The goal of the democrat party is to end the middle class, and create a two tiered society.....

No that doesn't count. You can't just post links and think you're winning something. You're losing the debate when you do that. Talk, go ahead. Say something.
Trump's casinos were shabbily built on the wrong side of the tracks.. Then he got nailed with fines for money laundering.

Everything Trump builds his shabbily built. It’s a common complaint of his condo purchasers.

But I recall reading about his out of control lavish spending during construction and that he would never recover his capital investment on these projects. And then Trump bragging that he walked away from his first bankruptcy with $40 million in HIS pockets, while everyone else lost money.

You Fn lying leftist. Trump had nothing to do with a worldwide virus that was the cause of our decline along with the world. But if you leftists didn't have lies, you'd have no argument at all. Pathetic.

No other first world leader had anything to do with the virus that shut down our economies, either, but no other first world nation in the world suffered the level of disease, death or economic displacement, that Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic inflicted on the American people.

With 3% of the worlds population, you’ve endured more than 15% of the disease and the deaths in the entire world, despite your belief that you have the best medical system in the world.

And once again, you claim that none of this is Donald Trump’s fault. Trump is the guy who kept overriding the CDC and making them change their advice and then he blamed Dr. Faucci when it all went bad.

Well, that was highly entertaining Ray.

Your Fact Check piece is from 2016 - before we had any idea about the family trust scam that Donald Trump used the defraud his niece and nephew out of their share of Fred Trump’s estate.

Let’s try a more recent piece which completely debunks this fact check.

Once Donald Trump’s tax records and financial starting to be made public, a different story emerged.

Well, that was highly entertaining Ray.

Your Fact Check piece is from 2016 - before we had any idea about the family trust scam that Donald Trump used the defraud his niece and nephew out of their share of Fred Trump’s estate.

Let’s try a more recent piece which completely debunks this fact check.

Once Donald Trump’s tax records and financial starting to be made public, a different story emerged.

Ray unfortunately doesn't give a hoot about the facts.
Neither Trump nor Reagan made life easier for workers. That’s a complete fallacy. The transfer of wealth to the top continued unabated under both presidents. 8 million people fell into poverty by the end of the Donald Trump administration.

You keep talking about the temporary economics gains in the economy created by the doubling goosing of tax cuts and increased deficit spending under both of these presidents, but completely ignore the consequences of their economic crashes.

The net damage under Reagan was less because both the working and middle classes had wealth and adequate income when he started.

But each subsequent tax cut and crash has further weakened the working and middle class. It’s no longer possible for Democrats to keep patching up the economy and getting it back on the rails after Republicans repeatedly crash it.

A complete overhaul in rebalancing of the economic pie is necessary to keep the USA from turning into a South American banana republic.
You are rationalizing your ideological failures. Under Obama, the wealth gap grew. It had nothing to do with inheriting anything. He had eight years. Taking people's money and giving it to the government is exactly how you create a two tiered society. Mac called republicans borrow and spend, which is true. I wish they weren't. But he then goes on to call democrats tax and spend, as if it is one step better. This is false. The money the ideological left take from workers is nowhere near the democrat desire to spend. It is borrowing too, only on a much larger and more punitive scale. They both borrow, just the democrats kick you in the balls too and tell you they are being responsible. Taking the wealth of the workers, giving it to the government, and then having wealth being rebalanced is the definition of failed 3rd world ideology.
You are rationalizing your ideological failures. Under Obama, the wealth gap grew. It had nothing to do with inheriting anything. He had eight years. Taking people's money and giving it to the government is exactly how you create a two tiered society. Mac called republicans borrow and spend, which is true. I wish they weren't. But he then goes on to call democrats tax and spend, as if it is one step better. This is false. The money the ideological left take from workers is nowhere near the democrat desire to spend. It is borrowing too, only on a much larger and more punitive scale. They both borrow, just the democrats kick you in the balls too and tell you they are being responsible. Taking the wealth of the workers, giving it to the government, and then having wealth being rebalanced is the definition of failed 3rd world ideology.

You can pretend it "had nothing to do with inheriting anything", but the facts are otherwise. A "two-tiered" society is created by capitalism, an economic system based on employers (exploiters) and employees (exploitees). A democratic government is a social apparatus organized by the people to manage their large-scale socioeconomic affairs and interests. It's an institution created to serve the public good, unlike private business enterprises, whose bottom line is profits (capital accumulation). On the public accountability scale, democratic governments rank much higher than privately owned businesses due to the fact that at least democracies hold elections, maintain courts of law, and are in principle supposed to serve the interests of their citizens. When was the last time you participated in an election at work? About never?

Republicans claim to serve the working class by prioritizing the needs of the rich under the pretext that the wealthy elites will invest their wealth back into their businesses, creating opportunities for employment and upward mobility, but the reality is that the trickle-down doesn't trickle. The golden age of our economy after WW2, shortly after FDR's new deal of the 1930s (to avoid a second civil war during the great depression) was still strongly in place and the highest tax bracket was 91%. The highest-paid CEOs at the time made about 20 times the average worker, whereas today the highest-paid CEOs make an average of 350 times the average salary of their employees.

Republicans create extreme inequality and add insult to injury by disempowering the working class by making it practically impossible for them to unionize and receive the benefits and social safety net that they need to live above the poverty line. More than half of the American workforce is living paycheck to paycheck, hand to mouth, unable to spend more than $400 in an emergency. Many Americans can't afford a college or vocational school education and even if they can pay their tuition they have to work to survive, hence don't have the time or energy to study. Tens of millions of Americans are uninsured and hence never go to the doctor for a checkup, they wait until they're seriously ill, dragging themselves half-dead into an ER. That's America, thanks to Republican, trickle-down economics (prioritizing the vested interests of the rich at the great expense of the public good).

Despite of all of the flaws of the Democrats, at least they are more in tune with the needs of the public and support policies that help mitigate the destructive effects of late-stage capitalism. If it wasn't for the Democrats (the "leftists"), we wouldn't have Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid..etc.
You can pretend it "had nothing to do with inheriting anything", but the facts are otherwise. A "two-tiered" society is created by capitalism, an economic system based on employers (exploiters) and employees (exploitees). A democratic government is a social apparatus organized by the people to manage their large-scale socioeconomic affairs and interests. It's an institution created to serve the public good, unlike private business enterprises, whose bottom line is profits (capital accumulation). On the public accountability scale, democratic governments rank much higher than privately owned businesses due to the fact that at least democracies hold elections, maintain courts of law, and are in principle supposed to serve the interests of their citizens. When was the last time you participated in an election at work? About never?

Republicans claim to serve the working class by prioritizing the needs of the rich under the pretext that the wealthy elites will invest their wealth back into their businesses, creating opportunities for employment and upward mobility, but the reality is that the trickle-down doesn't trickle. The golden age of our economy after WW2, shortly after FDR's new deal of the 1930s (to avoid a second civil war during the great depression) was still strongly in place and the highest tax bracket was 91%. The highest-paid CEOs at the time made about 20 times the average worker, whereas today the highest-paid CEOs make an average of 350 times the average salary of their employees.

Republicans create extreme inequality and add insult to injury by disempowering the working class by making it practically impossible for them to unionize and receive the benefits and social safety net that they need to live above the poverty line. More than half of the American workforce is living paycheck to paycheck, hand to mouth, unable to spend more than $400 in an emergency. Many Americans can't afford a college or vocational school education and even if they can pay their tuition they have to work to survive, hence don't have the time or energy to study. Tens of millions of Americans are uninsured and hence never go to the doctor for a checkup, they wait until they're seriously ill, dragging themselves half-dead into an ER. That's America, thanks to Republican, trickle-down economics (prioritizing the vested interests of the rich at the great expense of the public good).

Despite of all of the flaws of the Democrats, at least they are more in tune with the needs of the public and support policies that help mitigate the destructive effects of late-stage capitalism. If it wasn't for the Democrats (the "leftists"), we wouldn't have Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid..etc.
Blame free trade with china for the shrinking middle class

Also include NAFTA with its giant sucking sound and the invasion of migrant peasants from Mexico
Well, that was highly entertaining Ray.

Your Fact Check piece is from 2016 - before we had any idea about the family trust scam that Donald Trump used the defraud his niece and nephew out of their share of Fred Trump’s estate.

Let’s try a more recent piece which completely debunks this fact check.

Once Donald Trump’s tax records and financial starting to be made public, a different story emerged.

Which we know is pure bullshit because for one, fact check sources update any new developments on their original claim, and two, Trump handed over all power of his businesses to his family as required to be President.
Blame free trade with china for the shrinking middle class

Also include NAFTA with its giant sucking sound and the invasion of migrant peasants from Mexico
Blame those who allow unfair "free trade" with China, closing factories in America, and laying off thousands of American workers, in order to (like cannibals), turn around and profit off of the same people they fired. It's the party that fails to provide workers with a social safety net as exists in Western Europe and many other countries (even third-world countries) that is the main culprit (the Republicans). When I lived in Costa Rica as an American expat, I had full health coverage and so did every Costa Rican I knew. Many of their doctors are trained here in the US or in Europe or travel regularly to the US and Europe to receive specialized training. No one in Costa Rica is without healthcare coverage, either through the state or private insurance. Healthcare is affordable.

We need to prioritize the needs of the American public, rather than the financial interests of wealthy elites, a very small % of our population. The democratic party, more so than the Republicans, does more to mitigate the negative effects of an economic system where the bottom line is profits, rather than the public good.
No other first world leader had anything to do with the virus that shut down our economies, either, but no other first world nation in the world suffered the level of disease, death or economic displacement, that Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic inflicted on the American people.

With 3% of the worlds population, you’ve endured more than 15% of the disease and the deaths in the entire world, despite your belief that you have the best medical system in the world.

And once again, you claim that none of this is Donald Trump’s fault. Trump is the guy who kept overriding the CDC and making them change their advice and then he blamed Dr. Faucci when it all went bad.

Bullshit. Dr. Fauci was given all the time in the world to speak of what he thought of the virus and what our plans should be. He spoke many times at Trump's live press conferences. It wasn't "Trump's" shutdown that caused our financial problems, it was the Communist states and cities that shutdown their economy along with their schools. And again, under Dementia, there were more covid deaths under him than Trump. So again, stop your lying already.
That would be politicians in washington
Mostly Republicans and the capitalists they serve and worship. At least the Democrats are more working-class friendly than the Republicans, who only serve the rich, at everyone else's expense.
Mostly Republicans. At least the Democrats are more working-class friendly than the Republicans, who only serve the rich, at everyone else's expense.
Bill clinton was not a democrat

There is plenty of blame for most of the swamp rats in washington in both parties
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Mostly Republicans. At least the Democrats are more working-class friendly than the Republicans, who only serve the rich, at everyone else's expense.
Nope….that’s the lie going around. The Republicans are increasingly for the working class (you know….the guys the liberal elites call “morons”), and the Dems for the top echelon on one hand and the welfare recipients on the other.
Bill clinton was not a democrat

There is plenty of blame for most of the swamp rats in washington in both parties

Clinton was a Democrat, are you smoking something funny? Trump your savior and lord, filled his administration with swamp people. Bank execs, neocons..etc.
Clinton was a Democrat, are you smoking something funny? Trump your savior and lord, filled his administration with swamp people. Bank execs, neocons..etc.

I ment to say that clinton was not a republican

He had much to do with the loss of jobs to china and he was a democrat
This looks at the on going plan of the democrats to destroy the middle class...the last defense against their totalitarian state......

For them, 1984 was a how to guide, not a warning.....

The left is also using its Green New Deal to impoverish us — severe restrictions on domestic energy production, forcing us into electric cars (the horse and buggy would be more practical), coming “energy-efficiency” mandates on appliances, banning gas stoves and other measures driven by the cult of climate change.

This will raise the price of everything, including food, gas and utilities. Under Mr. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the cost of electricity is up 24%, fuel oil up 69% and gas up 53%.

Soon we’ll be sitting in our homes, sweltering in the summer and shivering in the winter, riding bicycles to work, and eating Hamburger Helper or dog food – when we’re not chowing down on creepy, crawly things.

As vegan frosting on the cake, our children are being brainwashed in gender ideology and critical race theory in state schools. If you object, you’ll be branded an insurrectionist and “the government will crush you,” according to an FBI whistleblower.

If Mr. Biden serves a second term, by the time he leaves office, the middle class will be a bombed-out shell of its former self.

Every accusation from the land of MAGATRY is also a confession.
For clarification, for the above mentioned.

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias whereby people with low ability, expertise, or experience regarding a type of task or area of knowledge tend to overestimate their ability or knowledge.

Some researchers also include the opposite effect for high performers: their tendency to underestimate their skills. In popular culture, the Dunning–Kruger effect is often misunderstood as a claim about general overconfidence of people with low intelligence instead of specific overconfidence of people unskilled at a particular task.
I just call it the

Arrogance of Ignorance

Common among people who call themselves "conservatives"
Nope….that’s the lie going around. The Republicans are increasingly for the working class (you know….the guys the liberal elites call “morons”), and the Dems for the top echelon on one hand and the welfare recipients on the other.

The Republicans increasingly pass laws that undermine the working-class, by making it impossible for them to unionize and effectively negotiate their terms of employment with powerful, wealthy employers. They defund government programs and services that serve the public, privatizing utility companies and other state-owned ventures that once provided affordable services to working-class families. It's Republican policies that prevent American workers from having the social safety net that workers in other industrialized nations take for granted and have as a human right.

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