like you who don't bother checking data or your sources.
Kosh, given your graph shows how severe current warming is compared the recent past, why post it? Are you trying to prove our point?

Oh, are you confessing how stupid you've been, and promising to do better?

If that's the case, we welcome you to the rational community.
Thing about this. The earth will shake us humans off like fleas. 99% of all species that ever lived are extinct, fact. Humans found a new way to extinguish ourselves, are we so clever? We need to be a step ahead. Co2 , overpopulation, civil conflict or disease will level us out and we end up with that other 99% of extinct species.

You have a greater chance of dying from being hit with an asteroid while being bitten by a shark as you discover that you won the lottery than you will die form AGW..
Really? What killed the Dinosaurs, by chance? History isn't your strong suit.

Not AGW!!

So you see what your odds are?
Speaking of odds. I don't gamble. Am I supposed to know what AGW means? I forgot my little orphan Annie decoder ring.
The graph I posted clearly shows degrees in CECILIUS...

Who was Cecilius? Was he a Roman emperor? Why are you quoting his degrees? I assume he must have had a doctorate, right?

By the way, how's your doctorate coming along?

Poor little snagletooth got its wittle feelings hurt... I corrected my spelling error on proof reading it. Yet snagletooth jumps on it as some sort of opp's got ya thing.. It is really sad when the alarmists are fact-less and feckless..
Thing about this. The earth will shake us humans off like fleas. 99% of all species that ever lived are extinct, fact. Humans found a new way to extinguish ourselves, are we so clever? We need to be a step ahead. Co2 , overpopulation, civil conflict or disease will level us out and we end up with that other 99% of extinct species.

You have a greater chance of dying from being hit with an asteroid while being bitten by a shark as you discover that you won the lottery than you will die form AGW..
Really? What killed the Dinosaurs, by chance? History isn't your strong suit.

Not AGW!!

So you see what your odds are?
Speaking of odds. I don't gamble. Am I supposed to know what AGW means? I forgot my little orphan Annie decoder ring.

AGW = Human caused global warming!

So yes you have a greater chance of dying from being hit with an asteroid while being bitten by a shark as you discover that you won the lottery than you will die form AGW

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