The goal of the democrat party is to end the middle class, and create a two tiered society.....

Nobody cares lol. Communists can just shut their pie holes or we'll nuke their ass into the next millennium.
Which communists are you referring to? The Russians aren't socialists anymore, so you're not making any sense.
Our current inflation has nothing to do with government spending, but rather with capitalist price-hikes. That's a fact, but you can delude yourself and deny it if it makes you feel better.

As far as our so-called "national debt" that's a paper tiger and phantom because a nation with a sovereign currency that exclusively issues its own money, can't go insolvent or broke. That "national debt" is simply a ledger of how much money the private sector has invested in treasury bonds and in savings and assets in general. The Republicans and Democrats play this game about the "debt" to keep all industries and services in private hands (their wealthy donors), preventing people from considering such services being provided by a publicly owned company or government program. You drank their Kool-Aid, but there are Americans that know better:

Watch Greenspan, former head of the FED, explain why we will never go insolvent to an ignorant and confused Republican:

Medicare for all will actually cost less than what we're paying now in healthcare.

As far as investing in private alternatives to Social Security, you could've. You could have both your Social Security and the income from those private investments. However, your Social Security is backed by the US federal government, where those private investments might fail. Society in general, the majority of people, can decide that they want the elderly to be entitled to an income, whether they successfully invested their money in stocks or not.
Marxists would stop sanctioning, and imposing economic embargoes on Central American countries, including Cuba and Venezuela, allowing those nations to develop. That's the first policy that should be enacted to stop illegal immigration. Allow those countries to develop, that way their citizens won't want to leave and come here. Secondly, we would deploy the military on our border, stopping illegal immigration and also work with the Mexican government to eliminate the drug cartels.

^^^ Alert: This is the enemy we are fighting.
Why do you think I'm "the enemy"? Give specific reasons.
I don’t want to because:

1) I am eating dinner.

2) I am still recovering from a medical emergency this weekend that necessitated an ambulance to the hospital, and my doctor said not to stress out. Talking with Americans who parade around their love of Marxism would do that.

So someone else can respond as to why people like you are real threats to the survival of our country.
I don’t want to because:

1) I am eating dinner.

2) I am still recovering from a medical emergency this weekend that necessitated an ambulance to the hospital, and my doctor said not to stress out. Talking with Americans who parade around their love of Marxism would do that.

So someone else can respond as to why people like you are real threats to the survival of our country.
Democrats have been destroying the middle class and the economy since the 60s when the Cloward Piven Strategy was written.
I wonder why morons ALWAYS assume that everyone not in line with the destructive Left agenda automatically loves Trump ?
A reverse-mirror reflection of the idiotts on the Right who assume that if you're vehemently opposed to Trump, that you're a Leftist. Partisan hacks abound.
Democrats have been destroying the middle class and the economy since the 60s when the Cloward Piven Strategy was written.
That had an effect on minorities, not the general state of the economy with respect to employment, wages, and worker rights. It was Ronald Reagan with his anti-labor supply-side economics a.k.a. "the trickle-down that doesn't trickle", that gutted the American working class and stripped America of its manufacturing base. Stagnant wages, the systematic dismantling of labor unions, massive deregulation, gross inequality, and crippling consumer credit card debt, among other serious social ills. That's why more than half of America has been one paycheck away from homelessness for the last 30 years. Reaganomics.



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I will give whoever the next gop POTUS is 3 months to fix the entire problem or they are no better than the mess we have. 3 months. Or it's a fail.
I just call it the

Arrogance of Ignorance

Common among people who call themselves "conservatives"
Most republicans don't refer to themselves as republicans, they refer to themselves as conservatives.
Teabaggers figure if they call themselves conservative enough times, it may one day, become true.
The unhinged wing of the republican party, started the TEA party.

Tea Party Patriots: Action

Tea Party Patriots
Tea Party Patriots Action's mission is to equip Americans with the resources and training they need to be engaged citizens and effective activists.

As was then, as is now, they think they are "patriots".

Medicare for all or a socialized healthcare approach democrats want will strengthen our middle class. I know so many in the middle class who struggle because their job offers no healthcare or buying it is so expensive. Republicans don't like socialized healthcare, another way Republicans are hurting the middle class. It seems to me it is the Republicans trying to end the middle class.
Medicare for all or a socialized healthcare approach democrats want will strengthen our middle class. I know so many in the middle class who struggle because their job offers no healthcare or buying it is so expensive. Republicans don't like socialized healthcare, another way Republicans are hurting the middle class. It seems to me it is the Republicans trying to end the middle class.
How do we pay for it? Medicare is insolvent as it is, and the people on it paid into for 40 years.

Many in the middle class were worse off with Obamacare than before it was rammed down our throat. I sure was - $1000 a month for a plan with a $7000 deductible. That meant I was in the hook for $20,000 of medical expenses a year.
How do we pay for it? Medicare is insolvent as it is, and the people on it paid into for 40 years.

Many in the middle class were worse off with Obamacare than before it was rammed down our throat. I sure was - $1000 a month for a plan with a $7000 deductible. That meant I was in the hook for $20,000 of medical expenses a year.

We pay for it making the rich pay their fair share and folding up big insurance.

The amount of money being spent isn't the issue... We spent twice as much per capita than the "Socialized Medicine" countries


and we get much worse results in terms of things like life expectance and infant mortality.

We pay for it making the rich pay their fair share and folding up big insurance.

The amount of money being spent isn't the issue... We spent twice as much per capita than the "Socialized Medicine" countries


and we get much worse results in terms of things like life expectance and infant mortality.


Facts for Republicans are like Kryptonite. They hate the facts.
We pay for it making the rich pay their fair share and folding up big insurance.

The amount of money being spent isn't the issue... We spent twice as much per capita than the "Socialized Medicine" countries


and we get much worse results in terms of things like life expectance and infant mortality.


It's also ironic that the Republicans claim to be the ones who care more about small businesses, yet Medicare for all would take a heavy burden off of employers who are now paying an average of $1000 monthly per employee in health insurance. Sometimes employers will deduct as much as $3.00 hourly from their employee's wages to pay for their health insurance and workers often have to work three to six months for a company before being eligible for health insurance. .
It's also ironic that the Republicans claim to be the ones who care more about small businesses, yet Medicare for all would take a heavy burden off of employers who are now paying an average of $1000 monthly per employee in health insurance. Sometimes employers will deduct as much as $3.00 hourly from their employee's wages to pay for their health insurance and workers often have to work three to six months for a company before being eligible for health insurance. .
Again, who pays for Medicare for all? It’s going insolvent even for the 65+ crowd who paid in for 40 years, there’s no way to give it to everyone unless you raise the premiums on the younger group to a fortune per month.
Most republicans don't refer to themselves as republicans, they refer to themselves as conservatives.
Teabaggers figure if they call themselves conservative enough times, it may one day, become true.
The unhinged wing of the republican party, started the TEA party.

Tea Party Patriots: Action

View attachment 787897
Tea Party Patriots
Tea Party Patriots Action's mission is to equip Americans with the resources and training they need to be engaged citizens and effective activists.

As was then, as is now, they think they are "patriots".

That was when crazy reached critical mass in the GOP.
Again, who pays for Medicare for all? It’s going insolvent even for the 65+ crowd who paid in for 40 years, there’s no way to give it to everyone unless you raise the premiums on the younger group to a fortune per month.
A nation with a sovereign currency can't go insolvent. Do you actually believe the US federal government, will run out of dollars? If so, how? The budgetary constraints of the US federal government are determined by the GDP (i.e. Gross Domestic Product = national production capacity). Our current federal budget is way below our GDP and it would be cheaper to cover everyone under Medicare than what we're spending now on healthcare per person, so you're not making any sense.

More, do you actually believe you "paying into" your current benefits for forty years covers the cost of your current Social Security and Medicare benefits? Do you realize that you weren't paying into a "government savings account" that would later be used to cover the cost of your benefits in the future? The reason we pay into Social Security and Medicare when we're employed is that the government wants us to be productive and provide those who are in retirement with the goods and services they'll purchase with their pensions.

Why does the US federal government collect taxes when it doesn't need taxes to have money? The exclusive issuer of the dollar doesn't need us to provide it with dollars, because it creates the dollar ex-nihilo. If we are forced to pay taxes in America, in USD, then we have to get a job or start a business, and produce and deliver goods and services, in order to pay our property taxes, permits, licenses..etc. That maintains the value of the dollar and allows the US federal government to "print" money, funding itself and supporting the economy rather than collapsing it with runaway inflation i.e. too much money in the economy without the production to meet consumer demand. It's impossible for the US federal government to run out of dollars because it is the creator of the dollar, hence insolvency is impossible.

You're ignorant of how our monetary system works:

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