The goal of the democrat party is to end the middle class, and create a two tiered society.....

They're the ones who closed the factories and laid off millions of workers, destroying good-paying jobs, and moving them abroad.
After politicians opened our market to cheap chinese products American companies did what they had to do to stay in business

I dont think the greedy businessmen wanted competition from china

But they had no choice
After politicians opened our market to cheap chinese products American companies did what they had to do to stay in business

I dont think the greedy businessmen wanted competition from china

But they had no choice

As if the capitalist didn't push the politicians to open that cheap labor market. Most Americans will pay more for a better quality MADE IN THE USA product. I will and so will millions of other Americans.
As if the capitalist didn't push the politicians to open that cheap labor market.
No they didnt

Ross Perot is a good example

So was Warren Buffett

Both tried to warn us

Opening our market to china was a decision made by 536 politicians

Aka congress and the president
No they didnt

Ross Perot is a good example

So was Warren Buffett

Both tried to warn us

Opening our market to china was a decision made by 536 politicians

Aka congress and the president

Among the capitalists, there are always outliers, who have a good head on their shoulders. There are capitalists who love America and don't want to see the collapse of the working class or the American economy. Unfortunately, there aren't enough of them, and that's the reason politicians opened China and fought tooth and nail against labor unions and essentially every regulation and law that protects American labor. Your fanciful idea that the capitalists had their arms twisted to close their factories in America and move them to China and Mexico, where wages are 75¢ hourly, rather than $12.00+, is quite amusing. It's RICH.
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Among the capitalists, there are always outliers, who have a good head on their shoulders. There are capitalists who love America and don't want to see the collapse of the working class or the American economy. Unfortunately, there aren't enough of them, and that's the reason politicians opened China and fought tooth and nail against labor unions and essentially every regulation and law that protects American labor. Your fanciful idea that the capitalists had their arms twisted to close their factories in America and move them to China and Mexico, where wages are 75¢ hourly, rather than $12.00+, is quite amusing. It's RICH.
Without capitalists humans would still be living in the Dark Ages
Without capitalists humans would still be living in the Dark Ages
What a stupid statement. Civilization existed way before capitalism and it wasn't capitalism that got us out of the dark ages. You're not making any sense.
We have come a long way since the Dark Ages thanks to capitalism
Thanks to plenty of government intervention as well. You obviously don't know much about the history of capitalism and the industrial revolution. Without the government, there would be no capitalism. Socialism actually allows capitalism to exist, whereas the same can't be said about socialism needing capitalism. Like all past systems of production, be it chattel slavery or feudalism, capitalism will likewise die and will be replaced with a better system. It took hundreds of years for the mercantile class to replace the kings and nobles, for republics to replace monarchies, and it will also take time for socialism to replace capitalism.

The merchants didn't become industrialists until technology permitted them to and the working class won't take ownership of the means of production, implementing a non-profit-based economic system until technology permits, if not necessitates it. We're not that far away from that happening, maybe thirty or forty years at the most.
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Thanks to plenty of government intervention as well. You obviously don't know much about the history of capitalism and the industrial revolution. Without the government, there would be no capitalism. Socialism actually allows capitalism to exist, whereas the same can't be said about capitalism. Like all past systems of production, be it chattel slavery or feudalism, capitalism will likewise die and will be replaced with a better system. It hundreds of years for the mercantile class to replace the kings and nobles, for republics to replace monarchies and it will also take time for socialism to replace capitalism.

The merchants didn't become industrialists until technology permitted them to and the working class won't take ownership of the means of production, implementing a non-profit system until technology permits, if not necessitates it. We're not that far away from that happening, maybe thirty or forty years at the most.
Of course government is important

But the best government is non communist with s capitalist economy
This looks at the on going plan of the democrats to destroy the middle class...the last defense against their totalitarian state......

For them, 1984 was a how to guide, not a warning.....

The left is also using its Green New Deal to impoverish us — severe restrictions on domestic energy production, forcing us into electric cars (the horse and buggy would be more practical), coming “energy-efficiency” mandates on appliances, banning gas stoves and other measures driven by the cult of climate change.

This will raise the price of everything, including food, gas and utilities. Under Mr. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the cost of electricity is up 24%, fuel oil up 69% and gas up 53%.

Soon we’ll be sitting in our homes, sweltering in the summer and shivering in the winter, riding bicycles to work, and eating Hamburger Helper or dog food – when we’re not chowing down on creepy, crawly things.

As vegan frosting on the cake, our children are being brainwashed in gender ideology and critical race theory in state schools. If you object, you’ll be branded an insurrectionist and “the government will crush you,” according to an FBI whistleblower.

If Mr. Biden serves a second term, by the time he leaves office, the middle class will be a bombed-out shell of its former self.

What's pathetic is that 98% of Democrats will be government's bitch if they win, just like we will be
Of course government is important

But the best government is non communist with s capitalist economy

Communism is defined by Marx as a society without a state (or a very small, limited government), without socioeconomic classes, or the need for money. Socialism is the process that leads to communism. That process might take centuries, so it's not entirely accurate to equate socialism to communism. Socialists identify themselves as communists or with communism because that's the objective. Any attempt to establish a communist society at a national scale, without the technology to eliminate material scarcity is doomed to fail. Marx himself taught that, but unfortunately, some socialists refuse to take his warning seriously.

When automation (robots, autonomous machines, and vehicles) and artificial intelligence become advanced enough, then society is forced, by necessity, to adopt a publicly owned, non-profit system of production a.k.a. socialism. Communism follows socialism, once production becomes extremely efficient and automated.
Communism is defined by Marx as a society without a state (or a very small, limited government), without socioeconomic classes, or the need for money. Socialism is the process that leads to communism. That process might take centuries, so it's not entirely accurate to equate socialism to communism. Socialists identify themselves as communists or with communism because that's the objective. Any attempt to establish a communist society at a national scale, without the technology to eliminate material scarcity is doomed to fail. Marx himself taught that, but unfortunately, some socialists refuse to take his warning seriously.

When automation (robots, autonomous machines, and vehicles) and artificial intelligence become advanced enough, then society is forced, by necessity, to adopt a publicly owned, non-profit system of production a.k.a. socialism. Communism follows socialism, once production becomes extremely efficient and automated.
I dont have a crystal ball and dont know how much technology will change or in what ways

But I know we tend to overestimate the future while completely missing new developments

But I dont think its socialism
I never said the Democrats aren't in the pockets of big-money interests, so what's your point? My point is that at least the Democrats try to mitigate the negative effects of their corruption by passing laws that serve the interests of the working class (of the public).
High inflation hurts the working class, and so does unfettered illegal immigration. Biden’s and the Democrats’ policies have made both worse. And halting all the gas production and driving up gas prices? That’s a big help too.

And to you, helping the working class means getting other people to pay their loans. College grads need to buckle up and pay off their own debt.

And Obamacare? That helped low-income, but it killed the working class. A married couple earning $70,000 in a big city saw their premiums skyrocket to $2000 a month for a deductible of $75,000 so a part-time worker could get a great plan for $30 a month.

Nope, the Democrats serve the interests of the poor who won’t work or train for a job, while putting the onus on the working class.
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High inflation hurts the working class, and so does unfettered illegal immigration. Biden’s and the Democrats’ policies have made both worse. And halting all the gas production and driving up gas prices? That’s a big help too.

And to you, helping the working class means getting other people to pay their loans. College grads need to buckle up and pay off their own debt.

And Obamacare? That helped low-income, but it killed the working class. A married couple earning $70,000 in a big city saw their premiums skyrocket to $2000 a month for a deductible of $75,000 so a part-time worker could get a great plan for $30 a month.

Nope, the Democrats serve the interests of the poor who won’t work or train for a job, while putting the onus on the working class.

The high inflation that we have now is mostly due to corporate greed i.e. price gouging. The government could eliminate this type of inflation overnight with reasonable price controls and then invest heavily in infrastructural projects that employ millions of Americans and increase our nation's productive capacity (GDP). That's the leftist solution to the form of inflation we have now.

Republicans have no problem pouring trillions into the coffers of "too-big-to-fail" corporations, bailing them out from their bad investments and business practices while bitching about bailing out the working class in the middle of a nationwide, deadly pandemic or canceling our children's student debt (bailing out the multi-billionaires is OK, but not our future/our children). Republicans are experts at privatizing profits and burdening the public with the losses, bailing out their rich buddies with public funds (socialism for the rich and pick yourself up by your bootstraps capitalism for everyone else).

True leftists i.e. Marxists, would actually, unlike Trump and the Republicans, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. America would be energy independent, relying initially on fossil fuels until we transition to clean energy, in the form of safe and abundant nuclear power. We would have hundreds of plants, both large and micro-SFRs, throughout the country, providing us with more electricity than we will ever need or even know what to do with. When we have that, we can easily move away from gas-powered vehicles to electric. We can't do that now, because we don't have enough electricity and it would create more pollution, but we can if we depend upon nuclear energy.

Public colleges and vocational schools should be tuition-free because education is a human right. Anything we can do to ensure Americans are well-educated and skilled has an extremely high return on our investment. We as a society, get at least a 1000-fold return when we invest in people's education and vocational training.

Healthcare should also be a human right. Everyone should be covered by Medicare, not just the elderly.

Food, housing, healthcare, education, and employment in the public sector, should be a human right in every modern, civilized society. Actual leftists create a social safety net and a supportive infrastructure for people to build a good life for themselves and their families. If it wasn't for American leftists, most of the elderly forum members here defending right-wing policies wouldn't have Social Security, Medicare, and many other benefits which ensure they're not sleeping in a cardboard box behind the Bingo Hall.

Marxists are strict against illegal immigration and we consider drug dealing a capital crime. Drug dealers and their mules, would be put in front of a firing squad and addicts would be forced into rehab. We would clear our streets of all of the crime and homelessness. That's American socialism.

R (1).jpeg

"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary" Karl Marx

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The high inflation that we have now is mostly due to corporate greed i.e. price gouging. The government could eliminate this type of inflation overnight with reasonable price controls and then invest heavily in infrastructural projects that employ millions of Americans and increase our nation's productive capacity (GDP). That's the leftist solution to the form of inflation we have now.

Republicans have no problem pouring trillions into the coffers of "too-big-to-fail" corporations, bailing them out from their bad investments and business practices while bitching about bailing out the working class in the middle of a nationwide, deadly pandemic or canceling our children's student debt (bailing out the multi-billionaires is OK, but not our future/our children). Republicans are experts at privatizing profits and burdening the public with the losses, bailing out their rich buddies with public funds (socialism for the rich and pick yourself up by your bootstraps capitalism for everyone else).

True leftists i.e. Marxists, would actually, unlike Trump and the Republicans, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. America would be energy independent, relying initially on fossil fuels until we transition to clean energy, in the form of safe and abundant nuclear power. We would have hundreds of plants, both large and micro-SFRs, throughout the country, providing us with more electricity than we will ever need or even know what to do with. When we have that, we can easily move away from gas-powered vehicles to electric. We can't do that now, because we don't have enough electricity and it would create more pollution, but we can if we depend upon nuclear energy.

Public colleges and vocational schools should be tuition-free because education is a human right. Anything we can do to ensure Americans are well-educated and skilled has an extremely high return on our investment. We as a society, get at least a 1000-fold return when we invest in people's education and vocational training.

yeah, yeah, we know..always the fault of capitalists, and nothing to do with unnecessary government spending.
Healthcare should also be a human right. Everyone should be covered by Medicare, not just the elderly.

We’re already $34T in debt. Who’s going to pay for all this free health care?
Food, housing, healthcare, education, and employment in the public sector, should be a human right in every modern, civilized society. Actual leftists create a social safety net and a supportive infrastructure for people to build a good life for themselves and their families. If it wasn't for American leftists, most of the elderly forum members here defending

Oh, right….everyone should get free housing and college too, in addition to free food and medical care. (Why even bother to work?) As it is, we give free education up to age 18 to everyone, and then free post-high school job training to every lower-income family.

right-wing policies wouldn't have Social Security, Medicare, and many other benefits which ensure they're not sleeping in a cardboard box behind the Bingo Hall.

Nope, but they do have some alternatives that would leave responsible earners better off. I could have done much better with the $500,000 or so I contributed to SS over 40 years.
Marxists are strict against illegal immigration and we consider drug dealing a capital crime. Drug dealers and their mules, would be put in front of a firing squad and addicts would be forced into rehab. We would clear our streets of all of the crime and homelessness. That's American socialism.

What about the illegal lowlifes pouring into our country at the rate of 2 million a year? Are Americans supposed to give them free health care, free housing, free medical care as well?

You Democrat Socialists have no clue about economics. There aren’t enough rich people in the country to fund even one part of what you’re saying.
yeah, yeah, we know..always the fault of capitalists, and nothing to do with unnecessary government spending.

We’re already $34T in debt. Who’s going to pay for all this free health care?

Oh, right….everyone should get free housing and college too, in addition to free food and medical care. (Why even bother to work?) As it is, we give free education up to age 18 to everyone, and then free post-high school job training to every lower-income family.

Nope, but they do have some alternatives that would leave responsible earners better off. I could have done much better with the $500,000 or so I contributed to SS over 40 years.

What about the illegal lowlifes pouring into our country at the rate of 2 million a year? Are Americans supposed to give them free health care, free housing, free medical care as well?

You Democrat Socialists have no clue about economics. There aren’t enough rich people in the country to fund even one part of what you’re saying.

Our current inflation has nothing to do with government spending, but rather with capitalist price-hikes. That's a fact, but you can delude yourself and deny it if it makes you feel better.

As far as our so-called "national debt" that's a paper tiger and phantom because a nation with a sovereign currency that exclusively issues its own money, can't go insolvent or broke. That "national debt" is simply a ledger of how much money the private sector has invested in treasury bonds and in savings and assets in general. The Republicans and Democrats play this game about the "debt" to keep all industries and services in private hands (their wealthy donors), preventing people from considering such services being provided by a publicly owned company or government program. You drank their Kool-Aid, but there are Americans that know better:

Watch Greenspan, former head of the FED, explain why we will never go insolvent to an ignorant and confused Republican:

Medicare for all will actually cost less yearly than what we're paying now.

As far as investing in private alternatives to Social Security, you could've. You could have both your Social Security and the income from those private investments. However, your Social Security is backed by the US federal government, where those private investments might fail. Society in general, the majority of people, can decide that they want the elderly to be entitled to an income, whether they successfully invested their money in stocks or not.
Marxists would stop sanctioning, and imposing economic embargoes on Central American countries, including Cuba and Venezuela, allowing those nations to develop. That's the first policy that should be enacted to stop illegal immigration. Allow those countries to develop, that way their citizens won't want to leave and come here. Secondly, we would deploy the military on our border, stopping illegal immigration and also work with the Mexican government to eliminate the drug cartels.


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