The global warming thread. Is it for real?

"Areas projected to see the most significant increase in heavy rainfall are in the tropical zones around the equator, particularly in the Pacific Ocean and Asian monsoon regions.*

Some regions outside the tropics may have no rainfall at all. The models also projected for every degree Fahrenheit of warming, the length of periods with no rain will increase globally by 2.6 percent. In the Northern Hemisphere, areas most likely to be affected include the deserts and arid regions of the southwest United States, Mexico, North Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan, and northwestern China. In the Southern Hemisphere, drought becomes more likely in South Africa, northwestern Australia, coastal Central America and northeastern Brazil. "

NASA - NASA Study Projects Warming-Driven Changes in Global Rainfall
"Areas projected to see the most significant increase in heavy rainfall are in the tropical zones around the equator, particularly in the Pacific Ocean and Asian monsoon regions.*

Some regions outside the tropics may have no rainfall at all. The models also projected for every degree Fahrenheit of warming, the length of periods with no rain will increase globally by 2.6 percent. In the Northern Hemisphere, areas most likely to be affected include the deserts and arid regions of the southwest United States, Mexico, North Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan, and northwestern China. In the Southern Hemisphere, drought becomes more likely in South Africa, northwestern Australia, coastal Central America and northeastern Brazil. "

NASA - NASA Study Projects Warming-Driven Changes in Global Rainfall
Well, the models have almost all been wrong to this point, why would that preposterous heap of bullsqueeze be any different? :lol:
Yes, the times they are a changing. McIntyre (who you so despise because...well he's right and kicks your collective asses to the kerb at every opportunity) was correct yet again and Briffa et al were as usual WRONG!

Hey Ya! (mal) McIntyre was right – CRU Abandons one tree Yamal Superstick

This must be personally satisfying for Steve McIntyre, though I doubt the folks at RealClimate will have the integrity to acknowledge that he was right, and they were wrong.

It seems that in the latest publication from CRU’s Keith Briffa, they decided to leave out those elements (The most influential tree in the world) Steve identified that led to the Yamal Superstick.

Hey Ya! (mal) McIntyre was right ? CRU Abandons one tree Yamal Superstick | Watts Up With That?

McIntyre is a loser.

And yet....HE BEAT YOUR SILLY ASS!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
"Areas projected to see the most significant increase in heavy rainfall are in the tropical zones around the equator, particularly in the Pacific Ocean and Asian monsoon regions.*

Some regions outside the tropics may have no rainfall at all. The models also projected for every degree Fahrenheit of warming, the length of periods with no rain will increase globally by 2.6 percent. In the Northern Hemisphere, areas most likely to be affected include the deserts and arid regions of the southwest United States, Mexico, North Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan, and northwestern China. In the Southern Hemisphere, drought becomes more likely in South Africa, northwestern Australia, coastal Central America and northeastern Brazil. "

NASA - NASA Study Projects Warming-Driven Changes in Global Rainfall

Hansens a Loser!


"In a far-reaching restatement of goals for the nation’s space agency, NASA administrator Charles Bolden says President Obama has ordered him to pursue three new objectives: to “re-inspire children” to study science and math, to “expand our international relationships,” and to “reach out to the Muslim world.” Of those three goals, Bolden said in a recent interview with al-Jazeera, the mission to reach out to Muslims is “perhaps foremost,” because it will help Islamic nations “feel good” about their scientific accomplishments." Obama?s new mission for NASA: Reach out to Muslim world | Nation | San Francisco Examiner

I don't see anything about 'Climate' in there. Nasa is now just another Obama political tool. They don't do science anymore.
OK sure, non reproducible, non causal, conjecture is not evidence.

You should be able to tell me with some certainty what catastrophes will happen in the earth is a couple degrees warmer but you can't.

The human race will survive in a warmer climate even if it means more intense storms.

That is a fact.

"The human race will survive in a warmer climate even if it means more intense storms."

While I hate to agree with an empty skull, I do fully agree with this statement.

Unfortunately only some of the human race. And it will take most of our output for a long time. And the slower we move the more costly it will be.

That's why you see all of this action going on around the world.

Only some of the human race ever survives.
In case you didn't know it, people die every day.

And you aren't going to stop that.

We would have to lose an awful lot to be reduced to the point where it takes all our energy to merely survive.

And a slightly warmer planet won't even come close to doing that.

Not picking on you Skull, I have PMZ on ignore (Thank the Lord) and only get occasional glances at his brilliance and commitment to saving us --- the undeserving masses of flat earth skeptics. So I have to tap other posts. But YOURS made me consider a proposition..

Only some of the human race ever survives.
In case you didn't know it, people die every day.

And you aren't going to stop that.
So ---- WE ( a new imaginary "we" like the one in PMZ's head) should propose what WE would do with the $1Trill in CO2 mitigation that's going down the crapper with PMZ's team. And project how many folks WE'RE gonna save with that money..

Removing dictators, building up economies, giving folks tools to FEED THEMSELVES, educate themselves, end SLAVERY and clean up the environment in general.

It's OUR "we" --- against the imaginary "we" that this troll imagines. We'll present proposals at the UN and put it up for a vote. 99.5% chance that OUR "WE" wins..
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"Areas projected to see the most significant increase in heavy rainfall are in the tropical zones around the equator, particularly in the Pacific Ocean and Asian monsoon regions.*

Some regions outside the tropics may have no rainfall at all. The models also projected for every degree Fahrenheit of warming, the length of periods with no rain will increase globally by 2.6 percent. In the Northern Hemisphere, areas most likely to be affected include the deserts and arid regions of the southwest United States, Mexico, North Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan, and northwestern China. In the Southern Hemisphere, drought becomes more likely in South Africa, northwestern Australia, coastal Central America and northeastern Brazil. "

NASA - NASA Study Projects Warming-Driven Changes in Global Rainfall
Well, the models have almost all been wrong to this point, why would that preposterous heap of bullsqueeze be any different? :lol:

So you prefer Dr Spencer's view eh?


"In a far-reaching restatement of goals for the nation’s space agency, NASA administrator Charles Bolden says President Obama has ordered him to pursue three new objectives: to “re-inspire children” to study science and math, to “expand our international relationships,” and to “reach out to the Muslim world.” Of those three goals, Bolden said in a recent interview with al-Jazeera, the mission to reach out to Muslims is “perhaps foremost,” because it will help Islamic nations “feel good” about their scientific accomplishments." Obama?s new mission for NASA: Reach out to Muslim world | Nation | San Francisco Examiner

I don't see anything about 'Climate' in there. Nasa is now just another Obama political tool. They don't do science anymore.

Yeah, no science in rocket science. Brilliant.
"Areas projected to see the most significant increase in heavy rainfall are in the tropical zones around the equator, particularly in the Pacific Ocean and Asian monsoon regions.*

Some regions outside the tropics may have no rainfall at all. The models also projected for every degree Fahrenheit of warming, the length of periods with no rain will increase globally by 2.6 percent. In the Northern Hemisphere, areas most likely to be affected include the deserts and arid regions of the southwest United States, Mexico, North Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan, and northwestern China. In the Southern Hemisphere, drought becomes more likely in South Africa, northwestern Australia, coastal Central America and northeastern Brazil. "

NASA - NASA Study Projects Warming-Driven Changes in Global Rainfall
Well, the models have almost all been wrong to this point, why would that preposterous heap of bullsqueeze be any different? :lol:

So you prefer Dr Spencer's view eh?
I prefer physically verifiable, falsifiable and repeatable science...Models ain't science.
Well, the models have almost all been wrong to this point, why would that preposterous heap of bullsqueeze be any different? :lol:

So you prefer Dr Spencer's view eh?
I prefer physically verifiable, falsifiable and repeatable science...Models ain't science.

Yeah, not like those IPCC models, real like Dr. Roy Spencer's real model that he runs on an Excel spreadsheet.

"In my new book, The Great Global Warming Blunder: How Mother Nature Fooled the World’s Top Climate Scientists, I show the results of experiments with a simple climate model that runs in an Excel spreadsheet. The model is meant to illustrate how natural monthly-to-yearly variability in global (a) cloud cover and (b) surface evaporation can affect our satellite observations of (1) temperature and (2) total radiative flux."

Simple Climate Model Release, Version 1.0 « Roy Spencer, PhD

Geez, you are an idiot.
So you prefer Dr Spencer's view eh?
I prefer physically verifiable, falsifiable and repeatable science...Models ain't science.

Yeah, not like those IPCC models, real like Dr. Roy Spencer's real model that he runs on an Excel spreadsheet.

"In my new book, The Great Global Warming Blunder: How Mother Nature Fooled the World’s Top Climate Scientists, I show the results of experiments with a simple climate model that runs in an Excel spreadsheet. The model is meant to illustrate how natural monthly-to-yearly variability in global (a) cloud cover and (b) surface evaporation can affect our satellite observations of (1) temperature and (2) total radiative flux."

Simple Climate Model Release, Version 1.0 « Roy Spencer, PhD

Geez, you are an idiot.

I particularly like "Models ain't science." I think that it's the pass phrase to get into the Flat Earth Society Bar and Grill.
"The human race will survive in a warmer climate even if it means more intense storms."

While I hate to agree with an empty skull, I do fully agree with this statement.

Unfortunately only some of the human race. And it will take most of our output for a long time. And the slower we move the more costly it will be.

That's why you see all of this action going on around the world.

Only some of the human race ever survives.
In case you didn't know it, people die every day.

And you aren't going to stop that.

We would have to lose an awful lot to be reduced to the point where it takes all our energy to merely survive.

And a slightly warmer planet won't even come close to doing that.

Not picking on you Skull, I have PMZ on ignore (Thank the Lord) and only get occasional glances at his brilliance and commitment to saving us --- the undeserving masses of flat earth skeptics. So I have to tap other posts. But YOURS made me consider a proposition..

Only some of the human race ever survives.
In case you didn't know it, people die every day.

And you aren't going to stop that.
So ---- WE ( a new imaginary "we" like the one in PMZ's head) should propose what WE would do with the $1Trill in CO2 mitigation that's going down the crapper with PMZ's team. And project how many folks WE'RE gonna save with that money..

Removing dictators, building up economies, giving folks tools to FEED THEMSELVES, educate themselves, end SLAVERY and clean up the environment in general.

It's OUR "we" --- against the imaginary "we" that this troll imagines. We'll present proposals at the UN and put it up for a vote. 99.5% chance that OUR "WE" wins..

I don't know of you've been outside in the last decade or so, but your "team" has already lost. Nobody is investing in what you want to be true. All of the money is going into mitigating the consequences of what is true. Not that anyone expects you to ever acknowledge your inability to understand and accept science. That would require learning on your part.
I prefer physically verifiable, falsifiable and repeatable science...Models ain't science.

Yeah, not like those IPCC models, real like Dr. Roy Spencer's real model that he runs on an Excel spreadsheet.

"In my new book, The Great Global Warming Blunder: How Mother Nature Fooled the World’s Top Climate Scientists, I show the results of experiments with a simple climate model that runs in an Excel spreadsheet. The model is meant to illustrate how natural monthly-to-yearly variability in global (a) cloud cover and (b) surface evaporation can affect our satellite observations of (1) temperature and (2) total radiative flux."

Simple Climate Model Release, Version 1.0 « Roy Spencer, PhD

Geez, you are an idiot.

I particularly like "Models ain't science." I think that it's the pass phrase to get into the Flat Earth Society Bar and Grill.
OK, Mr. Wisenheimer...Since when did computer models become an acid test for proven, verifiable and repeatable science.

What specific date?
Only some of the human race ever survives.
In case you didn't know it, people die every day.

And you aren't going to stop that.

We would have to lose an awful lot to be reduced to the point where it takes all our energy to merely survive.

And a slightly warmer planet won't even come close to doing that.

Not picking on you Skull, I have PMZ on ignore (Thank the Lord) and only get occasional glances at his brilliance and commitment to saving us --- the undeserving masses of flat earth skeptics. So I have to tap other posts. But YOURS made me consider a proposition..

Only some of the human race ever survives.
In case you didn't know it, people die every day.

And you aren't going to stop that.
So ---- WE ( a new imaginary "we" like the one in PMZ's head) should propose what WE would do with the $1Trill in CO2 mitigation that's going down the crapper with PMZ's team. And project how many folks WE'RE gonna save with that money..

Removing dictators, building up economies, giving folks tools to FEED THEMSELVES, educate themselves, end SLAVERY and clean up the environment in general.

It's OUR "we" --- against the imaginary "we" that this troll imagines. We'll present proposals at the UN and put it up for a vote. 99.5% chance that OUR "WE" wins..

I don't know of you've been outside in the last decade or so, but your "team" has already lost. Nobody is investing in what you want to be true. All of the money is going into mitigating the consequences of what is true. Not that anyone expects you to ever acknowledge your inability to understand and accept science. That would require learning on your part.



IRONY! :lmao:
Yeah, not like those IPCC models, real like Dr. Roy Spencer's real model that he runs on an Excel spreadsheet.

"In my new book, The Great Global Warming Blunder: How Mother Nature Fooled the World’s Top Climate Scientists, I show the results of experiments with a simple climate model that runs in an Excel spreadsheet. The model is meant to illustrate how natural monthly-to-yearly variability in global (a) cloud cover and (b) surface evaporation can affect our satellite observations of (1) temperature and (2) total radiative flux."

Simple Climate Model Release, Version 1.0 « Roy Spencer, PhD

Geez, you are an idiot.

I particularly like "Models ain't science." I think that it's the pass phrase to get into the Flat Earth Society Bar and Grill.
OK, Mr. Wisenheimer...Since when did computer models become an acid test for proven, verifiable and repeatable science.

What specific date?

You are a hairball.

Mathematical models have been a big tool of science for hundreds of years.

Using computers to do the mathematical heavy lifting to make the math models useful probably started in the '40s.
Yeah, not like those IPCC models, real like Dr. Roy Spencer's real model that he runs on an Excel spreadsheet.

"In my new book, The Great Global Warming Blunder: How Mother Nature Fooled the World’s Top Climate Scientists, I show the results of experiments with a simple climate model that runs in an Excel spreadsheet. The model is meant to illustrate how natural monthly-to-yearly variability in global (a) cloud cover and (b) surface evaporation can affect our satellite observations of (1) temperature and (2) total radiative flux."

Simple Climate Model Release, Version 1.0 « Roy Spencer, PhD

Geez, you are an idiot.

I particularly like "Models ain't science." I think that it's the pass phrase to get into the Flat Earth Society Bar and Grill.
OK, Mr. Wisenheimer...Since when did computer models become an acid test for proven, verifiable and repeatable science.

What specific date?

Over half a century ago, apparently.

Wiki says; "Computer simulation developed hand-in-hand with the rapid growth of the computer, following its first large-scale deployment during the Manhattan Project in World War II to model the process of nuclear detonation."

*"The scale of events being simulated by computer simulations has far exceeded anything possible (or perhaps even imaginable) using traditional paper-and-pencil mathematical modeling."


Mr. Wisenheimer<=>Oppenhiemer. *It's just seems like some people are intentionally stupid, refusing to accept what they already know. Could be coincidence.
Ignorance is a marketable commodity. It can be directed, in a democracy, towards supporting what's good for the few, at the expense of the many. Rush Limbaugh, as just one example, has been paid over a billion dollars to create a pool of malleable ignorance which the GOP can access to stay in the government that they are committed to destroy.

There is simply no other explanation for the election of a completely dysfunctional Congress with the lowest approval level of any other in history.

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