The goal of the democrat party is to end the middle class, and create a two tiered society.....

The democrats want to destroy our healthcare system so they can take it over.....with no plan on ever making it better...the socialised medial systems around the world are falling apart....
Is that why we passed and defended the ACA? That is not taking it over. That is regulating it. The ACA did in fact make it better and it is not socialized medicine. Only very stupid people think that it is
You need to understand the actual Fair Tax and how it gets rid of the income moron....which means you keep everything you earn....instead of giving it to the worst people on the planet....
Please tell us more. If everyone kept everything that they earned, how does government function?

That isnt what they are teaching.:... they are teaching that if you are white you qill always be an opressor of minorities and if you are black you are always going ro be oppressed and there is no way to change this....

That os what they re teaching and why we oppose that crap
When you start your post by saying that “Democrats loathe the middle class”, I stopped reading.

All of your posts start with the false claims the Democrats “hate something” and they’re out to destroy it, take it away from you, or end it.

The vast majority of Democrats are members of the middle class who are sick of being screwed over by conservatives, looking to line their donors pockets on the backs of the middle class.

Reagan’s tax cuts started a trend of wealth rising from working and middle class voters to the top 10%. The rate of transfer of wealth to the top has accelerated with each succeeding tax cut.

Each Republican tax cut has been followed by a economic crash a few years later, which further reduced the wealth of the working and middle classes, and the further enriched the wealthy.

When Reagan was elected, working, Americans owned 5% of the wealth of the nation. Today they own 0%, and they’re dependent upon government income supplements in order to provide the basic necessities for their families.

The middle class is now shrinking with more people falling back into poverty that are rising into wealth.

The wealth gap in the United States, is the most extreme in the first world. Wages, as a percentage of costs, are at the same level as they were in the Gilded Age before there was a union movement in the USA.

If Wallmark can pay $16.50 per hour wages, with 2 weeks paid vacation, 1 yr. maternity/paternity leave with job security, CPP and EI payments, Worker’s Compensation for on the job injuries, with no unions, and still be the most profitable company in Canada, why can’t American workers get the same deal?
How much of a working person's paycheck do you think they should keep? Not rich people, normal working people. Tell me again you care about the middle class. Kings and slaves.
The only way to create a more fair class system is to promote socialism. The democrats seem to be pushing more toward socialism which I see as a very good thing.

WTF change what we have? If you want a socialist government, why not move to one of those countries instead? There is only one United States of America, and we will fight you commies to keep it that way.
Support a family with one breadwinner, working a blue-collar job, and buying a house cash after only four years of work? Not in the real world under this economy, but maybe in your dream world. As far as inflation and debt, it's the Republicans who plunged America into heavy debt, look at the stats since 1981.
Haha... the low information student who thinks they know everything, but only know what a faculty lounge leftist tell them to believe.
Like I said..
#1 Reason why people can't live with one blue collar worker with family - inflation outpaced wages. Significantly. Big time. And the reason for that is 3 fold....
a) Feminism. Women entering the workforce dramatically increased supply of workers. And what happens when there is too much supply? yeah. The price falls. In this case - wages became stagnant for years to come.
b) NAFTA and outsourcing cheapened the value of labor. When manufacturing was outsourced... OBVIOUSLY the value of laborers decreased. Significantly.
c) Technology. Robotics/computerization replaced 60,000,000 laborers and support staff.

So you can go ahead and keep drinking the kid stuff and become a party mushroom who knows jack shit.
It's much easier to become wealthy when your daddy is rich. Most people don't have the luxury of getting access to even 1/10th the resources that Trump had when he was growing up.

Trump turned a few million into billions. You have to be pretty smart and business savvy to do that. I've seen companies handed down to the kids and they were closed in less than four years. Not a lot of people can handle money.
That isnt what they are teaching.:... they are teaching that if you are white you qill always be an opressor of minorities and if you are black you are always going ro be oppressed and there is no way to change this....

That os what they re teaching and why we oppose that crap
Your thinking is as sloppy as your typing. You think that is what is being taught becuase you have been told that is what you must think. Yu have no real thoughts of your own. You are a troll bot and a useful idiot
Letting Uber wealthy lead is letting the fox guard the chicken coop...regardless of cult....ooops I mean party. We are divided by classes.
How much of a working person's paycheck do you think they should keep? Not rich people, normal working people. Tell me again you care about the middle class. Kings and slaves.

The question isn’t how much of your paycheque do you think “they” should keep. The question is how much should you be paid, in the first place.

Business management schools focus on bottom line management. CEO contracts for Fortune 500 corporations are based on bottom line management. 50 years of Supreme Court decisions have generally been decided in favour the shareholders. And last, but not least US employee law, always favours the employer.

When Republicans crashed the economy in 1987, 2008, and 2020, The government bailed out Wall Street, the banks, and the big corporations first. Every crash has seen the working and middle class further impoverished, and the wealthy greatly enriched.

Donald Trump’s first Covid bailout was the “Payroll Protection Plan” which was interest free loans to some of the largest corporations in America to keep employers on the payroll. It did absolutely nothing for the people who had already lost their jobs.

Republicans were the first to complain that the labour shortage was because of all of that money Joe Biden gave to working people. This assumption that poor and working class people will sit on their asses if the government gives them too much money is a fallacy.

Every time Democrats of suggested, raising the minimum wage, Republicans have countered by raising the earned income credits instead. That’s taking money from middle class tax payers to supplement the wages paid by McDonald’s and Walmart.
Control fuel, food, and healthcare and no one can say a word against you...or you simply cut them off....which is why a digital currency is a nightmare too....

Everything is a conspiracy theory with you people. Democrats are always out to “destroy your life”. And then you complain endlessly about how horrible your lives are.

You have Pavlovian response is the fear and paranoia that are irrational.

Our healthcare system had less than 1/3 third the rate of disease and death that yours did, and the pandemic was declared over last September. I even managed to get to a couple of baseball games last September.
Everything is a conspiracy theory with you people. Democrats are always out to “destroy your life”. And then you complain endlessly about how horrible your lives are.

You have Pavlovian response is the fear and paranoia that are irrational.

Our healthcare system had less than 1/3 third the rate of disease and death that yours did, and the pandemic was declared over last September. I even managed to get to a couple of baseball games last September.

Your from Canada? Where all of your rich people come to the U.S. because you have to wait for months just to get a simple MRI, and your politicians come here for heart don't sell that government health care to us.......

The socialist healthcare around the world is collapsing....they can't afford it, and they can't keep Doctors and Nurses who are nothing more than government clock punchers...

Last summer, many emergency rooms in rural communities shut down. In larger cities, people waited dozens of hours for emergency care. At Canada’s largest children’s hospital, SickKids, a four-year-old child was separated from his family and flown more than 350km (217 miles) for treatment of a near-fatal sepsis infection amid overcrowding.

“Emergency rooms are the barometer for our healthcare system,” said David Carr, a physician and professor of emergency medicine at the University of Toronto. “We’re facing the ‘perfect storm’ – we’ve been thrown a virus that is crippled our healthcare system and while we’ve managed to get ahold of it in many ways, what we have not [is] coming to grips with is the sheer attrition of nurses and healthcare team members.”

While the winter months are typically the worst times for emergency rooms as respiratory viruses take hold, Canada’s shortage of health professionals – and the rising rate of burnout – is making a bad problem worse.


Canada's health care is a disaster and getting can't have bureaucrats run anything, especially the healthcare system...

We know the health system is collapsing. Every day, there are more signs of distress:

  • A hospital in Toronto put out an urgent plea for physicians, medical residents and other volunteers to help fill nursing shifts to keep its emergency department running.
  • Hospitals in rural communities across Canada are so short staffed they have temporarily closed emergency departments and intensive care units.
  • A patient in Victoria placed an ad in the newspaper pleading for a doctor – any doctor – to renew prescriptions for her 82-year-old husband after their family practitioner retired.
  • A family physician published his own perspective in the Ottawa Citizen – an open letter apologizing to patients for the broken health care system.

And more.......

Yes, the healthcare system has fallen very badly behind during the Covid pandemic. Our system relies on preventative medicine, and there’s been literally none of that for nearly 3 years.

The situation is made worse by the fact that we have seven provinces with Conservative governments Who always manage to fuck up healthcare whenever they get into office.

We still have zero out-of-pocket expenses, no co-pays, and no paperwork. We still spend half of what you do and achieve better outcomes.

And MRIs are going in everywhere.

But it’s still 6 miles better than the US system, which is in worse shape. And you still don’t have all of your citizens coverage.
For clarification, for the above mentioned.

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias whereby people with low ability, expertise, or experience regarding a type of task or area of knowledge tend to overestimate their ability or knowledge.

Some researchers also include the opposite effect for high performers: their tendency to underestimate their skills. In popular culture, the Dunning–Kruger effect is often misunderstood as a claim about general overconfidence of people with low intelligence instead of specific overconfidence of people unskilled at a particular task.

As a banker, when we had clients with poor money management skills, we found doctors and teachers to be the worst clients to deal with. Doctors because they’re not used to having their decisions questioned, and teachers because students treat them as “all knowing”.
No, the reason is I never let them know I have the firearms since I have lived under the radar for almost fifty years doing those things you are to scared to do.

Are you saying that you are doing things involving firearms that I am scared to do? My, what big ego you have, Grandma.
The first thing Democrats did after COVID was to shut down small business. The technocrats reaped in billions.

The party is all about the little guy, dontcha know? After all, Jeff Besos is only 5'7" .

Most of the small businesses were back in operation by June... so that one doesn't fly. A lot of them just adapted. I know I did.

Before Covid, I met most of my customers in person. After Covid, I meet them over Zoom, get paid by Zelle or Venmo, and that's about it.

Works so much better in some ways. Less driving around.
That is some funny stuff right there.
And totally wrong.
Why can't you do that now?
A little thing called inflation. Another thing called debt as income mentality. Another thing called materialism/consumerism. Another thing called feminism.

You're funny. Or in college.

Or... get this... all of these things are Republican policies.

Let's take inflation. The problem is that inflation was pretty much not a factor after the 1970's but working wages still continued to decline, because the One Percenters continued to break up unions, continued to use every recession to drive down wages, continued to move the good paying jobs overseas.

As for "Debt as income mentality"... who was responsible for that? Oh, yeah, Republicans loosening bank regulations and the banks giving credit cards to college students who had no business having them.

And "Feminism"? Really? Why those mean old feminists, telling women they don't need a man. While feminism told women they could work, it was the one percenters who made them when they would rather not.

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