The goal of the democrat party is to end the middle class, and create a two tiered society.....

Go on....
Any substance behind that statement...or just indoctrination and knee-jerk hyper partisan bias ?

I vote based on character and past actions.
If DeSantis turns to the dark side and becomes an establishment pawn I will move on.
That horse has already left the barn.

DeSantis followed Trump and Abbott on everything they said or proposed, wasting millions of taxpayer $$$, in the process.
Like Biden, trump doesn't have to be smart.
He just has to do what the Establishment tells him to do for his golden pay days.

In fact...the establishment doesn't want intelligent Presidents ruing their agendas.

I'm sure you believe that.
The first thing Democrats did after COVID was to shut down small business. The technocrats reaped in billions.

The party is all about the little guy, dontcha know? After all, Jeff Besos is only 5'7" .

You are such an assclown. Correction - Ignorant assclown › 2022/10/02 › usThe Story Behind DeSantis’s Migrant Flights to Martha’s ...

Oct 2, 2022 · SAN ANTONIO — In June, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a budget that set aside $12 million to create a program for transporting unauthorized migrants out of Florida. › politics › 2024-electionRon DeSantis is sending Florida law enforcement to Texas ...

May 16, 2023 · By Matt Dixon. TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Tuesday that he is sending more than 1,100 state law enforcement agents and National Guard members to Texas’ border with Mexico. › news › florida-politicsOver $1.4 million so far unaccounted for in Florida’s migrant ...

Nov 18, 2022 · Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration has so far paid more than $1.5 million to a politically connected contractor for a program to fly migrants from Texas to northeastern states — but the private ...​ › 2022/06/21 › desantisDeSantis spends millions on legal bills at $725 an hour. And ...

Jun 21, 2022 · A Trump judge gave Ron DeSantis his latest court loss last week. Florida’s governor has spent millions of tax dollars paying lawyers as much as $725 an hour. He keeps losing.​

The Leaders of the Democrat Party over the last 50-60 years have gravitated towards increasingly socialist views. Read some of their heroes and thought leaders such as Saul Alinsky who have no tolerance for a thriving Middle Class in their economic models. Or, look no further than Democrat policies or lack-there-of towards US Small Businesses. Democrats do very little for small business except try and loop them under their punitive tax and regulatory policies towards major corporations.
Sorry, but Republicans do the same.
They pass legislation equally designed to squash small businesses and favor large corporate takeover of whole markets. As well as, more importantly, rubber stamp buyouts/mergers etc.
It is sickening.
The reason why is small businesses are un-investable. They can't take any cream from the top.
A $billion in small business revenue is a $billion of money they can't take any part of.
That same $billion where corporations came in and put them all out of business - yay! They can invest in that. And make more money for nothing.
One of the greatest expenses for small businesses with employees is health insurance. If we had a single-payer, Medicare system, healthcare would be much more affordable, and small businesses wouldn't have to spend as much as $1000 monthly and sometimes even more, per employee for health insurance.
Small Businesses are in no position to be Corporate Cronies that write big checks to Democrats to get relief or exemptions from Government. Small Business Entrepreneurship also represents furthest thing from dependence on Government.
Sorry, but Republicans do the same.
They pass legislation equally designed to squash small businesses and favor large corporate takeover of whole markets. As well as, more importantly, rubber stamp buyouts/mergers etc.
It is sickening.
The reason why is small businesses are un-investable. They can't take any cream from the top.
A $billion in small business revenue is a $billion of money they can't take any part of.
That same $billion where corporations came in and put them all out of business - yay! They can invest in that. And make more money for nothing.
Most small businesses owners I know vote Republican because between the two parties, Democrats do far worse policy-wise when it comes to small business.
Small Businesses are in no position to be Corporate Cronies that write big checks to Democrats to get relief or exemptions from Government. Small Business Entrepreneurship also represents furthest thing from dependence on Government.
Medicare for all will save small businesses a large sum of money monthly that can be used to reinvest into the company or even pay higher wages.
Most small businesses owners I know vote Republican because between the two parties, Democrats do far worse policy-wise when it comes to small business.
Most Dems in congress aren't for Medicare for all, even though many of them might mention it as if they are. I don't judge politicians by what they say, but rather by how they vote. What they do is the metric, not what they say.
I still believe the real root of the problem is globalist groups like the world economic forum. If you dig deep enough you hit them since they are the elites of the elite and every person with them is guiding their agenda. Charles Schwab, bill gates, Anthony faucci, tim cook and dozens more from allover the world along with world banks have common goals and use their individual power to push for it.

Remember the world economic forum started the term the great reset. They said we won't eat meat, they said western countries will have to bring in the poor from other countries, we won't own anything and be happy, we won't have individual countries anymore but a unified controlling body and so on.

Democrats in America are a tool of them. They carry out their wishes in America. We see it every day.

That's why as soon as trump.was out of office we immediately saw very drastic changes in our country and society. Things changed more in the past 2 years than any presidency has changed in 8 years. Because they needed trump out because trump did not play ball with the world economic forum, they couldn't control him.
I still believe the real root of the problem is globalist groups like the world economic forum. If you dig deep enough you hit them since they are the elites of the elite and every person with them is guiding their agenda. Charles Schwab, bill gates, Anthony faucci, tim cook and dozens more from allover the world along with world banks have common goals and use their individual power to push for it.

Remember the world economic forum started the term the great reset. They said we won't eat meat, they said western countries will have to bring in the poor from other countries, we won't own anything and be happy, we won't have individual countries anymore but a unified controlling body and so on.

Democrats in America are a tool of them. They carry out their wishes in America. We see it every day.

That's why as soon as trump.was out of office we immediately saw very drastic changes in our country and society. Things changed more in the past 2 years than any presidency has changed in 8 years. Because they needed trump out because trump did not play ball with the world economic forum, they couldn't control him.
I still believe the real root of the problem is globalist groups like the world economic forum. If you dig deep enough you hit them since they are the elites of the elite and every person with them is guiding their agenda. Charles Schwab, bill gates, Anthony faucci, tim cook and dozens more from allover the world along with world banks have common goals and use their individual power to push for it.

Remember the world economic forum started the term the great reset. They said we won't eat meat, they said western countries will have to bring in the poor from other countries, we won't own anything and be happy, we won't have individual countries anymore but a unified controlling body and so on.

Democrats in America are a tool of them. They carry out their wishes in America. We see it every day.

That's why as soon as trump.was out of office we immediately saw very drastic changes in our country and society. Things changed more in the past 2 years than any presidency has changed in 8 years. Because they needed trump out because trump did not play ball with the world economic forum, they couldn't control him.

There are plenty of Republican globalists. Where was Trump when Carrier closed their plant in Indiana and moved it to Mexico? Trump promised all of those workers in that plant when he visited it in 2016 that he would prevent Carrier from closing their plant and laying them off, yet a year after Trump became president that plant closed down and all of those workers lost their jobs. Trump did nothing to Carrier, as far as stripping them of their tax breaks or imposing tariffs on their foreign manufactured products.
Most small businesses owners I know vote Republican because between the two parties, Democrats do far worse policy-wise when it comes to small business.
Modern corporatism did not happen over the past 40 years because Democrats made it that way.
Corporatism happened because ALL of Washington and ALL of local governments made it that way. Republicans are absolutely no less at fault for making this massive change in our economy than Democrats.
Sad - but true.
An example. Our business was significantly hurt because the local/state government gave tax SUPER sweet deals for a corporation to build a facility in our city/state. 10 year tax abatements, grants and basically free land.
They came in and about half the printing companies in this are went out of business in 5 years.
Take this example. And multiply it by millions. This happens/happened all across the country regardless how liberal/conservative the governments were/are.
Modern corporatism did not happen over the past 40 years because Democrats made it that way.
Corporatism happened because ALL of Washington and ALL of local governments made it that way. Republicans are absolutely no less at fault for making this massive change in our economy than Democrats.
Sad - but true.
An example. Our business was significantly hurt because the local/state government gave tax SUPER sweet deals for a corporation to build a facility in our city/state. 10 year tax abatements, grants and basically free land.
They came in and about half the printing companies in this are went out of business in 5 years.
Take this example. And multiply it by millions. This happens/happened all across the country regardless how liberal/conservative the governments were/are.
Supply-side, trickle-down Reaganomics, gutted the working class in the 1980s and stripped us of our manufacturing base and labor unions. Reaganites destroyed our economy. Dems also played a part, but it was mostly the GOP that annihilated the American working class.
This looks at the on going plan of the democrats to destroy the middle class...the last defense against their totalitarian state......

This is the on-going plan of both parties. The middle class makes too much to be controlled but does not make enough to be useful for funding the politicians.

This has been part of the plan to divide the nation so the duopoly can maintain power
You are focused on a micro issue when it comes to how Democrats view small business.

I don't speak here as a Dem, I post as a Marxist i.e. leftist. Dems aren't really leftists, they're liberals, they're many things perhaps, but they're not leftists. It serves the GOP to paint Dems as scary socialists and Marxists, but that's just a cheap polemical ploy to demonize the Dems in the eyes of their mostly white, older, cold-war brainwashed electorate.

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