The goal of the democrat party is to end the middle class, and create a two tiered society.....

I wish I was that dumb; traveling the world in my private jet liner, a household name, in the company of the most beautiful women of the world.

Yeah, what a dope that Trump is.

It's much easier to become wealthy when your daddy is rich. Most people don't have the luxury of getting access to even 1/10th the resources that Trump had when he was growing up.
The right-wingers pretend to be "pro-family values", yet they created the economic conditions that forced Mom to go get a job outside of the home, in order to help Dad. My grandfather migrated here in 1961 from Cuba without a penny in his pocket and got a blue-collar job at Bertram Yachts, spraying fiberglass on boat hull molds. He was the sole breadwinner in the family and bought a house cash in 1965, without a mortgage. Try doing that now with a blue-collar job.
That is some funny stuff right there.
And totally wrong.
Why can't you do that now?
A little thing called inflation. Another thing called debt as income mentality. Another thing called materialism/consumerism. Another thing called feminism.

You're funny. Or in college.
I believe it's the globalists who have been intentionally destroying the middle class. So it's not a D or R thing, since globalists exist in both parties.
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They kill unions, gut the middle class, the money rises to the top, THEN they bitch like this.

They are living, breathing examples of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Abject Arrogant ignorance.
How exactly did they gut the middle class? Letting them keep their wages instead of paying the government middle man seems like exactly what the middle class needs to grow. Are you saying unions are the key to the middle class? The dems want everyone to fork over their checks for the government to get a cut, and then redistribute it. Unions can't fix that. Letting people keep more of their earnings is the only way to grow the middle class.
All true.
Again, all the unions in the world won't help when a ruling class wants to take more and more of working people's checks. I'm curious about your strategy to inflate wages, and then how much of those wages you want the government to confiscate.
Yeah, I once worked in a factory and their thugs kept pressuring me into which I said "Fuck off"

I have no desire to donate my hard earned pay to legalized mob bosses.
You see, as a hardworking, thinking human being.....
If I didn't like how a company treated me I knew where to find the exit.
I started MY OWN business and became very successful.

Funny how you people act like programmed helpless little robots then bitch when you are treated like one.
The union bosses laugh all the way to the bank living in luxury on your dime.
I'm sure union bosses live in complete luxury. Like a mini-Bernie Sanders.
That is some funny stuff right there.
And totally wrong.
Why can't you do that now?
A little thing called inflation. Another thing called debt as income mentality. Another thing called materialism/consumerism. Another thing called feminism.

You're funny. Or in college.
Support a family with one breadwinner, working a blue-collar job, and buying a house cash after only four years of work? Not in the real world under this economy, but maybe in your dream world. As far as inflation and debt, it's the Republicans who plunged America into heavy debt, look at the stats since 1981.
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Reagan created an economic boom for all Americans and lifted massive numbers Americans from middle income brackets to upper income brackets....and the left has been trying to hide that ever since.......unions have killed themselves off by supporting democrats who raise taxes and regulations on the very businesses the unions work for, sending them over seas to save themselves........the left knows they have to destroy the middle class, wreck the country in order to put people into wretchedness where they will accept any totalitarian policies of the democrats simply to survive.....
Fucking wha wha wha! Reduce your carbon footprint, asshole, and stop making this planet inhabitable!
I'm sure union bosses live in complete luxury. Like a mini-Bernie Sanders.
What "evidence" do you have that "union bosses" live in "luxury"? Anyways, irrespective of whether that's true or not, the fact is that in general, unionized labor earns more money and has more benefits. At best what you present is a mere caricature of union leadership, in order to advance your anti-worker agenda. You're either a brainwashed working-class slave-tool, licking the boots of the wealthy capitalist elites who exploit you, or a capitalist exploiter yourself who hates it when workers unionize and hence talks shit about labor unions.
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This looks at the on going plan of the democrats to destroy the middle class...the last defense against their totalitarian state......

For them, 1984 was a how to guide, not a warning.....

The left is also using its Green New Deal to impoverish us — severe restrictions on domestic energy production, forcing us into electric cars (the horse and buggy would be more practical), coming “energy-efficiency” mandates on appliances, banning gas stoves and other measures driven by the cult of climate change.

This will raise the price of everything, including food, gas and utilities. Under Mr. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the cost of electricity is up 24%, fuel oil up 69% and gas up 53%.

Soon we’ll be sitting in our homes, sweltering in the summer and shivering in the winter, riding bicycles to work, and eating Hamburger Helper or dog food – when we’re not chowing down on creepy, crawly things.

As vegan frosting on the cake, our children are being brainwashed in gender ideology and critical race theory in state schools. If you object, you’ll be branded an insurrectionist and “the government will crush you,” according to an FBI whistleblower.

If Mr. Biden serves a second term, by the time he leaves office, the middle class will be a bombed-out shell of its former self.

This is the biggest boat load of bizarre bovine excrement that I ever heard and only the stupidest of the stupid believe that the goal of the Democrats is to destroy the middle class. And to what end?

Which party is responsible for tax cuts , 88% of which benefit the wealthiest 1%?
Which party has been trying to gut affordable health care that primarily benefits the middle class?
Which is the union busting party and which socio economic class belongs to unions ?
Which party proposed a flat 40% sales tax that would slam the middle class. ?

Any why is it that you clowns whine relentlessly about the cost going green, but NEVER want to discuss the cost TO EVERYONE of air and water pollution, droughts, flooding more severe storms? OH I know why. Because you are to stupid to understand what we are doing to the planet. But its real and what do you think that will do to the price of food?

And then you stupidly throw in some shit about critical race theory and gender identity. That is nonsensical Gish Gallop bullshit that has nothing to do with class.
Reagan created an economic boom for all Americans and lifted massive numbers Americans from middle income brackets to upper income brackets....and the left has been trying to hide that ever since.......unions have killed themselves off by supporting democrats who raise taxes and regulations on the very businesses the unions work for, sending them over seas to save themselves........the left knows they have to destroy the middle class, wreck the country in order to put people into wretchedness where they will accept any totalitarian policies of the democrats simply to survive.....
The only way to create a more fair class system is to promote socialism. The democrats seem to be pushing more toward socialism which I see as a very good thing.
Small Businesses are in no position to be Corporate Cronies that write big checks to Democrats to get relief or exemptions from Government. Small Business Entrepreneurship also represents furthest thing from dependence on Government.

This is the biggest boat load of bizarre bovine excrement that I ever heard and only the stupidest of the stupid believe that the goal of the Democrats is to destroy the middle class. And to what end?

Which party is responsible for tax cuts , 88% of which benefit the wealthiest 1%?
Which party has been trying to gut affordable health care that primarily benefits the middle class?
Which is the union busting party and which socio economic class belongs to unions ?
Which party proposed a flat 40% sales tax that would slam the middle class. ?

Any why is it that you clowns whine relentlessly about the cost going green, but NEVER want to discuss the cost TO EVERYONE of air and water pollution, droughts, flooding more severe storms? OH I know why. Because you are to stupid to understand what we are doing to the planet. But its real and what do you think that will do to the price of food?

And then you stupidly throw in some shit about critical race theory and gender identity. That is nonsensical Gish Gallop bullshit that has nothing to do with class.

Tax cuts have increased the standard of living for all Americans....

How the fuck is it smart to give the most corrupt humans on the planet...politicians, more and more money through our taxes...which they use for their own personal gain, or they waste the money or lose the are an idiot.

The democrats want to destroy our healthcare system so they can take it over.....with no plan on ever making it better...the socialised medial systems around the world are falling apart....

The public sector unions have bankrupted states, and are going to end up leaving their members with nothing....

40% sales tax? Go fuck yourself and your lies.....

You need to understand the actual Fair Tax and how it gets rid of the income moron....which means you keep everything you earn....instead of giving it to the worst people on the planet....

30% is the number on the sales tax and that is too high, but it is a starting point to get the tax lower....

You know who likes the simple clod? VOX....

Otherwise, it’s a great idea.
But sales taxes can still be good policy if used to fund progressive programs, as the Nordic countries do. The FairTax, for its part, tries to offset some of the negative impact on poor people by including what it calls a tax “prebate.” Each household would get a monthly check worth 23 percent of the poverty threshold for a household their size.
In 2023, that’s $279.45 a month for a single adult, with an extra $98.52 per month for each additional person in the house. For a family of four, this adds up to $6,900 in no-strings-attached cash payments every year.

So the government would just be mailing checks to people with no strings attached. Isn’t that a basic income?

I think so, yes. The FairTax would create the first permanent, unconditional cash program for which all Americans are eligible. That’s an enormous step toward basic income, even if it’s not enough money to live on.

You are one of the useful idiots they need to wreck the country...
So if you don't have the government determine wages, you aren't for working people? You can't really believe that. The argument against setting wages is pretty strong. How many get laid off whenever they try this? Doesn't help inflation either.
destroy the middle class=seems like republican are destroying the middle class.

In what way?

It's the Democrats that loathe the middle-class because middle-class people are generally self-reliant. Democrats don't like self-reliant people. They like people that depend on the federal government. That's what gives them the power.

As per the OP, they are trying to take away a good, reliable and affordable fuel from the people. Why is that? So they say it's to save the planet. But looking at the man behind the curtain, the reason they want to take this fuel away from us is it's controlled by the private market. Electricity isn't. It's not a commodity. You can't buy or sell it on the market. Electricity is controlled by the government meaning we would all need government to provide us with this less reliable, less efficient fuel for all our needs.

The average EV is about 60k which many families can't afford. Okay, so what are these families supposed to do if they remove all fossil fuel vehicles and you can't afford an EV? Public transportation, a Democrat dream.

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