The goal of the democrat party is to end the middle class, and create a two tiered society.....

This looks at the on going plan of the democrats to destroy the middle class...the last defense against their totalitarian state......

For them, 1984 was a how to guide, not a warning.....

The left is also using its Green New Deal to impoverish us — severe restrictions on domestic energy production, forcing us into electric cars (the horse and buggy would be more practical), coming “energy-efficiency” mandates on appliances, banning gas stoves and other measures driven by the cult of climate change.

This will raise the price of everything, including food, gas and utilities. Under Mr. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the cost of electricity is up 24%, fuel oil up 69% and gas up 53%.

Soon we’ll be sitting in our homes, sweltering in the summer and shivering in the winter, riding bicycles to work, and eating Hamburger Helper or dog food – when we’re not chowing down on creepy, crawly things.

As vegan frosting on the cake, our children are being brainwashed in gender ideology and critical race theory in state schools. If you object, you’ll be branded an insurrectionist and “the government will crush you,” according to an FBI whistleblower.

If Mr. Biden serves a second term, by the time he leaves office, the middle class will be a bombed-out shell of its former self.

Don't be a stupid drama queen.

No, the reason is I never let them know I have the firearms since I have lived under the radar for almost fifty years doing those things you are to scared to do.
Wait, you aren't a registered gun owner, how irresponsible don't let the party know they will shun you
Under Donald Trump, more than a trillion dollars of dollars moved from the working and middle class to the American billionaires. 8 million people fell into poverty under Donald Trump.

Republicans point to the economic success under Reagan after the tax cuts, or the wage increases under Trump after the tax cuts, and completely ignore the economic damage done by the crashes of the US economy that have followed ever single one of those tax cuts.

I’m starting to believe that the Republican economic crashes are a deliberate strategy to impoverish workers and keep them in beholding to whatever crumbs the corporations are willling to throw them.

The changes to student debt financing under successive Republican governments, I have ensure that students will never be able to clear that that debt or raise their standard of living, even with a college degree.

Joe Biden and the Democrats are determined to give the American workers a better cut of the pie. The corporatists are howling that this will lead to “communism” and turn your country into Venezuela.

And yet Republicans continue to pursue the same economic policies that turn the entire South American continent into “shit hole countries”, in the 1970’s and 1980’s.
You didn't answer the question. Why did Trump and Reagan make life better for workers and Biden has lowered standard of living every single month? It is great to say you care about workers, but your policies make life harder for people. Wages over inflation says a lot. You can hate corporations all you want, and you can talk about pieces of the pie, but sadly, giving the government workers' wages makes their lives worse. Chanting I hate rich people doesn't solve the fact that people's lives are getting worse every single month of this presidency. Your ideology creates poverty and the elite of the ruling class.
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They kill unions, gut the middle class, the money rises to the top, THEN they bitch like this.

They are living, breathing examples of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Abject Arrogant ignorance.
No one killed unions except the greed of unions and their members themselves

The only way for libs to save bad unions is by making workers join the union against their will
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I never said Trump was dumb, you idiot. You're dumb, Trump is smart and he's playing all of you MAGA hat wearing retards like a fiddle.

You chimed in on a conversation I was having with another member who did claim Trump was dumb. Learn how to follow a post for crying out loud.
Yeah, the rational people believe if you turn millions into billions you must be dumb.

No, rational people recognize that when you’re born on third-base moving 90 feet isn’t a home run.

Trump received over $300 million from his father’s estate. That’s in addition to the more than $1 billion in business losses that Fred Trump covered for Dumb Donald in the 1980’s, or the further billions that he blew in the 4 Altlantic City bankruptcies in the 1990’s which resulted in American banks, refusing to lend to Trump.

According to former employees of Deutsches Banke, Trump still isn’t worth more than the $300 million that his father left him.
This looks at the on going plan of the democrats to destroy the middle class...the last defense against their totalitarian state......

For them, 1984 was a how to guide, not a warning.....

The left is also using its Green New Deal to impoverish us — severe restrictions on domestic energy production, forcing us into electric cars (the horse and buggy would be more practical), coming “energy-efficiency” mandates on appliances, banning gas stoves and other measures driven by the cult of climate change.

This will raise the price of everything, including food, gas and utilities. Under Mr. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the cost of electricity is up 24%, fuel oil up 69% and gas up 53%.

Soon we’ll be sitting in our homes, sweltering in the summer and shivering in the winter, riding bicycles to work, and eating Hamburger Helper or dog food – when we’re not chowing down on creepy, crawly things.

As vegan frosting on the cake, our children are being brainwashed in gender ideology and critical race theory in state schools. If you object, you’ll be branded an insurrectionist and “the government will crush you,” according to an FBI whistleblower.

If Mr. Biden serves a second term, by the time he leaves office, the middle class will be a bombed-out shell of its former self.

Don't be a stupid drama queen.
You didn't answer the question. Why did Trump and Reagan make life better for workers and Biden has lowered standard of living every single month? It is great to say you care about workers, but your policies make life harder for people. Wages over inflation says a lot. You can hate corporations all you want, and you can talk about pieces of the pie, but sadly, giving the government workers wages makes their lives worse.

This looks at the on going plan of the democrats to destroy the middle class...the last defense against their totalitarian state......

For them, 1984 was a how to guide, not a warning.....

The left is also using its Green New Deal to impoverish us — severe restrictions on domestic energy production, forcing us into electric cars (the horse and buggy would be more practical), coming “energy-efficiency” mandates on appliances, banning gas stoves and other measures driven by the cult of climate change.

This will raise the price of everything, including food, gas and utilities. Under Mr. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the cost of electricity is up 24%, fuel oil up 69% and gas up 53%.

Soon we’ll be sitting in our homes, sweltering in the summer and shivering in the winter, riding bicycles to work, and eating Hamburger Helper or dog food – when we’re not chowing down on creepy, crawly things.

As vegan frosting on the cake, our children are being brainwashed in gender ideology and critical race theory in state schools. If you object, you’ll be branded an insurrectionist and “the government will crush you,” according to an FBI whistleblower.

If Mr. Biden serves a second term, by the time he leaves office, the middle class will be a bombed-out shell of its former self.

I'm pretty sure they kick puppies and hate apple pie and baseball too.
No, rational people recognize that when you’re born on third-base moving 90 feet isn’t a home run.

Trump received over $300 million from his father’s estate. That’s in addition to the more than $1 billion in business losses that Fred Trump covered for Dumb Donald in the 1980’s, or the further billions that he blew in the 4 Altlantic City bankruptcies in the 1990’s which resulted in American banks, refusing to lend to Trump.

According to former employees of Deutsches Banke, Trump still isn’t worth more than the $300 million that his father left him.

Trump's casinos were shabbily built on the wrong side of the tracks.. Then he got nailed with fines for money laundering.
You chimed in on a conversation I was having with another member who did claim Trump was dumb. Learn how to follow a post for crying out loud.

I don't believe Trump is dumb, although he appears to be that way sometimes. It doesn't take that much intelligence to be successful in business, especially when you have the security and confidence of being supported by millions in assets and a wealthy family. The rich always have a plan B or backup plan, in case the shit hits the fan for them financially or business-wise. Starting out in business wealthy isn't the same as starting a business as a working-class person with all of your savings. The latter is more limited and stressed out than the former, and that has an effect on how they think and operate.
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You didn't answer the question. Why did Trump and Reagan make life better for workers and Biden has lowered standard of living every single month? It is great to say you care about workers, but your policies make life harder for people. Wages over inflation says a lot. You can hate corporations all you want, and you can talk about pieces of the pie, but sadly, giving the government workers' wages makes their lives worse. Chanting I hate rich people doesn't solve the fact that people's lives are getting worse every single month of this presidency. Your ideology creates poverty and the elite of the ruling class.

Neither Trump nor Reagan made life easier for workers. That’s a complete fallacy. The transfer of wealth to the top continued unabated under both presidents. 8 million people fell into poverty by the end of the Donald Trump administration.

You keep talking about the temporary economics gains in the economy created by the doubling goosing of tax cuts and increased deficit spending under both of these presidents, but completely ignore the consequences of their economic crashes.

The net damage under Reagan was less because both the working and middle classes had wealth and adequate income when he started.

But each subsequent tax cut and crash has further weakened the working and middle class. It’s no longer possible for Democrats to keep patching up the economy and getting it back on the rails after Republicans repeatedly crash it.

A complete overhaul in rebalancing of the economic pie is necessary to keep the USA from turning into a South American banana republic.
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Neither Trump nor Reagan made life easier for workers. That’s a complete fallacy. The transfer of wealth to the top continued unabated under both presidents. 8 million people fell into poverty by the end of the Donald Trump administration.

You keep talking about the temporary economics gains in the economy created by the doubling goosing of tax cuts and increased deficit spending under both of these presidents, but completely ignore the consequences of their economic crashes.

The net damage under Reagan was less, because the both the working and middle classes had both wealth and adequate income when he started.

But each subsequent crash tax cut and crash has further weakened the working and middle class. It’s no longer possible for Democrats to keep patching up the economy and getting it back on the rails after Republicans repeatedly crash it.

A complete overhaul in rebalancing of the economic pie is necessary to keep the USA from turning into a South American banana republic.

You Fn lying leftist. Trump had nothing to do with a worldwide virus that was the cause of our decline along with the world. But if you leftists didn't have lies, you'd have no argument at all. Pathetic.
I don't believe Trump is dumb, although he appears to be that way sometimes. It doesn't take that much intelligence to be successful in business, especially when you have the security and confidence of being supported by millions in assets and a wealthy family. The rich always have a plan B or backup plan, in case the shit hits the fan for them financially or business-wise. Starting out in business wealthy isn't the same as starting a business as a working-class person with all of your savings. The latter is more limited and stressed out than the former, and that has an effect on how they think and operate.

In the Art of the Deal Trump goes on about if you can borrow enough money, you own the lender. US banks won't touch him.
Neither Trump nor Reagan made life easier for workers. That’s a complete fallacy. The transfer of wealth to the top continued unabated under both presidents. 8 million people fell into poverty by the end of the Donald Trump administration.

You keep talking about the temporary economics gains in the economy created by the doubling goosing of tax cuts and increased deficit spending under both of these presidents, but completely ignore the consequences of their economic crashes.

The net damage under Reagan was less because both the working and middle classes had wealth and adequate income when he started.

But each subsequent tax cut and crash has further weakened the working and middle class. It’s no longer possible for Democrats to keep patching up the economy and getting it back on the rails after Republicans repeatedly crash it.

A complete overhaul in rebalancing of the economic pie is necessary to keep the USA from turning into a South American banana republic.

Both Clinton and Obama inherited a mess.
You Fn lying leftist. Trump had nothing to do with a worldwide virus that was the cause of our decline along with the world. But if you leftists didn't have lies, you'd have no argument at all. Pathetic.

Trump threw out the pandemic handbook and turned the whole thing over to Kushner after a 5 week delay.
This looks at the on going plan of the democrats to destroy the middle class...the last defense against their totalitarian state......

For them, 1984 was a how to guide, not a warning.....

The left is also using its Green New Deal to impoverish us — severe restrictions on domestic energy production, forcing us into electric cars (the horse and buggy would be more practical), coming “energy-efficiency” mandates on appliances, banning gas stoves and other measures driven by the cult of climate change.

This will raise the price of everything, including food, gas and utilities. Under Mr. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the cost of electricity is up 24%, fuel oil up 69% and gas up 53%.

Soon we’ll be sitting in our homes, sweltering in the summer and shivering in the winter, riding bicycles to work, and eating Hamburger Helper or dog food – when we’re not chowing down on creepy, crawly things.

As vegan frosting on the cake, our children are being brainwashed in gender ideology and critical race theory in state schools. If you object, you’ll be branded an insurrectionist and “the government will crush you,” according to an FBI whistleblower.

If Mr. Biden serves a second term, by the time he leaves office, the middle class will be a bombed-out shell of its former self.

How Ironic.
In the Art of the Deal Trump goes on about if you can borrow enough money, you own the lender. US banks won't touch him.

He's definitely not as business-savvy as he and his cultist worshipers think he is. Corruption is part of his "success". There are drug cartel bosses that are also billionaires, but that doesn't say much about their character and IQ.
No, rational people recognize that when you’re born on third-base moving 90 feet isn’t a home run.

Trump received over $300 million from his father’s estate. That’s in addition to the more than $1 billion in business losses that Fred Trump covered for Dumb Donald in the 1980’s, or the further billions that he blew in the 4 Altlantic City bankruptcies in the 1990’s which resulted in American banks, refusing to lend to Trump.

According to former employees of Deutsches Banke, Trump still isn’t worth more than the $300 million that his father left him.


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